bool WorkerMessagePort::MaybeDispatchEvent( JSContext* aCx, JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer& aBuffer, nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsISupports>>& aClonedObjects) { if (mClosed) { NS_WARNING("Not going to ever run this event!"); aBuffer.clear(); aClonedObjects.Clear(); return true; } if (!mStarted) { // Queue the message for later. MessageInfo* info = mQueuedMessages.AppendElement(); info->mBuffer.swap(aBuffer); info->mClonedObjects.SwapElements(aClonedObjects); return true; } // Go ahead and dispatch the event. JS::Rooted<JSObject*> target(aCx, GetJSObject()); return DispatchMessageEvent(aCx, target, aBuffer, aClonedObjects); }
// static nsresult AsyncConnectionHelper::ConvertCloneBufferToJSVal( JSContext* aCx, JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer& aBuffer, jsval* aResult) { NS_ASSERTION(aCx, "Null context!"); NS_ASSERTION(aResult, "Null pointer!"); JSAutoRequest ar(aCx); if ( { JSBool ok =, aCx); aBuffer.clear(aCx); if (!ok) { NS_ERROR("Failed to decode!"); return NS_ERROR_DOM_DATA_CLONE_ERR; } } else { *aResult = JSVAL_VOID; } return NS_OK; }