예제 #1
파일: mesh.cpp 프로젝트: sondrele/NTNU
Intersection Mesh::intersects(Ray ray) {
    Intersection ins;
    for (uint i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++) {
        Triangle *t0 = triangles.at(i);
        Intersection j = t0->intersects(ray);
        if (!ins.hasIntersected()) {
            ins = j;
        } else if (ins.hasIntersected() &&
            j.getIntersectionPoint() < ins.getIntersectionPoint())
            ins = j;
    return ins;
예제 #2
파일: bvhtree.cpp 프로젝트: sondrele/NTNU
Intersection BVHTree::searchTree(BVHNode *n, Ray r) {
    if (n->leaf) {
        return n->shape->intersects(r);
    } else {
        if (n->bbox.intersects(r)) {
            Intersection i = searchTree(n->left, r);
            Intersection j = searchTree(n->right, r);

            if (i.hasIntersected() && j.hasIntersected()) {
                return i.getIntersectionPoint() < j.getIntersectionPoint() ? i : j;
            } else {
                return i.hasIntersected() ? i : j;
        return Intersection(r);
예제 #3
파일: raytracer.cpp 프로젝트: sondrele/NTNU
SColor RayTracer::shadeIntersection(Intersection in, uint d) {
    if (d <= 0 || in.hasIntersected() == false) {
        // terminate recursion
        return SColor(0, 0, 0);

    Vect shade(0, 0, 0);

    Material *mat = in.getMaterial();
    float kt = mat->getTransparency();
    SColor ks = mat->getSpecColor();
    SColor ka = mat->getAmbColor();
    SColor Cd = mat->getDiffColor();

    SColor ambLight = Whitted::AmbientLightning(kt, ka, Cd);

    std::vector<Light *> lts = scene->getLights();
    for (uint i = 0; i < lts.size(); i++) {
        Light *l = lts.at(i);

        SColor Sj = calculateShadowScalar(*l, in);
        shade = shade + Whitted::Illumination(l, in, Sj);
    SColor reflection;
    if (ks.length() > 0) {
        Ray r = in.calculateReflection();
        Intersection rin = scene->calculateRayIntersection(r);
        reflection = shadeIntersection(rin, d-1).linearMult(ks);

    SColor refraction;
    if (kt > 0) {
        Ray r = in.calculateRefraction();
        Intersection rin = scene->calculateRayIntersection(r);
        refraction = shadeIntersection(rin, d-1).linearMult(kt);

    shade = ambLight + shade + reflection + refraction;

    return shade;
예제 #4
파일: raytracer.cpp 프로젝트: sondrele/NTNU
SColor RayTracer::calculateShadowScalar(Light &lt, Intersection &in) {
    // cout << in.toString() << endl;
    Vect p = lt.getPos();
    Vect ori = in.calculateIntersectionPoint();// + in.calculateSurfaceNormal().linearMult(0.0001f);
    Vect dir;
    if (lt.getType() == DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT) {
        dir = lt.getDir().invert();
    } else {
        dir = p - ori;
    ori = ori + dir.linearMult(0.001f);
    Ray shdw(ori, dir);

    Intersection ins = scene->calculateRayIntersection(shdw);
    Material *mat = ins.getMaterial();
    if (!ins.hasIntersected()) {
        // The point is in direct light
        return SColor(1, 1, 1);
    } else if (mat->getTransparency() <= 0.00000001) {
        // The material is fully opaque
        Vect pos = ins.calculateIntersectionPoint();
        if (lt.getType() == DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT ||
            ori.euclideanDistance(pos) < ori.euclideanDistance(lt.getPos())) {
            // The ray intersects with an object before the light source
            return SColor(0, 0, 0);
        } else {
            // The ray intersects with an object behind the lightsource
            // or a direction light, thus fully in light
            return SColor(1, 1, 1);
    } else { // The shape is transparent
        // Normalize the color for this material, and recursively trace for other
        // transparent objects
        SColor Cd = mat->getDiffColor();
        float m = max(Cd.R(), max(Cd.G(), Cd.B()));
        Cd.R(Cd.R()/m); Cd.G(Cd.G()/m); Cd.B(Cd.B()/m);
        SColor Si = Cd.linearMult(mat->getTransparency());
        return Si.linearMult(calculateShadowScalar(lt, ins));