KdeSudo::KdeSudo(QWidget *parent, const char *name,const QString& icon, const QString& generic, bool withIgnoreButton) : KPasswordDialog(KPasswordDialog::Password, false, (withIgnoreButton ? User1: false), icon, parent, name) { KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); QString defaultComment = i18n("<b>%1</b> needs administrative privileges. Please enter your password for verification."); p=NULL; bError=false; m_pCookie = new KCookie; // Set vars bool newDcop = args->isSet("newdcop"); bool realtime = args->isSet("r"); bool priority = args->isSet("p"); bool showCommand = (!args->isSet("d")); bool changeUID = true; bool noExec = false; keepPwd = (!args->isSet("n")); emptyPwd = args->isSet("s"); QString runas = args->getOption("u"); QString cmd; if (!args->isSet("c") && !args->count() && (!args->isSet("s"))) { KMessageBox::information(NULL, i18n("No command arguments supplied!\nUsage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command>\nKdeSudo will now exit...")); noExec = true; } p = new KProcess; p->clearArguments(); // Parsins args /* Get the comment out of cli args */ QByteArray commentBytes = args->getOption("comment"); QTextCodec* tCodecConv = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); QString comment = tCodecConv->toUnicode(commentBytes, commentBytes.size()); if (args->isSet("f")) { // If file is writeable, do not change uid QString filename = QFile::decodeName(args->getOption("f")); QString file = filename; if (!file.isEmpty()) { if (file.at(0) != '/') { KStandardDirs dirs; dirs.addKDEDefaults(); file = dirs.findResource("config", file); if (file.isEmpty()) { kdError(1206) << "Config file not found: " << file << "\n"; exit(1); } } QFileInfo fi(file); if (!fi.exists()) { kdError(1206) << "File does not exist: " << file << "\n"; exit(1); } if (fi.isWritable()) { changeUID = false; } } } if (withIgnoreButton) { setButtonText(User1, i18n("&Ignore")); } // Apologies for the C code, taken from kdelibs/kdesu/kdesu_stub.c // KControl and other places need to use the user's existing DCOP server // For that we set DCOPSERVER. Create a file in /tmp and use iceauth to add magic cookies // from the existing server and set ICEAUTHORITY to point to the file if (!newDcop) { dcopServer = m_pCookie->dcopServer(); QCString dcopAuth = m_pCookie->dcopAuth(); QCString iceAuth = m_pCookie->iceAuth(); FILE *fout; char iceauthority[200]; char *host, *auth; host = qstrdup(dcopServer); auth = qstrdup(iceAuth); int tempfile; int oldumask = umask(077); strcpy(iceauthority, "/tmp/iceauth.XXXXXXXXXX"); tempfile = mkstemp(iceauthority); umask(oldumask); if (tempfile == -1) { kdError() << "error in kdesudo mkstemp" << endl; exit(1); } else { // close(tempfile); //FIXME why does this make the connect() call later crash? } iceauthorityFile = iceauthority; //FIXME we should change owner of iceauthority file, but don't have permissions setenv("ICEAUTHORITY", iceauthorityFile, 1); fout = popen("iceauth >/dev/null 2>&1", "w"); if (!fout) { kdError() << "error in kdesudo running iceauth" << endl; exit(1); } fprintf(fout, "add ICE \"\" %s %s\n", host, auth); auth = qstrdup(dcopAuth); //auth = xstrsep(params[P_DCOP_AUTH].value); fprintf(fout, "add DCOP \"\" %s %s\n", host, auth); unsetenv("ICEAUTHORITY"); pclose(fout); } connect( p, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess*, char*, int)), this, SLOT(receivedOut(KProcess*, char*, int)) ); connect( p, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess*, char*, int)), this, SLOT(receivedOut(KProcess*, char*, int)) ); connect( p, SIGNAL(processExited (KProcess *)), this, SLOT(procExited(KProcess*))); QString xauthenv = QString(getenv("HOME")) + "/.Xauthority"; p->setEnvironment("XAUTHORITY", xauthenv); // Generate the xauth cookie and put it in a tempfile // set the environment variables to reflect that. // Default cookie-timeout is 60 sec. . // 'man xauth' for more info on xauth cookies. KTempFile temp = KTempFile("/tmp/kdesudo-","-xauth"); m_tmpname = temp.name(); FILE *f; char buf[1024]; QCString disp = m_pCookie->display(); // command: xauth -q -f m_tmpname generate $DISPLAy . trusted timeout 60 QString c = "/usr/bin/xauth -q -f " + m_tmpname + " generate " + QString::fromLocal8Bit(disp) + " . trusted timeout 60"; blockSigChild(); // pclose uses waitpid() if (!(f = popen(c, "r"))) { kdWarning() << k_lineinfo << "Cannot run: " << c << "\n"; unblockSigChild(); return; } // non root users need to be able to read the xauth file. // the xauth file is deleted when kdesudo exits. security? QFile tf(m_tmpname); if (!runas.isEmpty() && runas != "root" && tf.exists()) chmod(m_tmpname.ascii(),0644); QCStringList output; while (fgets(buf, 1024, f) > 0) output += buf; if (pclose(f) < 0) { kdError() << k_lineinfo << "Could not run xauth.\n"; unblockSigChild(); return; } unblockSigChild(); p->setEnvironment("DISPLAY", disp); p->setEnvironment("XAUTHORITY", m_tmpname); if (emptyPwd) *p << "sudo" << "-k"; else { if (changeUID) { *p << "sudo" << "-H" << "-S" << "-p" << "passprompt"; if (!runas.isEmpty()) *p << "-u" << runas; } if (!dcopServer.isEmpty()) *p << "DCOPSERVER=" + dcopServer; if (!iceauthorityFile.isEmpty()) *p << "ICEAUTHORITY=" + iceauthorityFile; if (realtime) { *p << "nice" << "-n" << "10"; addLine(i18n("Priority:"), i18n("realtime:") + QChar(' ') + QString("50/100")); } else if (priority) { QString n = args->getOption("p"); int intn = atoi(n); intn = (intn * 40 / 100) - (20 + 0.5); QString strn; strn.sprintf("%d",intn); *p << "nice" << "-n" << strn; addLine(i18n("Priority:"), n + QString("/100")); } *p << "--"; if (args->isSet("c")) { QString command = args->getOption("c"); QStringList commandSplit = QStringList::split(" ", command); for (int i = 0; i < commandSplit.count(); i++) { QString toto = validArg(commandSplit[i]); *p << toto; cmd += validArg(commandSplit[i]) + QChar(' '); } } else if (args->count()) { for (int i = 0; i < args->count(); i++) { if (i==0) { QStringList argsSplit = QStringList::split(" ", args->arg(i)); for (int i = 0; i < argsSplit.count(); i++) { *p << validArg(argsSplit[i]); cmd += validArg(argsSplit[i]) + QChar(' '); } } else { *p << validArg(args->arg(i)); cmd += validArg(args->arg(i)) + QChar(' '); } } } // strcmd needs to be defined if (showCommand && !cmd.isEmpty()) addLine(i18n("Command:"), cmd); } if (comment.isEmpty()) { if (!generic.isEmpty()) setPrompt(defaultComment.arg(generic)); else setPrompt(defaultComment.arg(cmd)); } else setPrompt(comment); if (noExec) exit(0); else p->start( KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::All ); }
static int startApp() { KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); // Stop daemon and exit? if (args->isSet("s")) { KDEsuClient client; if (client.ping() == -1) { kdError(1206) << "Daemon not running -- nothing to stop\n"; exit(1); } if (client.stopServer() != -1) { kdDebug(1206) << "Daemon stopped\n"; exit(0); } kdError(1206) << "Could not stop daemon\n"; exit(1); } QString icon; if ( args->isSet("i")) icon = args->getOption("i"); bool prompt = true; if ( args->isSet("d")) prompt = false; // Get target uid QCString user = args->getOption("u"); QCString auth_user = user; struct passwd *pw = getpwnam(user); if (pw == 0L) { kdError(1206) << "User " << user << " does not exist\n"; exit(1); } bool change_uid = (getuid() != pw->pw_uid); // If file is writeable, do not change uid QString file = QFile::decodeName(args->getOption("f")); if (change_uid && !file.isEmpty()) { if (file.at(0) != '/') { KStandardDirs dirs; dirs.addKDEDefaults(); file = dirs.findResource("config", file); if (file.isEmpty()) { kdError(1206) << "Config file not found: " << file << "\n"; exit(1); } } QFileInfo fi(file); if (!fi.exists()) { kdError(1206) << "File does not exist: " << file << "\n"; exit(1); } change_uid = !fi.isWritable(); } // Get priority/scheduler QCString tmp = args->getOption("p"); bool ok; int priority = tmp.toInt(&ok); if (!ok || (priority < 0) || (priority > 100)) { KCmdLineArgs::usage(i18n("Illegal priority: %1").arg(tmp)); exit(1); } int scheduler = SuProcess::SchedNormal; if (args->isSet("r")) scheduler = SuProcess::SchedRealtime; if ((priority > 50) || (scheduler != SuProcess::SchedNormal)) { change_uid = true; auth_user = "******"; } // Get command if (args->isSet("c")) { command = args->getOption("c"); for (int i=0; i<args->count(); i++) { QString arg = QFile::decodeName(args->arg(i)); KRun::shellQuote(arg); command += " "; command += QFile::encodeName(arg); } } else { if( args->count() == 0 ) { KCmdLineArgs::usage(i18n("No command specified.")); exit(1); } command = args->arg(0); for (int i=1; i<args->count(); i++) { QString arg = QFile::decodeName(args->arg(i)); KRun::shellQuote(arg); command += " "; command += QFile::encodeName(arg); } } // Don't change uid if we're don't need to. if (!change_uid) { int result = system(command); result = WEXITSTATUS(result); return result; } // Check for daemon and start if necessary bool just_started = false; bool have_daemon = true; KDEsuClient client; if (!client.isServerSGID()) { kdWarning(1206) << "Daemon not safe (not sgid), not using it.\n"; have_daemon = false; } else if (client.ping() == -1) { if (client.startServer() == -1) { kdWarning(1206) << "Could not start daemon, reduced functionality.\n"; have_daemon = false; } just_started = true; } // Try to exec the command with kdesud. bool keep = !args->isSet("n") && have_daemon; bool terminal = args->isSet("t"); bool new_dcop = args->isSet("newdcop"); bool withIgnoreButton = args->isSet("ignorebutton"); QCStringList env; QCString options; env << ( "DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID=" + kapp->startupId()); if (pw->pw_uid) { // Only propagate KDEHOME for non-root users, // root uses KDEROOTHOME // Translate the KDEHOME of this user to the new user. QString kdeHome = KGlobal::dirs()->relativeLocation("home", KGlobal::dirs()->localkdedir()); if (kdeHome[0] != '/') kdeHome.prepend("~/"); else kdeHome=QString::null; // Use default env << ("KDEHOME="+ QFile::encodeName(kdeHome)); } KUser u; env << (QCString) ("KDESU_USER="******"KDESYCOCA="+QFile::encodeName(locateLocal("cache", "ksycoca")); env << ksycoca; options += "xf"; // X-only, dcop forwarding enabled. } if (keep && !terminal && !just_started) { client.setPriority(priority); client.setScheduler(scheduler); int result = client.exec(command, user, options, env); if (result == 0) { result = client.exitCode(); return result; } } // Set core dump size to 0 because we will have // root's password in memory. struct rlimit rlim; rlim.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_max = 0; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim)) { kdError(1206) << "rlimit(): " << ERR << "\n"; exit(1); } // Read configuration KConfig *config = KGlobal::config(); config->setGroup("Passwords"); int timeout = config->readNumEntry("Timeout", defTimeout); // Check if we need a password SuProcess proc; proc.setUser(auth_user); int needpw = proc.checkNeedPassword(); if (needpw < 0) { QString err = i18n("Su returned with an error.\n"); KMessageBox::error(0L, err); exit(1); } if (needpw == 0) { keep = 0; kdDebug() << "Don't need password!!\n"; } // Start the dialog QCString password; if (needpw) { KStartupInfoId id; id.initId( kapp->startupId()); KStartupInfoData data; data.setSilent( KStartupInfoData::Yes ); KStartupInfo::sendChange( id, data ); KDEsuDialog dlg(user, auth_user, keep && !terminal,icon, withIgnoreButton); if (prompt) dlg.addLine(i18n("Command:"), command); if ((priority != 50) || (scheduler != SuProcess::SchedNormal)) { QString prio; if (scheduler == SuProcess::SchedRealtime) prio += i18n("realtime: "); prio += QString("%1/100").arg(priority); if (prompt) dlg.addLine(i18n("Priority:"), prio); } int ret = dlg.exec(); if (ret == KDEsuDialog::Rejected) { KStartupInfo::sendFinish( id ); exit(0); } if (ret == KDEsuDialog::AsUser) change_uid = false; password = dlg.password(); keep = dlg.keep(); data.setSilent( KStartupInfoData::No ); KStartupInfo::sendChange( id, data ); } // Some events may need to be handled (like a button animation) kapp->processEvents(); // Run command if (!change_uid) { int result = system(command); result = WEXITSTATUS(result); return result; } else if (keep && have_daemon) { client.setPass(password, timeout); client.setPriority(priority); client.setScheduler(scheduler); int result = client.exec(command, user, options, env); if (result == 0) { result = client.exitCode(); return result; } } else { SuProcess proc; proc.setTerminal(terminal); proc.setErase(true); proc.setUser(user); if (!new_dcop) { proc.setXOnly(true); proc.setDCOPForwarding(true); } proc.setEnvironment(env); proc.setPriority(priority); proc.setScheduler(scheduler); proc.setCommand(command); int result = proc.exec(password); return result; } return -1; }