예제 #1
void Scrollbar::setFrameRect(const IntRect& rect)
    // Get our window resizer rect and see if we overlap.  Adjust to avoid the overlap
    // if necessary.
    IntRect adjustedRect(rect);
    if (parent()) {
        bool overlapsResizer = false;
        ScrollView* view = parent();
        IntRect resizerRect = view->convertFromContainingWindow(view->windowResizerRect());
        if (rect.intersects(resizerRect)) {
            if (orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
                int overlap = rect.right() - resizerRect.x();
                if (overlap > 0 && resizerRect.right() >= rect.right()) {
                    adjustedRect.setWidth(rect.width() - overlap);
                    overlapsResizer = true;
            } else {
                int overlap = rect.bottom() - resizerRect.y();
                if (overlap > 0 && resizerRect.bottom() >= rect.bottom()) {
                    adjustedRect.setHeight(rect.height() - overlap);
                    overlapsResizer = true;

        if (overlapsResizer != m_overlapsResizer) {
            m_overlapsResizer = overlapsResizer;
            view->adjustScrollbarsAvoidingResizerCount(m_overlapsResizer ? 1 : -1);

예제 #2
void PlatformScrollbar::setRect(const IntRect& rect)
    // Get our window resizer rect and see if we overlap.  Adjust to avoid the overlap
    // if necessary.
    IntRect adjustedRect(rect);
    if (parent() && parent()->isFrameView()) {
        bool overlapsResizer = false;
        FrameView* view = static_cast<FrameView*>(parent());
        IntRect resizerRect = view->windowResizerRect();
        if (rect.intersects(resizerRect)) {
            if (orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
                int overlap = rect.right() - resizerRect.x();
                if (overlap > 0 && resizerRect.right() >= rect.right()) {
                    adjustedRect.setWidth(rect.width() - overlap);
                    overlapsResizer = true;
            } else {
                int overlap = rect.bottom() - resizerRect.y();
                if (overlap > 0 && resizerRect.bottom() >= rect.bottom()) {
                    adjustedRect.setHeight(rect.height() - overlap);
                    overlapsResizer = true;

        if (overlapsResizer != m_overlapsResizer) {
            m_overlapsResizer = overlapsResizer;
            view->adjustOverlappingScrollbarCount(m_overlapsResizer ? 1 : -1);

예제 #3
bool RenderThemeSafari::paintMenuListButton(RenderObject* o, const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r)
    IntRect bounds = IntRect(r.x() + o->style()->borderLeftWidth(),
                             r.y() + o->style()->borderTopWidth(),
                             r.width() - o->style()->borderLeftWidth() - o->style()->borderRightWidth(),
                             r.height() - o->style()->borderTopWidth() - o->style()->borderBottomWidth());
    // Draw the gradients to give the styled popup menu a button appearance
    paintMenuListButtonGradients(o, paintInfo, bounds);
    // Since we actually know the size of the control here, we restrict the font scale to make sure the arrow will fit vertically in the bounds
    float fontScale = min(o->style()->fontSize() / baseFontSize, bounds.height() / baseArrowHeight);
    float centerY = bounds.y() + bounds.height() / 2.0f;
    float arrowHeight = baseArrowHeight * fontScale;
    float arrowWidth = baseArrowWidth * fontScale;
    float leftEdge = bounds.right() - arrowPaddingRight - arrowWidth;

    if (bounds.width() < arrowWidth + arrowPaddingLeft)
        return false;


    paintInfo.context->setFillColor(o->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
    paintInfo.context->setStrokeColor(NoStroke, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);

    FloatPoint arrow[3];
    arrow[0] = FloatPoint(leftEdge, centerY - arrowHeight / 2.0f);
    arrow[1] = FloatPoint(leftEdge + arrowWidth, centerY - arrowHeight / 2.0f);
    arrow[2] = FloatPoint(leftEdge + arrowWidth / 2.0f, centerY + arrowHeight / 2.0f);

    // Draw the arrow
    paintInfo.context->drawConvexPolygon(3, arrow, true);

    Color leftSeparatorColor(0, 0, 0, 40);
    Color rightSeparatorColor(255, 255, 255, 40);
    // FIXME: Should the separator thickness and space be scaled up by fontScale?
    int separatorSpace = 2;
    int leftEdgeOfSeparator = static_cast<int>(leftEdge - arrowPaddingLeft); // FIXME: Round?

    // Draw the separator to the left of the arrows
    paintInfo.context->setStrokeColor(leftSeparatorColor, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
    paintInfo.context->drawLine(IntPoint(leftEdgeOfSeparator, bounds.y()),
                                IntPoint(leftEdgeOfSeparator, bounds.bottom()));

    paintInfo.context->setStrokeColor(rightSeparatorColor, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
    paintInfo.context->drawLine(IntPoint(leftEdgeOfSeparator + separatorSpace, bounds.y()),
                                IntPoint(leftEdgeOfSeparator + separatorSpace, bounds.bottom()));

    return false;
예제 #4
void putImageData(ImageData*& source, const IntRect& sourceRect, const IntPoint& destPoint, ImageBufferData& data, const IntSize& size)
    ASSERT(cairo_surface_get_type(data.m_surface) == CAIRO_SURFACE_TYPE_IMAGE);

    unsigned char* dataDst = cairo_image_surface_get_data(data.m_surface);

    ASSERT(sourceRect.width() > 0);
    ASSERT(sourceRect.height() > 0);

    int originx = sourceRect.x();
    int destx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.x();
    ASSERT(destx >= 0);
    ASSERT(destx < size.width());
    ASSERT(originx >= 0);
    ASSERT(originx <= sourceRect.right());

    int endx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.right();
    ASSERT(endx <= size.width());

    int numColumns = endx - destx;

    int originy = sourceRect.y();
    int desty = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.y();
    ASSERT(desty >= 0);
    ASSERT(desty < size.height());
    ASSERT(originy >= 0);
    ASSERT(originy <= sourceRect.bottom());

    int endy = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.bottom();
    ASSERT(endy <= size.height());
    int numRows = endy - desty;

    unsigned srcBytesPerRow = 4 * source->width();
    int stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(data.m_surface);

    unsigned char* srcRows = source->data()->data()->data() + originy * srcBytesPerRow + originx * 4;
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        unsigned* row = reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(dataDst + stride * (y + desty));
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; x++) {
            int basex = x * 4;
            unsigned* pixel = row + x + destx;
            Color pixelColor(srcRows[basex],
                    srcRows[basex + 1],
                    srcRows[basex + 2],
                    srcRows[basex + 3]);
            if (multiplied == Unmultiplied)
                *pixel = premultipliedARGBFromColor(pixelColor);
                *pixel = pixelColor.rgb();
        srcRows += srcBytesPerRow;
예제 #5
void ImageBuffer::putImageData(ImageData* source, const IntRect& sourceRect, const IntPoint& destPoint)
    ASSERT(sourceRect.width() > 0);
    ASSERT(sourceRect.height() > 0);

    int originx = sourceRect.x();
    int destx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.x();
    ASSERT(destx >= 0);
    ASSERT(destx < m_size.width());
    ASSERT(originx >= 0);
    ASSERT(originx <= sourceRect.right());

    int endx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.right();
    ASSERT(endx <= m_size.width());

    int numColumns = endx - destx;

    int originy = sourceRect.y();
    int desty = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.y();
    ASSERT(desty >= 0);
    ASSERT(desty < m_size.height());
    ASSERT(originy >= 0);
    ASSERT(originy <= sourceRect.bottom());

    int endy = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.bottom();
    ASSERT(endy <= m_size.height());
    int numRows = endy - desty;

    unsigned srcBytesPerRow = 4 * source->width();

    bool isPainting = m_data.m_painter->isActive();
    if (isPainting)

    QImage image = m_data.m_pixmap.toImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);

    unsigned char* srcRows = source->data()->data()->data() + originy * srcBytesPerRow + originx * 4;
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        quint32* scanLine = reinterpret_cast<quint32*>(image.scanLine(y + desty));
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; x++) {
            int basex = x * 4;
            scanLine[x + destx] = reinterpret_cast<quint32*>(srcRows + basex)[0];

        srcRows += srcBytesPerRow;

    m_data.m_pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(image);

    if (isPainting)
예제 #6
void GraphicsContext::addRoundedRectClip(const IntRect& rect, const IntSize& topLeft, const IntSize& topRight,
    const IntSize& bottomLeft, const IntSize& bottomRight)
    if (paintingDisabled())

    // Need sufficient width and height to contain these curves.  Sanity check our
    // corner radii and our width/height values to make sure the curves can all fit.
    if (static_cast<unsigned>(rect.width()) < static_cast<unsigned>(topLeft.width()) + static_cast<unsigned>(topRight.width()) ||
        static_cast<unsigned>(rect.width()) < static_cast<unsigned>(bottomLeft.width()) + static_cast<unsigned>(bottomRight.width()) ||
        static_cast<unsigned>(rect.height()) < static_cast<unsigned>(topLeft.height()) + static_cast<unsigned>(bottomLeft.height()) ||
        static_cast<unsigned>(rect.height()) < static_cast<unsigned>(topRight.height()) + static_cast<unsigned>(bottomRight.height()))
    // Clip to our rect.

    // OK, the curves can fit.
    CGContextRef context = platformContext();
    // Add the four ellipses to the path.  Technically this really isn't good enough, since we could end up
    // not clipping the other 3/4 of the ellipse we don't care about.  We're relying on the fact that for
    // normal use cases these ellipses won't overlap one another (or when they do the curvature of one will
    // be subsumed by the other).
    CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x(), rect.y(), topLeft.width() * 2, topLeft.height() * 2));
    CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.right() - topRight.width() * 2, rect.y(),
                                                  topRight.width() * 2, topRight.height() * 2));
    CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x(), rect.bottom() - bottomLeft.height() * 2,
                                                  bottomLeft.width() * 2, bottomLeft.height() * 2));
    CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.right() - bottomRight.width() * 2,
                                                  rect.bottom() - bottomRight.height() * 2,
                                                  bottomRight.width() * 2, bottomRight.height() * 2));
    // Now add five rects (one for each edge rect in between the rounded corners and one for the interior).
    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x() + topLeft.width(), rect.y(),
                                         rect.width() - topLeft.width() - topRight.width(),
                                         max(topLeft.height(), topRight.height())));
    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x() + bottomLeft.width(), 
                                         rect.bottom() - max(bottomLeft.height(), bottomRight.height()),
                                         rect.width() - bottomLeft.width() - bottomRight.width(),
                                         max(bottomLeft.height(), bottomRight.height())));
    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x(), rect.y() + topLeft.height(),
                                         max(topLeft.width(), bottomLeft.width()), rect.height() - topLeft.height() - bottomLeft.height()));
    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.right() - max(topRight.width(), bottomRight.width()),
                                         rect.y() + topRight.height(),
                                         max(topRight.width(), bottomRight.width()), rect.height() - topRight.height() - bottomRight.height()));
    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x() + max(topLeft.width(), bottomLeft.width()),
                                         rect.y() + max(topLeft.height(), topRight.height()),
                                         rect.width() - max(topLeft.width(), bottomLeft.width()) - max(topRight.width(), bottomRight.width()),
                                         rect.height() - max(topLeft.height(), topRight.height()) - max(bottomLeft.height(), bottomRight.height())));
예제 #7
// Computes the distance from a point outside a rect to the nearest edge of the rect.
static IntSize distanceToRect(const IntPoint& point, const IntRect& rect)
    int dx = 0, dy = 0;
    if (point.x() < rect.x())
        dx = point.x() - rect.x();
    else if (rect.right() < point.x())
        dx = point.x() - rect.right();
    if (point.y() < rect.y())
        dy = point.y() - rect.y();
    else if (rect.bottom() < point.y())
        dy = point.y() - rect.bottom();
    return IntSize(dx, dy);
void putImageData(ImageData*& source, const IntRect& sourceRect, const IntPoint& destPoint, 
                  const SkBitmap& bitmap, const IntSize& size)
    ASSERT(sourceRect.width() > 0);
    ASSERT(sourceRect.height() > 0);

    int originX = sourceRect.x();
    int destX = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.x();
    ASSERT(destX >= 0);
    ASSERT(destX < size.width());
    ASSERT(originX >= 0);
    ASSERT(originX < sourceRect.right());

    int endX = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.right();
    ASSERT(endX <= size.width());

    int numColumns = endX - destX;

    int originY = sourceRect.y();
    int destY = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.y();
    ASSERT(destY >= 0);
    ASSERT(destY < size.height());
    ASSERT(originY >= 0);
    ASSERT(originY < sourceRect.bottom());

    int endY = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.bottom();
    ASSERT(endY <= size.height());
    int numRows = endY - destY;

    ASSERT(bitmap.config() == SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config);
    SkAutoLockPixels bitmapLock(bitmap);

    unsigned srcBytesPerRow = 4 * source->width();

    const unsigned char* srcRow = source->data()->data()->data() + originY * srcBytesPerRow + originX * 4;

    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        uint32_t* destRow = bitmap.getAddr32(destX, destY + y);
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; ++x) {
            const unsigned char* srcPixel = &srcRow[x * 4];
            if (multiplied == Unmultiplied)
                destRow[x] = SkPreMultiplyARGB(srcPixel[3], srcPixel[0],
                                               srcPixel[1], srcPixel[2]);
                destRow[x] = SkPackARGB32(srcPixel[3], srcPixel[0],
                                          srcPixel[1], srcPixel[2]);
        srcRow += srcBytesPerRow;
예제 #9
void ImageBuffer::putImageData(ImageData* source, const IntRect& sourceRect, const IntPoint& destPoint)
    ASSERT(sourceRect.width() > 0);
    ASSERT(sourceRect.height() > 0);

    int originx = sourceRect.x();
    int destx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.x();
    ASSERT(destx >= 0);
    ASSERT(destx < m_size.width());
    ASSERT(originx >= 0);
    ASSERT(originx <= sourceRect.right());

    int endx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.right();
    ASSERT(endx <= m_size.width());

    int numColumns = endx - destx;

    int originy = sourceRect.y();
    int desty = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.y();
    ASSERT(desty >= 0);
    ASSERT(desty < m_size.height());
    ASSERT(originy >= 0);
    ASSERT(originy <= sourceRect.bottom());

    int endy = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.bottom();
    ASSERT(endy <= m_size.height());
    int numRows = endy - desty;

    unsigned srcBytesPerRow = 4 * source->width();
    unsigned destBytesPerRow = 4 * m_size.width();

    unsigned char* srcRows = source->data()->data().data() + originy * srcBytesPerRow + originx * 4;
    unsigned char* destRows = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(m_data) + desty * destBytesPerRow + destx * 4;
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; x++) {
            int basex = x * 4;
            unsigned char alpha = srcRows[basex + 3];
            if (alpha != 255) {
                destRows[basex] = (srcRows[basex] * alpha + 254) / 255;
                destRows[basex + 1] = (srcRows[basex + 1] * alpha + 254) / 255;
                destRows[basex + 2] = (srcRows[basex + 2] * alpha + 254) / 255;
                destRows[basex + 3] = alpha;
            } else {
                reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(destRows + basex)[0] = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(srcRows + basex)[0];
        destRows += destBytesPerRow;
        srcRows += srcBytesPerRow;
예제 #10
void ImageBuffer::putImageData(ImageData* source, const IntRect& sourceRect,
                               const IntPoint& destPoint)
    ASSERT(sourceRect.width() > 0);
    ASSERT(sourceRect.height() > 0);

    int originx = sourceRect.x();
    int destx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.x();
    ASSERT(destx >= 0);
    ASSERT(destx < m_size.width());
    ASSERT(originx >= 0);
    ASSERT(originx < sourceRect.right());

    int endx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.right();
    ASSERT(endx <= m_size.width());

    int numColumns = endx - destx;

    int originy = sourceRect.y();
    int desty = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.y();
    ASSERT(desty >= 0);
    ASSERT(desty < m_size.height());
    ASSERT(originy >= 0);
    ASSERT(originy < sourceRect.bottom());

    int endy = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.bottom();
    ASSERT(endy <= m_size.height());
    int numRows = endy - desty;

    const SkBitmap& bitmap = *context()->platformContext()->bitmap();
    ASSERT(bitmap.config() == SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config);
    SkAutoLockPixels bitmapLock(bitmap);

    unsigned srcBytesPerRow = 4 * source->width();

    const unsigned char* srcRow = source->data()->data().data() +
        originy * srcBytesPerRow + originx * 4;

    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        uint32_t* destRow = bitmap.getAddr32(destx, desty + y);
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; ++x) {
            const unsigned char* srcPixel = &srcRow[x * 4];
            destRow[x] = SkPreMultiplyARGB(srcPixel[3], srcPixel[0],
                                           srcPixel[1], srcPixel[2]);
        srcRow += srcBytesPerRow;
예제 #11
PassRefPtr<ImageData> ImageBufferData::getImageData(const IntRect& rect, const IntSize& size, VGImageFormat format) const

    PassRefPtr<ImageData> result = ImageData::create(rect.width(), rect.height());
    unsigned char* data = result->data()->data()->data();

    // If this copy operation won't fill all of the pixels in the target image,
    // paint it black in order to avoid random uninitialized pixel garbage.
    if (rect.x() < 0 || rect.y() < 0 || (rect.right()) > size.width() || (rect.bottom()) > size.height())
        memset(data, 0, result->data()->length());

    if (!m_tiledImage)

    // OpenVG ignores pixels that are out of bounds, so we can just
    // call vgReadPixels() without any further safety assurances.
    if (m_surface->isCurrent()) {
        vgReadPixels(data, rect.width() * 4, format,
            rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height());
    } else {
        vgGetImageSubData(m_tiledImage->tile(0, 0), data, rect.width() * 4, format,
            rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height());

    return result;
예제 #12
// Draws a filled rectangle with a stroked border.
void GraphicsContext::drawRect(const IntRect& rect)
    // FIXME: this function does not handle patterns and gradients
    // like drawPath does, it probably should.
    if (paintingDisabled())

    CGContextRef context = platformContext();

    CGContextFillRect(context, rect);

    if (strokeStyle() != NoStroke) {
        // We do a fill of four rects to simulate the stroke of a border.
        Color oldFillColor = fillColor();
        if (oldFillColor != strokeColor())
            setCGFillColor(context, strokeColor(), strokeColorSpace());
        CGRect rects[4] = {
            FloatRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), 1),
            FloatRect(rect.x(), rect.bottom() - 1, rect.width(), 1),
            FloatRect(rect.x(), rect.y() + 1, 1, rect.height() - 2),
            FloatRect(rect.right() - 1, rect.y() + 1, 1, rect.height() - 2)
        CGContextFillRects(context, rects, 4);
        if (oldFillColor != strokeColor())
            setCGFillColor(context, oldFillColor, fillColorSpace());
예제 #13
파일: IntRect.cpp 프로젝트: KDE/khtml
bool IntRect::intersects(const IntRect &other) const
    // Checking emptiness handles negative widths as well as zero.
    return !isEmpty() && !other.isEmpty()
           && x() < other.right() && other.x() < right()
           && y() < other.bottom() && other.y() < bottom();
예제 #14
// Draws a filled rectangle with a stroked border.
void GraphicsContext::drawRect(const IntRect& rect)
    if (paintingDisabled())

    CGContextRef context = platformContext();

    if (fillColor().alpha())
        CGContextFillRect(context, rect);

    if (strokeStyle() != NoStroke && strokeColor().alpha()) {
        // We do a fill of four rects to simulate the stroke of a border.
        Color oldFillColor = fillColor();
        if (oldFillColor != strokeColor())
            setCGFillColor(context, strokeColor());
        CGRect rects[4] = {
            FloatRect(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), 1),
            FloatRect(rect.x(), rect.bottom() - 1, rect.width(), 1),
            FloatRect(rect.x(), rect.y() + 1, 1, rect.height() - 2),
            FloatRect(rect.right() - 1, rect.y() + 1, 1, rect.height() - 2)
        CGContextFillRects(context, rects, 4);
        if (oldFillColor != strokeColor())
            setCGFillColor(context, oldFillColor);
예제 #15
void ImageBufferData::putImageData(ImageData*& source, const IntRect& sourceRect, const IntPoint& destPoint, const IntSize& size, VGImageFormat format)

    ASSERT(sourceRect.width() > 0);
    ASSERT(sourceRect.height() > 0);

    // We expect the sourceRect to be a subset of the given source image.
    ASSERT(sourceRect.x() >= 0);
    ASSERT(sourceRect.y() >= 0);
    ASSERT(sourceRect.right() <= source->width());
    ASSERT(sourceRect.bottom() <= source->height());

    // The target origin point is the combined offset of sourceRect.location()
    // and destPoint.
    int destx = destPoint.x() + sourceRect.x();
    int desty = destPoint.y() + sourceRect.y();
    ASSERT(destx >= 0);
    ASSERT(desty >= 0);
    ASSERT(destx + sourceRect.width() <= size.width());
    ASSERT(desty + sourceRect.height() <= size.height());

    unsigned const char* data = source->data()->data()->data();
    int dataOffset = (sourceRect.y() * source->width() * 4) + (sourceRect.x() * 4);


    vgWritePixels(data + dataOffset, source->width() * 4, format,
        destx, desty, sourceRect.width(), sourceRect.height());
예제 #16
static gboolean webkit_web_view_popup_menu_handler(GtkWidget* widget)
    static const int contextMenuMargin = 1;

    // The context menu event was generated from the keyboard, so show the context menu by the current selection.
    Page* page = core(webView_s);
    FrameView* view = page->mainFrame()->view();
    Position start = page->mainFrame()->selection()->selection().start();
    Position end = page->mainFrame()->selection()->selection().end();

    int rightAligned = FALSE;
    IntPoint location;

    if (!start.node() || !end.node())
        location = IntPoint(rightAligned ? view->contentsWidth() - contextMenuMargin : contextMenuMargin, contextMenuMargin);
    else {
        RenderObject* renderer = start.node()->renderer();
        if (!renderer)
            return FALSE;

        // Calculate the rect of the first line of the selection (cribbed from -[WebCoreFrameBridge firstRectForDOMRange:]).
        int extraWidthToEndOfLine = 0;
        InlineBox* startInlineBox;
        int startCaretOffset;
        start.getInlineBoxAndOffset(DOWNSTREAM, startInlineBox, startCaretOffset);
        IntRect startCaretRect = renderer->localCaretRect(startInlineBox, startCaretOffset, &extraWidthToEndOfLine);

        InlineBox* endInlineBox;
        int endCaretOffset;
        end.getInlineBoxAndOffset(UPSTREAM, endInlineBox, endCaretOffset);
        IntRect endCaretRect = renderer->localCaretRect(endInlineBox, endCaretOffset);

        IntRect firstRect;
        if (startCaretRect.y() == endCaretRect.y())
            firstRect = IntRect(MIN(startCaretRect.x(), endCaretRect.x()),
                                abs(endCaretRect.x() - startCaretRect.x()),
                                MAX(startCaretRect.height(), endCaretRect.height()));
            firstRect = IntRect(startCaretRect.x(),
                                startCaretRect.width() + extraWidthToEndOfLine,

        location = IntPoint(rightAligned ? firstRect.right() : firstRect.x(), firstRect.bottom());

    int x, y;
    gdk_window_get_origin(GTK_WIDGET(view->root()->hostWindow()->platformWindow())->window, &x, &y);

    // FIXME: The IntSize(0, -1) is a hack to get the hit-testing to result in the selected element.
    // Ideally we'd have the position of a context menu event be separate from its target node.
    location = view->contentsToWindow(location) + IntSize(0, -1);
    IntPoint global = location + IntSize(x, y);
    PlatformMouseEvent event(location, global, NoButton, MouseEventPressed, 0, false, false, false, false, gtk_get_current_event_time());

    return false;//webkit_web_view_forward_context_menu_event(WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(widget), event);
예제 #17
bool PlatformScrollbar::thumbUnderMouse()
    // Construct a rect.
    IntRect thumb = thumbRect();
    thumb.move(-x(), -y());
    int begin = (m_orientation == HorizontalScrollbar) ? thumb.x() : thumb.y();
    int end = (m_orientation == HorizontalScrollbar) ? thumb.right() : thumb.bottom();
    return (begin <= m_pressedPos && m_pressedPos < end);
예제 #18
bool PlatformScrollbar::thumbUnderMouse()
    // Construct a rect.
    IntRect thumb = QApplication::style()->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ScrollBar, &m_opt, QStyle::SC_ScrollBarSlider, 0);
    thumb.move(-m_opt.rect.x(), -m_opt.rect.y());
    int begin = (m_orientation == HorizontalScrollbar) ? thumb.x() : thumb.y();
    int end = (m_orientation == HorizontalScrollbar) ? thumb.right() : thumb.bottom();
    return (begin <= m_pressedPos && m_pressedPos < end);
예제 #19
void GraphicsContext::fillRoundedRect(const IntRect& rect, const IntSize& topLeft, const IntSize& topRight, const IntSize& bottomLeft, const IntSize& bottomRight, const Color& color)
    if (paintingDisabled() || !color.alpha())

    CGContextRef context = platformContext();
    Color oldFillColor = fillColor();
    if (oldFillColor != color)
        setCGFillColor(context, color);

    // Add the four ellipses to the path.  Technically this really isn't good enough, since we could end up
    // not clipping the other 3/4 of the ellipse we don't care about.  We're relying on the fact that for
    // normal use cases these ellipses won't overlap one another (or when they do the curvature of one will
    // be subsumed by the other).
    CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x(), rect.y(), topLeft.width() * 2, topLeft.height() * 2));
    CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.right() - topRight.width() * 2, rect.y(),
                                                  topRight.width() * 2, topRight.height() * 2));
    CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x(), rect.bottom() - bottomLeft.height() * 2,
                                                  bottomLeft.width() * 2, bottomLeft.height() * 2));
    CGContextAddEllipseInRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.right() - bottomRight.width() * 2,
                                                  rect.bottom() - bottomRight.height() * 2,
                                                  bottomRight.width() * 2, bottomRight.height() * 2));
    // Now add five rects (one for each edge rect in between the rounded corners and one for the interior).
    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x() + topLeft.width(), rect.y(),
                                         rect.width() - topLeft.width() - topRight.width(),
                                         max(topLeft.height(), topRight.height())));
    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x() + bottomLeft.width(), 
                                         rect.bottom() - max(bottomLeft.height(), bottomRight.height()),
                                         rect.width() - bottomLeft.width() - bottomRight.width(),
                                         max(bottomLeft.height(), bottomRight.height())));
    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x(), rect.y() + topLeft.height(),
                                         max(topLeft.width(), bottomLeft.width()), rect.height() - topLeft.height() - bottomLeft.height()));
    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.right() - max(topRight.width(), bottomRight.width()),
                                         rect.y() + topRight.height(),
                                         max(topRight.width(), bottomRight.width()), rect.height() - topRight.height() - bottomRight.height()));
    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(rect.x() + max(topLeft.width(), bottomLeft.width()),
                                         rect.y() + max(topLeft.height(), topRight.height()),
                                         rect.width() - max(topLeft.width(), bottomLeft.width()) - max(topRight.width(), bottomRight.width()),
                                         rect.height() - max(topLeft.height(), topRight.height()) - max(bottomLeft.height(), bottomRight.height())));
    if (oldFillColor != color)
        setCGFillColor(context, oldFillColor);
예제 #20
void RootInlineBox::addHighlightOverflow()
    // Highlight acts as a selection inflation.
    FloatRect rootRect(0, selectionTop(), width(), selectionHeight());
    IntRect inflatedRect = enclosingIntRect(object()->document()->frame()->customHighlightLineRect(object()->style()->highlight(), rootRect));
    m_leftOverflow = min(m_leftOverflow, inflatedRect.x());
    m_rightOverflow = max(m_rightOverflow, inflatedRect.right());
    m_topOverflow = min(m_topOverflow, inflatedRect.y());
    m_bottomOverflow = max(m_bottomOverflow, inflatedRect.bottom());
예제 #21
void PluginView::invalidateRect(const IntRect& rect)
    if (m_isWindowed) {
        RECT invalidRect = { rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.right(), rect.bottom() };
        ::InvalidateRect(platformPluginWidget(), &invalidRect, false);

bool RenderThemeChromiumSkia::paintSliderThumb(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& rect)
    // Make a thumb similar to the scrollbar thumb.
    const bool hovered = isHovered(o) || toRenderSlider(o->parent())->inDragMode();
    const int midx = rect.x() + rect.width() / 2;
    const int midy = rect.y() + rect.height() / 2;
    const bool vertical = (o->style()->appearance() == SliderThumbVerticalPart);
    SkCanvas* const canvas = i.context->platformContext()->canvas();

    const SkColor thumbLightGrey = SkColorSetARGB(0xff, 0xf4, 0xf2, 0xef);
    const SkColor thumbDarkGrey = SkColorSetARGB(0xff, 0xea, 0xe5, 0xe0);
    SkPaint paint;
    paint.setColor(hovered ? SK_ColorWHITE : thumbLightGrey);

    SkIRect skrect;
    if (vertical)
        skrect.set(rect.x(), rect.y(), midx + 1, rect.bottom());
        skrect.set(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.right(), midy + 1);

    canvas->drawIRect(skrect, paint);

    paint.setColor(hovered ? thumbLightGrey : thumbDarkGrey);

    if (vertical)
        skrect.set(midx + 1, rect.y(), rect.right(), rect.bottom());
        skrect.set(rect.x(), midy + 1, rect.right(), rect.bottom());

    canvas->drawIRect(skrect, paint);

    const SkColor borderDarkGrey = SkColorSetARGB(0xff, 0x9d, 0x96, 0x8e);
    drawBox(canvas, rect, paint);

    if (rect.height() > 10 && rect.width() > 10) {
        drawHorizLine(canvas, midx - 2, midx + 2, midy, paint);
        drawHorizLine(canvas, midx - 2, midx + 2, midy - 3, paint);
        drawHorizLine(canvas, midx - 2, midx + 2, midy + 3, paint);

    return false;
예제 #23
    /* [retval][out] */ RECT* bounds)
    if (!bounds)
        return E_POINTER;
    IntRect rect = m_scrollBar->frameGeometry();
    bounds->left = rect.x();
    bounds->right = rect.right();
    bounds->top = rect.y();
    bounds->bottom = rect.bottom();
    return S_OK;
예제 #24
void ScrollbarThemeBal::paintButton(GraphicsContext* context, Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntRect& rect, ScrollbarPart part)
    context->fillRect(rect, Color::gray);

    bool start = (part == BackButtonStartPart);
    if (start) {
        if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
            context->drawLine(IntPoint(rect.right(), rect.y()), IntPoint(rect.x(), (rect.bottom() + rect.y())/2));
            context->drawLine(IntPoint(rect.right(), rect.bottom()), IntPoint(rect.x(), (rect.bottom() + rect.y())/2));
        } else {
            context->drawLine(IntPoint(rect.x(), rect.bottom()), IntPoint((rect.x() + rect.right())/2, rect.y()));
            context->drawLine(IntPoint(rect.right(), rect.bottom()), IntPoint((rect.x() + rect.right())/2, rect.y()));
    } else {
        if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) {
            context->drawLine(IntPoint(rect.x(), rect.y()), IntPoint(rect.right(), (rect.bottom() + rect.y())/2));
            context->drawLine(IntPoint(rect.x(), rect.bottom()), IntPoint(rect.right(), (rect.bottom() + rect.y())/2));
        } else {
            context->drawLine(IntPoint(rect.x(), rect.y()), IntPoint((rect.x() + rect.right())/2, rect.bottom()));
            context->drawLine(IntPoint(rect.right(), rect.y()), IntPoint((rect.x() + rect.right())/2, rect.bottom()));
예제 #25
static IntPoint dragLocForSelectionDrag(Frame* src)
    IntRect draggingRect = enclosingIntRect(src->visibleSelectionRect());
    int xpos = draggingRect.right();
    xpos = draggingRect.x() < xpos ? draggingRect.x() : xpos;
    int ypos = draggingRect.bottom();
    // Deal with flipped coordinates on Mac
    ypos = draggingRect.y() > ypos ? draggingRect.y() : ypos;
    ypos = draggingRect.y() < ypos ? draggingRect.y() : ypos;
    return IntPoint(xpos, ypos);
    /* [retval][out] */ LPRECT rect)
    rect->left = rect->top = rect->right = rect->bottom = 0;
    RenderObject* renderer = m_element->renderer();
    FrameView* view = m_element->document()->view();
    if (!renderer || !view)
        return E_FAIL;

    IntRect coreRect = renderer->absoluteBoundingBoxRect();
    rect->left = coreRect.x();
    rect->top = coreRect.y();
    rect->right = coreRect.right();
    rect->bottom = coreRect.bottom();
    return S_OK;
예제 #27
int PlatformScrollbar::pixelPosToRangeValue(int pos) const
    int thumbLen = thumbLength();

    IntRect track = QApplication::style()->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ScrollBar, &m_opt,
                                                          QStyle::SC_ScrollBarGroove, 0);
    int thumbMin, thumbMax;
    if (m_orientation == HorizontalScrollbar) {
        thumbMin = track.x();
        thumbMax = track.right() - thumbLen + 1;
    } else {
        thumbMin = track.y();
        thumbMax = track.bottom() - thumbLen + 1;

    return  QStyle::sliderValueFromPosition(0, m_totalSize - m_visibleSize, pos - thumbMin,
                                            thumbMax - thumbMin, m_opt.upsideDown);
예제 #28
파일: IntRect.cpp 프로젝트: KDE/khtml
void IntRect::intersect(const IntRect &other)
    int l = max(x(), other.x());
    int t = max(y(), other.y());
    int r = min(right(), other.right());
    int b = min(bottom(), other.bottom());

    // Return a clean empty rectangle for non-intersecting cases.
    if (l >= r || t >= b) {
        l = 0;
        t = 0;
        r = 0;
        b = 0;

    m_size.setWidth(r - l);
    m_size.setHeight(b - t);
예제 #29
void IntRect::unite(const IntRect& other)
    // Handle empty special cases first.
    if (other.isEmpty())
    if (isEmpty()) {
        *this = other;

    int l = min(x(), other.x());
    int t = min(y(), other.y());
    int r = max(right(), other.right());
    int b = max(bottom(), other.bottom());

    m_size.setWidth(r - l);
    m_size.setHeight(b - t);
예제 #30
static bool isRectInDirection(FocusDirection direction, const IntRect& curRect, const IntRect& targetRect)
    IntPoint center(targetRect.center());
    int targetMiddle = isHorizontalMove(direction) ? center.x() : center.y();

    switch (direction) {
    case FocusDirectionLeft:
        return targetMiddle < curRect.x();
    case FocusDirectionRight:
        return targetMiddle > curRect.right();
    case FocusDirectionUp:
        return targetMiddle < curRect.y();
    case FocusDirectionDown:
        return targetMiddle > curRect.bottom();

    return false;