예제 #1
 * Read the state of the top button on the joystick.
 * Look up which button has been assigned to the top and read its state.
 * @param port The USB port for this joystick.
 * @param hand This parameter is ignored for the Joystick class and is only here to complete the GenericHID interface.
 * @return The state of the top button.
bool GetTop(UINT32 port, JoystickHand hand)
    Joystick *stick = getJoystick(port);
    if (stick == NULL)
        return 0;
    return stick->GetTop((Joystick::JoystickHand) hand);
예제 #2
	void TeleopPeriodic(void) {
		// increment the number of teleop periodic loops completed

		 * No longer needed since periodic loops are now synchronized with incoming packets.
		if (m_ds->GetPacketNumber() != m_priorPacketNumber) {
			 * Code placed in here will be called only when a new packet of information
			 * has been received by the Driver Station.  Any code which needs new information
			 * from the DS should go in here
			m_dsPacketsReceivedInCurrentSecond++;					// increment DS packets received
			// put Driver Station-dependent code here

			// Demonstrate the use of the Joystick buttons
//			DemonstrateJoystickButtons(m_rightStick, m_rightStickButtonState, "Right Stick", &m_solenoids[1]);
//			DemonstrateJoystickButtons(m_leftStick, m_leftStickButtonState, "Left Stick ", &m_solenoids[5]);
			// determine if tank or arcade mode, based upon position of "Z" wheel on kit joystick
			if (m_rightStick->GetZ() <= 0) {    // Logitech Attack3 has z-polarity reversed; up is negative
				// use arcade drive
				m_robotDrive->ArcadeDrive(m_rightStick);			// drive with arcade style (use right stick)
				if (m_driveMode != ARCADE_DRIVE) {
					// if newly entered arcade drive, print out a message
					printf("Arcade Drive\n");
					m_driveMode = ARCADE_DRIVE;
			} else {
				// use tank drive
				m_robotDrive->TankDrive(m_leftStick, m_rightStick);	// drive with tank style
				if (m_driveMode != TANK_DRIVE) {
					// if newly entered tank drive, print out a message
					printf("Tank Drive\n");
					m_driveMode = TANK_DRIVE;
		/* Grab z-wheel value and transform from [1, -1] to [0,4600] 
		 * 4600 rpm is a guess */ 
		float rawZ, transformedZ;
		rawZ = m_leftStick->GetZ();
//		transformedZ = (1.0 - rawZ)/(-2.0);
		transformedZ = -2300.0 * rawZ + 2300.0;
		/* Driver station display output. */
		char msg[256];
static	DriverStationLCD *dsLCD = DriverStationLCD::GetInstance();
		sprintf(msg, "Launcher Speed = %f RPM", transformedZ);
		dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1, 1, msg);
		sprintf(msg, "Loader Limit = %u", m_loaderLimit->Get());
		dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2, 1, msg);
		sprintf(msg, "Loader Trigger = %u", m_leftStick->GetTrigger());
		dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3, 1, msg);
					// line number (enum), starting col, format string, args for format string ...
		// use arcade drive
		//m_driveGain = (1.0 - m_rightStick->GetZ())/(-2.0);
		m_robot->ArcadeDrive(m_rightStick);			// drive with arcade style (use right stick)
//		m_robotFrontDrive->Drive(-m_driveGain*m_rightStick->GetY(),-m_driveGain*m_rightStick->GetX());	// negative sign to fix bug in turn
//		m_robotRearDrive->Drive(m_driveGain*m_rightStick->GetY(),-m_driveGain*m_rightStick->GetX());	// negative sign to fix bug in turn
		// -Add an elevation control, add a motor controller to port 8, and add a joystick button pair to control up/down
		if (m_rightStick->GetRawButton(m_elevatorUpButton)){
		else if (m_rightStick->GetRawButton(m_elevatorDownButton)){
		else {
		// trigger button activates feeding and loading mechanisms
		if ((m_leftStick->GetTop() || m_feeding) && (!m_loading) && (m_feedCounter <= m_feedCount)){
			m_feeding = true;
		else {
			m_feeding = false;
			m_feedCounter = 0;
		m_loaderLimit->Get(); //just testing digital input port 1
		// top(2) button uses the Z wheel to control the speed of the loading mechanisms
		if (((m_leftStick->GetTrigger() || m_loading) && (!m_feeding)) && (m_loadCounter <= m_loadCount)){//comment out this line
//		if (((m_leftStick->GetTrigger() || m_loading) && (!m_feeding)) && (bool) m_loaderLimit->Get()){  //uncomment this line
			m_loading = true;
			m_loadCounter++; // comment out this line
			m_loadMotor->Set(m_loadSpeed);	// load breech
		else if ((m_loading && (!m_feeding)) && (m_loadCounter > m_loadCount) && (m_loadCounter <= ((m_loadCount+m_loadPauseCount)))) { // comment out the pause logic
			m_loading = true;// comment out the pause logic
			m_loadCounter++;// comment out the pause logic,
			m_loadMotor->Set(0.);	// pause loader // comment out the pause logic
//		else if ((m_loading && (!m_feeding)) && (m_loadCounter >= (m_loadCount+m_loadPauseCount)) && (m_loadCounter<= 2*m_loadCount-13)) {  // comment out this line
		else if ((m_loading && (!m_feeding)) && (m_loadCounter >= (m_loadCount+m_loadPauseCount)) && (m_loaderLimit->Get()!=0)) {
				//Retracting loader arm (feeder), have not yet hit the limit switch.
//		else if ((m_loading &! m_feeding) && (bool) m_loaderResetLimit->Get()) { // uncomment this line
			m_loading = true;
			m_loadCounter++;	// comment out the pause logic
			m_loadMotor->Set(-m_loadSpeed);;	// reset loader
		else {
			//Finished retracting loader arm (feeder), so stop it.
			m_loading = false;
			m_loadCounter = 0;
			m_loadMotor->Set(0.);; // stop loader			
		// Set launcher motor command		
		m_launchMotor->Set(-(1.0 - m_leftStick->GetZ())/(-2.0)); // transform from [-1.0, +1.0] to [0.0, +1.0]
		}  // if (m_ds->GetPacketNumber()...
		// use buttons 8 and 9 to trim load motor position in maintenance mode
		/*if (m_leftStick->GetRawButton(8) && (!m_feeding) && (!m_loading)){	
				else if (m_leftStick->GetRawButton(9) && (!m_feeding) && (!m_loading)){
		//Use buttons 10 and 11 to trim feed motor position in maintenance mode
		if (m_leftStick->GetRawButton(11) && (!m_feeding) && (!m_loading)){	
						else if (m_leftStick->GetRawButton(10) && (!m_feeding) && (!m_loading)){
	} // TeleopPeriodic(void)