bool JSONReader::parseAll(const std::string& text, IdType& nextId, std::string& filepath, std::string& checksum, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MetadataStream::VideoSegment>>& segments, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MetadataSchema>>& schemas, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MetadataInternal>>& metadata) { if(text.empty()) { VMF_LOG_ERROR("Empty input JSON string"); return false; } schemas.clear(); metadata.clear(); JSONNode root; try { root = libjson::parse(text); } catch(...) { VMF_LOG_ERROR("Can't get JSON root"); return false; } if(root.size() != 1) { VMF_LOG_ERROR("More than one JSON root"); return false; } JSONNode localRootNode = root[0]; if( == TAG_VMF ) { auto nextIdIter = localRootNode.find(ATTR_VMF_NEXTID); if(nextIdIter != localRootNode.end() ) nextId = nextIdIter->as_int(); auto filepathIter = localRootNode.find(ATTR_VMF_FILEPATH); if(filepathIter != localRootNode.end() ) filepath = filepathIter->as_string(); auto checksumIter = localRootNode.find(ATTR_VMF_CHECKSUM); if(checksumIter != localRootNode.end() ) checksum = checksumIter->as_string(); if(!parseVideoSegments(text, segments)) return false; if(!parseSchemas(text, schemas)) return false; if(!parseMetadata(text, schemas, metadata)) return false; } else { VMF_LOG_ERROR("Root JSON element isn't 'vmf'"); return false; } return true; }
bool Programmer::loadJSON(JSONNode data) { auto devices = data.find("devices"); if (devices == data.end()) { Logger::log(ERR, "No devices found in Programmer"); return false; } auto it = devices->begin(); while (it != devices->end()) { Device* device = new Device(it->name(), *it); // We're overwriting data here, so make sure to actually delete the old data. // if there is any if (m_devices.count(device->getId()) > 0) delete m_devices[device->getId()]; m_devices[device->getId()] = device; it++; } auto c = data.find("captured"); if (c == data.end()) { Logger::log(WARN, "No captured set found in Programmer"); captured = DeviceSet(m_rig); } else { captured = DeviceSet(m_rig, *c); } return true; }
void Rig::loadJSON(JSONNode root) { //JSONNode::const_iterator i = root.begin(); JSONNode::iterator i = root.begin(); auto version = root.find("version"); if (version == root.end()) { Logger::log(ERR, "No version specified for input file. Aborting load."); return; } else { stringstream ss; stringstream ss2(version->as_string()); ss << LumiverseCore_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << LumiverseCore_VERSION_MINOR; float libVer; float fileVer; ss >> libVer; ss2 >> fileVer; if (fileVer < libVer) { // Friendly warning if you're loading an old file. Logger::log(WARN, "File created against earlier version of Lumiverse. Check logs for any load problems."); } else if (fileVer > libVer) { // Loading newer file with older library. Logger::log(WARN, "File created against newer version of Lumiverse. Check logs for any load problems."); } } while (i != root.end()){ // get the node name and value as a string std::string nodeName = i->name(); if (nodeName == "devices") { loadDevices(*i); Logger::log(INFO, "Device load complete"); } else if (nodeName == "patches") { i->push_back(*root.find("jsonPath")); loadPatches(*i); Logger::log(INFO, "Patch load complete"); } else if (nodeName == "refreshRate") { setRefreshRate(i->as_int()); } //increment the iterator ++i; } }
bool Condition::Test(JSONNode row, bool oldValue) { bool result; string operand1Value = operand1IsConstant ? operand1 : row.find(operand1)->as_string(); string operand2Value = operand2IsConstant ? operand2 : row.find(operand2)->as_string(); //cout << "operand1 " << operand1Value << endl; //cout << "operand2 " << operand2Value << endl; //cout << "mode " << (mode == 0 ? "and" : "or") << endl; //cout << "operator " << (operatorMode == 0 ? "==" : "!=") << endl; switch (operatorMode) { case 0 : result = operand1Value == operand2Value; break; case 1 : result = operand1Value != operand2Value; break; } switch (mode) { case 0 : return oldValue && result; case 1 : return oldValue || result; } return false; }
Keyframe::Keyframe(JSONNode node) { auto jt = node.find("t"); if (jt == node.end()) { Logger::log(ERR, "Keyframe has no assigned time. Defaulting to 0."); t = 0; } else { t = jt->as_int(); } auto v = node.find("val"); if (v == node.end()) { val = nullptr; } else { val = shared_ptr<LumiverseType>(LumiverseTypeUtils::loadFromJSON(*v)); } auto ucs = node.find("useCurrentState"); if (ucs == node.end()) { useCurrentState = false; } else { useCurrentState = ucs->as_bool(); } auto tid = node.find("timelineID"); if (tid == node.end()) { timelineID = ""; } else { timelineID = tid->as_string(); } auto to = node.find("timelineOffset"); if (to == node.end()) { timelineOffset = 0; } else { timelineOffset = to->as_int(); } }
static std::shared_ptr<MetadataStream::VideoSegment> parseVideoSegmentFromNode(JSONNode& segmentNode) { auto segmentTitleIter = segmentNode.find(ATTR_SEGMENT_TITLE); auto segmentFPSIter = segmentNode.find(ATTR_SEGMENT_FPS); auto segmentTimeIter = segmentNode.find(ATTR_SEGMENT_TIME); auto segmentDurationIter = segmentNode.find(ATTR_SEGMENT_DURATION); auto segmentWidthIter = segmentNode.find(ATTR_SEGMENT_WIDTH); auto segmentHeightIter = segmentNode.find(ATTR_SEGMENT_HEIGHT); if(segmentTitleIter == segmentNode.end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::InternalErrorException, "JSON element has no title"); if(segmentFPSIter == segmentNode.end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::InternalErrorException, "JSON element has no fps value"); if(segmentTimeIter == segmentNode.end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::InternalErrorException, "JSON element has no time value"); std::string title = segmentTitleIter->as_string(); double fps = segmentFPSIter->as_float(); long long timestamp = segmentTimeIter->as_int(); if(title.empty()) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::InternalErrorException, "JSON element has invalid title"); if(fps <= 0) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::InternalErrorException, "JSON element has invalid fps value"); if(timestamp < 0) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::InternalErrorException, "JSON element has invalid time value"); std::shared_ptr<MetadataStream::VideoSegment> spSegment(new MetadataStream::VideoSegment(title, fps, timestamp)); if(segmentDurationIter != segmentNode.end()) { long long duration = segmentDurationIter->as_int(); if(duration > 0) spSegment->setDuration(duration); } if(segmentWidthIter != segmentNode.end() && segmentHeightIter != segmentNode.end()) { long width = segmentWidthIter->as_int(), height = segmentHeightIter->as_int(); if(width > 0 && height > 0) spSegment->setResolution(width, height); } return spSegment; }
static std::shared_ptr<MetadataSchema> parseSchemaFromNode(JSONNode& schemaNode) { std::shared_ptr<vmf::MetadataSchema> spSchema; auto schemaNameIter = schemaNode.find(ATTR_NAME); auto schemaAuthorIter = schemaNode.find(ATTR_SCHEMA_AUTHOR); if(schemaNameIter != schemaNode.end()) { if(schemaAuthorIter != schemaNode.end()) spSchema = std::make_shared<vmf::MetadataSchema>(schemaNameIter->as_string(), schemaAuthorIter->as_string()); else spSchema = std::make_shared<vmf::MetadataSchema>(schemaNameIter->as_string()); } else VMF_EXCEPTION(IncorrectParamException, "Schema has no name"); auto descsArrayIter = schemaNode.find(TAG_DESCRIPTIONS_ARRAY); if(descsArrayIter == schemaNode.end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(IncorrectParamException, "Can't find descriptions-array JSON node"); std::shared_ptr<vmf::MetadataDesc> spDesc; for(auto descNode = descsArrayIter->begin(); descNode != descsArrayIter->end(); descNode++) { auto descNameIter = descNode->find(ATTR_NAME); if(descNameIter == descNode->end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(IncorrectParamException, "Description has no name"); auto fieldsArrayIter = descNode->find(TAG_FIELDS_ARRAY); if(fieldsArrayIter == descNode->end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(IncorrectParamException, "Description has no fields array"); std::vector<FieldDesc> vFields; for(auto fieldNode = fieldsArrayIter->begin(); fieldNode != fieldsArrayIter->end(); fieldNode++) { auto fieldNameIter = fieldNode->find(ATTR_NAME); auto fieldTypeIter = fieldNode->find(ATTR_FIELD_TYPE); if(fieldNameIter == fieldNode->end() || fieldTypeIter == fieldNode->end() ) VMF_EXCEPTION(IncorrectParamException, "Field has no 'name' or 'type' attribute"); vmf::Variant::Type field_type = Variant::typeFromString(fieldTypeIter->as_string()); bool field_optional = false; auto fieldsOptionalityIter = fieldNode->find(ATTR_FIELD_OPTIONAL); if(fieldsOptionalityIter != fieldNode->end()) { if(fieldsOptionalityIter->as_string() == "true") field_optional = true; else if (fieldsOptionalityIter->as_string() == "false") field_optional = false; else VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::IncorrectParamException, "Invalid value of boolean attribute 'optional'"); } vFields.push_back(FieldDesc(fieldNameIter->as_string(), field_type, field_optional)); } auto refsArrayIter = descNode->find(TAG_METADATA_REFERENCES_ARRAY); if (refsArrayIter == descNode->end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(IncorrectParamException, "Description has no references array"); std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ReferenceDesc>> vReferences; for (auto refNode = refsArrayIter->begin(); refNode != refsArrayIter->end(); refNode++) { auto refNameIter = refNode->find(ATTR_NAME); if (refNameIter == refNode->end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(IncorrectParamException, "Field has no 'name' attribute"); auto refUniqueIter = refNode->find(ATTR_REFERENCE_UNIQUE); bool isUnique = false; if (refUniqueIter != refNode->end()) { if (refUniqueIter->as_string() == "true") isUnique = true; else if (refUniqueIter->as_string() == "false") isUnique = false; else VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::IncorrectParamException, "Invalid value of boolean attribute 'isUnique'"); } auto refCustomIter = refNode->find(ATTR_REFERENCE_CUSTOM); bool isCustom = false; if (refCustomIter != refNode->end()) { if (refCustomIter->as_string() == "true") isCustom = true; else if (refCustomIter->as_string() == "false") isCustom = false; else VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::IncorrectParamException, "Invalid value of boolean attribute 'isCustom'"); } vReferences.emplace_back(std::make_shared<ReferenceDesc>(refNameIter->as_string(), isUnique, isCustom)); } spDesc = std::make_shared<vmf::MetadataDesc>(descNameIter->as_string(), vFields, vReferences); spSchema->add(spDesc); } return spSchema; }
static std::shared_ptr<MetadataInternal> parseMetadataFromNode(JSONNode& metadataNode, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MetadataSchema>>& schemas) { auto schemaIter = metadataNode.find(ATTR_METADATA_SCHEMA); auto descIter = metadataNode.find(ATTR_METADATA_DESCRIPTION); auto idIter = metadataNode.find(ATTR_ID); if(schemaIter == metadataNode.end() || descIter == metadataNode.end() || idIter == metadataNode.end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::IncorrectParamException, "Metadata item has no schema name, description name or id"); auto schema = schemas.begin(); for(; schema != schemas.end(); schema++) if((*schema)->getName() == schemaIter->as_string()) break; if(schema == schemas.end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::IncorrectParamException, "Unknown schema for metadata item"); std::shared_ptr<MetadataDesc> spDesc; if( (spDesc = (*schema)->findMetadataDesc(descIter->as_string())) == nullptr) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::IncorrectParamException, "Unknown description for metadata item"); std::shared_ptr<MetadataInternal> spMetadataInternal(new MetadataInternal(spDesc)); spMetadataInternal->setId(idIter->as_int()); auto frameIdxLoIter = metadataNode.find(ATTR_METADATA_FRAME_IDX_LO); auto frameIdxHiIter = metadataNode.find(ATTR_METADATA_FRAME_IDX_HI); auto nFramesLoIter = metadataNode.find(ATTR_METADATA_NFRAMES_LO); auto nFramesHiIter = metadataNode.find(ATTR_METADATA_NFRAMES_HI); auto timeLoIter = metadataNode.find(ATTR_METADATA_TIMESTAMP_LO); auto timeHiIter = metadataNode.find(ATTR_METADATA_TIMESTAMP_HI); auto durationLoIter = metadataNode.find(ATTR_METADATA_DURATION_LO); auto durationHiIter = metadataNode.find(ATTR_METADATA_DURATION_HI); if (frameIdxLoIter != metadataNode.end() && frameIdxHiIter != metadataNode.end()) { unsigned long lo = frameIdxLoIter->as_int(); unsigned long hi = frameIdxHiIter->as_int(); long long frmIdx = ((long long)hi << 32) | lo; if (nFramesLoIter != metadataNode.end() && nFramesHiIter != metadataNode.end()) { unsigned long lo = nFramesLoIter->as_int(); unsigned long hi = nFramesHiIter->as_int(); long long numFrm = ((long long)hi << 32) | lo; spMetadataInternal->setFrameIndex(frmIdx, numFrm); } else spMetadataInternal->setFrameIndex(frmIdx); } if (timeLoIter != metadataNode.end() && timeHiIter != metadataNode.end()) { unsigned long lo = timeLoIter->as_int(); unsigned long hi = timeHiIter->as_int(); long long time = ((long long)hi << 32) | lo; if (durationLoIter != metadataNode.end() && durationHiIter != metadataNode.end()) { unsigned long lo = durationLoIter->as_int(); unsigned long hi = durationHiIter->as_int(); long long dur = ((long long)hi << 32) | lo; spMetadataInternal->setTimestamp(time, dur); } else spMetadataInternal->setTimestamp(time); } auto metadataFieldsArrayIter = metadataNode.find(TAG_FIELDS_ARRAY); if(metadataFieldsArrayIter == metadataNode.end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::IncorrectParamException, "No metadata fields array"); for(auto fieldNode = metadataFieldsArrayIter->begin(); fieldNode != metadataFieldsArrayIter->end(); fieldNode++) { FieldDesc fieldDesc; auto fieldNameIter = fieldNode->find(ATTR_NAME); auto fieldValueIter = fieldNode->find(ATTR_VALUE); if(fieldNameIter == fieldNode->end() || fieldValueIter == fieldNode->end() ) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::IncorrectParamException, "Missing field name or field value"); vmf::Variant field_value; spDesc->getFieldDesc(fieldDesc, fieldNameIter->as_string()); field_value.fromString(fieldDesc.type, fieldValueIter->as_string()); spMetadataInternal->setFieldValue(fieldNameIter->as_string(), field_value); } auto referencesArrayIter = metadataNode.find(TAG_METADATA_REFERENCES_ARRAY); if(referencesArrayIter != metadataNode.end()) { for(auto referenceNode = referencesArrayIter->begin(); referenceNode != referencesArrayIter->end(); referenceNode++) { auto referenceIdIter = referenceNode->find(ATTR_ID); if(referenceIdIter == referenceNode->end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::IncorrectParamException, "Missing reference 'id'"); auto referenceNameIter = referenceNode->find(ATTR_NAME); if(referenceNameIter == referenceNode->end()) VMF_EXCEPTION(vmf::IncorrectParamException, "Missing reference 'name'"); spMetadataInternal->vRefs.push_back(std::make_pair(IdType(referenceIdIter->as_int()), referenceNameIter->as_string())); } } return spMetadataInternal; }
inline bool jsonBoolProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_BOOL) return i->as_bool(); else throw ErrorStringException(string("JSON missing bool property: ") + prop); }
listener_ptr makeStreamListener(StreamingDevice* dev, ClientConn* client, JSONNode &n){ std::auto_ptr<WSStreamListener> listener(new WSStreamListener()); listener->id = jsonIntProp(n, "id"); listener->device = dev; listener->client = client; listener->decimateFactor = jsonIntProp(n, "decimateFactor", 1); // Prevent divide by 0 if (listener->decimateFactor == 0) listener->decimateFactor = 1; int start = jsonIntProp(n, "start", -1); if (start < 0){ // Negative indexes are relative to latest sample start = (dev->buffer_max()) + start + 1; } if (start < 0) listener->index = 0; else listener->index = start; listener->count = jsonIntProp(n, "count"); JSONNode j_streams ="streams"); for(JSONNode::iterator i=j_streams.begin(); i!=j_streams.end(); i++){ listener->streams.push_back( dev->findStream( jsonStringProp(*i, "channel"), jsonStringProp(*i, "stream"))); } JSONNode::iterator t = n.find("trigger"); if (t != n.end() && (t->type()) == JSON_NODE){ JSONNode &trigger = *t; string type = jsonStringProp(trigger, "type", "in"); if (type == "in"){ listener->triggerType = INSTREAM; listener->triggerLevel = jsonFloatProp(trigger, "level"); listener->triggerStream = dev->findStream( jsonStringProp(trigger, "channel"), jsonStringProp(trigger, "stream")); }else if (type == "out"){ listener->triggerType = OUTSOURCE; listener->triggerChannel = dev->channelById(jsonStringProp(trigger, "channel")); if (!listener->triggerChannel) throw ErrorStringException("Trigger channel not found"); }else{ throw ErrorStringException("Invalid trigger type"); } listener->triggerRepeat = jsonBoolProp(trigger, "repeat", true); listener->triggerHoldoff = jsonIntProp(trigger, "holdoff", 0); listener->triggerOffset = jsonIntProp(trigger, "offset", 0); if (listener->triggerOffset<0 && -listener->triggerOffset >= listener->triggerHoldoff){ // Prevent big negative offsets that could cause infinite loops listener->triggerHoldoff = -listener->triggerOffset; } listener->triggerForce = jsonIntProp(trigger, "force", 0); listener->triggerForceIndex = listener->index + listener->triggerForce; } return listener_ptr(listener.release()); }
inline double jsonFloatProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop, double def){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_NUMBER) return i->as_float(); else return def; }
inline bool jsonBoolProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop, bool def){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_BOOL) return i->as_bool(); else return def; }
inline int jsonIntProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop, int def){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_NUMBER) return i->as_int(); else return def; }
inline string jsonStringProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop, string def){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_STRING) return i->as_string(); else return def; }
inline double jsonFloatProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_NUMBER) return i->as_float(); else throw ErrorStringException(string("JSON missing float property: ") + prop); }
void Rig::loadPatches(JSONNode root) { JSONNode::iterator i = root.begin(); // for this we want to iterate through all children and have the device class // parse the sub-element. while (i != root.end()){ if (i->name() == "jsonPath") { i++; continue; } // get the node name and value as a string std::string nodeName = i->name(); stringstream ss; ss << "Loading patch " << nodeName; Logger::log(INFO, ss.str()); Patch* patch; auto type = i->find("type"); if (type == i->end()) { stringstream ss; ss << "Unable to determine Patch type for " << nodeName << ". Patch not loaded."; Logger::log(WARN, ss.str()); } string patchType = type->as_string(); // New patch types will need new seralization definitions. if (patchType == "DMXPatch") { patch = (Patch*) new DMXPatch(*i); addPatch(nodeName, patch); } #ifdef USE_ARNOLD else if (patchType == "PhotoPatch") { patch = (Patch*) new PhotoPatch(*i); addPatch(nodeName, patch); Device::DeviceCallbackFunction callback = std::bind(&PhotoPatch::onDeviceChanged, (PhotoPatch*)patch, std::placeholders::_1); for (Device *d : getDeviceRaw()) { d->addParameterChangedCallback(callback); d->addMetadataChangedCallback(callback); } } else if (patchType == "PhotoAnimationPatch") { patch = (Patch*) new PhotoAnimationPatch(*i); addPatch(nodeName, patch); Device::DeviceCallbackFunction callback = std::bind(&PhotoAnimationPatch::onDeviceChanged, (PhotoAnimationPatch*)patch, std::placeholders::_1); for (Device *d : getDeviceRaw()) { d->addParameterChangedCallback(callback); d->addMetadataChangedCallback(callback); } } else if (patchType == "ArnoldAnimationPatch") { i->push_back(*root.find("jsonPath")); patch = (Patch*) new ArnoldAnimationPatch(*i); addPatch(nodeName, patch); Device::DeviceCallbackFunction callback = std::bind(&ArnoldAnimationPatch::onDeviceChanged, (ArnoldAnimationPatch*)patch, std::placeholders::_1); for (Device *d : getDeviceRaw()) { d->addParameterChangedCallback(callback); d->addMetadataChangedCallback(callback); } } else if (patchType == "ArnoldPatch") { i->push_back(*i->find("jsonPath")); patch = (Patch*) new ArnoldPatch(*i); addPatch(nodeName, patch); Device::DeviceCallbackFunction callback = std::bind(&ArnoldPatch::onDeviceChanged, (ArnoldPatch*)patch, std::placeholders::_1); for (Device *d : getDeviceRaw()) { d->addParameterChangedCallback(callback); d->addMetadataChangedCallback(callback); } } #endif else { stringstream ss; ss << "Unknown Patch type " << patchType << " in Patch ID " << nodeName << "Patch not loaded."; Logger::log(WARN, ss.str()); } //increment the iterator ++i; } }
void xmm::TrainingSet::from_json(JSONNode root) { if (!owns_data) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot read Training Set with Shared memory"); try { if (root.type() != JSON_NODE) throw JSONException("Wrong type: was expecting 'JSON_NODE'",; JSONNode::const_iterator root_it = root.begin(); // Get Number of modalities root_it = root.find("bimodal"); if (root_it == root.end()) throw JSONException("JSON Node is incomplete", root_it->name()); if (root_it->type() != JSON_BOOL) throw JSONException("Wrong type for node 'bimodal': was expecting 'JSON_BOOL'", root_it->name()); if(bimodal_ != root_it->as_bool()) { if (bimodal_) throw JSONException("Trying to read an unimodal model in a bimodal model.",; else throw JSONException("Trying to read a bimodal model in an unimodal model.",; } // Get Dimension root_it = root.find("dimension"); if (root_it == root.end()) throw JSONException("JSON Node is incomplete", root_it->name()); if (root_it->type() != JSON_NUMBER) throw JSONException("Wrong type for node 'dimension': was expecting 'JSON_NUMBER'", root_it->name()); dimension_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(root_it->as_int()); // Get Input Dimension if bimodal_ if (bimodal_){ root_it = root.find("dimension_input"); if (root_it == root.end()) throw JSONException("JSON Node is incomplete", root_it->name()); if (root_it->type() != JSON_NUMBER) throw JSONException("Wrong type for node 'dimension_input': was expecting 'JSON_NUMBER'", root_it->name()); dimension_input_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(root_it->as_int()); } // Get Column Names column_names_.assign(dimension_, ""); root_it = root.find("column_names"); if (root_it != root.end()) { if (root_it->type() != JSON_ARRAY) throw JSONException("Wrong type for node 'column_names': was expecting 'JSON_ARRAY'", root_it->name()); json2vector(*root_it, column_names_, dimension_); } // Get Size: Number of Phrases root_it = root.find("size"); if (root_it == root.end()) throw JSONException("JSON Node is incomplete", root_it->name()); if (root_it->type() != JSON_NUMBER) throw JSONException("Wrong type for node 'size': was expecting 'JSON_NUMBER'", root_it->name()); unsigned int ts_size = static_cast<unsigned int>(root_it->as_int()); // Get Default label root_it = root.find("defaultlabel"); if (root_it == root.end()) throw JSONException("JSON Node is incomplete", root_it->name()); if (root_it->type() != JSON_NODE) throw JSONException("Wrong type for node 'defaultlabel': was expecting 'JSON_NODE'", root_it->name()); defaultLabel_.from_json(*root_it); // Get Phrases phrases.clear(); phraseLabels.clear(); root_it = root.find("phrases"); if (root_it == root.end()) throw JSONException("JSON Node is incomplete", root_it->name()); if (root_it->type() != JSON_ARRAY) throw JSONException("Wrong type for node 'phrases': was expecting 'JSON_ARRAY'", root_it->name()); for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<ts_size ; i++) { JSONNode::const_iterator array_it = (*root_it)[i].end(); // Get Index array_it = (*root_it)[i].find("index"); if (array_it == (*root_it)[i].end()) throw JSONException("JSON Node is incomplete", array_it->name()); if (array_it->type() != JSON_NUMBER) throw JSONException("Wrong type for node 'index': was expecting 'JSON_NUMBER'", array_it->name()); unsigned int phraseIndex = static_cast<unsigned int>(array_it->as_int()); // Get Label array_it = (*root_it)[i].find("label"); if (array_it == (*root_it)[i].end()) throw JSONException("JSON Node is incomplete", array_it->name()); if (array_it->type() != JSON_NODE) throw JSONException("Wrong type for node 'label': was expecting 'JSON_NODE'", array_it->name()); phraseLabels[phraseIndex].from_json(*array_it); updateLabelList(); // Get Phrase Content array_it = (*root_it)[i].find("Phrase"); if (array_it == (*root_it)[i].end()) throw JSONException("JSON Node is incomplete", array_it->name()); if (array_it->type() != JSON_NODE) throw JSONException("Wrong type for node 'Phrase': was expecting 'JSON_NODE'", array_it->name()); phrases[phraseIndex] = new Phrase(flags_, dimension_, dimension_input_); phrases[phraseIndex]->from_json(*array_it); } if (ts_size != phrases.size()) throw JSONException("Number of phrases does not match", root_it->name()); has_changed_ = true; } catch (JSONException &e) { throw JSONException(e,; } catch (std::exception &e) { throw JSONException(e,; } }
inline string jsonStringProp(JSONNode &n, const char* prop){ JSONNode::iterator i = n.find(prop); if (i != n.end() && i->type() == JSON_STRING) return i->as_string(); else throw ErrorStringException(string("JSON missing string property: ") + prop); }