예제 #1
static JSBool
XPC_SOW_RewrapValue(JSContext *cx, JSObject *wrapperObj, jsval *vp)
  jsval v = *vp;
    return JS_TRUE;

  JSObject *obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);

  if (JS_ObjectIsFunction(cx, obj)) {
    // NB: The JS_ValueToFunction call is guaranteed to succeed.
    JSNative native = JS_GetFunctionNative(cx, JS_ValueToFunction(cx, v));

    // This is really tricky! We need to unwrap this when calling native
    // functions to preserve their assumptions, but *not* when calling
    // scripted functions, since they expect 'this' to be wrapped.
    if (!native) {
     return JS_TRUE;

    if (native == XPC_SOW_FunctionWrapper) {
      // If this is a system function wrapper, make sure its ours, otherwise,
      // its prototype could come from the wrong scope.
      if (wrapperObj->getProto() == obj->getParent()) {
        return JS_TRUE;

      // It isn't ours, rewrap the wrapped function.
      if (!JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, obj, eWrappedFunctionSlot, &v)) {
        return JS_FALSE;
      obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(v);

    return XPC_SOW_WrapFunction(cx, wrapperObj, obj, vp);

  if (obj->getClass() == &SOWClass) {
    // We are extra careful about content-polluted wrappers here. I don't know
    // if it's possible to reach them through objects that we wrap, but figuring
    // that out is more expensive (and harder) than simply checking and
    // rewrapping here.
    if (wrapperObj->getParent() == obj->getParent()) {
      // Already wrapped.
      return JS_TRUE;

    obj = GetWrappedObject(cx, obj);
    if (!obj) {
      // XXX Can this happen?
      *vp = JSVAL_NULL;
      return JS_TRUE;
    v = *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);

  return WrapObject(cx, wrapperObj->getParent(), v, vp);
예제 #2
static JSBool
WrapSameOriginProp(JSContext *cx, JSObject *outerObj, jsval *vp)
  // Don't call RewrapIfNeeded for same origin properties. We only
  // need to wrap window, document and location.
  if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(*vp)) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  JSObject *wrappedObj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp);
  js::Class *clasp = wrappedObj->getClass();
  if (ClassNeedsXOW(clasp->name)) {
    return WrapObject(cx, JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, outerObj), vp);

  // Check if wrappedObj is an XOW. If so, verify that it's from the
  // right scope.
  if (clasp == &XOWClass &&
      wrappedObj->getParent() != outerObj->getParent()) {
    *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(GetWrappedObject(cx, wrappedObj));
    return WrapObject(cx, outerObj->getParent(), vp);

  return JS_TRUE;
예제 #3
extern JSObject *
js_CopyErrorObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *errobj, JSObject *scope)
    assertSameCompartment(cx, scope);
    JSExnPrivate *priv = GetExnPrivate(errobj);

    uint32 stackDepth = priv->stackDepth;
    size_t valueCount = 0;
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < stackDepth; i++)
        valueCount += priv->stackElems[i].argc;

    size_t size = offsetof(JSExnPrivate, stackElems) +
                  stackDepth * sizeof(JSStackTraceElem) +
                  valueCount * sizeof(jsval);

    JSExnPrivate *copy = (JSExnPrivate *)cx->malloc_(size);
    if (!copy)
        return NULL;

    struct AutoFree {
        JSContext *cx;
        JSExnPrivate *p;
        ~AutoFree() {
            if (p) {
    } autoFree = {cx, copy};

    // Copy each field. Don't bother copying the stack elements.
    if (priv->errorReport) {
        copy->errorReport = CopyErrorReport(cx, priv->errorReport);
        if (!copy->errorReport)
            return NULL;
    } else {
        copy->errorReport = NULL;
    if (!cx->compartment->wrap(cx, &copy->message))
        return NULL;
    JS::Anchor<JSString *> messageAnchor(copy->message);
    if (!cx->compartment->wrap(cx, &copy->filename))
        return NULL;
    JS::Anchor<JSString *> filenameAnchor(copy->filename);
    copy->lineno = priv->lineno;
    copy->stackDepth = 0;
    copy->exnType = priv->exnType;

    // Create the Error object.
    JSObject *proto;
    if (!js_GetClassPrototype(cx, scope->getGlobal(), GetExceptionProtoKey(copy->exnType), &proto))
        return NULL;
    JSObject *copyobj = NewNativeClassInstance(cx, &ErrorClass, proto, proto->getParent());
    autoFree.p = NULL;
    return copyobj;
예제 #4
ClonedBlockObject *
ClonedBlockObject::create(JSContext *cx, StaticBlockObject &block, StackFrame *fp)
    RootedVarTypeObject type(cx);
    type = block.getNewType(cx);
    if (!type)
        return NULL;

    HeapSlot *slots;
    if (!PreallocateObjectDynamicSlots(cx, block.lastProperty(), &slots))
        return NULL;

    RootedVarShape shape(cx);
    shape = block.lastProperty();

    JSObject *obj = JSObject::create(cx, FINALIZE_KIND, shape, type, slots);
    if (!obj)
        return NULL;

    /* Set the parent if necessary, as for call objects. */
    JSObject &global = fp->scopeChain().global();
    if (&global != obj->getParent()) {
        JS_ASSERT(obj->getParent() == NULL);
        if (!obj->setParent(cx, &global))
            return NULL;

    JS_ASSERT(obj->slotSpan() >= block.slotCount() + RESERVED_SLOTS);

    obj->setReservedSlot(DEPTH_SLOT, PrivateUint32Value(block.stackDepth()));
    obj->setPrivate(js_FloatingFrameIfGenerator(cx, fp));

    if (obj->lastProperty()->extensibleParents() && !obj->generateOwnShape(cx))
        return NULL;

    return &obj->asClonedBlock();
예제 #5
static JSBool
XPC_XOW_AddProperty(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsid id, jsval *vp)
  // All AddProperty needs to do is pass on addProperty requests to
  // same-origin objects, and throw for all else.

  obj = GetWrapper(obj);
  jsval resolving;
  if (!JS_GetReservedSlot(cx, obj, sFlagsSlot, &resolving)) {
    return JS_FALSE;

  if (!JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(*vp)) {
    JSObject *addedObj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp);
    if (addedObj->getClass() == &XOWClass &&
        addedObj->getParent() != obj->getParent()) {
      *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(GetWrappedObject(cx, addedObj));
      if (!WrapObject(cx, obj->getParent(), vp, nsnull)) {
        return JS_FALSE;

  if (HAS_FLAGS(resolving, FLAG_RESOLVING)) {
    // Allow us to define a property on ourselves.
    return JS_TRUE;

  JSObject *wrappedObj = GetWrappedObject(cx, obj);
  if (!wrappedObj) {
    return ThrowException(NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE, cx);

  JSBool privilegeEnabled = JS_FALSE;
  nsresult rv = CanAccessWrapper(cx, obj, wrappedObj, &privilegeEnabled);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
      // Can't override properties on foreign objects.
      return ThrowException(rv, cx);
    return JS_FALSE;

  // Same origin, pass this request along.
  return AddProperty(cx, obj, JS_TRUE, wrappedObj, id, vp);
예제 #6
RewrapIfNeeded(JSContext *cx, JSObject *outerObj, jsval *vp)
  // Don't need to wrap primitive values.
  if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(*vp)) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  JSObject *obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp);

  if (JS_ObjectIsFunction(cx, obj)) {
    return WrapFunction(cx, outerObj, obj, vp);

  XPCWrappedNative *wn = nsnull;
  if (obj->getClass() == &XOWClass &&
      outerObj->getParent() != obj->getParent()) {
    *vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(GetWrappedObject(cx, obj));
  } else if (!(wn = XPCWrappedNative::GetAndMorphWrappedNativeOfJSObject(cx, obj))) {
    return JS_TRUE;

  return WrapObject(cx, JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, outerObj), vp, wn);
JSCompartment::wrap(JSContext *cx, Value *vp)
    JS_ASSERT(cx->compartment == this);

    unsigned flags = 0;

    JS_CHECK_RECURSION(cx, return false);

    /* Only GC things have to be wrapped or copied. */
    if (!vp->isMarkable())
        return true;

    if (vp->isString()) {
        JSString *str = vp->toString();

        /* If the string is already in this compartment, we are done. */
        if (str->compartment() == this)
            return true;

        /* If the string is an atom, we don't have to copy. */
        if (str->isAtom()) {
            JS_ASSERT(str->compartment() == cx->runtime->atomsCompartment);
            return true;

     * Wrappers should really be parented to the wrapped parent of the wrapped
     * object, but in that case a wrapped global object would have a NULL
     * parent without being a proper global object (JSCLASS_IS_GLOBAL). Instead,
     * we parent all wrappers to the global object in their home compartment.
     * This loses us some transparency, and is generally very cheesy.
    JSObject *global;
    if (cx->hasfp()) {
        global = &cx->fp()->scopeChain().global();
    } else {
        global = JS_ObjectToInnerObject(cx, cx->globalObject);
        if (!global)
            return false;

    /* Unwrap incoming objects. */
    if (vp->isObject()) {
        JSObject *obj = &vp->toObject();

        /* If the object is already in this compartment, we are done. */
        if (obj->compartment() == this)
            return true;

        /* Translate StopIteration singleton. */
        if (obj->isStopIteration())
            return js_FindClassObject(cx, NULL, JSProto_StopIteration, vp);

        /* Don't unwrap an outer window proxy. */
        if (!obj->getClass()->ext.innerObject) {
            obj = UnwrapObject(&vp->toObject(), true, &flags);
            if (obj->compartment() == this)
                return true;

            if (cx->runtime->preWrapObjectCallback) {
                obj = cx->runtime->preWrapObjectCallback(cx, global, obj, flags);
                if (!obj)
                    return false;

            if (obj->compartment() == this)
                return true;
        } else {
            if (cx->runtime->preWrapObjectCallback) {
                obj = cx->runtime->preWrapObjectCallback(cx, global, obj, flags);
                if (!obj)
                    return false;

            JS_ASSERT(!obj->isWrapper() || obj->getClass()->ext.innerObject);

#ifdef DEBUG
            JSObject *outer = obj;
            OBJ_TO_OUTER_OBJECT(cx, outer);
            JS_ASSERT(outer && outer == obj);

    /* If we already have a wrapper for this value, use it. */
    if (WrapperMap::Ptr p = crossCompartmentWrappers.lookup(*vp)) {
        *vp = p->value;
        if (vp->isObject()) {
            JSObject *obj = &vp->toObject();
            if (global->getClass() != &dummy_class && obj->getParent() != global) {
                do {
                    if (!obj->setParent(cx, global))
                        return false;
                    obj = obj->getProto();
                } while (obj && obj->isCrossCompartmentWrapper());
        return true;

    if (vp->isString()) {
        Value orig = *vp;
        JSString *str = vp->toString();
        const jschar *chars = str->getChars(cx);
        if (!chars)
            return false;
        JSString *wrapped = js_NewStringCopyN(cx, chars, str->length());
        if (!wrapped)
            return false;
        return crossCompartmentWrappers.put(orig, *vp);

    JSObject *obj = &vp->toObject();

     * Recurse to wrap the prototype. Long prototype chains will run out of
     * stack, causing an error in CHECK_RECURSE.
     * Wrapping the proto before creating the new wrapper and adding it to the
     * cache helps avoid leaving a bad entry in the cache on OOM. But note that
     * if we wrapped both proto and parent, we would get infinite recursion
     * here (since Object.prototype->parent->proto leads to Object.prototype
     * itself).
    JSObject *proto = obj->getProto();
    if (!wrap(cx, &proto))
        return false;

     * We hand in the original wrapped object into the wrap hook to allow
     * the wrap hook to reason over what wrappers are currently applied
     * to the object.
    JSObject *wrapper = cx->runtime->wrapObjectCallback(cx, obj, proto, global, flags);
    if (!wrapper)
        return false;


    if (wrapper->getProto() != proto && !SetProto(cx, wrapper, proto, false))
        return false;

    if (!crossCompartmentWrappers.put(GetProxyPrivate(wrapper), *vp))
        return false;

    if (!wrapper->setParent(cx, global))
        return false;
    return true;
예제 #8
static JSBool
Exception(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp)
    JSString *message, *filename;
    JSStackFrame *fp;

     * ECMA ed. 3, 15.11.1 requires Error, etc., to construct even when
     * called as functions, without operator new.  But as we do not give
     * each constructor a distinct JSClass, whose .name member is used by
     * NewNativeClassInstance to find the class prototype, we must get the
     * class prototype ourselves.
    JSObject &callee = vp[0].toObject();
    Value protov;
    if (!callee.getProperty(cx, ATOM_TO_JSID(cx->runtime->atomState.classPrototypeAtom), &protov))
        return JS_FALSE;

    if (!protov.isObject()) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_BAD_PROTOTYPE, "Error");
        return JS_FALSE;

    JSObject *errProto = &protov.toObject();
    JSObject *obj = NewNativeClassInstance(cx, &js_ErrorClass, errProto, errProto->getParent());
    if (!obj)
        return JS_FALSE;

     * If it's a new object of class Exception, then null out the private
     * data so that the finalizer doesn't attempt to free it.
    if (obj->getClass() == &js_ErrorClass)

    /* Set the 'message' property. */
    Value *argv = vp + 2;
    if (argc != 0 && !argv[0].isUndefined()) {
        message = js_ValueToString(cx, argv[0]);
        if (!message)
            return JS_FALSE;
    } else {
        message = NULL;

    /* Set the 'fileName' property. */
    if (argc > 1) {
        filename = js_ValueToString(cx, argv[1]);
        if (!filename)
            return JS_FALSE;
        fp = NULL;
    } else {
        fp = js_GetScriptedCaller(cx, NULL);
        if (fp) {
            filename = FilenameToString(cx, fp->script()->filename);
            if (!filename)
                return JS_FALSE;
        } else {
            filename = cx->runtime->emptyString;

    /* Set the 'lineNumber' property. */
    uint32_t lineno;
    if (argc > 2) {
        if (!ValueToECMAUint32(cx, argv[2], &lineno))
            return JS_FALSE;
    } else {
        if (!fp)
            fp = js_GetScriptedCaller(cx, NULL);
        lineno = (fp && fp->pc(cx)) ? js_FramePCToLineNumber(cx, fp) : 0;

    if (obj->getClass() == &js_ErrorClass &&
            !InitExnPrivate(cx, obj, message, filename, lineno, NULL)) {
        return JS_FALSE;

    return JS_TRUE;
예제 #9
static JSBool
Exception(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

     * ECMA ed. 3, 15.11.1 requires Error, etc., to construct even when
     * called as functions, without operator new.  But as we do not give
     * each constructor a distinct JSClass, whose .name member is used by
     * NewNativeClassInstance to find the class prototype, we must get the
     * class prototype ourselves.
    Value protov;
    if (!args.callee().getProperty(cx, cx->runtime->atomState.classPrototypeAtom, &protov))
        return false;

    if (!protov.isObject()) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_BAD_PROTOTYPE, "Error");
        return false;

    JSObject *errProto = &protov.toObject();
    JSObject *obj = NewNativeClassInstance(cx, &ErrorClass, errProto, errProto->getParent());
    if (!obj)
        return false;

    /* Set the 'message' property. */
    JSString *message;
    if (args.length() != 0 && !args[0].isUndefined()) {
        message = js_ValueToString(cx, args[0]);
        if (!message)
            return false;
    } else {
        message = NULL;

    /* Find the scripted caller. */
    FrameRegsIter iter(cx);
    while (!iter.done() && !iter.fp()->isScriptFrame())

    /* Set the 'fileName' property. */
    JSString *filename;
    if (args.length() > 1) {
        filename = js_ValueToString(cx, args[1]);
        if (!filename)
            return false;
    } else {
        if (!iter.done()) {
            filename = FilenameToString(cx, iter.fp()->script()->filename);
            if (!filename)
                return false;
        } else {
            filename = cx->runtime->emptyString;

    /* Set the 'lineNumber' property. */
    uint32_t lineno;
    if (args.length() > 2) {
        if (!ValueToECMAUint32(cx, args[2], &lineno))
            return false;
    } else {
        lineno = iter.done() ? 0 : js_FramePCToLineNumber(cx, iter.fp(), iter.pc());

    intN exnType = args.callee().getReservedSlot(JSSLOT_ERROR_EXNTYPE).toInt32();
    if (!InitExnPrivate(cx, obj, message, filename, lineno, NULL, exnType))
        return false;

    return true;
예제 #10
 * Construct a call object for the given bindings.  If this is a call object
 * for a function invocation, callee should be the function being called.
 * Otherwise it must be a call object for eval of strict mode code, and callee
 * must be null.
CallObject *
CallObject::create(JSContext *cx, JSScript *script, JSObject &enclosing, JSObject *callee)
    RootedVarShape shape(cx);
    shape = script->bindings.callObjectShape(cx);
    if (shape == NULL)
        return NULL;

    gc::AllocKind kind = gc::GetGCObjectKind(shape->numFixedSlots() + 1);

    RootedVarTypeObject type(cx);

    type = cx->compartment->getEmptyType(cx);
    if (!type)
        return NULL;

    HeapSlot *slots;
    if (!PreallocateObjectDynamicSlots(cx, shape, &slots))
        return NULL;

    JSObject *obj = JSObject::create(cx, kind, shape, type, slots);
    if (!obj)
        return NULL;

     * Update the parent for bindings associated with non-compileAndGo scripts,
     * whose call objects do not have a consistent global variable and need
     * to be updated dynamically.
    JSObject &global = enclosing.global();
    if (&global != obj->getParent()) {
        JS_ASSERT(obj->getParent() == NULL);
        if (!obj->setParent(cx, &global))
            return NULL;

#ifdef DEBUG
    for (Shape::Range r = obj->lastProperty(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) {
        const Shape &s = r.front();
        if (s.hasSlot()) {
            JS_ASSERT(s.slot() + 1 == obj->slotSpan());

    if (!obj->asScope().setEnclosingScope(cx, enclosing))
        return NULL;

    JS_ASSERT_IF(callee, callee->isFunction());
    obj->initFixedSlot(CALLEE_SLOT, ObjectOrNullValue(callee));
    obj->initFixedSlot(ARGUMENTS_SLOT, MagicValue(JS_UNASSIGNED_ARGUMENTS));

     * If |bindings| is for a function that has extensible parents, that means
     * its Call should have its own shape; see BaseShape::extensibleParents.
    if (obj->lastProperty()->extensibleParents() && !obj->generateOwnShape(cx))
        return NULL;

    return &obj->asCall();