예제 #1
bool DragController::startDrag(Frame* src, const DragState& state, DragOperation srcOp, const PlatformMouseEvent& dragEvent, const IntPoint& dragOrigin)

    if (!src->view() || !src->contentRenderer())
        return false;

    HitTestResult hitTestResult = src->eventHandler()->hitTestResultAtPoint(dragOrigin, true);
    if (!state.m_dragSrc->contains(hitTestResult.innerNode()))
        // The original node being dragged isn't under the drag origin anymore... maybe it was
        // hidden or moved out from under the cursor. Regardless, we don't want to start a drag on
        // something that's not actually under the drag origin.
        return false;
    KURL linkURL = hitTestResult.absoluteLinkURL();
    KURL imageURL = hitTestResult.absoluteImageURL();

    IntPoint mouseDraggedPoint = src->view()->windowToContents(dragEvent.position());

    m_draggingImageURL = KURL();
    m_sourceDragOperation = srcOp;

    DragImageRef dragImage = 0;
    IntPoint dragLoc(0, 0);
    IntPoint dragImageOffset(0, 0);

    Clipboard* clipboard = state.m_dragClipboard.get();
    if (state.m_dragType == DragSourceActionDHTML)
        dragImage = clipboard->createDragImage(dragImageOffset);
    if (state.m_dragType == DragSourceActionSelection || !imageURL.isEmpty() || !linkURL.isEmpty())
        // Selection, image, and link drags receive a default set of allowed drag operations that
        // follows from:
        // http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/WebKit/mac/WebView/WebHTMLView.mm?rev=48526#L3430
        m_sourceDragOperation = static_cast<DragOperation>(m_sourceDragOperation | DragOperationGeneric | DragOperationCopy);

    // We allow DHTML/JS to set the drag image, even if its a link, image or text we're dragging.
    // This is in the spirit of the IE API, which allows overriding of pasteboard data and DragOp.
    if (dragImage) {
        dragLoc = dragLocForDHTMLDrag(mouseDraggedPoint, dragOrigin, dragImageOffset, !linkURL.isEmpty());
        m_dragOffset = dragImageOffset;

    bool startedDrag = true; // optimism - we almost always manage to start the drag

    Node* node = state.m_dragSrc.get();

    Image* image = getImage(static_cast<Element*>(node));
    if (state.m_dragType == DragSourceActionSelection) {
        if (!clipboard->hasData()) {
            if (enclosingTextFormControl(src->selection()->start()))
            else {
                RefPtr<Range> selectionRange = src->selection()->toNormalizedRange();

                clipboard->writeRange(selectionRange.get(), src);
        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionSelection, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        if (!dragImage) {
            dragImage = createDragImageForSelection(src);
            dragLoc = dragLocForSelectionDrag(src);
            m_dragOffset = IntPoint(dragOrigin.x() - dragLoc.x(), dragOrigin.y() - dragLoc.y());
        doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, dragOrigin, clipboard, src, false);
    } else if (!imageURL.isEmpty() && node && node->isElementNode() && image && !image->isNull()
               && (m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionImage)) {
        // We shouldn't be starting a drag for an image that can't provide an extension.
        // This is an early detection for problems encountered later upon drop.
        Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(node);
        if (!clipboard->hasData()) {
            m_draggingImageURL = imageURL;
            prepareClipboardForImageDrag(src, clipboard, element, linkURL, imageURL, hitTestResult.altDisplayString());

        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionImage, dragOrigin, clipboard);

        if (!dragImage) {
            IntRect imageRect = hitTestResult.imageRect();
            doImageDrag(element, dragOrigin, hitTestResult.imageRect(), clipboard, src, m_dragOffset);
        } else
            // DHTML defined drag image
            doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, dragOrigin, clipboard, src, false);

    } else if (!linkURL.isEmpty() && (m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionLink)) {
        if (!clipboard->hasData())
            // Simplify whitespace so the title put on the clipboard resembles what the user sees
            // on the web page. This includes replacing newlines with spaces.
            clipboard->writeURL(linkURL, hitTestResult.textContent().simplifyWhiteSpace(), src);

        if (src->selection()->isCaret() && src->selection()->isContentEditable()) {
            // a user can initiate a drag on a link without having any text
            // selected.  In this case, we should expand the selection to
            // the enclosing anchor element
            Position pos = src->selection()->base();
            Node* node = enclosingAnchorElement(pos);
            if (node)

        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionLink, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        if (!dragImage) {
            dragImage = createDragImageForLink(linkURL, hitTestResult.textContent(), src);
            IntSize size = dragImageSize(dragImage);
            m_dragOffset = IntPoint(-size.width() / 2, -LinkDragBorderInset);
            dragLoc = IntPoint(mouseDraggedPoint.x() + m_dragOffset.x(), mouseDraggedPoint.y() + m_dragOffset.y());
        doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, mouseDraggedPoint, clipboard, src, true);
    } else if (state.m_dragType == DragSourceActionDHTML) {
        ASSERT(m_dragSourceAction & DragSourceActionDHTML);
        m_client->willPerformDragSourceAction(DragSourceActionDHTML, dragOrigin, clipboard);
        doSystemDrag(dragImage, dragLoc, dragOrigin, clipboard, src, false);
    } else {
        // draggableNode() determined an image or link node was draggable, but it turns out the
        // image or link had no URL, so there is nothing to drag.
        startedDrag = false;

    if (dragImage)
    return startedDrag;
// This is only used to draw borders.
void GraphicsContext::drawLine(const IntPoint& point1, const IntPoint& point2)
    if (paintingDisabled())

    StrokeStyle style = strokeStyle();
    if (style == NoStroke)

    SkPaint paint;
    SkCanvas* canvas = GC2Canvas(this);
    const int idx = SkAbs32(point2.x() - point1.x());
    const int idy = SkAbs32(point2.y() - point1.y());

    // special-case horizontal and vertical lines that are really just dots
    if (m_data->setup_paint_stroke(&paint, NULL) && (0 == idx || 0 == idy)) {
        const SkScalar diameter = paint.getStrokeWidth();
        const SkScalar radius = SkScalarHalf(diameter);
        SkScalar x = SkIntToScalar(SkMin32(point1.x(), point2.x()));
        SkScalar y = SkIntToScalar(SkMin32(point1.y(), point2.y()));
        SkScalar dx, dy;
        int count;
        SkRect bounds;
        if (0 == idy) { // horizontal
            bounds.set(x, y - radius, x + SkIntToScalar(idx), y + radius);
            x += radius;
            dx = diameter * 2;
            dy = 0;
            count = idx;
        } else {        // vertical
            bounds.set(x - radius, y, x + radius, y + SkIntToScalar(idy));
            y += radius;
            dx = 0;
            dy = diameter * 2;
            count = idy;

        // the actual count is the number of ONs we hit alternating
        // ON(diameter), OFF(diameter), ...
            SkScalar width = SkScalarDiv(SkIntToScalar(count), diameter);
            // now computer the number of cells (ON and OFF)
            count = SkScalarRound(width);
            // now compute the number of ONs
            count = (count + 1) >> 1;
        SkAutoMalloc storage(count * sizeof(SkPoint));
        SkPoint* verts = (SkPoint*)storage.get();
        // now build the array of vertices to past to drawPoints
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            verts[i].set(x, y);
            x += dx;
            y += dy;
        //  clipping to bounds is not required for correctness, but it does
        //  allow us to reject the entire array of points if we are completely
        //  offscreen. This is common in a webpage for android, where most of
        //  the content is clipped out. If drawPoints took an (optional) bounds
        //  parameter, that might even be better, as we would *just* use it for
        //  culling, and not both wacking the canvas' save/restore stack.
        canvas->drawPoints(SkCanvas::kPoints_PointMode, count, verts, paint);
    } else {
예제 #3
IntPoint Widget::convertSelfToChild(const Widget* child, const IntPoint& point) const
    return IntPoint(point.x() - child->x(), point.y() - child->y());
void SVGRootPainter::paint(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // An empty viewport disables rendering.
    if (m_layoutSVGRoot.pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().isEmpty())

    // SVG outlines are painted during PaintPhaseForeground.
    if (shouldPaintSelfOutline(paintInfo.phase))

    // An empty viewBox also disables rendering.
    // (http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#ViewBoxAttribute)
    SVGSVGElement* svg = toSVGSVGElement(m_layoutSVGRoot.node());
    if (svg->hasEmptyViewBox())

    // Don't paint if we don't have kids, except if we have filters we should paint those.
    if (!m_layoutSVGRoot.firstChild()) {
        SVGResources* resources = SVGResourcesCache::cachedResourcesForLayoutObject(&m_layoutSVGRoot);
        if (!resources || !resources->filter())

    PaintInfo paintInfoBeforeFiltering(paintInfo);

    // At the HTML->SVG boundary, SVGRoot will have a paint offset transform
    // paint property but may not have a PaintLayer, so we need to update the
    // paint properties here since they will not be updated by PaintLayer
    // (See: PaintPropertyTreeBuilder::createPaintOffsetTranslationIfNeeded).
    Optional<ScopedPaintChunkProperties> paintOffsetTranslationPropertyScope;
    if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled() && !m_layoutSVGRoot.hasLayer()) {
        const auto* objectProperties = m_layoutSVGRoot.objectPaintProperties();
        if (objectProperties && objectProperties->paintOffsetTranslation()) {
            auto& paintController = paintInfoBeforeFiltering.context.paintController();
            PaintChunkProperties properties(paintController.currentPaintChunkProperties());
            properties.transform = objectProperties->paintOffsetTranslation();
            paintOffsetTranslationPropertyScope.emplace(paintController, properties);

    // Apply initial viewport clip.
    Optional<ClipRecorder> clipRecorder;
    if (m_layoutSVGRoot.shouldApplyViewportClip()) {
        // TODO(pdr): Clip the paint info cull rect here.
        clipRecorder.emplace(paintInfoBeforeFiltering.context, m_layoutSVGRoot, paintInfoBeforeFiltering.displayItemTypeForClipping(), LayoutRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(m_layoutSVGRoot.overflowClipRect(paintOffset))));

    // Convert from container offsets (html layoutObjects) to a relative transform (svg layoutObjects).
    // Transform from our paint container's coordinate system to our local coords.
    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset);
    AffineTransform paintOffsetToBorderBox = AffineTransform::translation(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()) * m_layoutSVGRoot.localToBorderBoxTransform();
    TransformRecorder transformRecorder(paintInfoBeforeFiltering.context, m_layoutSVGRoot, paintOffsetToBorderBox);

    SVGPaintContext paintContext(m_layoutSVGRoot, paintInfoBeforeFiltering);
    if (paintContext.paintInfo().phase == PaintPhaseForeground && !paintContext.applyClipMaskAndFilterIfNecessary())

    BoxPainter(m_layoutSVGRoot).paint(paintContext.paintInfo(), LayoutPoint());

    PaintTiming& timing = PaintTiming::from(m_layoutSVGRoot.node()->document().topDocument());
예제 #5
IntSize IntRect::differenceToPoint(const IntPoint& point) const {
  int xdistance = distanceToInterval(point.x(), x(), maxX());
  int ydistance = distanceToInterval(point.y(), y(), maxY());
  return IntSize(xdistance, ydistance);
예제 #6
void RenderSVGRoot::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // An empty viewport disables rendering.
    if (pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().isEmpty())

    // Don't paint, if the context explicitely disabled it.
    if (paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled())

    Page* page = 0;
    if (Frame* frame = this->frame())
        page = frame->page();

    // Don't paint if we don't have kids, except if we have filters we should paint those.
    if (!firstChild()) {
        SVGResources* resources = SVGResourcesCache::cachedResourcesForRenderObject(this);
        if (!resources || !resources->filter()) {
            if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
        page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    // Make a copy of the PaintInfo because applyTransform will modify the damage rect.
    PaintInfo childPaintInfo(paintInfo);

    // Apply initial viewport clip - not affected by overflow handling
    childPaintInfo.context->clip(pixelSnappedIntRect(overflowClipRect(paintOffset, paintInfo.renderRegion)));

    // Convert from container offsets (html renderers) to a relative transform (svg renderers).
    // Transform from our paint container's coordinate system to our local coords.
    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset);
    childPaintInfo.applyTransform(AffineTransform::translation(adjustedPaintOffset.x() - x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y() - y()) * localToParentTransform());

    SVGRenderingContext renderingContext;
    bool continueRendering = true;
    if (childPaintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
        renderingContext.prepareToRenderSVGContent(this, childPaintInfo);
        continueRendering = renderingContext.isRenderingPrepared();

    if (continueRendering)
        RenderBox::paint(childPaintInfo, LayoutPoint());

void WebPopupMenuProxyGtk::showPopupMenu(const IntRect& rect, TextDirection, double /* pageScaleFactor */, const Vector<WebPopupItem>& items, const PlatformPopupMenuData&, int32_t selectedIndex)
    gtk_menu_set_active(GTK_MENU(m_popup), selectedIndex);


    IntPoint menuPosition = convertWidgetPointToScreenPoint(m_webView, rect.location());
    menuPosition.move(0, rect.height());

    // This approach follows the one in gtkcombobox.c.
    GtkRequisition requisition;
    gtk_widget_set_size_request(m_popup, -1, -1);
    gtk_widget_get_preferred_size(m_popup, &requisition, nullptr);
    gtk_widget_set_size_request(m_popup, std::max(rect.width(), requisition.width), -1);

    if (int itemCount = items.size()) {
        GUniquePtr<GList> children(gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(m_popup)));
        int i;
        GList* child;
        for (i = 0, child = children.get(); i < itemCount; i++, child = g_list_next(child)) {
            if (i > selectedIndex)

            GtkWidget* item = GTK_WIDGET(child->data);
            GtkRequisition itemRequisition;
            gtk_widget_get_preferred_size(item, &itemRequisition, nullptr);
            menuPosition.setY(menuPosition.y() - itemRequisition.height);
    } else {
        // Center vertically the empty popup in the combo box area.
        menuPosition.setY(menuPosition.y() - rect.height() / 2);

    gulong unmapHandler = g_signal_connect(m_popup, "unmap", G_CALLBACK(menuUnmapped), this);

    const GdkEvent* event = m_client->currentlyProcessedMouseDownEvent() ? m_client->currentlyProcessedMouseDownEvent()->nativeEvent() : nullptr;
    gtk_menu_popup_for_device(GTK_MENU(m_popup), event ? gdk_event_get_device(event) : nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
        [](GtkMenu*, gint* x, gint* y, gboolean* pushIn, gpointer userData) {
            // We can pass a pointer to the menuPosition local variable because the nested main loop ensures this is called in the function context.
            IntPoint* menuPosition = static_cast<IntPoint*>(userData);
            *x = menuPosition->x();
            *y = menuPosition->y();
            *pushIn = TRUE;
        }, &menuPosition, nullptr, event && event->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS ? event->button.button : 1,
        event ? gdk_event_get_time(event) : GDK_CURRENT_TIME);

    // Now that the menu has a position, schedule a resize to make sure it's resized to fit vertically in the work area.

    // PopupMenu can fail to open when there is no mouse grab.
    // Ensure WebCore does not go into some pesky state.
    if (!gtk_widget_get_visible(m_popup)) {

    // WebPageProxy expects the menu to run in a nested run loop, since it invalidates the
    // menu right after calling WebPopupMenuProxy::showPopupMenu().
    m_runLoop = adoptGRef(g_main_loop_new(nullptr, FALSE));

// This is to suppress warnings about gdk_threads_leave and gdk_threads_enter.
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop


    g_signal_handler_disconnect(m_popup, unmapHandler);

    if (!m_client)

    m_client->valueChangedForPopupMenu(this, m_activeItem);
예제 #8
unsigned TileController::blankPixelCountForTiles(const PlatformLayerList& tiles, const FloatRect& visibleRect, const IntPoint& tileTranslation)
    Region paintedVisibleTiles;

    for (PlatformLayerList::const_iterator it = tiles.begin(), end = tiles.end(); it != end; ++it) {
        const PlatformLayer* tileLayer = it->get();

        FloatRect visiblePart(CGRectOffset(PlatformCALayer::frameForLayer(tileLayer), tileTranslation.x(), tileTranslation.y()));

        if (!visiblePart.isEmpty())

    Region uncoveredRegion(enclosingIntRect(visibleRect));

    return uncoveredRegion.totalArea();
예제 #9
IntRect enclosingIntRect(const LayoutRect& rect)
    // Empty rects with fractional x, y values turn into non-empty rects when converting to enclosing.
    // We need to ensure that empty rects stay empty after the conversion, because the selection code expects them to be empty.
    IntPoint location = flooredIntPoint(rect.minXMinYCorner());
    IntPoint maxPoint = IntPoint(rect.width() ? rect.maxX().ceil() : location.x(), rect.height() ? rect.maxY().ceil() : location.y());
    return IntRect(location, maxPoint - location);
예제 #10
void ImageBuffer::putUnmultipliedImageData(ByteArray* source, const IntSize& sourceSize, const IntRect& sourceRect, const IntPoint& destPoint)
    ASSERT(context() && context()->platformContext());

    // Request for canvas bitmap; conversion required.
    if (context()->platformContext()->isRecording())

    GraphicsContext* gc = this->context();
    if (!gc) {

    const SkBitmap& dst = imageBufferCanvas(this)->getDevice()->accessBitmap(true);
    SkAutoLockPixels alp(dst);
    if (!dst.getPixels()) {

    ASSERT(sourceRect.width() > 0);
    ASSERT(sourceRect.height() > 0);

    int originx = sourceRect.x();
    int destx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.x();
    ASSERT(destx >= 0);
    ASSERT(destx < m_size.width());
    ASSERT(originx >= 0);
    ASSERT(originx <= sourceRect.maxX());

    int endx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.maxX();
    ASSERT(endx <= m_size.width());

    int numColumns = endx - destx;

    int originy = sourceRect.y();
    int desty = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.y();
    ASSERT(desty >= 0);
    ASSERT(desty < m_size.height());
    ASSERT(originy >= 0);
    ASSERT(originy <= sourceRect.maxY());

    int endy = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.maxY();
    ASSERT(endy <= m_size.height());
    int numRows = endy - desty;

    unsigned srcBytesPerRow = 4 * sourceSize.width();
    unsigned dstPixelsPerRow = dst.rowBytesAsPixels();

    unsigned char* srcRows = source->data() + originy * srcBytesPerRow + originx * 4;
    SkPMColor* dstRows = dst.getAddr32(destx, desty);
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; x++) {
            int basex = x * 4;
            dstRows[x] = SkPackARGB32(srcRows[basex + 3],
                                      srcRows[basex + 0],
                                      srcRows[basex + 1],
                                      srcRows[basex + 2]);
        dstRows += dstPixelsPerRow;
        srcRows += srcBytesPerRow;
void ScrollableAreaPainter::paintOverflowControls(GraphicsContext* context, const IntPoint& paintOffset, const IntRect& damageRect, bool paintingOverlayControls)
    // Don't do anything if we have no overflow.
    if (!m_scrollableArea.box().hasOverflowClip())

    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset;
    if (paintingOverlayControls)
        adjustedPaintOffset = m_scrollableArea.cachedOverlayScrollbarOffset();

    IntRect localDamageRect = damageRect;

    // Overlay scrollbars paint in a second pass through the layer tree so that they will paint
    // on top of everything else. If this is the normal painting pass, paintingOverlayControls
    // will be false, and we should just tell the root layer that there are overlay scrollbars
    // that need to be painted. That will cause the second pass through the layer tree to run,
    // and we'll paint the scrollbars then. In the meantime, cache tx and ty so that the
    // second pass doesn't need to re-enter the LayoutTree to get it right.
    if (m_scrollableArea.hasOverlayScrollbars() && !paintingOverlayControls) {
        // It's not necessary to do the second pass if the scrollbars paint into layers.
        if ((m_scrollableArea.horizontalScrollbar() && m_scrollableArea.layerForHorizontalScrollbar()) || (m_scrollableArea.verticalScrollbar() && m_scrollableArea.layerForVerticalScrollbar()))
        if (!overflowControlsIntersectRect(localDamageRect))

        LayoutView* layoutView = m_scrollableArea.box().view();

        DeprecatedPaintLayer* paintingRoot = m_scrollableArea.layer()->enclosingLayerWithCompositedDeprecatedPaintLayerMapping(IncludeSelf);
        if (!paintingRoot)
            paintingRoot = layoutView->layer();


    // This check is required to avoid painting custom CSS scrollbars twice.
    if (paintingOverlayControls && !m_scrollableArea.hasOverlayScrollbars())

        if (m_scrollableArea.horizontalScrollbar() && !m_scrollableArea.layerForHorizontalScrollbar()) {
            TransformRecorder translateRecorder(*context, *m_scrollableArea.horizontalScrollbar(), AffineTransform::translation(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()));
            m_scrollableArea.horizontalScrollbar()->paint(context, localDamageRect);
        if (m_scrollableArea.verticalScrollbar() && !m_scrollableArea.layerForVerticalScrollbar()) {
            TransformRecorder translateRecorder(*context, *m_scrollableArea.verticalScrollbar(), AffineTransform::translation(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()));
            m_scrollableArea.verticalScrollbar()->paint(context, localDamageRect);

    if (m_scrollableArea.layerForScrollCorner())

    // We fill our scroll corner with white if we have a scrollbar that doesn't run all the way up to the
    // edge of the box.
    paintScrollCorner(context, adjustedPaintOffset, damageRect);

    // Paint our resizer last, since it sits on top of the scroll corner.
    paintResizer(context, adjustedPaintOffset, damageRect);
예제 #12
void EventTargetNode::dispatchWheelEvent(PlatformWheelEvent& e)
    if (e.delta() == 0)
    FrameView* view = document()->view();
    if (!view)
    IntPoint pos = view->viewportToContents(e.pos());
    RefPtr<WheelEvent> we = new WheelEvent(e.isHorizontal(), e.delta(),
                                           document()->defaultView(), e.globalX(), e.globalY(), pos.x(), pos.y(),
                                           e.ctrlKey(), e.altKey(), e.shiftKey(), e.metaKey());
    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    if (!dispatchEvent(we, ec, true))
예제 #13
FloatPoint::FloatPoint(const IntPoint& p) : m_x(p.x()), m_y(p.y())
void RenderMathMLFraction::paint(PaintInfo& info, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    RenderMathMLBlock::paint(info, paintOffset);
    if (info.context().paintingDisabled() || info.phase != PaintPhaseForeground || style().visibility() != VISIBLE || !isValid() || isStack())

    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset + location() + LayoutPoint(0, m_ascent - mathAxisHeight()));

    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(info.context());

    info.context().drawLine(adjustedPaintOffset, roundedIntPoint(LayoutPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + logicalWidth(), adjustedPaintOffset.y())));
예제 #15
void GraphicsContext::drawWindowsBitmap(WindowsBitmap* bitmap, const IntPoint& point)
    drawBitmapToContext(m_data, platformContext()->cr(), bitmap->windowsDIB(), IntSize(point.x(), bitmap->size().height() + point.y()));
예제 #16
int Frame::checkOverflowScroll(OverflowScrollAction action)
    Position extent = selection().selection().extent();
    if (extent.isNull())
        return OverflowScrollNone;

    RenderObject* renderer = extent.deprecatedNode()->renderer();
    if (!renderer)
        return OverflowScrollNone;

    FrameView* view = this->view();
    if (!view)
        return OverflowScrollNone;

    RenderBlock* containingBlock = renderer->containingBlock();
    if (!containingBlock || !containingBlock->hasOverflowClip())
        return OverflowScrollNone;
    RenderLayer* layer = containingBlock->layer();

    IntRect visibleRect = IntRect(view->scrollX(), view->scrollY(), view->visibleWidth(), view->visibleHeight());
    IntPoint position = m_overflowAutoScrollPos;
    if (visibleRect.contains(position.x(), position.y()))
        return OverflowScrollNone;

    int scrollType = 0;
    int deltaX = 0;
    int deltaY = 0;
    IntPoint selectionPosition;

    // This constant will make the selection draw a little bit beyond the edge of the visible area.
    // This prevents a visual glitch, in that you can fail to select a portion of a character that
    // is being rendered right at the edge of the visible rectangle.
    // FIXME: This probably needs improvement, and may need to take the font size into account.
    static const int scrollBoundsAdjustment = 3;

    // FIXME: Make a small buffer at the end of a visible rectangle so that autoscrolling works 
    // even if the visible extends to the limits of the screen.
    if (position.x() < visibleRect.x()) {
        scrollType |= OverflowScrollLeft;
        if (action == PerformOverflowScroll) {
            deltaX -= static_cast<int>(m_overflowAutoScrollDelta);
            selectionPosition.setX(view->scrollX() - scrollBoundsAdjustment);
    } else if (position.x() > visibleRect.maxX()) {
        scrollType |= OverflowScrollRight;
        if (action == PerformOverflowScroll) {
            deltaX += static_cast<int>(m_overflowAutoScrollDelta);
            selectionPosition.setX(view->scrollX() + view->visibleWidth() + scrollBoundsAdjustment);

    if (position.y() < visibleRect.y()) {
        scrollType |= OverflowScrollUp;
        if (action == PerformOverflowScroll) {
            deltaY -= static_cast<int>(m_overflowAutoScrollDelta);
            selectionPosition.setY(view->scrollY() - scrollBoundsAdjustment);
    } else if (position.y() > visibleRect.maxY()) {
        scrollType |= OverflowScrollDown;
        if (action == PerformOverflowScroll) {
            deltaY += static_cast<int>(m_overflowAutoScrollDelta);
            selectionPosition.setY(view->scrollY() + view->visibleHeight() + scrollBoundsAdjustment);

    Ref<Frame> protectedThis(*this);

    if (action == PerformOverflowScroll && (deltaX || deltaY)) {
        layer->scrollToOffset(layer->scrollOffset() + IntSize(deltaX, deltaY));

        // Handle making selection.
        VisiblePosition visiblePosition(renderer->positionForPoint(selectionPosition, nullptr));
        if (visiblePosition.isNotNull()) {
            VisibleSelection visibleSelection = selection().selection();
            if (selection().granularity() != CharacterGranularity)
            if (selection().shouldChangeSelection(visibleSelection))

        m_overflowAutoScrollDelta *= 1.02f; // Accelerate the scroll
    return scrollType;
예제 #17
void GraphicsContext::drawLineForMisspellingOrBadGrammar(const IntPoint& pt,
                                                         int width,
                                                         bool grammar)
    if (paintingDisabled())

    // Create the pattern we'll use to draw the underline.
    static SkBitmap* misspellBitmap = 0;
    if (!misspellBitmap) {
        // We use a 2-pixel-high misspelling indicator because that seems to be
        // what WebKit is designed for, and how much room there is in a typical
        // page for it.
        const int rowPixels = 32;  // Must be multiple of 4 for pattern below.
        const int colPixels = 2;
        misspellBitmap = new SkBitmap;
                                   rowPixels, colPixels);

        misspellBitmap->eraseARGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
        const uint32_t lineColor = 0xFFFF0000;  // Opaque red.
        const uint32_t antiColor = 0x60600000;  // Semitransparent red.

        // Pattern:  X o   o X o   o X
        //             o X o   o X o
        uint32_t* row1 = misspellBitmap->getAddr32(0, 0);
        uint32_t* row2 = misspellBitmap->getAddr32(0, 1);
        for (int x = 0; x < rowPixels; x++) {
            switch (x % 4) {
            case 0:
                row1[x] = lineColor;
            case 1:
                row1[x] = antiColor;
                row2[x] = antiColor;
            case 2:
                row2[x] = lineColor;
            case 3:
                row1[x] = antiColor;
                row2[x] = antiColor;

    // Offset it vertically by 1 so that there's some space under the text.
    SkScalar originX = SkIntToScalar(pt.x());
    SkScalar originY = SkIntToScalar(pt.y()) + 1;

    // Make a shader for the bitmap with an origin of the box we'll draw. This
    // shader is refcounted and will have an initial refcount of 1.
    SkShader* shader = SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(
        *misspellBitmap, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode,
    SkMatrix matrix;
    matrix.postTranslate(originX, originY);

    // Assign the shader to the paint & release our reference. The paint will
    // now own the shader and the shader will be destroyed when the paint goes
    // out of scope.
    SkPaint paint;

    SkRect rect;
             originX + SkIntToScalar(width),
             originY + SkIntToScalar(misspellBitmap->height()));
    platformContext()->canvas()->drawRect(rect, paint);
예제 #18
void RenderSVGRoot::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // An empty viewport disables rendering.
    if (pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().isEmpty())

    // Don't paint, if the context explicitly disabled it.
    if (paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled())

    // SVG outlines are painted during PaintPhaseForeground.
    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseOutline || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelfOutline)

    // An empty viewBox also disables rendering.
    // (http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#ViewBoxAttribute)
    if (svgSVGElement().hasEmptyViewBox())

    Page* page = frame().page();

    // Don't paint if we don't have kids, except if we have filters we should paint those.
    if (!firstChild()) {
        auto* resources = SVGResourcesCache::cachedResourcesForRenderer(*this);
        if (!resources || !resources->filter()) {
            if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
        page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    // Make a copy of the PaintInfo because applyTransform will modify the damage rect.
    PaintInfo childPaintInfo(paintInfo);

    // Apply initial viewport clip
    if (shouldApplyViewportClip())
        childPaintInfo.context->clip(snappedIntRect(overflowClipRect(paintOffset, currentRenderNamedFlowFragment())));

    // Convert from container offsets (html renderers) to a relative transform (svg renderers).
    // Transform from our paint container's coordinate system to our local coords.
    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset);
    childPaintInfo.applyTransform(AffineTransform::translation(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()) * localToBorderBoxTransform());

    // SVGRenderingContext must be destroyed before we restore the childPaintInfo.context, because a filter may have
    // changed the context and it is only reverted when the SVGRenderingContext destructor finishes applying the filter.
        SVGRenderingContext renderingContext;
        bool continueRendering = true;
        if (childPaintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
            renderingContext.prepareToRenderSVGContent(*this, childPaintInfo);
            continueRendering = renderingContext.isRenderingPrepared();

        if (continueRendering) {
            for (auto& child : childrenOfType<RenderElement>(*this))
                child.paint(childPaintInfo, location());

예제 #19
Tile::Coordinate TiledBackingStore::tileCoordinateForPoint(const IntPoint& point) const
    int x = point.x() / m_tileSize.width();
    int y = point.y() / m_tileSize.height();
    return Tile::Coordinate(std::max(x, 0), std::max(y, 0));
예제 #20
IntSize scrollOffsetForFixedPosition(const IntRect& visibleContentRect, const IntSize& contentsSize, const IntPoint& scrollPosition, const IntPoint& scrollOrigin, float frameScaleFactor, bool fixedElementsLayoutRelativeToFrame)
    int x = fixedPositionScrollOffset(visibleContentRect.width(), contentsSize.width(), scrollPosition.x(), scrollOrigin.x(), frameScaleFactor, fixedElementsLayoutRelativeToFrame);
    int y = fixedPositionScrollOffset(visibleContentRect.height(), contentsSize.height(), scrollPosition.y(), scrollOrigin.y(), frameScaleFactor, fixedElementsLayoutRelativeToFrame);
    return IntSize(x, y);
예제 #21
void ChromeClientQt::delegatedScrollRequested(const IntPoint& point)
    QPoint currentPosition(m_webPage->mainFrame()->scrollPosition());
    emit m_webPage->scrollRequested(point.x() - currentPosition.x(), point.y() - currentPosition.y(), QRect(QPoint(0, 0), m_webPage->viewportSize()));
예제 #22
bool RenderFrameSet::canResizeRow(const IntPoint& p) const
    int r = hitTestSplit(m_rows, p.y());
    return r != noSplit && m_rows.m_allowBorder[r] && !m_rows.m_preventResize[r];
예제 #23
void ScrollView::updateScrollbars(const IntSize& desiredOffset)
    if (m_inUpdateScrollbars || prohibitsScrolling() || delegatesScrolling() || platformWidget())

    // If we came in here with the view already needing a layout, then go ahead and do that
    // first.  (This will be the common case, e.g., when the page changes due to window resizing for example).
    // This layout will not re-enter updateScrollbars and does not count towards our max layout pass total.
    if (!m_scrollbarsSuppressed) {
        m_inUpdateScrollbars = true;
        m_inUpdateScrollbars = false;

    bool hasHorizontalScrollbar = m_horizontalScrollbar;
    bool hasVerticalScrollbar = m_verticalScrollbar;
    bool newHasHorizontalScrollbar = hasHorizontalScrollbar;
    bool newHasVerticalScrollbar = hasVerticalScrollbar;
    ScrollbarMode hScroll = m_horizontalScrollbarMode;
    ScrollbarMode vScroll = m_verticalScrollbarMode;

    if (hScroll != ScrollbarAuto)
        newHasHorizontalScrollbar = (hScroll == ScrollbarAlwaysOn);
    if (vScroll != ScrollbarAuto)
        newHasVerticalScrollbar = (vScroll == ScrollbarAlwaysOn);

    if (m_scrollbarsSuppressed || (hScroll != ScrollbarAuto && vScroll != ScrollbarAuto)) {
        if (hasHorizontalScrollbar != newHasHorizontalScrollbar)
        if (hasVerticalScrollbar != newHasVerticalScrollbar)
    } else {
        bool sendContentResizedNotification = false;
        IntSize docSize = contentsSize();
        IntSize frameSize = m_boundsSize;

        if (hScroll == ScrollbarAuto) {
            newHasHorizontalScrollbar = docSize.width() > visibleWidth();
            if (newHasHorizontalScrollbar && !m_updateScrollbarsPass && docSize.width() <= frameSize.width() && docSize.height() <= frameSize.height())
                newHasHorizontalScrollbar = false;
        if (vScroll == ScrollbarAuto) {
            newHasVerticalScrollbar = docSize.height() > visibleHeight();
            if (newHasVerticalScrollbar && !m_updateScrollbarsPass && docSize.width() <= frameSize.width() && docSize.height() <= frameSize.height())
                newHasVerticalScrollbar = false;

        // If we ever turn one scrollbar off, always turn the other one off too.  Never ever
        // try to both gain/lose a scrollbar in the same pass.
        if (!newHasHorizontalScrollbar && hasHorizontalScrollbar && vScroll != ScrollbarAlwaysOn)
            newHasVerticalScrollbar = false;
        if (!newHasVerticalScrollbar && hasVerticalScrollbar && hScroll != ScrollbarAlwaysOn)
            newHasHorizontalScrollbar = false;

        if (hasHorizontalScrollbar != newHasHorizontalScrollbar) {
            if (m_scrollOrigin.y() && !newHasHorizontalScrollbar)
                m_scrollOrigin.setY(m_scrollOrigin.y() - m_horizontalScrollbar->height());
            sendContentResizedNotification = true;

        if (hasVerticalScrollbar != newHasVerticalScrollbar) {
            if (m_scrollOrigin.x() && !newHasVerticalScrollbar)
                m_scrollOrigin.setX(m_scrollOrigin.x() - m_verticalScrollbar->width());
            sendContentResizedNotification = true;

        if (sendContentResizedNotification && m_updateScrollbarsPass < cMaxUpdateScrollbarsPass) {
            IntSize newDocSize = contentsSize();
            if (newDocSize == docSize) {
                // The layout with the new scroll state had no impact on
                // the document's overall size, so updateScrollbars didn't get called.
                // Recur manually.
    // Set up the range (and page step/line step), but only do this if we're not in a nested call (to avoid
    // doing it multiple times).
    if (m_updateScrollbarsPass)

    m_inUpdateScrollbars = true;

    IntPoint scrollPoint = adjustScrollPositionWithinRange(IntPoint(desiredOffset));
    IntSize scroll(scrollPoint.x(), scrollPoint.y());

    if (m_horizontalScrollbar) {
        int clientWidth = visibleWidth();
        m_horizontalScrollbar->setEnabled(contentsWidth() > clientWidth);
        int pageStep = max(max<int>(clientWidth * Scrollbar::minFractionToStepWhenPaging(), clientWidth - Scrollbar::maxOverlapBetweenPages()), 1);
        IntRect oldRect(m_horizontalScrollbar->frameRect());
        IntRect hBarRect = IntRect(0,
                                   m_boundsSize.height() - m_horizontalScrollbar->height(),
                                   m_boundsSize.width() - (m_verticalScrollbar ? m_verticalScrollbar->width() : 0),
        if (!m_scrollbarsSuppressed && oldRect != m_horizontalScrollbar->frameRect())

        if (m_scrollbarsSuppressed)
        m_horizontalScrollbar->setSteps(Scrollbar::pixelsPerLineStep(), pageStep);
        m_horizontalScrollbar->setProportion(clientWidth, contentsWidth());
        if (m_scrollbarsSuppressed)

    if (m_verticalScrollbar) {
        int clientHeight = visibleHeight();
        m_verticalScrollbar->setEnabled(contentsHeight() > clientHeight);
        int pageStep = max(max<int>(clientHeight * Scrollbar::minFractionToStepWhenPaging(), clientHeight - Scrollbar::maxOverlapBetweenPages()), 1);
        IntRect oldRect(m_verticalScrollbar->frameRect());
        IntRect vBarRect = IntRect(m_boundsSize.width() - m_verticalScrollbar->width(), 
                                   m_boundsSize.height() - (m_horizontalScrollbar ? m_horizontalScrollbar->height() : 0));
        if (!m_scrollbarsSuppressed && oldRect != m_verticalScrollbar->frameRect())

        if (m_scrollbarsSuppressed)
        m_verticalScrollbar->setSteps(Scrollbar::pixelsPerLineStep(), pageStep);
        m_verticalScrollbar->setProportion(clientHeight, contentsHeight());
        if (m_scrollbarsSuppressed)

    if (hasHorizontalScrollbar != (m_horizontalScrollbar != 0) || hasVerticalScrollbar != (m_verticalScrollbar != 0)) {

    ScrollableArea::scrollToOffsetWithoutAnimation(FloatPoint(scroll.width() + m_scrollOrigin.x(), scroll.height() + m_scrollOrigin.y()));

    // Make sure the scrollbar offsets are up to date.
    if (m_horizontalScrollbar)
    if (m_verticalScrollbar)

    m_inUpdateScrollbars = false;
예제 #24
void RenderMathMLRoot::paint(PaintInfo& info, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    RenderMathMLBlock::paint(info, paintOffset);
    if (info.context->paintingDisabled())
    if (!firstChild() || !lastChild())
    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset + location());
    RenderBoxModelObject* baseWrapper = toRenderBoxModelObject(lastChild());
    int baseHeight = baseWrapper->pixelSnappedOffsetHeight();
    // default to the font size in pixels if we're empty
    if (!baseHeight)
        baseHeight = style()->fontSize();
    int overbarWidth = baseWrapper->pixelSnappedOffsetWidth();
    int indexWidth = 0;
    RenderObject* current = firstChild();
    while (current != lastChild()) {
        if (current->isBoxModelObject()) {
            RenderBoxModelObject* box = toRenderBoxModelObject(current);
            indexWidth += box->pixelSnappedOffsetWidth();
        current = current->nextSibling();
    int frontWidth = static_cast<int>(style()->fontSize() * gFrontWidthEms);
    int overbarLeftPointShift = 0;
    // Base height above which the shape of the root changes
    int thresholdHeight = static_cast<int>(gThresholdBaseHeightEms * style()->fontSize());
    if (baseHeight > thresholdHeight && thresholdHeight) {
        float shift = (baseHeight - thresholdHeight) / static_cast<float>(thresholdHeight);
        if (shift > 1.)
            shift = 1.0f;
        overbarLeftPointShift = static_cast<int>(gRadicalBottomPointXFront * frontWidth * shift);
    overbarWidth += overbarLeftPointShift;
    int rootPad = static_cast<int>(gRootPaddingEms * style()->fontSize());
    int startX = adjustedPaintOffset.x() + indexWidth + gRadicalLeftExtra + style()->paddingLeft().value() - rootPad;
    adjustedPaintOffset.setY(adjustedPaintOffset.y() + style()->paddingTop().value() - rootPad);
    FloatPoint overbarLeftPoint(startX - overbarLeftPointShift, adjustedPaintOffset.y());
    FloatPoint bottomPoint(startX - gRadicalBottomPointXFront * frontWidth, adjustedPaintOffset.y() + baseHeight + gRadicalBottomPointLower);
    FloatPoint dipLeftPoint(startX - gRadicalDipLeftPointXFront * frontWidth, adjustedPaintOffset.y() + gRadicalDipLeftPointYPos * baseHeight);
    FloatPoint leftEnd(startX - frontWidth, dipLeftPoint.y() + gRadicalLeftEndYShiftEms * style()->fontSize());
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*info.context);
    info.context->setStrokeThickness(gRadicalLineThicknessEms * style()->fontSize());
    info.context->setStrokeColor(style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
    Path root;
    root.moveTo(FloatPoint(overbarLeftPoint.x() + overbarWidth, adjustedPaintOffset.y()));
    // draw top
    // draw from top left corner to bottom point of radical
    // draw from bottom point to top of left part of radical base "dip"
    // draw to end
    GraphicsContextStateSaver maskStateSaver(*info.context);
    // Build a mask to draw the thick part of the root.
    Path mask;
    mask.addLineTo(FloatPoint(2 * dipLeftPoint.x() - leftEnd.x(), 2 * dipLeftPoint.y() - leftEnd.y()));
    // Draw the thick part of the root.
    info.context->setStrokeThickness(gRadicalThickLineThicknessEms * style()->fontSize());
    Path line;
예제 #25
IntRect pixelSnappedIntRect(const FractionalLayoutRect& rect)
    IntPoint roundedLocation = roundedIntPoint(rect.location());
    return IntRect(roundedLocation, IntSize((rect.x() + rect.width()).round() - roundedLocation.x(),
                                            (rect.y() + rect.height()).round() - roundedLocation.y()));
예제 #26
static PlatformRefPtr<GdkCursor> createCustomCursor(Image* image, const IntPoint& hotSpot)
    IntPoint effectiveHotSpot = determineHotSpot(image, hotSpot);
    PlatformRefPtr<GdkPixbuf> pixbuf = adoptPlatformRef(image->getGdkPixbuf());
    return adoptPlatformRef(gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf(gdk_display_get_default(), pixbuf.get(), effectiveHotSpot.x(), effectiveHotSpot.y()));
예제 #27
IntPoint Widget::convertChildToSelf(const Widget* child, const IntPoint& point) const
    return IntPoint(point.x() + child->x(), point.y() + child->y());
예제 #28
void SpinButtonElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event)
    if (!event->isMouseEvent()) {
        if (!event->defaultHandled())

    RenderBox* box = renderBox();
    if (!box) {
        if (!event->defaultHandled())

    if (!shouldRespondToMouseEvents()) {
        if (!event->defaultHandled())

    MouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event);
    IntPoint local = roundedIntPoint(box->absoluteToLocal(mouseEvent->absoluteLocation(), UseTransforms | SnapOffsetForTransforms));
    if (mouseEvent->type() == eventNames().mousedownEvent && mouseEvent->button() == LeftButton) {
        if (box->pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().contains(local)) {
            // The following functions of HTMLInputElement may run JavaScript
            // code which detaches this shadow node. We need to take a reference
            // and check renderer() after such function calls.
            RefPtr<Node> protector(this);
            if (m_spinButtonOwner)
            if (renderer()) {
                if (m_upDownState != Indeterminate) {
                    // A JavaScript event handler called in doStepAction() below
                    // might change the element state and we might need to
                    // cancel the repeating timer by the state change. If we
                    // started the timer after doStepAction(), we would have no
                    // chance to cancel the timer.
                    doStepAction(m_upDownState == Up ? 1 : -1);
    } else if (mouseEvent->type() == eventNames().mouseupEvent && mouseEvent->button() == LeftButton)
    else if (event->type() == eventNames().mousemoveEvent) {
        if (box->pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().contains(local)) {
            if (!m_capturing) {
                if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) {
                    m_capturing = true;
                    if (Page* page = document()->page()) {
                        if (page->chrome())
            UpDownState oldUpDownState = m_upDownState;
            m_upDownState = local.y() < box->height() / 2 ? Up : Down;
            if (m_upDownState != oldUpDownState)
        } else {
            m_upDownState = Indeterminate;

    if (!event->defaultHandled())
예제 #29
void ImageBuffer::putByteArray(Multiply multiplied, Uint8ClampedArray* source, const IntSize& sourceSize, const IntRect& sourceRect, const IntPoint& destPoint, CoordinateSystem)

    ASSERT(sourceRect.width() > 0);
    ASSERT(sourceRect.height() > 0);

    int originx = sourceRect.x();
    int destx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.x();
    ASSERT(destx >= 0);
    ASSERT(destx < m_size.width());
    ASSERT(originx >= 0);
    ASSERT(originx <= sourceRect.maxX());

    int endx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.maxX();
    ASSERT(endx <= m_size.width());

    int numColumns = endx - destx;

    int originy = sourceRect.y();
    int desty = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.y();
    ASSERT(desty >= 0);
    ASSERT(desty < m_size.height());
    ASSERT(originy >= 0);
    ASSERT(originy <= sourceRect.maxY());

    int endy = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.maxY();
    ASSERT(endy <= m_size.height());
    int numRows = endy - desty;

    IntRect imageRect(destx, desty, numColumns, numRows);
    RefPtr<cairo_surface_t> imageSurface = copySurfaceToImageAndAdjustRect(m_data.m_surface.get(), imageRect);
    destx = imageRect.x();
    desty = imageRect.y();

    unsigned char* pixelData = cairo_image_surface_get_data(imageSurface.get());

    unsigned srcBytesPerRow = 4 * sourceSize.width();
    int stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(imageSurface.get());

    unsigned char* srcRows = source->data() + originy * srcBytesPerRow + originx * 4;
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        unsigned* row = reinterpret_cast_ptr<unsigned*>(pixelData + stride * (y + desty));
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; x++) {
            int basex = x * 4;
            unsigned* pixel = row + x + destx;

            // Avoid calling Color::premultipliedARGBFromColor() because one
            // function call per pixel is too expensive.
            unsigned red = srcRows[basex];
            unsigned green = srcRows[basex + 1];
            unsigned blue = srcRows[basex + 2];
            unsigned alpha = srcRows[basex + 3];

            if (multiplied == Unmultiplied) {
                if (alpha != 255) {
                    red = (red * alpha + 254) / 255;
                    green = (green * alpha + 254) / 255;
                    blue = (blue * alpha + 254) / 255;

            *pixel = (alpha << 24) | red  << 16 | green  << 8 | blue;
        srcRows += srcBytesPerRow;

    cairo_surface_mark_dirty_rectangle(imageSurface.get(), destx, desty, numColumns, numRows);

    if (imageSurface != m_data.m_surface.get())
        copyRectFromOneSurfaceToAnother(imageSurface.get(), m_data.m_surface.get(), IntSize(), IntRect(0, 0, numColumns, numRows), IntSize(destPoint.x() + sourceRect.x(), destPoint.y() + sourceRect.y()), CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
예제 #30
void EwkView::setCursor(const Cursor& cursor)
    if (cursor.image()) {
        // Custom cursor.
        if (cursor.image() == m_cursorIdentifier)

        m_cursorIdentifier = cursor.image();

        Ewk_View_Smart_Data* sd = smartData();
        RefPtr<Evas_Object> cursorObject = adoptRef(cursor.image()->getEvasObject(sd->base.evas));
        if (!cursorObject)

        // Resize cursor.
        evas_object_resize(cursorObject.get(), cursor.image()->size().width(), cursor.image()->size().height());

        // Get cursor hot spot.
        IntPoint hotSpot;

        Ecore_Evas* ecoreEvas = ecore_evas_ecore_evas_get(sd->base.evas);
        // ecore_evas takes care of freeing the cursor object.
        ecore_evas_object_cursor_set(ecoreEvas, cursorObject.release().leakRef(), EVAS_LAYER_MAX, hotSpot.x(), hotSpot.y());


    // Standard cursor.
    const char* group = cursor.platformCursor();
    if (!group || group == m_cursorIdentifier)

    m_cursorIdentifier = group;
    Ewk_View_Smart_Data* sd = smartData();
    RefPtr<Evas_Object> cursorObject = adoptRef(edje_object_add(sd->base.evas));

    Ecore_Evas* ecoreEvas = ecore_evas_ecore_evas_get(sd->base.evas);
    if (!m_theme || !edje_object_file_set(cursorObject.get(), m_theme, group)) {
        ecore_evas_object_cursor_set(ecoreEvas, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (WebCore::isUsingEcoreX(sd->base.evas))
            WebCore::applyFallbackCursor(ecoreEvas, group);

    // Set cursor size.
    Evas_Coord width, height;
    edje_object_size_min_get(cursorObject.get(), &width, &height);
    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
        edje_object_size_min_calc(cursorObject.get(), &width, &height);
    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
        width = defaultCursorSize;
        height = defaultCursorSize;
    evas_object_resize(cursorObject.get(), width, height);

    // Get cursor hot spot.
    const char* data;
    int hotspotX = 0;
    data = edje_object_data_get(cursorObject.get(), "hot.x");
    if (data)
        hotspotX = atoi(data);

    int hotspotY = 0;
    data = edje_object_data_get(cursorObject.get(), "hot.y");
    if (data)
        hotspotY = atoi(data);

    // ecore_evas takes care of freeing the cursor object.
    ecore_evas_object_cursor_set(ecoreEvas, cursorObject.release().leakRef(), EVAS_LAYER_MAX, hotspotX, hotspotY);