예제 #1
static JSBool
fun_getProperty(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj_, HandleId id, Value *vp)
    JSObject *obj = obj_;
    while (!obj->isFunction()) {
        obj = obj->getProto();
        if (!obj)
            return true;
    JSFunction *fun = obj->toFunction();

     * Mark the function's script as uninlineable, to expand any of its
     * frames on the stack before we go looking for them. This allows the
     * below walk to only check each explicit frame rather than needing to
     * check any calls that were inlined.
    if (fun->isInterpreted()) {
        fun->script()->uninlineable = true;
        MarkTypeObjectFlags(cx, fun, OBJECT_FLAG_UNINLINEABLE);

    /* Set to early to null in case of error */

    /* Find fun's top-most activation record. */
    StackIter iter(cx);
    for (; !iter.done(); ++iter) {
        if (!iter.isFunctionFrame() || iter.isEvalFrame())
        if (iter.callee() == fun)
    if (iter.done())
        return true;

    StackFrame *fp = iter.fp();

    if (JSID_IS_ATOM(id, cx->runtime->atomState.argumentsAtom)) {
        if (fun->hasRest()) {
            JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS_AND_REST);
            return false;
        /* Warn if strict about f.arguments or equivalent unqualified uses. */
        if (!JS_ReportErrorFlagsAndNumber(cx, JSREPORT_WARNING | JSREPORT_STRICT, js_GetErrorMessage,
                                          NULL, JSMSG_DEPRECATED_USAGE, js_arguments_str)) {
            return false;

        ArgumentsObject *argsobj = ArgumentsObject::createUnexpected(cx, fp);
        if (!argsobj)
            return false;

        *vp = ObjectValue(*argsobj);
        return true;

    if (JSID_IS_ATOM(id, cx->runtime->atomState.callerAtom) && fp && fp->prev()) {
         * If the frame was called from within an inlined frame, mark the
         * innermost function as uninlineable to expand its frame and allow us
         * to recover its callee object.
        JSInlinedSite *inlined;
        jsbytecode *prevpc = fp->prev()->pcQuadratic(cx->stack, fp, &inlined);
        if (inlined) {
            mjit::JITChunk *chunk = fp->prev()->jit()->chunk(prevpc);
            JSFunction *fun = chunk->inlineFrames()[inlined->inlineIndex].fun;
            fun->script()->uninlineable = true;
            MarkTypeObjectFlags(cx, fun, OBJECT_FLAG_UNINLINEABLE);

    if (JSID_IS_ATOM(id, cx->runtime->atomState.callerAtom)) {
        StackIter prev(iter);
        do {
        } while (!prev.done() && prev.isImplicitNativeCall());

        if (prev.done() || !prev.isFunctionFrame()) {
            return true;
        *vp = prev.calleev();

        /* Censor the caller if it is from another compartment. */
        JSObject &caller = vp->toObject();
        if (caller.compartment() != cx->compartment) {
        } else if (caller.isFunction()) {
            JSFunction *callerFun = caller.toFunction();
            if (callerFun->isInterpreted() && callerFun->inStrictMode()) {
                JS_ReportErrorFlagsAndNumber(cx, JSREPORT_ERROR, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
                return false;

        return true;

    return false;
JSScript *
frontend::CompileScript(JSContext *cx, HandleObject scopeChain, StackFrame *callerFrame,
                        const CompileOptions &options,
                        StableCharPtr chars, size_t length,
                        JSString *source_ /* = NULL */,
                        unsigned staticLevel /* = 0 */)
    RootedString source(cx, source_);

    class ProbesManager
        const char* filename;
        unsigned lineno;

        ProbesManager(const char *f, unsigned l) : filename(f), lineno(l) {
            Probes::compileScriptBegin(filename, lineno);
        ~ProbesManager() { Probes::compileScriptEnd(filename, lineno); }
    ProbesManager probesManager(options.filename, options.lineno);

     * The scripted callerFrame can only be given for compile-and-go scripts
     * and non-zero static level requires callerFrame.
    JS_ASSERT_IF(callerFrame, options.compileAndGo);
    JS_ASSERT_IF(staticLevel != 0, callerFrame);

    if (!CheckLength(cx, length))
        return NULL;
    JS_ASSERT_IF(staticLevel != 0, options.sourcePolicy != CompileOptions::LAZY_SOURCE);
    ScriptSource *ss = cx->new_<ScriptSource>();
    if (!ss)
        return NULL;
    ScriptSourceHolder ssh(cx->runtime, ss);
    SourceCompressionToken sct(cx);
    switch (options.sourcePolicy) {
      case CompileOptions::SAVE_SOURCE:
        if (!ss->setSourceCopy(cx, chars, length, false, &sct))
            return NULL;
      case CompileOptions::LAZY_SOURCE:
      case CompileOptions::NO_SOURCE:

    Parser parser(cx, options, chars, length, /* foldConstants = */ true);
    if (!parser.init())
        return NULL;
    parser.sct = &sct;

    GlobalSharedContext globalsc(cx, scopeChain, StrictModeFromContext(cx));

    ParseContext pc(&parser, &globalsc, staticLevel, /* bodyid = */ 0);
    if (!pc.init())
        return NULL;

    bool savedCallerFun = options.compileAndGo && callerFrame && callerFrame->isFunctionFrame();
    Rooted<JSScript*> script(cx, JSScript::Create(cx, NullPtr(), savedCallerFun,
                                                  options, staticLevel, ss, 0, length));
    if (!script)
        return NULL;

    // Global/eval script bindings are always empty (all names are added to the
    // scope dynamically via JSOP_DEFFUN/VAR).
    InternalHandle<Bindings*> bindings(script, &script->bindings);
    if (!Bindings::initWithTemporaryStorage(cx, bindings, 0, 0, NULL))
        return NULL;

    // We can specialize a bit for the given scope chain if that scope chain is the global object.
    JSObject *globalScope = scopeChain && scopeChain == &scopeChain->global() ? (JSObject*) scopeChain : NULL;
    JS_ASSERT_IF(globalScope, globalScope->isNative());
    JS_ASSERT_IF(globalScope, JSCLASS_HAS_GLOBAL_FLAG_AND_SLOTS(globalScope->getClass()));

    BytecodeEmitter bce(/* parent = */ NULL, &parser, &globalsc, script, callerFrame, !!globalScope,
                        options.lineno, options.selfHostingMode);
    if (!bce.init())
        return NULL;

    /* If this is a direct call to eval, inherit the caller's strictness.  */
    if (callerFrame && callerFrame->script()->strictModeCode)
        globalsc.strictModeState = StrictMode::STRICT;

    if (options.compileAndGo) {
        if (source) {
             * Save eval program source in script->atoms[0] for the
             * eval cache (see EvalCacheLookup in jsobj.cpp).
            JSAtom *atom = AtomizeString(cx, source);
            jsatomid _;
            if (!atom || !bce.makeAtomIndex(atom, &_))
                return NULL;

        if (callerFrame && callerFrame->isFunctionFrame()) {
             * An eval script in a caller frame needs to have its enclosing
             * function captured in case it refers to an upvar, and someone
             * wishes to decompile it while it's running.
            JSFunction *fun = callerFrame->fun();
            ObjectBox *funbox = parser.newFunctionBox(fun, &pc, 
                                                      fun->inStrictMode() ? StrictMode::STRICT 
                                                                          : StrictMode::NOTSTRICT);
            if (!funbox)
                return NULL;

    ParseNode *pn;
    pn = NULL;
    bool onlyXML;
    onlyXML = true;

    TokenStream &tokenStream = parser.tokenStream;
        ParseNode *stringsAtStart = ListNode::create(PNK_STATEMENTLIST, &parser);
        if (!stringsAtStart)
            return NULL;
        bool ok = parser.processDirectives(stringsAtStart) && EmitTree(cx, &bce, stringsAtStart);
        if (!ok)
            return NULL;
    JS_ASSERT(globalsc.strictModeState != StrictMode::UNKNOWN);
    for (;;) {
        TokenKind tt = tokenStream.peekToken(TSF_OPERAND);
        if (tt <= TOK_EOF) {
            if (tt == TOK_EOF)
            JS_ASSERT(tt == TOK_ERROR);
            return NULL;

        pn = parser.statement();
        if (!pn)
            return NULL;

        if (!FoldConstants(cx, pn, &parser))
            return NULL;
        if (!NameFunctions(cx, pn))
            return NULL;

        if (!EmitTree(cx, &bce, pn))
            return NULL;

        if (!pn->isKind(PNK_SEMI) || !pn->pn_kid || !pn->pn_kid->isXMLItem())
            onlyXML = false;

    if (!SetSourceMap(cx, tokenStream, ss, script))
        return NULL;

     * Prevent XML data theft via <script src="http://victim.com/foo.xml">.
     * For background, see:
     * https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=336551
    if (pn && onlyXML && !callerFrame) {
        parser.reportError(NULL, JSMSG_XML_WHOLE_PROGRAM);
        return NULL;

    // It's an error to use |arguments| in a function that has a rest parameter.
    if (callerFrame && callerFrame->isFunctionFrame() && callerFrame->fun()->hasRest()) {
        HandlePropertyName arguments = cx->names().arguments;
        for (AtomDefnRange r = pc.lexdeps->all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) {
            if (r.front().key() == arguments) {
                parser.reportError(NULL, JSMSG_ARGUMENTS_AND_REST);
                return NULL;

     * Nowadays the threaded interpreter needs a stop instruction, so we
     * do have to emit that here.
    if (Emit1(cx, &bce, JSOP_STOP) < 0)
        return NULL;

    if (!JSScript::fullyInitFromEmitter(cx, script, &bce))
        return NULL;


    if (!sct.complete())
        return NULL;

    return script;