예제 #1
void HolidayRegionSelector::Private::initItem( QTreeWidgetItem *listItem, HolidayRegion *region )
  m_ui.regionTreeWidget->blockSignals( true );
  QString languageName = KGlobal::locale()->languageCodeToName( region->languageCode() );
  listItem->setCheckState( Private::SelectColumn, Qt::Unchecked );
  QString text = i18n( "<p>Select to use Holiday Region</p>" );
  listItem->setToolTip( Private::SelectColumn, text );
  listItem->setToolTip( Private::ComboColumn, text );
  text = i18n( "<p>Select to use Holiday Region</p>" );
  listItem->setToolTip( Private::SelectColumn, text );
  listItem->setToolTip( Private::ComboColumn, text );
  listItem->setText( Private::RegionColumn, region->name() );
  QString toolTip = i18n( "<p><b>Region:</b> %1<br/>"
                          "<b>Language:</b> %2<br/>"
                          "<b>Description:</b> %3</p>",
                          region->name(), languageName, region->description() );
  listItem->setToolTip( Private::RegionColumn, toolTip );
  listItem->setData( Private::RegionColumn, Qt::UserRole, region->regionCode() );
  listItem->setText( Private::LanguageColumn, languageName );
  listItem->setData( Private::LanguageColumn, Qt::UserRole, region->languageCode() );
  listItem->setText( Private::DescriptionColumn, region->description() );
  listItem->setToolTip( Private::DescriptionColumn, region->description() );
  KComboBox *combo = new KComboBox();
  combo->setAutoFillBackground( true );
  QString comboText = i18n( "<p>You can choose to display the Holiday Region for information only, "
                            "or to use the Holiday Region when displaying or calculating days off "
                            "such as Public Holidays.  If you choose to use the Holiday Region for "
                            "Days Off, then only those Holiday Events marked in the Holiday Region "
                            "as Days Off will be used for non-work days, Holiday Events that are "
                            "not marked in the Holiday Region as Days Off will continue to be "
                            "work days.</p>" );
  combo->setToolTip( comboText );
  comboText = i18nc( "Combobox label, Holiday Region not used", "Not Used" );
  combo->addItem( comboText, QVariant( NotUsed ) );
  comboText = i18nc( "Combobox label, use Holiday Region for information only", "Information" );
  combo->addItem( comboText, QVariant( UseInformationOnly ) );
  comboText = i18nc( "Combobox label, use Holiday Region for days off", "Days Off" );
  combo->addItem( comboText, QVariant( UseDaysOff ) );
  combo->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
  listItem->setData( Private::ComboColumn, Qt::UserRole, NotUsed );
  m_ui.regionTreeWidget->setItemWidget( listItem, ComboColumn, combo );
  connect( combo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),
           q, SLOT(itemChanged(int)) );
  m_ui.regionTreeWidget->blockSignals( false );
예제 #2
QWidget * IngredientNameDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &/* option */,
	const QModelIndex & index ) const
	//Set up the combo box
	KComboBox * editor = new KComboBox( parent );
	editor->setAutoFillBackground( true );
	editor->setEditable( true );
	editor->setCompletionMode( KGlobalSettings::CompletionPopup );

	//Set the models and the completion objects
	if ( !index.data(IngredientsEditor::IsHeaderRole).toBool() ) {
		editor->setModel( m_database->allIngredientsModels()->ingredientNameModel() );
			m_database->allIngredientsModels()->ingredientNameCompletion() );
	} else {
		editor->setModel( m_database->allIngHeadersModels()->ingHeaderNameModel() );
			m_database->allIngHeadersModels()->ingHeaderNameCompletion() );

	return editor;