// we basically want to update the doc and start text of this method void JavaCodeOperation::updateMethodDeclaration() { CodeDocument * doc = getParentDocument(); JavaClassifierCodeDocument * javadoc = dynamic_cast<JavaClassifierCodeDocument*>(doc); UMLOperation * o = getParentOperation(); bool isInterface = javadoc->getParentClassifier()->isInterface(); QString endLine = getNewLineEndingChars(); // now, the starting text. QString strVis = Uml::Visibility::toString(o->visibility()); // no return type for constructors QString fixedReturn = JavaCodeGenerator::fixTypeName(o->getTypeName()); QString returnType = o->isConstructorOperation() ? QString() : (fixedReturn + QLatin1String(" ")); QString methodName = o->name(); QString paramStr; // assemble parameters UMLAttributeList list = getParentOperation()->getParmList(); int nrofParam = list.count(); int paramNum = 0; foreach (UMLAttribute* parm, list) { QString rType = parm->getTypeName(); QString paramName = parm->name(); paramStr += rType + QLatin1Char(' ') + paramName; paramNum++; if (paramNum != nrofParam) paramStr += QLatin1String(", "); }
/** * update the start and end text for this ownedhierarchicalcodeblock. */ void JavaClassDeclarationBlock::updateContent ( ) { JavaClassifierCodeDocument *parentDoc = dynamic_cast<JavaClassifierCodeDocument*>(getParentDocument()); UMLClassifier *c = parentDoc->getParentClassifier(); CodeGenerationPolicy *commonPolicy = UMLApp::app()->getCommonPolicy(); QString endLine = commonPolicy->getNewLineEndingChars(); bool isInterface = parentDoc->parentIsInterface(); // a little shortcut QString JavaClassName = parentDoc->getJavaClassName(c->getName()); // COMMENT if(isInterface) getComment()->setText("Interface "+JavaClassName+endLine+c->getDoc()); else getComment()->setText("Class "+JavaClassName+endLine+c->getDoc()); bool forceDoc = UMLApp::app()->getCommonPolicy()->getCodeVerboseDocumentComments(); if(forceDoc || !c->getDoc().isEmpty()) getComment()->setWriteOutText(true); else getComment()->setWriteOutText(false); // Now set START/ENDING Text QString startText = ""; // In Java, we need declare abstract only on classes if (c->getAbstract() && !isInterface) startText.append("abstract "); if (c->getVisibility() != Uml::Visibility::Public) { // We should probably emit a warning in here .. java doesn't like to allow // private/protected classes. The best we can do (I believe) // is to let these declarations default to "package visibility" // which is a level between traditional "private" and "protected" // scopes. To get this visibility level we just print nothing.. } else startText.append("public "); if(parentDoc->parentIsInterface()) startText.append("interface "); else startText.append("class "); startText.append(JavaClassName); // write inheritances out UMLClassifierList superclasses = c->findSuperClassConcepts(UMLClassifier::CLASS); UMLClassifierList superinterfaces = c->findSuperClassConcepts(UMLClassifier::INTERFACE); int nrof_superclasses = superclasses.count(); int nrof_superinterfaces = superinterfaces.count(); // write out inheritance int i = 0; if(nrof_superclasses >0) startText.append(" extends "); for (UMLClassifier * concept= superclasses.first(); concept; concept = superclasses.next()) { startText.append(parentDoc->cleanName(concept->getName())); if(i != (nrof_superclasses-1)) startText.append(", "); i++; } // write out what we 'implement' i = 0; if(nrof_superinterfaces >0) { // In Java interfaces "extend" other interfaces. Classes "implement" interfaces if(isInterface) startText.append(" extends "); else startText.append(" implements "); } for (UMLClassifier * concept= superinterfaces.first(); concept; concept = superinterfaces.next()) { startText.append(parentDoc->cleanName(concept->getName())); if(i != (nrof_superinterfaces-1)) startText.append(", "); i++; } // Set the header and end text for the hier.codeblock setStartText(startText+" {"); // setEndText("}"); // not needed }