bool createDB(string databasePrefix, unsigned int expectedMaxNumberOfItems) { IntelWeb iw; if ( ! iw.createNew(databasePrefix, expectedMaxNumberOfItems)) { cout << "Error: Cannot create database with prefix " << databasePrefix << " with " << expectedMaxNumberOfItems << " items expected." << endl; } return true; }
bool crawl(string databasePrefix, string indicatorFile, unsigned int minGoodPrevalence, string resultsFile) { if (minGoodPrevalence <= 1) { cout << "Error: minGoodPrevalence is " << minGoodPrevalence << ", but must be greater than 1" << endl; return false; } IntelWeb iw; if ( ! iw.openExisting(databasePrefix)) { cout << "Error: Cannot open existing database with prefix " << databasePrefix << endl; return false; } vector<string> indicators; if ( ! getLinesFromFile(indicatorFile, indicators)) { cout << "Error: Cannot open indicators file " << indicatorFile << endl; return false; } if (indicators.empty()) { cout << "Error: Indicators file " << indicatorFile << " is empty." << endl; return false; } vector<string> badEntitiesFound; vector<InteractionTuple> badInteractions; iw.crawl(indicators, minGoodPrevalence, badEntitiesFound, badInteractions); ofstream resultf(resultsFile); if ( ! resultf) { cout << "Error: Cannot write results file " << resultsFile << endl; return false; } for (auto bad : badEntitiesFound) resultf << bad << endl; resultf << endl; for (const auto& i : badInteractions) resultf << i.context << ' ' << i.from << ' ' << << endl; return true; }
bool ingest(string databasePrefix, string telemetryLogFile) { IntelWeb iw; if ( ! iw.openExisting(databasePrefix)) { cout << "Error: Cannot open existing database with prefix " << databasePrefix << endl; return false; } if ( ! iw.ingest(telemetryLogFile)) { cout << "Error: Ingesting telemetry data from " << telemetryLogFile << " failed." << endl; return false; } return true; }
bool purge(string databasePrefix, string purgeFile) { IntelWeb iw; if ( ! iw.openExisting(databasePrefix)) { cout << "Error: Cannot open existing database with prefix " << databasePrefix << endl; return false; } vector<string> purgeList; if ( ! getLinesFromFile(purgeFile, purgeList)) { cout << "Error: Cannot open purge file " << purgeFile << endl; return false; } for (auto itemToPurge : purgeList) iw.purge(itemToPurge); return true; }
int main() { //DiskMultiMap x; // //x.createNew("myhashtable.dat", 100); //x.insert("hmm.exe", "pfft.exe", "m52902"); //x.insert("hmm.exe", "pfft.exe", "m52902"); //x.insert("hmm.exe", "pfft.exe", "m10001"); //x.insert("blah.exe", "bletch.exe", "m0003"); //DiskMultiMap::Iterator it ="hmm.exe"); //if (it.isValid()) { // cout << "I found at least 1 item with a key of hmm.exe" << endl; // do // { // MultiMapTuple m = *it; // cout << "The key is: " << m.key << endl; // cout << "The value is: " << m.value << endl; // cout << "The context is: " << m.context << endl; // cout << endl; // ++it; // } while (it.isValid()); //} //it ="goober .exe"); //if (!it.isValid()) // cout << "I couldn't find goober.exe" << endl; //if (x.erase("hmm.exe", "pfft.exe", "m52902") == 2) // std::cout << "Just erased 2 items from the table!" << std::endl; //if (x.erase("hmm.exe", "pfft.exe", "m10001") == 1) // std::cout << "Just erased 1 item from the table!" << std::endl; //if (x.erase("blah.exe", "bletch.exe", "m66666") == 0) // std::cout << "I didn't erase this item cause it wasn't there!" << std::endl; //x.insert("hmm.exe", "pfft.exe", "m52902"); //x.insert("hmm.exe", "pfft.exe", "m52902"); //x.insert("hmm.exe", "pfft.exe", "m10001"); //x.insert("blah.exe", "bletch.exe", "m0003"); //x.close(); //if (x.openExisting("myhashtable.dat")) // std::cout << "Opening my hash table..." << std::endl; //if (x.erase("hmm.exe", "pfft.exe", "m52902") == 2) // std::cout << "Just erased 2 items from the table!" << std::endl; //if (x.erase("hmm.exe", "pfft.exe", "m10001") == 1) // std::cout << "Just erased 1 item from the table!" << std::endl; //if (x.erase("blah.exe", "bletch.exe", "m66666") == 0) // std::cout << "I didn't erase this item cause it wasn't there!" << std::endl; //if (x.erase("hmm.exe", "pfft.exe", "m52902") == 0) // std::cout << "I didn't erase this item cause it wasn't there!" << std::endl; IntelWeb x; if (x.createNew("mydata", 10000)) cout << "Created mydata" << endl; x.ingest("Jan-tel.dat"); x.ingest("Feb-tel.dat"); x.close(); IntelWeb y; if (y.openExisting("mydata")) cout << "Opened mydata" << endl; y.ingest("Mar-tel.dat"); y.ingest("Apr-tel.dat"); y.close(); return 0; }