예제 #1
PyResult Command_dogma( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args )
	//"dogma" "140019878" "agility" "=" "0.2"

	if( !(args.argCount() == 5) ) {
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /dogma [itemID] [attributeName] = [value]") );

	if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) ){
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Invalid itemID. \n Correct Usage: /dogma [itemID] [attributeName] = [value]") );
	uint32 itemID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() );

	if( args.isNumber( 2 ) ) {
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Invalid attributeName. \n Correct Usage: /dogma [itemID] [attributeName] = [value]") );
	const char *attributeName = args.arg( 2 ).c_str();

	if( !args.isNumber( 4 ) ){
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Invalid attribute value. \n Correct Usage: /dogma [itemID] [attributeName] = [value]") );
	double attributeValue = atof( args.arg( 4 ).c_str() );

	//get item
	InventoryItemRef item = services->item_factory.GetItem( itemID );

	//get attributeID
	uint32 attributeID = db->GetAttributeID( attributeName );

    sLog.Warning( "GMCommands: Command_dogma()", "This command will modify attribute and send change to client, but change does not take effect in client for some reason." );
    item->SetAttribute( attributeID, attributeValue );

	return NULL;
예제 #2
PyResult Command_setattr( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args )
	if( args.argCount() < 4 ) {
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /setattr [itemID] [attributeID] [value]") );

	if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "1st argument must be itemID (got %s).", args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ) );
    const uint32 itemID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() );

	if( !args.isNumber( 2 ) )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "2nd argument must be attributeID (got %s).", args.arg( 2 ).c_str() ) );
    const ItemAttributeMgr::Attr attribute = (ItemAttributeMgr::Attr)atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() );

	if( !args.isNumber( 3 ) )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "3rd argument must be value (got %s).", args.arg( 3 ).c_str() ) );
    const double value = atof( args.arg( 3 ).c_str() );

	InventoryItemRef item = services->item_factory.GetItem( itemID );
	if( !item )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Failed to load item %u.", itemID ) );

	//item->attributes.SetReal( attribute, value );
    sLog.Warning( "GMCommands: Command_dogma()", "This command will modify attribute and send change to client, but change does not take effect in client for some reason." );
    item->SetAttribute(attribute, (float)value);

	return new PyString( "Operation successful." );
예제 #3
void Ship::RemoveRig( InventoryItemRef item, uint32 inventoryID )

    //delete the item
예제 #4
void Inventory::StackAll(EVEItemFlags locFlag, uint32 forOwner)
    std::map<uint32, InventoryItemRef> types;

    std::map<uint32, InventoryItemRef>::iterator cur, end;
    cur = mContents.begin();
    end = mContents.end();
    for(; cur != end; )
        // Iterator becomes invalid when the item
        // is moved out; we have to increment before
        // calling Merge().
        InventoryItemRef i = cur->second;

        if( !i->singleton() && ( forOwner == 0 || forOwner == i->ownerID() ) )
            std::map<uint32, InventoryItemRef>::iterator res = types.find( i->typeID() );
            if( res == types.end() )
                types.insert( std::make_pair( i->typeID(), i ) );
                res->second->Merge( i );
예제 #5
void Character::AddItem(InventoryItemRef item)
    Inventory::AddItem( item );

    if( item->flag() == flagSkill
        || item->flag() == flagSkillInTraining )
        // Skill has been added ...
        if( item->categoryID() != EVEDB::invCategories::Skill ) {
            _log( ITEM__WARNING, "%s (%u): %s has been added with flag %d.", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), item->category().name().c_str(), (int)item->flag() );
        } else
            SkillRef skill = SkillRef::StaticCast( item );

            if( !skill->singleton() )
                _log( ITEM__TRACE, "%s (%u): Injecting %s.", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), item->itemName().c_str() );

                // Make it singleton and set initial skill values.
                skill->ChangeSingleton( true );

                skill->SetAttribute(AttrSkillLevel, 0);
                skill->SetAttribute(AttrSkillPoints, 0);

                if( skill->flag() != flagSkillInTraining )
                    skill->SetAttribute(AttrExpiryTime, 0);
예제 #6
void ModuleManager::UnfitModule(uint32 itemID)
    GenericModule * mod = m_Modules->GetModule(itemID);
    if( mod != NULL )
		if( mod->isLoaded() )
			InventoryItemRef loadedChargeRef = mod->getLoadedChargeRef();
			if( IsStation(m_Ship->locationID()) )
				loadedChargeRef->Move(m_Ship->locationID(), flagHangar);		// used to be (m_pOperator->GetLocationID(), flag)
				//if( m_Ship->ValidateAddItem(flagCargoHold,loadedChargeRef) )
					loadedChargeRef->Move(m_Ship->itemID(), flagCargoHold);		// used to be (m_pOperator->GetLocationID(), flag)
				//	throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Not enough cargo space!") );

예제 #7
bool Ship::ValidateItemSpecifics(InventoryItemRef equip) const
    //declaring explicitly as int...not sure if this is needed or not
    int groupID = m_pOperator->GetShip()->groupID();
    int typeID = m_pOperator->GetShip()->typeID();
    EvilNumber canFitShipGroup1 = equip->getAttribute(AttrCanFitShipGroup1);
    EvilNumber canFitShipGroup2 = equip->getAttribute(AttrCanFitShipGroup2);
    EvilNumber canFitShipGroup3 = equip->getAttribute(AttrCanFitShipGroup3);
    EvilNumber canFitShipGroup4 = equip->getAttribute(AttrCanFitShipGroup4);
    EvilNumber canFitShipType1 = equip->getAttribute(AttrCanFitShipType1);
    EvilNumber canFitShipType2 = equip->getAttribute(AttrCanFitShipType2);
    EvilNumber canFitShipType3 = equip->getAttribute(AttrCanFitShipType3);
    EvilNumber canFitShipType4 = equip->getAttribute(AttrCanFitShipType4);

	if( canFitShipGroup1 != 0 || canFitShipGroup2 != 0 || canFitShipGroup3 != 0 || canFitShipGroup4 != 0 )
		if( canFitShipGroup1 != groupID && canFitShipGroup2 != groupID && canFitShipGroup3 != groupID && canFitShipGroup4 != groupID )
			return false;
    if( canFitShipGroup1 != 0 )
        if( canFitShipGroup1 != groupID )
            return false;

    if( canFitShipGroup2 != 0 )
        if( canFitShipGroup2 != groupID )
            return false;

    if( canFitShipGroup3 != 0 )
        if( canFitShipGroup3 != groupID )
            return false;

    if( canFitShipGroup4 != 0 )
        if( canFitShipGroup4 != groupID )
            return false;

    if( canFitShipType1 != 0 || canFitShipType2 != 0 || canFitShipType3 != 0 || canFitShipType4 != 0 )
        if( canFitShipType1 != typeID && canFitShipType2 != typeID && canFitShipType3 != typeID && canFitShipType4 != typeID )
            return false;
    if( canFitShipType1 != 0 )
        if( canFitShipType1 != typeID )
            return false;

    if( canFitShipType2 != 0 )
        if( canFitShipType2 != typeID )
            return false;

    if( canFitShipType3 != 0 )
        if( canFitShipType3 != typeID )
            return false;

    if( canFitShipType4 != 0 )
        if( canFitShipType4 != typeID )
            return false;
    return true;

예제 #8
InventoryItemRef ItemFactory::SpawnItem(ItemData &data) {
    InventoryItemRef i = InventoryItem::Spawn(*this, data);
    if( !i )
        return InventoryItemRef();

    // spawn successful; store the ref
    m_items.insert( std::make_pair( i->itemID(), i ) );
    return i;
예제 #9
InventoryItemRef InventoryItem::LoadEntity(ItemFactory &factory, uint32 itemID, const ItemData &data)
    const ItemType *type = factory.GetType( data.typeID );

	InventoryItemRef itemRef = InventoryItemRef( new InventoryItem(factory, itemID, *type, data) );


	return itemRef;
예제 #10
void Ship::RemoveRig( InventoryItemRef item, uint32 inventoryID )

	//move the item to the void or w/e
	m_pOperator->MoveItem(item->itemID(), inventoryID, flagAutoFit);

	//delete the item
예제 #11
bool Character::HasImplant( uint32 implantTypeID )
	uint32 i = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < m_implants.size(); i++ )
		InventoryItemRef item = m_factory.GetItem( m_implants.at( i ).itemID );
		if( item->typeID() == implantTypeID ) return true;
	return false;
예제 #12
bool Character::HasBooster( uint32 boosterTypeID )
	uint32 i = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < m_boosters.size(); i++ )
		InventoryItemRef item = m_factory.GetItem( m_boosters.at( i ).itemID );
		if( item->typeID() == boosterTypeID ) return true;

	return false;
예제 #13
bool ModuleManager::InstallRig(InventoryItemRef item, EVEItemFlags flag)
    if(item->groupID() >= 773 && item->groupID() <= 786 && item->groupID() != 783)
        return true;
        SysLog::Debug("ModuleManager","%s tried to fit item %u, which is not a rig", m_Ship->GetOperator()->GetName(), item->itemID());

    return false;
예제 #14
void Ship::AddItem(InventoryItemRef item)
    InventoryEx::AddItem( item );

    if( item->flag() >= flagSlotFirst && 
        item->flag() <= flagSlotLast && 
        item->categoryID() != EVEDB::invCategories::Charge)
        // make singleton
        item->ChangeSingleton( true );
예제 #15
bool ModuleManager::SwapSubSystem(InventoryItemRef item, EVEItemFlags flag)
    if(item->groupID() >= 954 && item->groupID() <= 958)
        return true;
        SysLog::Debug("ModuleManager","%s tried to fit item %u, which is not a subsystem", m_Ship->GetOperator()->GetName(), item->itemID());

    return false;
예제 #16
PyResult Command_createitem( Client* who, CommandDB* db, PyServiceMgr* services, const Seperator& args )
	if( args.argCount() < 2 ) {
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError("Correct Usage: /create [typeID]") );
	//basically, a copy/paste from Command_create. The client seems to call this multiple times, 
	//each time it creates an item
	if( !args.isNumber( 1 ) )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Argument 1 must be type ID." ) );
    const uint32 typeID = atoi( args.arg( 1 ).c_str() );
	uint32 qty = 1;
    if( 2 < args.argCount() )
	    if( args.isNumber( 2 ) )
		    qty = atoi( args.arg( 2 ).c_str() );

    sLog.Log("command message", "Create %s %u times", args.arg( 1 ).c_str(), qty );

	//create into their cargo hold unless they are docked in a station,
	//then stick it in their hangar instead.
	uint32 locationID;
	EVEItemFlags flag;
	if( who->IsInSpace() )
		locationID = who->GetShipID();
		flag = flagCargoHold;
		locationID = who->GetStationID();
		flag = flagHangar;
	ItemData idata(
		0, //temp location

	InventoryItemRef i = services->item_factory.SpawnItem( idata );
	if( !i )
		throw PyException( MakeCustomError( "Unable to create item of type %s.", args.arg( 1 ).c_str() ) );

	//Move to location
	i->Move( locationID, flag, true );

	return new PyString( "Creation successful." );
예제 #17
void Inventory::AddItem(InventoryItemRef item)
    std::map<uint32, InventoryItemRef>::iterator res = mContents.find( item->itemID() );
    if( res == mContents.end() )
        mContents.insert( std::make_pair( item->itemID(), item ) );

        sLog.Debug("Inventory", "Updated location %u to contain item %u with flag %d.", inventoryID(), item->itemID(), (int)item->flag() );
    //else already here
    sLog.Debug("Inventory", "unable to updated location %u to contain item %u with flag %d, because it already happend.", inventoryID(), item->itemID(), (int)item->flag() );
예제 #18
void Ship::AddItem(EVEItemFlags flag, InventoryItemRef item)
	ValidateAddItem( flag, item );
	//it's a new module, make sure it's state starts at offline so that it is added correctly
	if( item->categoryID() != EVEDB::invCategories::Charge )

	item->Move(m_pOperator->GetLocationID(), flag);  //TODO - check this

예제 #19
void Ship::RemoveItem(InventoryItemRef item, uint32 inventoryID, EVEItemFlags flag)
	//coming from ship, we need to deactivate it and remove mass if it isn't a charge
	if( item->categoryID() != EVEDB::invCategories::Charge ) {
		m_pOperator->GetShip()->Deactivate( item->itemID(), "online" );
		// m_pOperator->GetShip()->Set_mass( m_pOperator->GetShip()->mass() - item->massAddition() );
		//m_pOperator->GetShip()->SetAttribute(AttrMass,  m_pOperator->GetShip()->GetAttribute(AttrMass) - item->GetAttribute(AttrMassAddition) );
        m_pOperator->GetShip()->UnloadModule( item->itemID() );

	//Move New item to its new location
	m_pOperator->MoveItem(item->itemID(), inventoryID, flag);
예제 #20
void Contract::GetItemRow( InventoryItemRef item, PyPackedRow* into ) const
    into->SetField( "contractID",								new PyInt( contractID() ) );
    into->SetField( "itemID",									new PyInt( item->itemID() ) );
    into->SetField( "quantity",									new PyInt( item->quantity() ) );
    into->SetField( "itemTypeID",								new PyInt( item->typeID() ) );
    into->SetField( "inCrate",									new PyBool( true ) );

    if( item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Blueprint )
        BlueprintRef bp = m_itemFactory.GetBlueprint( item->itemID() );
        into->SetField( "parentID",								new PyInt( bp->parentBlueprintTypeID() ) );
        into->SetField( "productivityLevel",					new PyInt( bp->productivityLevel() ) );
        into->SetField( "materialLevel",						new PyInt( bp->materialLevel() ) );
        into->SetField( "copy",									new PyInt( bp->copy() ) );
        into->SetField( "licensedProductionRunsRemaining",		new PyInt( bp->licensedProductionRunsRemaining() ) );
        into->SetField( "parentID",								new PyInt( 0 ) );
        into->SetField( "productivityLevel",					new PyInt( 0 ) );
        into->SetField( "materialLevel",						new PyInt( 0 ) );
        into->SetField( "copy",									new PyInt( 0 ) );
        into->SetField( "licensedProductionRunsRemaining",		new PyInt( 0 ) );

    if( item->HasAttribute( AttrDamage ) )
        into->SetField( "damage",								new PyInt( item->GetAttribute( AttrDamage ).get_int() ) );
        into->SetField( "damage",								new PyInt( 0 ) );

    into->SetField( "flagID",									new PyInt( item->flag() ) );
예제 #21
bool InventoryItem::Merge(InventoryItemRef to_merge, int32 qty, bool notify) {
    if(typeID() != to_merge->typeID()) {
        _log(ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Asked to merge with %s (%u).", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), to_merge->itemName().c_str(), to_merge->itemID());
        return false;
    if(locationID() != to_merge->locationID() || flag() != to_merge->flag()) {
        _log(ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u) in location %u, flag %u: Asked to merge with item %u in location %u, flag %u.", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), locationID(), flag(), to_merge->itemID(), to_merge->locationID(), to_merge->flag());
        return false;
    if(qty == 0)
        qty = to_merge->quantity();
    if(qty <= 0) {
        _log(ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Asked to merge with %d units of item %u.", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), qty, to_merge->itemID());
        return false;
    if(!AlterQuantity(qty, notify)) {
        _log(ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Failed to add quantity %d.", itemName().c_str(), itemID(), qty);
        return false;

    if(qty == to_merge->quantity()) {
    } else if(!to_merge->AlterQuantity(-qty, notify)) {
        _log(ITEM__ERROR, "%s (%u): Failed to remove quantity %d.", to_merge->itemName().c_str(), to_merge->itemID(), qty);
        return false;

    return true;
예제 #22
void Inventory::RemoveItem(InventoryItemRef item)
    std::map<uint32, InventoryItemRef>::iterator res = mContents.find( item->itemID() );
    if( res != mContents.end() )
        mContents.erase( res );

        sLog.Debug("Inventory", "Updated location %u to no longer contain item %u.", inventoryID(), item->itemID() );
		sLog.Debug("Inventory", "unable to remove %u from %u.", item->itemID(), inventoryID() );
예제 #23
파일: Ship.cpp 프로젝트: Ahava/evemu_server
void Ship::AddItem(EVEItemFlags flag, InventoryItemRef item)

    ValidateAddItem( flag, item );

    //it's a new module, make sure it's state starts at offline so that it is added correctly
    if( item->categoryID() != EVEDB::invCategories::Charge )

    // TODO: Somehow, if this returns FALSE, the item->Move() above has to be "undone"... can we do the move AFTER attempting to fit?
    // what if we pass the flag into FitModule().... then if it returns true, the item->Move() can be called
    if( m_ModuleManager->FitModule(item, flag) )
        item->Move(m_pOperator->GetLocationID(), flag);  //TODO - check this
예제 #24
void Character::PlugBooster( uint32 itemID )
	// Get itemID, change its location to characterID
	// and change the flag to flagBooster
	// So now its on character's brain
	InventoryItemRef item = m_factory.GetItem( itemID );

	// First of all check if we already have this
	Boosters::iterator cur, end;

	cur = m_boosters.begin();
	end = m_boosters.end();

	for(; cur != end; cur++ )
		InventoryItemRef booster = m_factory.GetItem( cur->itemID );

		if( booster == NULL ) return;
		// Ok, we already have this booster, return
		if( item->typeID() == booster->typeID() )return;

	item->MoveInto( *this, flagBooster );

	EvilNumber num = 1;
	item->SetAttribute( AttrIsOnline, num, true );

	cBoosters i;
	i.itemID = itemID;
	i.plugDate = Win32TimeNow();
	i.expiretime = item->GetAttribute( AttrBoosterDuration ).get_int();

	m_boosters.push_back( i );
예제 #25
    SystemEntity *_source,
    InventoryItemRef _weapon,
    EVEEffectID _effect): source(_source), charge(), effect(_effect)
		kinetic = _weapon->GetAttribute(AttrKineticDamage).get_float();
		kinetic = 0.0;

		thermal = _weapon->GetAttribute(AttrThermalDamage).get_float();
		thermal = 0.0;

		em = _weapon->GetAttribute(AttrEmDamage).get_float();
		em = 0.0;

		explosive = _weapon->GetAttribute(AttrExplosiveDamage).get_float();
		explosive = 0.0;

	weapon = _weapon;
예제 #26
 * InventoryEx
void InventoryEx::ValidateAddItem(EVEItemFlags flag, InventoryItemRef item) const
    //double volume = item->quantity() * item->volume();
    EvilNumber volume = item->GetAttribute(AttrQuantity) * item->GetAttribute(AttrVolume);
    double capacity = GetRemainingCapacity( flag );
    if( volume > capacity )
        std::map<std::string, PyRep *> args;

        args["available"] = new PyFloat( capacity );
        args["volume"] = volume.GetPyObject();

        throw PyException( MakeUserError( "NotEnoughCargoSpace", args ) );
예제 #27
	SystemManager *system,
	PyServiceMgr &services,
	InventoryItemRef self,
	uint32 corporationID,
	uint32 allianceID,
	const GPoint &position,
	SpawnEntry *spawner)
: DynamicSystemEntity(new DestinyManager(this, system), self),
//  m_itemID(self->itemID()),
//  m_typeID(self->typeID()),
//  m_ownerID(self->ownerID()),
	//NOTE: this is bad if we inherit NPC!
	m_AI = new NPCAIMgr(this);
	m_destiny->SetPosition(position, false);
	/* Gets the value from the NPC and put on our own vars */
	m_shieldCharge = self->shieldCharge();
	m_armorDamage = 0.0;
	m_hullDamage = 0.0;

예제 #28
bool ModuleManager::FitModule(InventoryItemRef item, EVEItemFlags flag)
    if(item->categoryID() == EVEDB::invCategories::Module)
        // Attempt to fit the module
        if( _fitModule(item, flag) )
            // Now that module is successfully fitted, attempt to put it Online:
            return true;
        SysLog::Debug("ModuleManager","%s tried to fit item %u, which is not a module", m_Ship->GetOperator()->GetName(), item->itemID());

    return false;
예제 #29
void Character::PlugImplant( uint32 itemID )
	// Get itemID, change its location to characterID
	// and change the flag to flagImplant
	// So now its on character's brain
	InventoryItemRef item = m_factory.GetItem( itemID );

	// First of all check if we already have this
	Implants::iterator cur, end;

	cur = m_implants.begin();
	end = m_implants.end();

	for(; cur != end; cur++ )
		InventoryItemRef implant = m_factory.GetItem( cur->itemID );

		if( implant == NULL ) return;

		// Ok, we already have this booster, return
		if( item->typeID() == implant->typeID() ) return;

	item->MoveInto( *this, flagImplant );

	EvilNumber num = 1;
	item->SetAttribute( AttrIsOnline, num, true );

	cImplants i;
	i.itemID = itemID;

	m_implants.push_back( i );
예제 #30
void Inventory::List( CRowSet* into, EVEItemFlags _flag, uint32 forOwner ) const
    //there has to be a better way to build this...
    std::map<uint32, InventoryItemRef>::const_iterator cur, end;
    cur = mContents.begin();
    end = mContents.end();
    for(; cur != end; cur++)
        InventoryItemRef i = cur->second;

        if(    ( i->flag() == _flag       || _flag == flagAnywhere )
            && ( i->ownerID() == forOwner || forOwner == 0 ) )
			PyPackedRow* row = into->NewRow();
			i->GetItemRow( row );