/** * Runs the motors with arcade steering. */ void OperatorControl(void) { HSLImage *Himage; Threshold targetThreshold(247, 255, 60, 140, 10, 50); BinaryImage *matchingPixels; vector<ParticleAnalysisReport> *pReport; //myRobot->SetSafetyEnabled(true); Saftey->SetEnabled(false); AxisCamera &mycam = AxisCamera::GetInstance(""); mycam.WriteResolution(AxisCamera::kResolution_640x480); mycam.WriteCompression(20); mycam.WriteBrightness(25); Wait(3.0); dsLCD = DriverStationLCD::GetInstance(); dsLCD->Clear(); float X[2]; float Y[2]; float Z[2]; while(IsOperatorControl()) { X[1] = Stick1->GetX(); X[2] = Stick2->GetX(); Y[1] = Stick1->GetY(); Y[2] = Stick2->GetY(); Z[1] = Stick1->GetZ(); Z[2] = Stick2->GetZ(); Jaguar1->Set(Y[1]); Jaguar2->Set(Y[2]); Wait(0.005); if (mycam.IsFreshImage()) { Himage = mycam.GetImage(); matchingPixels = Himage->ThresholdHSL(targetThreshold); pReport = matchingPixels->GetOrderedParticleAnalysisReports(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pReport->size(); i++) { printf("Index: %d X Center: %d Y Center: %d \n", i, (*pReport)[i].center_mass_x, (*pReport)[i].center_mass_y); } delete Himage; delete matchingPixels; delete pReport; } } //myRobot->ArcadeDrive(stick); // drive with arcade style (use right stick) //Wait(0.005); // wait for a motor update time }
/** * Runs the motors with arcade steering. */ void OperatorControl(void) { left1.Set(leftStick.GetY()); left2.Set(leftStick.GetY()); right1.Set(rightStick.GetY()); right2.Set(rightStick.GetY()); }
/** * Runs the motors with arcade steering. */ void OperatorControl() { myRobot.SetSafetyEnabled(true); while (IsOperatorControl() && IsEnabled()) { leftIntake.Set(0.8); rightIntake.Set(0.8); leftLift.Set(operatorStick.GetRawAxis(1)); rightLift.Set(operatorStick.GetRawAxis(1)); myRobot.TankDrive(driverStick.GetRawAxis(5), driverStick.GetRawAxis(1), true); // drive with arcade style (use right stick) Wait(0.005); // wait for a motor update time } }
/** * Runs the motors with arcade steering. */ void OperatorControl(void) { GetWatchdog().SetEnabled(true); compressor->Start(); GetWatchdog().SetExpiration(0.5); bool valve_state = false; while (IsOperatorControl()) { motor->Set(stick->GetY()); if (stick->GetRawButton(1) && !valve_state) { valve->Set(true); valve_state = true; } if (!stick->GetRawButton(1) && valve_state) { valve->Set(false); valve_state = false; } // Update driver station //dds->sendIOPortData(valve); GetWatchdog().Feed(); } }
void Reset() { m_talonCounter->Reset(); m_victorCounter->Reset(); m_jaguarCounter->Reset(); m_talon->Set(0.0f); m_victor->Set(0.0f); m_jaguar->Set(0.0f); }
/** * Runs the motors with arcade steering. */ void OperatorControl(void) { encoder.Start(); while (IsEnabled()) { float controlv = control.GetVoltage(); motor.Set(controlv/5); //get's voltage from control and divides it by 5 double rate = encoder.GetRate(); double distance = encoder.GetDistance(); printf ("%f %f \n", rate, distance); } }
void DriveAutonomously(float Speed, float Curve) { if (Curve < 0) //Right Turn { LeftDriveJaguar->Set(Speed); RightDriveJaguar->Set(Speed - (Curve * Speed)); } if (Curve < 0) //Left Turn { LeftDriveJaguar->Set(Speed - (Curve * Speed)); RightDriveJaguar->Set(Speed); } if (Curve == 0) //Straight { LeftDriveJaguar->Set(Speed); RightDriveJaguar->Set(Speed); } }
void Disabled(void) { bool stopped = false; while(!IsOperatorControl() && !IsAutonomous()) { if(!stopped) { frontLeftMotor->Set(0.0); rearLeftMotor->Set(0.0); frontRightMotor->Set(0.0); rearRightMotor->Set(0.0); liftMotor1->Set(0.0); liftMotor2->Set(0.0); gripMotor1->Set(0.0); //gripMotor2->Set(0.0); PIDLift->Reset(); PIDDriveLeft->Reset(); PIDDriveRight->Reset(); PIDGrip->Reset(); stopped = true; } } }
void Autonomous(void) { #if 1 /*int autoMode = 0; autoMode |= bcd1->Get(); autoMode <<= 1; autoMode |= bcd2->Get(); autoMode <<= 1; autoMode |= bcd3->Get() ;*/ //double ignoreLineStart = 0; GetWatchdog().SetEnabled(true); GetWatchdog().SetExpiration(0.2); float liftSP = 0; PIDLift->SetTolerance(10); PIDLift->SetContinuous(false); PIDLift->SetOutputRange(-0.75, 1); //BUGBUG PIDLift->SetPID(LIFTPROPGAIN, LIFTINTGAIN, LIFTDERIVGAIN); PIDLift->Enable(); PIDGrip->SetSetpoint(0); PIDGrip->Enable(); stopCount = 0; float reduction; int counts = 0; leftEncoder->Start(); rightEncoder->Start(); leftEncoder->Reset(); rightEncoder->Reset(); liftEncoder->Start(); liftEncoder->Reset(); leftEncoder->SetDistancePerPulse((6 * PI / 500)/reduction); rightEncoder->SetDistancePerPulse((6 * PI / 500)/reduction); double avgEncoderCount; float leftSpeed = .2, rightSpeed = .2; short int lsL,lsM,lsR; lineFollowDone = false; counts = 0; //int fancyWaiter = 0; int popstage = 0; goPop = false; double backStart = 0; double backTime = 0; double popStart = 0; double popTime = 0; bool backDone = false; miniDep->Set(miniDep->kForward); int liftCount = 0; bool disengageBrake = false; float lastLiftSP = 0; gripOpen1->Set(true); gripOpen2->Set(false); gripLatch1->Set(true); gripLatch2->Set(false); while(IsAutonomous()) { if(!(counts % 100))printf("%2.2f \n",getDistance()); if(backStart) backTime = GetClock(); if(popStart) popTime = GetClock(); //if(!ignoreLineStart)ignoreLineStart = GetClock(); if(!compSwitch->Get()) compressor->Set(compressor->kReverse); else compressor->Set(compressor->kOff); if(counts%3 == 0) { leftValue = lsLeft->Get(); middleValue = lsMiddle->Get(); rightValue = lsRight->Get(); } counts++; GetWatchdog().Feed(); //avgEncoderCount = (leftEncoder->Get() + rightEncoder->Get())/2; //myRobot.SetLeftRightMotorOutputs(.2,.2); //All three/five autonomous programs will do the same thing up until 87 inches from the wall if (counts % 100 == 0){//TESTING if(lsLeft->Get()){ lsL = 1; }else{ lsL = 0; } if(lsRight->Get()){ lsR = 1; }else{ lsR = 0; } if(lsMiddle->Get()){ lsM = 1; }else{ lsM = 0; } //printf("Encoder: %2.2f \n", (float)avgEncoderCount); //printf("Distance: %2.2f SensorL:%1d SensorM:%1d SensorR:%1d\n",getDistance(),lsL,lsM,lsR);//TESTING } #if FOLLOWLINE /*if(GetClock() - ignoreLineStart <= 0.5) { frontLeftMotor->Set(-.4); rearLeftMotor->Set(-.4); frontRightMotor->Set(.4); rearRightMotor->Set(.4); } else */if (false){//(avgEncoderCount <= SECONDBREAKDISTANCE){ followLine(); } #else if (getDistance() > 24){ frontLeftMotor->Set(-leftSpeed); rearLeftMotor->Set(-leftSpeed); frontRightMotor->Set(rightSpeed); rearRightMotor->Set(rightSpeed); if(leftEncoder->Get() > rightEncoder->Get() && leftSpeed == .2){ rightSpeed += .03; }else if(leftEncoder->Get() >rightEncoder->Get() && leftSpeed > .2){ leftSpeed -= .03; }else if(leftEncoder->Get() < rightEncoder->Get() && rightSpeed == .2){ leftSpeed += .03; }else if(leftEncoder->Get() < rightEncoder->Get() && rightSpeed > .2){ rightSpeed -= .03; } } #endif else{ if(counts % 100 == 0) {printf("DISTANCE: %2.2f\n",getDistance());} switch(FOLLOWLINE) { case STRAIGHTLINEMODE: //Straight line. Scores on middle column of left or right grid. //if(lineFollowDone && !(counts %50)) printf("Lift error: %f \n", PIDLift->GetError()); lastLiftSP = liftSP; if(!lineFollowDone) { followLine(); } else if(!PIDLift->GetSetpoint() && !popstage && !backStart) { //if(counts % 50 == 0)printf("Go backward\n"); frontLeftMotor->Set(.3); rearLeftMotor->Set(.3); frontRightMotor->Set(-.3); rearRightMotor->Set(-.3); //PIDLift->SetSetpoint(LIFTMID2); liftSP = LIFTHIGH2 + 0.025; //fancyWaiter = counts; backStart = GetClock(); printf("Setpoint set setpoint set setpoint set \n"); /* if(leftValue && middleValue && rightValue) { printf("Stopped 2nd time\n"); goPop = true; frontLeftMotor->Set(0); rearLeftMotor->Set(0); frontRightMotor->Set(0); rearRightMotor->Set(0); PIDLift->SetSetpoint(LIFTHIGH2); } */ } #if 1 //if we've backed up for half a second and we're not popping else if((backTime - backStart) > 0.65 && !backDone) { printf("Stopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ONE\n"); frontLeftMotor->Set(0); rearLeftMotor->Set(0); frontRightMotor->Set(0); rearRightMotor->Set(0); //PIDLift->SetSetpoint(LIFTMID2); liftSP = LIFTHIGH2; backDone = true; //Wait(.01); //lift->brakeOff(); //fancyWaiter = counts; //printf("Fancy waiter set Fancy waiter set Fancy waiter set"); } /* else if(lift->getPosition() < LIFTHIGH2) { //Move teh lifts //if(counts % 100 == 0) printf("Stopping because lineFollowDone == true\n"); PIDLift->SetSetpoint(LIFTHIGH2); } */ //if the lift is at the top and we're done backing up else if(PIDLift->GetSetpoint() && fabs(liftSP - lift->getPosition()) < 0.015 && backDone) { if(!popStart) popStart = GetClock(); if(popstage == 0) { //lift->brakeOn(); //PIDLift->SetSetpoint(lift->getPosition()); popstage++; printf("BRAKE BRAKE BRAKE BRAKE BRAKE \n"); } else if(popstage == 1 && popTime - popStart > 0.1) { #if !(INNERGRIP) gripOpen1->Set(true); gripOpen2->Set(false); #else gripOpen1->Set(false); gripOpen2->Set(true); #endif popstage++; printf("OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN \n"); } else if(popstage == 2 && popTime - popStart > 0.35) { gripPop1->Set(true); gripPop2->Set(false); popstage++; printf("POP POP POP POP POP POP POP \n"); } else if(popstage == 3 && popTime - popStart > 1.35) { gripPop1->Set(false); gripPop2->Set(true); frontLeftMotor->Set(.2); rearLeftMotor->Set(.2); frontRightMotor->Set(-.2); rearRightMotor->Set(-.2); popstage++; printf("UNPOP UNPOP UNPOP UNPOP UNPOP \n"); } else if(popstage == 4 && popTime - popStart > 1.85) { printf("DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN \n"); frontLeftMotor->Set(0); rearLeftMotor->Set(0); frontRightMotor->Set(0); rearRightMotor->Set(0); //PIDLift->SetSetpoint(0); liftSP = 0; } /* else if(popstage == 4 && popTime - popStart > 1.85) { printf("DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN \n"); frontLeftMotor->Set(min(0.3, 0.25*(popTime - popStart - 1.85))); rearLeftMotor->Set(min(0.3, 0.25*(popTime - popStart - 1.85))); frontRightMotor->Set(max(-0.3, -0.25*(popTime - popStart - 1.85))); rearRightMotor->Set(max(-0.3, -0.25*(popTime - popStart - 1.85))); //PIDLift->SetSetpoint(0); liftSP = 0; popstage++; } else if(popstage == 5 && popTime - popStart > 4.85) { frontLeftMotor->Set(0); rearLeftMotor->Set(0); frontRightMotor->Set(0); rearRightMotor->Set(0); } */ } //Start tele-op lift code if(!lift->isBraking() && !disengageBrake) { PIDLift->SetSetpoint(liftSP); if(liftSP == 0 && liftPIDSource->PIDGet() < 0.1) { //PIDLift->SetPID(LIFTPROPGAIN, LIFTINTGAIN, 3*LIFTDERIVGAIN); PIDLift->SetOutputRange(-liftPIDSource->PIDGet() - 0.1, 1); } else PIDLift->SetOutputRange(-0.75, 1); } if(lift->isBraking() && lastLiftSP != liftSP) { PIDLift->SetSetpoint(lift->getPosition() + 0.04); PIDLift->SetPID(11.5 + 2*lift->getPosition(), LIFTINTGAIN + 0.4 + 3*lift->getPosition()/10, 0); lift->brakeOff(); disengageBrake = true; if(!liftCount) liftCount = counts; } //set brake (because near) if(fabs(PIDLift->GetError()) < 0.015 && !lift->isBraking() && !disengageBrake) { if(liftCount == 0) liftCount = counts; if(counts - liftCount > 1000) { PIDLift->Reset(); liftMotor1->Set(LIFTNEUTRALPOWER); liftMotor2->Set(LIFTNEUTRALPOWER); Wait(0.02); lift->brakeOn(); Wait(0.02); liftMotor1->Set(0.0); liftMotor2->Set(0.0); PIDLift->Enable(); //PIDLift->SetSetpoint(lift->getPosition()); liftCount = 0; } if(counts%3000) printf("Braking/Not PID \n"); } if(lift->isBraking() && !(counts%100000)) PIDLift->SetSetpoint(lift->getPosition()); if(fabs(PIDLift->GetError()) < 0.01 && disengageBrake && counts - liftCount > 1000) { disengageBrake = false; PIDLift->SetPID(LIFTPROPGAIN, LIFTINTGAIN, LIFTDERIVGAIN); liftCount = 0; } //End tele-op lift code #endif //myRobot.SetLeftRightMotorOutputs(0,0); break; case NOLINEMODE: //Fork turn left. Scores on far right column of left grid. lineFollowDone = true; if(!lineFollowDone){} else if(!PIDLift->GetSetpoint() && !popstage && !backStart) { //if(counts % 50 == 0)printf("Go backward\n"); frontLeftMotor->Set(.3); rearLeftMotor->Set(.3); frontRightMotor->Set(-.3); rearRightMotor->Set(-.3); //PIDLift->SetSetpoint(LIFTMID2); liftSP = LIFTHIGH2; //fancyWaiter = counts; backStart = GetClock(); printf("Setpoint set setpoint set setpoint set \n"); /* if(leftValue && middleValue && rightValue) { printf("Stopped 2nd time\n"); goPop = true; frontLeftMotor->Set(0); rearLeftMotor->Set(0); frontRightMotor->Set(0); rearRightMotor->Set(0); PIDLift->SetSetpoint(LIFTHIGH2); } */ } #if 1 //if we've backed up for half a second and we're not popping else if((backTime - backStart) > 0.65 && !backDone) { printf("Stopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ONE\n"); frontLeftMotor->Set(0); rearLeftMotor->Set(0); frontRightMotor->Set(0); rearRightMotor->Set(0); //PIDLift->SetSetpoint(LIFTMID2); liftSP = LIFTHIGH2; backDone = true; //Wait(.01); //lift->brakeOff(); //fancyWaiter = counts; //printf("Fancy waiter set Fancy waiter set Fancy waiter set"); } /* else if(lift->getPosition() < LIFTHIGH2) { //Move teh lifts //if(counts % 100 == 0) printf("Stopping because lineFollowDone == true\n"); PIDLift->SetSetpoint(LIFTHIGH2); } */ //if the lift is at the top and we're done backing up else if(PIDLift->GetSetpoint() && fabs(liftSP - lift->getPosition()) < 0.015 && backDone) { if(!popStart) popStart = GetClock(); if(popstage == 0) { //lift->brakeOn(); //PIDLift->SetSetpoint(lift->getPosition()); popstage++; printf("BRAKE BRAKE BRAKE BRAKE BRAKE \n"); } else if(popstage == 1 && popTime - popStart > 0.1) { #if !(INNERGRIP) gripOpen1->Set(true); gripOpen2->Set(false); #else gripOpen1->Set(false); gripOpen2->Set(true); #endif popstage++; printf("OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN \n"); } else if(popstage == 2 && popTime - popStart > 0.35) { gripPop1->Set(true); gripPop2->Set(false); popstage++; printf("POP POP POP POP POP POP POP \n"); } else if(popstage == 3 && popTime - popStart > 1.35) { gripPop1->Set(false); gripPop2->Set(true); frontLeftMotor->Set(.2); rearLeftMotor->Set(.2); frontRightMotor->Set(-.2); rearRightMotor->Set(-.2); popstage++; printf("UNPOP UNPOP UNPOP UNPOP UNPOP \n"); } else if(popstage == 4 && popTime - popStart > 1.85) { printf("DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN \n"); frontLeftMotor->Set(0); rearLeftMotor->Set(0); frontRightMotor->Set(0); rearRightMotor->Set(0); //PIDLift->SetSetpoint(0); liftSP = 0; } } //Start tele-op lift code if(!lift->isBraking() && !disengageBrake) { PIDLift->SetSetpoint(liftSP); if(liftSP == 0 && liftPIDSource->PIDGet() < 0.1) //BUGBUG { //PIDLift->SetPID(LIFTPROPGAIN, LIFTINTGAIN, 3*LIFTDERIVGAIN); PIDLift->SetOutputRange(-liftPIDSource->PIDGet() - 0.1, 1.); //BUGBUG } else PIDLift->SetOutputRange(-0.75, 1.); //BUGBUG } if(lift->isBraking() && lastLiftSP != liftSP) { PIDLift->SetSetpoint(lift->getPosition() + 0.04); PIDLift->SetPID(11.5 + 2*lift->getPosition(), LIFTINTGAIN + 0.4 + 3*lift->getPosition()/10, 0); lift->brakeOff(); disengageBrake = true; if(!liftCount) liftCount = counts; } //set brake (because near) if(fabs(PIDLift->GetError()) < 0.015 && !lift->isBraking() && !disengageBrake) { if(liftCount == 0) liftCount = counts; if(counts - liftCount > 1000) { PIDLift->Reset(); liftMotor1->Set(LIFTNEUTRALPOWER); liftMotor2->Set(LIFTNEUTRALPOWER); Wait(0.02); lift->brakeOn(); Wait(0.02); liftMotor1->Set(0.0); liftMotor2->Set(0.0); PIDLift->Enable(); //PIDLift->SetSetpoint(lift->getPosition()); liftCount = 0; } if(counts%3000) printf("Braking/Not PID \n"); } if(lift->isBraking() && !(counts%100000)) PIDLift->SetSetpoint(lift->getPosition()); if(fabs(PIDLift->GetError()) < 0.01 && disengageBrake && counts - liftCount > 1000) { disengageBrake = false; PIDLift->SetPID(LIFTPROPGAIN, LIFTINTGAIN, LIFTDERIVGAIN); liftCount = 0; } //End tele-op lift code #endif //myRobot.SetLeftRightMotorOutputs(0,0); break; case FORKRIGHTMODE://Fork turn right. Scores on far left column of right grid. if(leftEncoder->GetDistance() <= rightEncoder->GetDistance() + 6) { frontLeftMotor->Set(.2); rearLeftMotor->Set(.2); frontRightMotor->Set(0); rearRightMotor->Set(0); } else if(getDistance() >= SCOREDISTANCE) { followLine(); } //score here //myRobot.SetLeftRightMotorOutputs(0,0); break; } } } /*frontRightMotor->Set(0); rearRightMotor->Set(0); frontLeftMotor->Set(0); rearLeftMotor->Set(0);*/ Wait(.02); #endif }
void followLine() { float turnMod; if(leftValue && middleValue && rightValue && !lineFollowDone){ stopCount++; if(/*getDistance() < 87 &&*/ stopCount >= 10) { frontLeftMotor->Set(0.0); rearLeftMotor->Set(0.0); frontRightMotor->Set(0.0); rearRightMotor->Set(0.0); lineFollowDone = true; printf("LINE FOLLOW IS DONE!!!!!!!!!!1\n"); } }else if(lineFollowDone){ frontLeftMotor->Set(0.0); rearLeftMotor->Set(0.0); frontRightMotor->Set(0.0); rearRightMotor->Set(0.0); }else{ stopCount = 0; if (middleValue){ turnMod = 0; } else if (leftValue < rightValue) { turnMod = -.1; } else if (leftValue > rightValue) { turnMod = .1; } else { turnMod = 0; } //myRobot.SetLeftRightMotorOutputs(.5 - turnMod, .5 + turnMod); frontLeftMotor->Set(-.4 + turnMod); rearLeftMotor->Set(-.4 + turnMod); frontRightMotor->Set(.4 + turnMod); rearRightMotor->Set(.4 + turnMod); } }
void Autonomous(void) { GetWatchdog().Kill(); cmp->Start();//compressor cd->MecanumDrive(0, 0, 0); minibot->Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); while(IsAutonomous() && IsEnabled()) { GetWatchdog().Kill(); AlmostZeroPi = manEnc->GetDistance() -1;//Zeros encoder on manipulator with margin for error /* Before including below, check line tracking is proper, then fix below code for bottom scoring cd->MecanumDrive(0, -.4, 0); Wait(.15f); if(IO.GetDigital(11)) { while(!track->TrackLine(-1)) { if(!IsEnabled()) break; } while(!track->TrackLine(0)) { if(!IsEnabled()) break; } }; if(IO.GetDigital(13)) { while(!track->TrackLine(0)) { if(!IsEnabled()) break; } }; if(IO.GetDigital(15)) { while(!track->TrackLine(1)) { if(!IsEnabled()) break; } while(!track->TrackLine(0)) { if(!IsEnabled()) break; } */};/* break; }; //man open && score here cd->MecanumDrive(0, .35, 0); Wait(1.0f); //move manipulator to 0 cd->MecanumDrive(0, .35, 0); Wait(.8f); cd->MecanumDrive(0, 0, 0);*/ if (!game){//if you arent in the game, kill compressor and brings manipulator to 0 so you dont need to reset cmp->Stop(); while (manEnc->GetDistance() < AlmostZeroPi) { manJag->Set(.1); } } }
/** * Set the PWM value. * * The PWM value is set using a range of -1.0 to 1.0, appropriately * scaling the value for the FPGA. * * @param slot The slot the digital module is plugged into * @param channel The PWM channel connected to this speed controller * @param speed The speed value between -1.0 and 1.0 to set. */ void SetJaguarSpeed(UINT32 slot, UINT32 channel, float speed) { Jaguar *jaguar = (Jaguar *) AllocatePWM(slot, channel, CreateJaguarStatic); if (jaguar) jaguar->Set(speed); }
/****************************************************** * Drive left & right motors for 2 seconds then stop * ******************************************************/ void Autonomous(void) { //increase 2nd RPM compressor.Start(); // starts the compressor; bool BRIDGE = bridge.Get(); bool HIGH = high.Get(); bool MIDDLE = middle.Get(); bool TWOSEC = twosec.Get(); bool FIVESEC = fivesec.Get(); int highRPM = 1800; // 1st 1800 short about 5 ft int secondhighRPM = 1800; //1st 1400 (did not fire) int rpmForShooter; DriverStationLCD *dslcd = DriverStationLCD::GetInstance(); // don't press SHIFT 5 times; this line starts up driver station messages (in theory char debugout [100]; // baddog.SetExpiration(30.0); // baddog.Feed(); dslcd->Clear(); sprintf(debugout,"Bridge=%u",BRIDGE); dslcd->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,1,debugout); sprintf(debugout,"High=%u",HIGH); dslcd->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2,2,debugout); sprintf(debugout,"Middle=%u",MIDDLE); dslcd->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3,3,debugout); sprintf(debugout,"TwoSec=%u",TWOSEC); dslcd->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,4,debugout); sprintf(debugout,"FiveSec=%u",FIVESEC); dslcd->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line5,5,debugout); dslcd->UpdateLCD(); // update the Driver Station with the information in the code */ if (BRIDGE == 0 && HIGH == 0 && MIDDLE == 0 && TWOSEC == 0 && FIVESEC == 0) { myRobot.Drive(0.0, 0.0); Wait(10.0); } if (BRIDGE == 1 && HIGH == 0 && MIDDLE == 0 && TWOSEC == 0 && FIVESEC == 0) //1700 RPM { /*myRobot.Drive(-0.5, 0.0); Wait(3.0); */ flashring.Set(Relay::kForward); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<7) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1700); //wait-0.01 Wait(0.005); } lynx.Set(-1.0); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<1) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1700); Wait(0.005); } turret.Set(-0.05); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<0.2) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1700); Wait(0.005); } turret.Set(0.0); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2.0) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1700); Wait(0.005); } // lynx.Set(0.0); shepard.Set(true); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2.0) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1700); Wait(0.005); } shepard.Set(false); shooter.setTargetRPM((int)0); flashring.Set(Relay::kOff); lynx.Set(0.0); } if (BRIDGE == 1 && HIGH == 1 && MIDDLE == 0 && TWOSEC == 0 && FIVESEC == 0) //main autonomous code-default { flashring.Set(Relay::kForward); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<7) { shooter.setTargetRPM((int)highRPM); //wait-0.01 Wait(0.005); } lynx.Set(-1.0); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<1) { shooter.setTargetRPM((int)highRPM); Wait(0.005); } turret.Set(-0.05); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<0.2) { shooter.setTargetRPM((int)secondhighRPM); Wait(0.005); } turret.Set(0.0); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2.0) { shooter.setTargetRPM((int)secondhighRPM); Wait(0.005); } // lynx.Set(0.0); shepard.Set(true); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2.0) { shooter.setTargetRPM((int)secondhighRPM); Wait(0.005); } shepard.Set(false); shooter.setTargetRPM((int)0); flashring.Set(Relay::kOff); lynx.Set(0.0); // baddog.Feed(); } if (BRIDGE == 1 && HIGH == 1 && MIDDLE == 0 && TWOSEC == 1 && FIVESEC == 0) { //Wait(2.0); //Robot aims //Robot shoots //myRobot.Drive(-0.5, 0.0); //Wait(3.0); flashring.Set(Relay::kForward); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<7) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1900); //wait-0.01 Wait(0.005); } lynx.Set(-1.0); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<1) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1900); Wait(0.005); } turret.Set(-0.05); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<0.2) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1800); Wait(0.005); } turret.Set(0.0); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2.0) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1800); Wait(0.005); } // lynx.Set(0.0); shepard.Set(true); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2.0) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1800); Wait(0.005); } shepard.Set(false); shooter.setTargetRPM((int)0); flashring.Set(Relay::kOff); lynx.Set(0.0); } if (BRIDGE == 1 && HIGH == 1 && MIDDLE == 0 && TWOSEC == 0 && FIVESEC == 1) { Wait(5.0); //Robot aims //Robot shoots //myRobot.Drive(-0.5, 0.0); myRobot.Drive(0.0,0.0); Wait(3.0); } if (BRIDGE == 1 && HIGH == 0 && MIDDLE == 1 && TWOSEC == 0 && FIVESEC == 0) { //Robot aims //Robot shoots myRobot.Drive(-0.5, 0.0); Wait(3.0); } if (BRIDGE == 1 && HIGH == 0 && MIDDLE == 1 && TWOSEC == 1 && FIVESEC == 0) { Wait(2.0); //Robot aims //Robot shoots myRobot.Drive(-0.5, 0.0); Wait(3.0); } if (BRIDGE == 1 && HIGH == 0 && MIDDLE == 1 && TWOSEC == 0 && FIVESEC == 5) { Wait(5.0); //Robot aims //Robot shoots myRobot.Drive(-0.5, 0.0); Wait(3.0); } if (BRIDGE == 0 && HIGH == 1 && MIDDLE == 0 && TWOSEC == 0 && FIVESEC == 0) //position robot-front of key-low RPMs { //Robot aims //Robot shoots //myRobot.Drive(-0.5, 0.0); //Wait(3.0); flashring.Set(Relay::kForward); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<7) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1600); //wait-0.01 Wait(0.005); } lynx.Set(-1.0); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<1) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1600); Wait(0.005); } turret.Set(-0.05); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<0.2) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1600); Wait(0.005); } turret.Set(0.0); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2.0) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1600); Wait(0.005); } // lynx.Set(0.0); shepard.Set(true); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2.0) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1600); Wait(0.005); } shepard.Set(false); shooter.setTargetRPM((int)0); flashring.Set(Relay::kOff); lynx.Set(0.0); } if (BRIDGE == 0 && HIGH == 1 && MIDDLE == 0 && TWOSEC == 1 && FIVESEC == 0) { Wait(2.0); //Robot aims //Robot shoots myRobot.Drive(-0.5, 0.0); Wait(3.0); } if (BRIDGE == 0 && HIGH == 1 && MIDDLE == 0 && TWOSEC == 0 && FIVESEC == 1) { Wait(5.0); //Robot aims //Robot shoots myRobot.Drive(-0.5, 0.0); Wait(3.0); } if (BRIDGE == 0 && HIGH == 0 && MIDDLE == 1 && TWOSEC == 0 && FIVESEC == 0) { //Robot aims //Robot shoots myRobot.Drive(-0.5, 0.0); Wait(3.0); } if (BRIDGE == 0 && HIGH == 0 && MIDDLE == 1 && TWOSEC == 1 && FIVESEC == 0) { Wait(2.0); //Robot aims //Robot shoots myRobot.Drive(-0.5, 0.0); Wait(3.0); } if (BRIDGE == 0 && HIGH == 0 && MIDDLE == 1 && TWOSEC == 0 && FIVESEC == 5) { Wait(5.0); //Robot aims //Robot shoots myRobot.Drive(-0.5, 0.0); Wait(3.0); } if (BRIDGE == 0 && HIGH == 0 && MIDDLE == 1 && TWOSEC == 1 && FIVESEC == 1) { flashring.Set(Relay::kForward); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); targeting.SetLMHTarget(BOGEY_H); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2) { if (targeting.ProcessOneImage()) { targeting.ChooseBogey(); targeting.MoveTurret(); rpmForShooter = targeting.GetCalculatedRPM(); shooter.setTargetRPM(rpmForShooter); Wait(0.01); } } targeting.StopPID(); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get() < 7) { shooter.setTargetRPM(rpmForShooter); Wait(0.005); } lynx.Set(-1.0); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<1) { shooter.setTargetRPM(rpmForShooter); Wait(0.005); } turret.Set(-0.05); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<0.2) { shooter.setTargetRPM(rpmForShooter); Wait(0.005); } turret.Set(0.0); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2.0) { shooter.setTargetRPM(rpmForShooter); Wait(0.005); } // lynx.Set(0.0); shepard.Set(true); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2.0) { shooter.setTargetRPM(rpmForShooter); Wait(0.005); } shepard.Set(false); shooter.setTargetRPM((int)0); flashring.Set(Relay::kOff); lynx.Set(0.0); } if (BRIDGE == 1 && HIGH == 1 && MIDDLE == 1 && TWOSEC == 0 && FIVESEC == 0) { flashring.Set(Relay::kForward); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<7) { shooter.setTargetRPM(2000); //high RPM //wait-0.01 Wait(0.005); } lynx.Set(-1.0); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<1) { shooter.setTargetRPM(2000); //high RPM Wait(0.005); } turret.Set(-0.05); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<0.2) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1800); //low RPM Wait(0.005); } turret.Set(0.0); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2.0) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1800); //low RPM Wait(0.005); } // lynx.Set(0.0); shepard.Set(true); ShooterTimer.Reset(); ShooterTimer.Start(); while(ShooterTimer.Get()<2.0) { shooter.setTargetRPM(1800); //low RPM Wait(0.005); } shepard.Set(false); shooter.setTargetRPM((int)0); flashring.Set(Relay::kOff); lynx.Set(0.0); } //baddog.Feed(); myRobot.SetSafetyEnabled(false); }
/** * Runs the motors with arcade steering. */ void OperatorControl(void) { myRobot->SetSafetyEnabled(true); while (IsOperatorControl()) { bool setLimit; double cimValue1= -scaleThrottle(-(stick->GetZ())); //Set desired speed from the Throttle, assuming from -1 to 1, also invert the cim, since we want it to rotate coutnerclockwise/clockwise double cimValue2= scaleThrottle(-(stick->GetZ())); //Set desired speed from the Throttle, assuming from -1 to 1 //For shooter /*if (stick.GetRawButton(1) == true) { //back of the robot is moved forward by pushing forward on the joystick myRobot.ArcadeDrive((stick.GetY()), (stick.GetX()), false); // inverted drive control } else { //front of the robot is moved forward by pushing forward on the joystick myRobot.ArcadeDrive(-(stick.GetY()), (stick.GetX()), false); // normal drive control } */ //For manual button speed control, this sets the speed if (stick->GetRawButton(4) == true) { cim1->Set(cimValue1); //use the value from the throttle to set cim speed cim2->Set(cimValue2);//Get speed from throttle, and then scale it setLimit = true; //Open Ball Stopper } else { cim1->Set(0.0); cim2->Set(0.0); setLimit = false; //Close Ball Stopper } //For precisebelt pickup if (stick->GetRawButton(1) == true) { //back of the robot is moved forward by pushing forward on the joystick if (setLimit == true) { JagBelt->ArcadeDrive(0.1, (stick->GetX()), false); // inverted drive control } else { JagBelt->ArcadeDrive((stick->GetY()), (stick->GetX()), false); // inverted drive control } } else { //front of the robot is moved forward by pushing forward on the joystick if (setLimit == true) { JagBelt->ArcadeDrive(-0.1, (stick->GetX()), false); // inverted drive control } else { JagBelt->ArcadeDrive(-(stick->GetY()), (stick->GetX()), false); // inverted drive control } } //For normal belt pickup /*if (stick->GetRawButton(6) == true) { JagBelt->Drive(1.0, 0); //opens gripper } else { JagBelt->Drive(0.0, 0); //closes gripper } */ //For drive if (rightstick->GetRawButton(1) == true) { //back of the robot is moved forward by pushing forward on the joystick if (rightstick->GetRawButton(10) == true) { precisionMode= true; } else { precisionMode= false; } myRobot->ArcadeDrive((rightstick->GetY()), (rightstick->GetX()), precisionMode); // inverted drive control } else { if (rightstick->GetRawButton(10) == true) { precisionMode= true; } else { precisionMode= false; } //front of the robot is moved forward by pushing forward on the joystick myRobot->ArcadeDrive(-(rightstick->GetY()), (rightstick->GetX()), precisionMode); // normal drive control } /*if (stick->GetRawButton(8) == true) { cim1->Set(-0.37); //run cim 1 at 50% speed counterclockwise?? cim2->Set(0.37); // run cim at 50% speed clockwise check = true; //indicate if motors are running } else if (check == true){ // if motors are running a Wait(2.0); belt->Set(1); // run the belt Wait(2.0); // one sec delay belt->Set(0.0); // turn belt off check = false; // put new check } else if (check == false){ //if false // 2 sec delay to wait for the first ball to shoot cim1->Set(0.0); //stop cims cim2->Set(0.0); } else { // Stop everything cim1->Set(0.0); //stop cims cim2->Set(0.0); belt->Set(0.0); } */ //Code for using window motor if (rightstick->GetRawButton(4)) { window->Set(Relay::kOn); window->Set(Relay::kForward); // tell window motor to go forward } else if (rightstick->GetRawButton(5) == true){ window->Set(Relay::kOn); window->Set(Relay::kReverse); //tell window motor to go backward } else { //Wait(1.0); window->Set(Relay::kOff); //turn it off, if the relays aint being used } //Code for Banebot Motor for stopping ballz if (stick->GetRawButton(2) == true) { // press button TWO to close pickStop->Set(-0.5); //closes ball stopper Wait(1); pickStop->Set(0.0); } else if (stick->GetRawButton(3) == true){ //press button three to open pickStop->Set(0.5); //opens ball stopper Wait(1.2); // too slow, so needs more time pickStop->Set(0.0); } else if (stick->GetRawButton(5)== true){ //press 5 to stop imediately, useful for adjusting angles... //Wait(1.0); pickStop->Set(0.0); } //Code for ... servoooo if (stick->GetRawButton(10) == true) { //press 10 on the left stick... bar->SetAngle(60); // set the angles to 60...clockwise? bar2->SetAngle(60); } else if (stick->GetRawButton(11) == true) // press 11 on the left stick { bar->SetAngle(-60); //set the angles to -60...counterclockwise? bar2->SetAngle(-60); } // Initialize functions... // RelayServo(); //PreciseBelt(); //UltrasonicRange(); // Accelerometer(); //dash->GetPacketNumber(); // send data back to dashboard dash->GetPacketNumber(); //not sure why this is here 0_0 //int limitValue= limitSwitch->Get() ? 1 : 0; // retrieve 1 and 0 only.../ look for 0 and 1 float servoAngle = bar->GetAngle(); //dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1, 1, "Limit State: %d", limitValue); //send data back to driver station... // dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2, 2, "Servo Angle: %f", servoAngle); //send data back to driver station... float gyroVal = gyro -> GetVoltage();//Gets voltage from gyro float ultraVal = rangeFinder -> GetVoltage(); //Get voltage from ultrasonic sensor float tempVal = Temperature -> GetVoltage();//Gets temperature //Do the math to convert data received from the ultrasonic volts->miliVolts->milivolts per inch->inches float Vm = (ultraVal*1000); float Ri = (Vm/9.765625); // Print data back to dashboard dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1, 1, "Ultrasonic Range: %f",Ri); dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2, 1, "Gyro: %f", gyroVal); dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3, 1, "Temperature: %f", tempVal); dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4, 1, "Cim1 Speed: %f%%", (cimValue1*100)); //display speed that the mototrs are reunning at different percentages... dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line5, 1, "Cim2 Speed: %f%%", (cimValue2*100)); //Update dashboard dsLCD->UpdateLCD(); } }
void OperatorControl(void) { //Open the file //setup watchdog GetWatchdog().SetEnabled(true); GetWatchdog().SetExpiration(0.3); theEncoder->Start(); //theLift->Enable(); #if RATE #endif float maxHeight = 0; float maxRate = 0; while (IsOperatorControl()) { printf("Distance %f rate %f maxHeight %f maxRate %f\n", theEncoder->GetDistance(), theEncoder->GetRate(), maxHeight, maxRate); if(writing) { write(); }else if (!closed){ printf("CLOSED!"); myfile.close(); closed = true; } Wait(.01); if(theEncoder->GetDistance() > maxHeight) maxHeight = theEncoder->GetDistance(); if(theEncoder->GetRate() > maxRate) maxRate = theEncoder->GetRate(); //check whether we should switch modes /*if (decelToStop(theEncoder->GetRate(),SETPOINT_METERS - theEncoder->GetDistance()) <= MAXDECEL && !decel) { decelRate = decelToStop(theEncoder->GetRate(),SETPOINT_METERS - theEncoder->GetDistance()); cout<<"DecelRate: "<<decelRate<<endl; decel = true; printf("BEGINNING DECELERATION\n"); initTime = GetTime(); }*/ /*if(theEncoder->GetDistance() > 1.0) { theJag->Set(0.0); writing = false; //theLift->SetPID(.3,0,0); //theLift->SetSetpoint(0.0); done = true; }else if(!done){ theJag->Set(1.0); //theLift->SetSetpoint(1.5); } */ if(theEncoder->GetDistance() >= SETPOINT_METERS) { done = true; theJag->Set(0.0); writing = false; }else if (!done){ theJag->Set(1.0); } rateSetpoint = vFinal + (decelRate * (GetTime() / pow(10,9))); #if 0 if(theEncoder->GetDistance() >= SETPOINT_METERS) { theJag->Set(0.0); writing = false; }else if(decel){ #if RATE //theLift->SetSetpoint(rateSetpoint); theJag->Set(0.0); #else theLift->SetSetpoint(SETPOINT_METERS); #endif }else{ theJag->Set(1.0); } #if RATE #else theLift->SetSetpoint(SETPOINT_METERS); #endif #endif GetWatchdog().Feed(); } }
void UpdateJoystickDrive() //Gets the value of the left and right joystick and sets it to the power of the left and right jaguars { LeftDriveJaguar->Set(LeftJoystickDrive->GetY()); RightDriveJaguar->Set(RightJoystickDrive->GetY()); }
void OperatorControl(void) { autonomous = false; //myRobot.SetSafetyEnabled(false); //myRobot.SetInvertedMotor(kFrontLeftMotor, true); // myRobot.SetInvertedMotor(3, true); //variables for great pid double rightSpeed,leftSpeed; float rightSP, leftSP, liftSP, lastLiftSP, gripSP, tempLeftSP, tempRightSP; float stickY[2]; float stickYAbs[2]; bool lightOn = false; AxisCamera &camera = AxisCamera::GetInstance(); camera.WriteResolution(AxisCameraParams::kResolution_160x120); camera.WriteMaxFPS(5); camera.WriteBrightness(50); camera.WriteRotation(AxisCameraParams::kRotation_0); rightEncoder->Start(); leftEncoder->Start(); liftEncoder->Start(); rightEncoder->Reset(); leftEncoder->Reset(); liftEncoder->Reset(); bool fastest = false; //transmission mode float reduction = 1; //gear reduction from bool bDrivePID = false; //float maxSpeed = 500; float liftPower = 0; float liftPos = -10; bool disengageBrake = false; int count = 0; //int popCount = 0; double popStart = 0; double popTime = 0; int popStage = 0; int liftCount = 0; int liftCount2 = 0; const float LOG17 = log(17.61093344); float liftPowerAbs = 0; float gripError = 0; float gripErrorAbs = 0; float gripPropMod = 0; float gripIntMod = 0; bool shiftHigh = false; leftEncoder->SetDistancePerPulse((6 * PI / 1000)/reduction); //6-inch wheels, 1000 raw counts per revolution, rightEncoder->SetDistancePerPulse((6 * PI / 1000)/reduction); //about 1:1 gear ratio DriverStationEnhancedIO &myEIO = driverStation->GetEnhancedIO(); GetWatchdog().SetEnabled(true); GetWatchdog().SetExpiration(0.3); PIDDriveLeft->SetOutputRange(-1, 1); PIDDriveRight->SetOutputRange(-1, 1); //PIDDriveLeft->SetInputRange(-244,244); //PIDDriveRight->SetInputRange(-244,244); PIDDriveLeft->SetTolerance(5); PIDDriveRight->SetTolerance(5); PIDDriveLeft->SetContinuous(false); PIDDriveRight->SetContinuous(false); //PIDDriveLeft->Enable(); //PIDDriveRight->Enable(); PIDDriveRight->SetPID(DRIVEPROPGAIN, DRIVEINTGAIN, DRIVEDERIVGAIN); PIDDriveLeft->SetPID(DRIVEPROPGAIN, DRIVEINTGAIN, DRIVEDERIVGAIN); liftSP = 0; PIDLift->SetTolerance(10); PIDLift->SetContinuous(false); PIDLift->SetOutputRange(-0.75, 1.); //BUGBUG PIDLift->Enable(); gripSP = 0; float goalGripSP = 0; bool useGoalSP = true; bool gripPIDOn = true; float gripP[10]; float gripI[10]; float gripD[10]; PIDGrip->SetOutputRange(-0.5, 0.28); //Negative goes up PIDGrip->SetTolerance(5); PIDGrip->SetSetpoint(0); PIDGrip->Enable(); miniDep->Set(miniDep->kForward); int i = 0; while(i < 10) { gripP[i] = GRIPPROPGAIN; i++; } i = 0; while(i < 10) { gripI[i] = GRIPINTGAIN; i++; } i = 0; while(i < 10) { gripD[i] = GRIPDERIVGAIN; i++; } while (IsOperatorControl()) { GetWatchdog().Feed(); count++; #if !(SKELETON) sendVisionData(); #endif /* if(LIFTLOW1BUTTON && !(counts%10)) printf("LIFTLOW1BUTTON\n"); if(LIFTLOW2BUTTON && !(counts%10)) printf("LIFTLOW2BUTTON\n"); if(LIFTMID1BUTTON && !(counts%10)) printf("LIFTMID1BUTTON\n"); if(LIFTMID2BUTTON && !(counts%10)) printf("LIFTMID2BUTTON\n"); if(LIFTHIGH1BUTTON && !(counts%10)) printf("LIFTHIGH1BUTTON\n"); if(LIFTHIGH2BUTTON && !(counts%10)) printf("LIFTHIGH2BUTTON\n"); */ /* if(lsLeft->Get()) printf("LSLEFT\n"); if(lsMiddle->Get()) printf("LSMIDDLE\n"); if(lsRight->Get()) printf("LSRIGHT\n"); */ stickY[0] = stickL.GetY(); stickY[1] = stickR.GetY(); stickYAbs[0] = fabs(stickY[0]); stickYAbs[1] = fabs(stickY[1]); if(bDrivePID) { #if 0 frontLeftMotor->Set(stickY[0]); rearLeftMotor->Set(stickY[0]); frontRightMotor->Set(stickY[1]); rearRightMotor->Set(stickY[1]); if(!(count%5)) printf("Speeds: %4.2f %4.2f Outputs: %f %f \n", leftEncoder->GetRate(), rightEncoder->GetRate(), frontLeftMotor->Get(), frontRightMotor->Get()); #endif if(stickYAbs[0] <= 0.05 ) { leftSP = 0; if(!(count%3) && !BACKWARDBUTTON) { PIDDriveLeft->Reset(); PIDDriveLeft->Enable(); } } else leftSP = stickY[0] * stickY[0] * (stickY[0]/stickYAbs[0]); //set points for pid control if(stickYAbs[1] <= 0.05) { rightSP = 0; if(!(count%3) && !BACKWARDBUTTON) { PIDDriveRight->Reset(); PIDDriveRight->Enable(); } } else rightSP = stickY[1] * stickY[1] * (stickY[1]/stickYAbs[1]); if (BACKWARDBUTTON) { tempRightSP = rightSP; tempLeftSP = leftSP; rightSP = -tempLeftSP; leftSP = -tempRightSP; //This line and above line sets opposite values for the controller. ...Theoretically. } PIDDriveLeft->SetSetpoint(leftSP); PIDDriveRight->SetSetpoint(rightSP); leftSpeed = leftEncoder->GetRate(); rightSpeed = rightEncoder->GetRate(); if(!(count++ % 5)) { printf("rate L: %2.2f R: %2.2f SP %2.4f %2.4f ERR %2.2f %2.2f Pow: %1.2f %1.2f\n", leftPIDSource->PIDGet(), rightPIDSource->PIDGet(), leftSP, rightSP, PIDDriveLeft->GetError(), PIDDriveRight->GetError(), frontLeftMotor->Get(), frontRightMotor->Get()); //printf("Throttle value: %f", stickR.GetThrottle()); if(PIDDriveRight->OnTarget()) printf("Right on \n"); if(PIDDriveLeft->OnTarget()) printf("Left on \n"); } if(PIDRESETBUTTON) { //PIDDriveRight->SetPID(stickR.GetThrottle()+1,DRIVEINTGAIN, DRIVEDERIVGAIN); //PIDDriveLeft->SetPID(stickR.GetThrottle()+1,DRIVEINTGAIN, DRIVEDERIVGAIN); PIDDriveLeft->Reset(); PIDDriveRight->Reset(); PIDDriveLeft->Enable(); PIDDriveRight->Enable(); } } else { if(PIDDriveLeft->IsEnabled()) PIDDriveLeft->Reset(); if(PIDDriveRight->IsEnabled()) PIDDriveRight->Reset(); if(DEMOSWITCH) { stickY[0] = stickY[0]*(1 - lift->getPosition()); //reduces power based on lift height stickY[1] = stickY[0]*(1 - lift->getPosition()); } if(stickYAbs[0] > 0.05) { frontLeftMotor->Set(stickY[0]); rearLeftMotor->Set(stickY[0]); } else { frontLeftMotor->Set(0); rearLeftMotor->Set(0); } if(stickYAbs[1] > 0.05) { frontRightMotor->Set(-stickY[1]); rearRightMotor->Set(-stickY[1]); } else { frontRightMotor->Set(0); rearRightMotor->Set(0); } } if(stickL.GetRawButton(2) && stickL.GetRawButton(3) && stickR.GetRawButton(2) && stickR.GetRawButton(3) && BACKWARDBUTTON && !(count%5)) bDrivePID = !bDrivePID; if((SHIFTBUTTON && shiftHigh) || DEMOSWITCH) { shifter->Set(shifter->kReverse); shiftHigh = false; maxSpeed = 12; } else if(!SHIFTBUTTON && !shiftHigh && !DEMOSWITCH) { shifter->Set(shifter->kForward); shiftHigh = true; maxSpeed = 25; //last value 35 } sendIOPortData(); #if !(SKELETON) /* if(LIGHTBUTTON) lightOn = true; else lightOn = false; if(!lightOn) light->Set(light->kOff); if(lightOn) light->Set(light->kOn); */ if(!MODESWITCH) { lastLiftSP = liftSP; if(!PIDLift->IsEnabled()) PIDLift->Enable(); if(LIFTLOW1BUTTON) liftSP = LIFTLOW1; if(LIFTLOW2BUTTON) liftSP = LIFTLOW2; if(LIFTMID1BUTTON) liftSP = LIFTMID1; if(LIFTMID2BUTTON) liftSP = LIFTMID2; if(LIFTHIGH1BUTTON) liftSP = LIFTHIGH1; if(LIFTHIGH2BUTTON && !(DEMOSWITCH && (stickYAbs[0] > 0.05 || stickYAbs[1] > 0.05))) liftSP = LIFTHIGH2; if(!lift->isBraking() && !disengageBrake) { PIDLift->SetSetpoint(liftSP); if(liftSP == 0 && liftPIDSource->PIDGet() < 0.1) //BUGBUG { //PIDLift->SetPID(LIFTPROPGAIN, LIFTINTGAIN, 3*LIFTDERIVGAIN); PIDLift->SetOutputRange(-liftPIDSource->PIDGet() - 0.1, 1.); //BUGBUG } else PIDLift->SetOutputRange(-0.75, 1.); //BUGBUG } if(lift->isBraking() && lastLiftSP != liftSP) { PIDLift->SetSetpoint(lastLiftSP + 0.06); PIDLift->SetPID(12.5 + 1.5*lift->getPosition(), LIFTINTGAIN + 0.6 + 3*lift->getPosition()/10, 0); lift->brakeOff(); disengageBrake = true; if(!liftCount) liftCount = count; } //set brake (because near) if(fabs(PIDLift->GetError()) < 0.01 && !lift->isBraking() && !disengageBrake) { if(liftCount == 0) liftCount = count; if(count - liftCount > 3) { PIDLift->Reset(); liftMotor1->Set(LIFTNEUTRALPOWER); liftMotor2->Set(LIFTNEUTRALPOWER); Wait(0.02); lift->brakeOn(); Wait(0.02); liftMotor1->Set(0.0); liftMotor2->Set(0.0); PIDLift->Enable(); PIDLift->SetSetpoint(lift->getPosition()); liftCount = 0; } //if(!(count%50)) printf("Braking/Not PID \n"); } if(lift->isBraking() && !(count%10)) PIDLift->SetSetpoint(lift->getPosition()); if(fabs(PIDLift->GetError()) < 0.01 && disengageBrake && count - liftCount > 3) { disengageBrake = false; if(liftEncoder->PIDGet() < liftSP) PIDLift->SetPID(LIFTPROPGAIN, LIFTINTGAIN, LIFTDERIVGAIN - 0.015); else PIDLift->SetPID(LIFTPROPGAIN, LIFTINTGAIN, LIFTDERIVGAIN + 0.015); liftCount = 0; } //pid /* else if(!(fabs(PIDLift->GetError()) < 0.04) && !lift->isBraking() && liftPos == -20) { PIDLift->Enable(); liftPos = -10; printf("PID GO PID GO PID GO PID GO PID GO \n"); } */ //when liftPos is positive, measures position //when liftPos = -10, is pidding //when liftPos = -20, has just released brake } else //(MODESWITCH) { if(PIDLift->IsEnabled()) PIDLift->Reset(); liftPower = .8*pow(2*((log(LIFTSLIDER + 0.003/.0208116511)/LOG17) + 0.116), 2)*(2*((log(LIFTSLIDER + 0.003/.0208116511)/LOG17) + 0.116)/fabs(2*((log(LIFTSLIDER + 0.003/.0208116511)/LOG17) + 0.116))); liftPowerAbs = fabs(liftPower); if(liftPowerAbs > 1) liftPower /= liftPowerAbs; //if(!(count%5)) printf("Slider: %f", liftPower); if(lift->isBraking() && liftPowerAbs > 0.05) lift->brakeOff(); else if(!lift->isBraking() && liftPowerAbs <= 0.05 && !(count%5)) lift->brakeOn(); if (liftPowerAbs > 0.05) { liftMotor1->Set(liftPower); liftMotor2->Set(liftPower); } else { liftMotor1->Set(0); liftMotor2->Set(0); } } if(MODESWITCH && LIFTLOW1BUTTON && LIFTMID1BUTTON && LIFTHIGH1BUTTON) liftEncoder->Reset(); /* if(!(count%5)) { printf("Lift pos: %f Lift error: %f Lift SP: %f \n", liftPIDSource->PIDGet(), PIDLift->GetError(), PIDLift->GetSetpoint()); } */ if(!(count%5) && MODESWITCH && GRIPPERPOSUP && GRIPPERPOSDOWN && GRIPPERPOP) { gripPIDOn = !gripPIDOn; printf("Switch'd\n"); } if(gripPIDOn) { if(!PIDGrip->IsEnabled()) PIDGrip->Enable(); if(GRIPPERPOSUP && !GRIPPERPOSDOWN) { goalGripSP = 0; } else if(GRIPPERPOSDOWN && !GRIPPERPOSUP && lift->getPosition() < 0.5) { goalGripSP = 1; } /* else if(!GRIPPERPOSDOWN && !GRIPPERPOSUP) { goalGripSP = 0.5; } */ gripError = PIDGrip->GetError(); gripErrorAbs = fabs(gripError); PIDGrip->SetSetpoint(goalGripSP); if(gripErrorAbs < 0.4) PIDGrip->SetOutputRange(-0.4, 0.6); //negative is up else PIDGrip->SetOutputRange(-0.9, 0.8); //negative is up if(gripErrorAbs > 0.0 && gripErrorAbs < 0.2) { PIDGrip->SetPID(GRIPPROPGAIN - 1.25*(1 - gripErrorAbs) + gripPropMod, GRIPINTGAIN + gripIntMod, 0.3 + 0.1*(1 - gripPIDSource->PIDGet())); } else { PIDGrip->SetPID(GRIPPROPGAIN - 1.*(1 - gripErrorAbs) + gripPropMod, 0, 0.02); } if(fabs(gripPIDSource->PIDGet()) < 0.03 && PIDGrip->GetSetpoint() == 0) { gripLatch1->Set(true); gripLatch2->Set(false); } else if(!(gripLatch1->Get() && PIDGrip->GetSetpoint() == 0) || gripPIDSource->PIDGet() < 0) { gripLatch1->Set(false); gripLatch2->Set(true); } if(gripLatch1->Get() && !(count%20)) { PIDGrip->Reset(); PIDGrip->Enable(); } /* if(stickL.GetRawButton(1) && !(count%5)){ gripIntMod -= 0.001; } if(stickR.GetRawButton(1) &&!(count%5)) { gripIntMod += 0.001; } if(stickL.GetRawButton(2) && !(count%5)) { gripPropMod -= 0.1; } if(stickL.GetRawButton(3) && !(count%5)) { gripPropMod += 0.1; } */ /* if(LIFTBOTTOMBUTTON) { PIDGrip->Reset(); PIDGrip->Enable(); } */ if(!(count%5)) { printf("Gripper pos: %f Gripper error: %f Grip power: %f \n", gripPIDSource->PIDGet(), PIDGrip->GetError(), gripMotor1->Get()); } } //Calibration routine else { if(gripLatch1->Get() == true) { gripLatch1->Set(false); gripLatch2->Set(true); } if(PIDGrip->IsEnabled()) PIDGrip->Reset(); if(GRIPPERPOSUP) { gripMotor1->Set(-0.5); //gripMotor2->Set(0.5); } else if(GRIPPERPOSDOWN) { gripMotor1->Set(0.5); //gripMotor2->Set(-0.5); } else { gripMotor1->Set(0); //gripMotor2->Set(0); } } //if(!(count%5)) printf("Grip volts: %f \n", gripPot->GetVoltage()); //if(!(count%5)) printf("Grip 1 voltage: %f \n", gripMotor1->Get()); if(GRIPPEROPEN && !popStage) { #if !(INNERGRIP) gripOpen1->Set(true); gripOpen2->Set(false); #else gripOpen1->Set(false); gripOpen2->Set(true); #endif } else if(!popStage) { #if !(INNERGRIP) gripOpen1->Set(false); gripOpen2->Set(true); #else gripOpen1->Set(true); gripOpen2->Set(false); #endif } if(GRIPPERPOP && !popStage && goalGripSP == 0 && !(GRIPPEROPEN && GRIPPERCLOSE)) popStage = 1; if(popStage) popTime = GetClock(); if(popStage == 1) { //popCount = count; popStart = GetClock(); popStage++; //printf("POP START POP START POP START \n"); } if(popStage == 2) { #if !(INNERGRIP) gripOpen1->Set(true); gripOpen2->Set(false); #else gripOpen1->Set(false); gripOpen2->Set(true); #endif popStage++; //printf("GRIP OPEN GRIP OPEN GRIP OPEN \n"); } if(popStage == 3 && popTime - popStart > 0.0) //used to be 0.15 { gripPop1->Set(true); gripPop2->Set(false); popStage++; //printf("POP OUT POP OUT POP OUT \n"); } if(popStage == 4 && popTime - popStart > .75) //time was 0.9 { gripPop1->Set(false); gripPop2->Set(true); popStage++; //printf("POP IN POP IN POP IN \n"); } if(popStage == 5 && popTime - popStart > 0.9) popStage = 0; //time was 1.05 if(MINIBOTSWITCH && !(MODESWITCH && stickR.GetRawButton(1) && stickL.GetRawButton(1))) miniDep->Set(miniDep->kReverse); else if(MINIBOTSWITCH && MODESWITCH && stickR.GetRawButton(1) && stickL.GetRawButton(1)) miniDep->Set(miniDep->kOn); #endif if(!compSwitch->Get()) compressor->Set(compressor->kReverse); else compressor->Set(compressor->kOff); /* if(stickR.GetRawButton(1)) compressor->Set(compressor->kReverse); else compressor->Set(compressor->kForward); */ Wait(0.02); // wait for a motor update time } }
/**************************************** * Runs the motors with arcade steering.* ****************************************/ void OperatorControl(void) { //TODO put in servo for lower camera--look in WPI to set // Watchdog baddog; // baddog.Feed(); myRobot.SetSafetyEnabled(true); //SL Earth.Start(); // turns on Earth // SmartDashboard *smarty = SmartDashboard::GetInstance(); //DriverStationLCD *dslcd = DriverStationLCD::GetInstance(); // don't press SHIFT 5 times; this line starts up driver station messages (in theory) //char debugout [100]; compressor.Start(); gyro.Reset(); // resets gyro angle int rpmForShooter; while (IsOperatorControl()) // while is the while loop for stuff; this while loop is for "while it is in Teleop" { // baddog.Feed(); //myRobot.SetSafetyEnabled(true); //myRobot.SetExpiration(0.1); float leftYaxis = driver.GetY(); float rightYaxis = driver.GetTwist();//RawAxis(5); myRobot.TankDrive(leftYaxis,rightYaxis); // drive with arcade style (use right stick)for joystick 1 float random = gamecomponent.GetY(); float lazysusan = gamecomponent.GetZ(); //bool elevator = Frodo.Get(); float angle = gyro.GetAngle(); bool balance = Smeagol.Get(); SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Gyro Value",angle); int NumFail = -1; //bool light = Pippin.Get(); //SL float speed = Earth.GetRate(); //float number = shooter.Get(); //bool highspeed = button1.Get() //bool mediumspeed = button2.Get(); //bool slowspeed = button3.Get(); bool finder = autotarget.Get(); //bool targetandspin = autodistanceandspin.Get(); SmartDashboard::PutString("Targeting Activation",""); //dslcd->Clear(); //sprintf(debugout,"Number=%f",angle); //dslcd->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2,2,debugout); //SL sprintf(debugout,"Number=%f",speed); //SL dslcd->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,4,debugout); //sprintf(debugout,"Number=%f",number); //dslcd->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,1,debugout); //sprintf(debugout,"Finder=%u",finder); //dslcd->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line5,5,debugout); //dslcd->UpdateLCD(); // update the Driver Station with the information in the code // sprintf(debugout,"Number=%u",maxi); // dslcd->Printf(DriverstationLCD::kUser_Line6,5,debugout) bool basketballpusher = julesverne.Get(); bool bridgetipper = joystickbutton.Get(); if (bridgetipper) // if joystick button 7 is pressed (is true) { solenoid.Set(true); // then the first solenoid is on } else { //Wait(0.5); // and then the first solenoid waits for 0.5 seconds solenoid.Set(false); //and then the first solenoid turns off } if (basketballpusher) // if joystick button 6 is pressed (is true) { shepard.Set(true); // then shepard is on the run //Wait(0.5); // and shepard waits for 0.5 seconds } else { shepard.Set(false); // and then shepard turns off } // IP address of computer; subnet mask ALL FOR WIRELESS CONNECTION #2 //} //cheetah.Set(0.3*lazysusan); // smarty->PutDouble("pre-elevator",lynx.Get()); lynx.Set(random); // smarty->PutDouble("elevator",lynx.Get()); // smarty->PutDouble("joystick elevator",random); if (balance) // this is the start of the balancing code { angle = gyro.GetAngle(); myRobot.Drive(-0.03*angle, 0.0); Wait(0.005); } /*if (light) //button 5 turns light on oand off on game controller flashring.Set(Relay::kForward); else flashring.Set(Relay::kOff); */ if (finder) { flashring.Set(Relay::kForward); if (button_H.Get()==true) { targeting.SetLMHTarget(BOGEY_H); SmartDashboard::PutString("Targeting","High Button Pressed"); } if (button_M.Get()==true) { targeting.SetLMHTarget(BOGEY_M); SmartDashboard::PutString("Targeting","Medium Button Pressed"); } if (button_L.Get()==true) { targeting.SetLMHTarget(BOGEY_L); SmartDashboard::PutString("Targeting","Low Button Pressed"); } if (button_H.Get()==true || button_M.Get()==true || button_L.Get()==true) { if (targeting.ProcessOneImage()) { NumFail = 0; SmartDashboard::PutString("Targeting Activation","YES"); targeting.ChooseBogey(); targeting.MoveTurret(); #ifdef USE_HARDWIRED_RPM shooter.setTargetRPM(HARDWIRED_RPM); #else rpmForShooter = targeting.GetCalculatedRPM(); shooter.setTargetRPM(rpmForShooter); #endif targeting.InteractivePIDSetup(); } else { NumFail++; if (NumFail > 10) targeting.StopPID(); } SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Numfail", NumFail); shooter.setTargetRPM(rpmForShooter); } else { SmartDashboard::PutString("Targeting Activation","NO"); shooter.setTargetRPM(0); targeting.StopPID(); } } else { flashring.Set(Relay::kOff); targeting.StopPID(); turret.Set(lazysusan); // the lazy susan would turn right & left based on how far the person moves the right joystick#2 side to side //targeting.StopPID(); //if (elevator) //shooter would move at full speed if button is pressed //TODO Change RPM values //TODO Disable calculation of RPM values SmartDashboard::PutNumber("CurrentRPM",shooter.GetCurrentRPM()); if (button_H.Get() == true) shooter.setTargetRPM((int)2100); //From front of free throw line, should hit the backboard and go in //used to be 2700 RPMs else if (button_M.Get() == true) shooter.setTargetRPM((int)1900); //From front of free throw line, should go in the net--can shoot the next ball on the overshoot? //Used to be 2250 RPMs else if (button_L.Get() == true) shooter.setTargetRPM((int)1350); //From fender, should hit the backboard //Used to be 2000 RPMs //shooter.Set(0.5); else shooter.setTargetRPM(0); // else if (mediumspeed) //shooter.setTargetRPM((int)0); //else if (slowspeed) //shooter.setTargetRPM((int)0); /*if (targetandspin) //code for autotargeting and speed will go here { shooter.setTargetRPM((int)1800); } else {*/ //} myRobot.TankDrive(leftYaxis,rightYaxis); } //Wait(0.005); } }
void AutonomousPeriodic(void) { GetWatchdog().Feed(); m_autoPeriodicLoops++; if (m_frisbeeCounter < m_frisbeeCountMax){ m_launchMotor->Set(0.8); } if ((m_breachFrisbee)&& (m_autoPeriodicLoops >= 100)){ //delay for launcher to get speed if ((m_loading) && (m_loadCounter <= m_loadCount)){ // load breech m_loadCounter++; m_loadMotor->Set(m_loadSpeed); } else if ((m_loading) && (m_loadCounter > m_loadCount) && \ (m_loadCounter <= ((m_loadCount+m_loadPauseCount)))) { // pause loader m_loadCounter++; m_loadMotor->Set(0.); // pause loader } else if ((m_loading) && \ (m_loadCounter >= (m_loadCount+m_loadPauseCount)) && \ (m_loaderLimit->Get())) { // loader arm is still retracting // loader limit switch reads true when not depressed m_loadMotor->Set(-m_loadSpeed);; // reset loader } else { // not loading, not feeding, finished retracting, ready to feed first frisbee m_loading = false; m_loadCounter = 0; m_loadMotor->Set(0.);; // stop loader m_breachFrisbee = false; } } else if ((m_frisbeeCounter < m_frisbeeCountMax) && (!m_breachFrisbee)){ //launch all frisbees in the magazine and breach if (m_feeding && (!m_loaderLimit->Get()) && \ (m_feedCounter <= m_feedCount)){ //* loader limit switch reads true when not depressed *// //feed a frisbee from magazine m_feedCounter++; m_feedMotor->Set(m_feedSpeed); } else if (m_feeding && (!m_loaderLimit->Get()) && \ (m_feedCounter > m_feedCount)){ //done feeding a frisbee m_feeding = false; m_loading = true; m_feedCounter = 0; m_feedMotor->Set(0.); } else if ((m_loading && (!m_feeding)) && (m_loadCounter <= m_loadCount)){ // load breech m_loadCounter++; m_loadMotor->Set(m_loadSpeed); } else if ((m_loading && (!m_feeding)) && (m_loadCounter > m_loadCount) && \ (m_loadCounter <= ((m_loadCount+m_loadPauseCount)))) { // pause loader m_loadCounter++; m_loadMotor->Set(0.); // pause loader } else if ((m_loading && (!m_feeding)) && \ (m_loadCounter >= (m_loadCount+m_loadPauseCount)) && \ (m_loaderLimit->Get())) { // loader arm is still retracting // loader limit switch reads true when not depressed m_loadMotor->Set(-m_loadSpeed);; // reset loader } else { // not loading, not feeding, finished retracting, ready for next frisbee m_loading = false; m_loadCounter = 0; m_loadMotor->Set(0.);; // stop loader m_frisbeeCounter++; m_feeding = true; } } else if (m_frisbeeCounter >= m_frisbeeCountMax){ //finished with autonomous m_launchMotor->Set(0.0); } // // generate KITT-style LED display on the solenoids // SolenoidLEDsKITT( m_autoPeriodicLoops ); /* the below code (if uncommented) would drive the robot forward at half speed * for two seconds. This code is provided as an example of how to drive the * robot in autonomous mode, but is not enabled in the default code in order * to prevent an unsuspecting team from having their robot drive autonomously! */ //* below code commented out for safety // if (m_autoPeriodicLoops <= (10 * (UINT32)GetLoopsPerSec())) { /*if (m_autoPeriodicLoops <= 100) { // When on the first periodic loop in autonomous mode, start driving forwards at half speed m_robot->Drive(0.25, 0.); // drive forwards at quarter speed // m_robotFrontDrive->Drive(0.25, 0.25); // drive forwards at quarter speed // m_robotRearDrive->Drive(0., 0.0); // drive forwards at quarter speed } else { m_robot->Drive(0., 0.); // drive forwards at quarter speed // m_robotFrontDrive->Drive(0.0, 0.0); // stop robot // m_robotRearDrive->Drive(0.0, 0.0); // stop robot } */ /* Driver station display output. */ char msg[256]; static DriverStationLCD *dsLCD = DriverStationLCD::GetInstance(); sprintf(msg, "Frisbee Counter = %d", m_frisbeeCounter); dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1, 1, msg); sprintf(msg, "Feeder %s", m_feeding? "ON " : "OFF"); dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2, 1, msg); sprintf(msg, "Feed Counter = %d", m_feedCounter); dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3, 1, msg); sprintf(msg, "Load Counter = %d", m_loadCounter); dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4, 1, msg); // line number (enum), starting col, format string, args for format string ... dsLCD->UpdateLCD(); }
void TeleopPeriodic(void) { // increment the number of teleop periodic loops completed GetWatchdog().Feed(); m_telePeriodicLoops++; /* * No longer needed since periodic loops are now synchronized with incoming packets. if (m_ds->GetPacketNumber() != m_priorPacketNumber) { */ /* * Code placed in here will be called only when a new packet of information * has been received by the Driver Station. Any code which needs new information * from the DS should go in here */ m_dsPacketsReceivedInCurrentSecond++; // increment DS packets received // put Driver Station-dependent code here // Demonstrate the use of the Joystick buttons // DemonstrateJoystickButtons(m_rightStick, m_rightStickButtonState, "Right Stick", &m_solenoids[1]); // DemonstrateJoystickButtons(m_leftStick, m_leftStickButtonState, "Left Stick ", &m_solenoids[5]); /*** // determine if tank or arcade mode, based upon position of "Z" wheel on kit joystick if (m_rightStick->GetZ() <= 0) { // Logitech Attack3 has z-polarity reversed; up is negative // use arcade drive m_robotDrive->ArcadeDrive(m_rightStick); // drive with arcade style (use right stick) if (m_driveMode != ARCADE_DRIVE) { // if newly entered arcade drive, print out a message printf("Arcade Drive\n"); m_driveMode = ARCADE_DRIVE; } } else { // use tank drive m_robotDrive->TankDrive(m_leftStick, m_rightStick); // drive with tank style if (m_driveMode != TANK_DRIVE) { // if newly entered tank drive, print out a message printf("Tank Drive\n"); m_driveMode = TANK_DRIVE; } } ***/ /* Grab z-wheel value and transform from [1, -1] to [0,4600] * 4600 rpm is a guess */ float rawZ, transformedZ; rawZ = m_leftStick->GetZ(); // transformedZ = (1.0 - rawZ)/(-2.0); transformedZ = -2300.0 * rawZ + 2300.0; /* Driver station display output. */ char msg[256]; static DriverStationLCD *dsLCD = DriverStationLCD::GetInstance(); sprintf(msg, "Launcher Speed = %f RPM", transformedZ); dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1, 1, msg); sprintf(msg, "Loader Limit = %u", m_loaderLimit->Get()); dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2, 1, msg); sprintf(msg, "Loader Trigger = %u", m_leftStick->GetTrigger()); dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3, 1, msg); // line number (enum), starting col, format string, args for format string ... dsLCD->UpdateLCD(); // use arcade drive //m_driveGain = (1.0 - m_rightStick->GetZ())/(-2.0); m_robot->ArcadeDrive(m_rightStick); // drive with arcade style (use right stick) // m_robotFrontDrive->Drive(-m_driveGain*m_rightStick->GetY(),-m_driveGain*m_rightStick->GetX()); // negative sign to fix bug in turn // m_robotRearDrive->Drive(m_driveGain*m_rightStick->GetY(),-m_driveGain*m_rightStick->GetX()); // negative sign to fix bug in turn // -Add an elevation control, add a motor controller to port 8, and add a joystick button pair to control up/down if (m_rightStick->GetRawButton(m_elevatorUpButton)){ m_elevatorMotor->Set(m_elevatorUpSpeed); } else if (m_rightStick->GetRawButton(m_elevatorDownButton)){ m_elevatorMotor->Set(m_elevatorDownSpeed); } else { m_elevatorMotor->Set(0.0); } // trigger button activates feeding and loading mechanisms if ((m_leftStick->GetTop() || m_feeding) && (!m_loading) && (m_feedCounter <= m_feedCount)){ m_feeding = true; m_feedCounter++; m_feedMotor->Set(m_feedSpeed); } else { m_feeding = false; m_feedCounter = 0; m_feedMotor->Set(0.); } m_loaderLimit->Get(); //just testing digital input port 1 // top(2) button uses the Z wheel to control the speed of the loading mechanisms if (((m_leftStick->GetTrigger() || m_loading) && (!m_feeding)) && (m_loadCounter <= m_loadCount)){//comment out this line // if (((m_leftStick->GetTrigger() || m_loading) && (!m_feeding)) && (bool) m_loaderLimit->Get()){ //uncomment this line m_loading = true; m_loadCounter++; // comment out this line m_loadMotor->Set(m_loadSpeed); // load breech } else if ((m_loading && (!m_feeding)) && (m_loadCounter > m_loadCount) && (m_loadCounter <= ((m_loadCount+m_loadPauseCount)))) { // comment out the pause logic m_loading = true;// comment out the pause logic m_loadCounter++;// comment out the pause logic, m_loadMotor->Set(0.); // pause loader // comment out the pause logic } // else if ((m_loading && (!m_feeding)) && (m_loadCounter >= (m_loadCount+m_loadPauseCount)) && (m_loadCounter<= 2*m_loadCount-13)) { // comment out this line else if ((m_loading && (!m_feeding)) && (m_loadCounter >= (m_loadCount+m_loadPauseCount)) && (m_loaderLimit->Get()!=0)) { //Retracting loader arm (feeder), have not yet hit the limit switch. // else if ((m_loading &! m_feeding) && (bool) m_loaderResetLimit->Get()) { // uncomment this line m_loading = true; m_loadCounter++; // comment out the pause logic m_loadMotor->Set(-m_loadSpeed);; // reset loader } else { //Finished retracting loader arm (feeder), so stop it. m_loading = false; m_loadCounter = 0; m_loadMotor->Set(0.);; // stop loader } // Set launcher motor command m_launchMotor->Set(-(1.0 - m_leftStick->GetZ())/(-2.0)); // transform from [-1.0, +1.0] to [0.0, +1.0] /* } // if (m_ds->GetPacketNumber()... */ // use buttons 8 and 9 to trim load motor position in maintenance mode /*if (m_leftStick->GetRawButton(8) && (!m_feeding) && (!m_loading)){ m_loadMotor->Set(0.12); } else if (m_leftStick->GetRawButton(9) && (!m_feeding) && (!m_loading)){ m_loadMotor->Set(-0.1); }*/ //Use buttons 10 and 11 to trim feed motor position in maintenance mode if (m_leftStick->GetRawButton(11) && (!m_feeding) && (!m_loading)){ m_feedMotor->Set(0.15); } else if (m_leftStick->GetRawButton(10) && (!m_feeding) && (!m_loading)){ m_feedMotor->Set(-0.1); } } // TeleopPeriodic(void)
/** * Set the PWM value. * * The PWM value is set using a range of -1.0 to 1.0, appropriately * scaling the value for the FPGA. * * @param channel The PWM channel connected to this speed controller * @param speed The speed value between -1.0 and 1.0 to set. */ void SetJaguarSpeed(UINT32 channel, float speed) { Jaguar *jaguar = (Jaguar *) AllocatePWM(SensorBase::GetDefaultDigitalModule(), channel, CreateJaguarStatic); if (jaguar) jaguar->Set(speed); }
void OperatorControl(void) { // feed watchdog --- TheVessel.SetSafetyEnabled(true); GetWatchdog().Kill(); if (!game){ AlmostZeroPi = manEnc->GetDistance() -1;//Zeros manipulator encoder-- only here for tele op practice w/out auto cmp->Start(); } cd->MecanumDrive(0, 0, 0); minibot->Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); while(IsOperatorControl() && IsEnabled()) { GetWatchdog().Kill(); if(IO.GetDigital(10)) minibot->Set(DoubleSolenoid::kReverse); else if(!IO.GetDigital(10)) minibot->Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); cd->MecanumDrive(controller);//passes joystick controller's input to cd mechdrv if(stick->GetRawButton(1)) { } else if(stick->GetRawButton(2)) { } else if(stick->GetRawButton(3)) { reset = true;// ENABLES NO RESTRICTION MANIPULATOR MOVEMENT } else if(stick->GetRawButton(4)) { cout << "Manipulator Encoder Value: " << manEnc->Get() << "/n";//prints manip encoder to console if open; Wait(.1f);//pause so not above a billion times } else if(stick->GetRawButton(6)) { open->Set(true);//self explanatory, eote pnuematics closed->Set(false); } else if(stick->GetRawButton(8)) { closed->Set(true); open->Set(false); } ShoulderJag->Set(stick->GetY());//shoulder moves with stick->GetY() if (stick->GetTwist() < 0 || manEnc->GetDistance() < AlmostZeroPi || reset)//man extending, enc not at 0, or reset true { manJag->Set(stick->GetTwist()*.3);//shoulder above but for wrist, also, only 3/10ths power } } cmp->Stop();//stops compressor while (manEnc->GetDistance() < AlmostZeroPi)//brings manipulator back to 0 so not need reset { manJag->Set(.1); } }