bool KDevelop::removeUrl(const KDevelop::IProject* project, const KUrl& url, const bool isFolder) { QWidget* window(ICore::self()->uiController()->activeMainWindow()->window()); if ( !KIO::NetAccess::exists(url, KIO::NetAccess::DestinationSide, window) ) { kWarning() << "tried to remove non-existing url:" << url << project << isFolder; return true; } IPlugin* vcsplugin=project->versionControlPlugin(); if(vcsplugin) { IBasicVersionControl* vcs=vcsplugin->extension<IBasicVersionControl>(); // We have a vcs and the file/folder is controller, need to make the rename through vcs if(vcs->isVersionControlled(url)) { VcsJob* job=vcs->remove(KUrl::List() << url); if(job) { return job->exec(); } } } //if we didn't find a VCS, we remove using KIO if ( !KIO::NetAccess::del( url, window ) ) { KMessageBox::error( window, isFolder ? i18n( "Cannot remove folder <i>%1</i>.", url.pathOrUrl() ) : i18n( "Cannot remove file <i>%1</i>.", url.pathOrUrl() ) ); return false; } return true; }
GpgME::VerificationResult SignaturePrivate::verify(const KUrl &dest, const QByteArray &sig) { GpgME::VerificationResult result; if (!QFile::exists(dest.pathOrUrl()) || sig.isEmpty()) { return result; } GpgME::initializeLibrary(); GpgME::Error error = GpgME::checkEngine(GpgME::OpenPGP); if (error) { kDebug(5001) << "OpenPGP not supported!"; return result; } QScopedPointer<GpgME::Context> context(GpgME::Context::createForProtocol(GpgME::OpenPGP)); if (! { kDebug(5001) << "Could not create context."; return result; } boost::shared_ptr<QFile> qFile(new QFile(dest.pathOrUrl())); qFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QGpgME::QIODeviceDataProvider *file = new QGpgME::QIODeviceDataProvider(qFile); GpgME::Data dFile(file); QGpgME::QByteArrayDataProvider signatureBA(sig); GpgME::Data signature(&signatureBA); return context->verifyDetachedSignature(signature, dFile); }
/** * Emits the fileRequested() signal when a file name is selected in the file * tree. An item is selected by either double-clicking it or by hittin * "ENTER" when it is highlighted. * This slot is connected to the doubleClicked() and returnPressed() signals * of the KFileTreeView object. * @param pItem The selected tree item */ void FileView::slotTreeItemSelected(const KUrl& url) { QFileInfo fileInfo = QFileInfo(url.pathOrUrl()); if (! fileInfo.isDir()) emit fileRequested(url.pathOrUrl(), 0); }
void VerificationThread::doBrokenPieces() { m_mutex.lock(); const QString type = m_types.takeFirst(); const QStringList checksums = m_checksums; m_checksums.clear(); const KUrl url = m_files.takeFirst(); const KIO::filesize_t length = m_length; m_mutex.unlock(); QList<KIO::fileoffset_t> broken; if (QFile::exists(url.pathOrUrl())) { QFile file(url.pathOrUrl()); if (! { emit brokenPieces(broken, length); return; } const KIO::filesize_t fileSize = file.size(); if (!length || !fileSize) { emit brokenPieces(broken, length); return; } const QStringList fileChecksums = Verifier::partialChecksums(url, type, length, &m_abort).checksums(); if (m_abort) { emit brokenPieces(broken, length); return; } if (fileChecksums.size() != checksums.size()) { kDebug(5001) << "Number of checksums differs!"; emit brokenPieces(broken, length); return; } for (int i = 0; i < checksums.size(); ++i) { if ( != { const int brokenStart = length * i; kDebug(5001) << url << "broken segment" << i << "start" << brokenStart << "length" << length; broken.append(brokenStart); } } } emit brokenPieces(broken, length); }
DvcsJob::JobStatus GitRunner::createWorkingCopy(const KUrl &repoOrigin, const KUrl &repoDestination) { // TODO: now supports only cloning a local repo(not very useful, I know =P), // so extend the method to be used over the Internet. m_lastRepoRoot->setDirectory(repoDestination.pathOrUrl()); DvcsJob *job = new DvcsJob(); initJob(*job); *job << "clone"; *job << repoOrigin.pathOrUrl(); startJob(*job); return m_jobStatus; }
bool AddToArchive::addInput(const KUrl& url) { m_inputs << url.pathOrUrl( QFileInfo(url.pathOrUrl()).isDir() ? KUrl::AddTrailingSlash : KUrl::RemoveTrailingSlash ); if (m_firstPath.isEmpty()) { QString firstEntry = url.pathOrUrl(KUrl::RemoveTrailingSlash); m_firstPath = QFileInfo(firstEntry).dir().absolutePath(); } return true; }
void GitRunner::createWorkingCopy(const KUrl &repoOrigin, const KUrl &repoDestination) { // TODO: now supports only cloning a local repo(not very useful, I know =P), // so extend the method to be used over the Internet. m_lastRepoRoot->setDirectory(repoDestination.pathOrUrl()); QStringList command; command << "clone " + repoOrigin.pathOrUrl(); KJob *job = initJob(command); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(handleCreateWorkingCopy(KJob*))); job->start(); }
KoTarStore::KoTarStore(QWidget* window, const KUrl& _url, const QString & _filename, Mode _mode, const QByteArray & appIdentification) { kDebug(30002) << "KoTarStore Constructor url=" << _url.pathOrUrl() << " filename = " << _filename << " mode = " << int(_mode) << endl; Q_D(KoStore); d->url = _url; d->window = window; if (_mode == KoStore::Read) { d->fileMode = KoStorePrivate::RemoteRead; d->localFileName = _filename; } else { d->fileMode = KoStorePrivate::RemoteWrite; d->localFileName = "/tmp/kozip"; // ### FIXME with KTempFile } m_pTar = new KTar(d->localFileName, "application/x-gzip"); d->good = init(_mode); // open the targz file and init some vars if (d->good && _mode == Write) m_pTar->setOrigFileName(completeMagic(appIdentification)); }
bool DocumentChild::setDoc( const Document *doc ) { Q_ASSERT ( m_doc == 0 ); if ( isOpen() ) { KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n( "Document is already open:<br>%1", doc->url().pathOrUrl() ) ); return false; } m_doc = doc; KUrl url; if ( doc->sendAs() == Document::SendAs_Copy ) { url = parentPackage()->extractFile( doc ); if ( url.url().isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n( "Could not extract document from storage:<br>%1", doc->url().pathOrUrl() ) ); return false; } m_copy = true; } else { url = doc->url(); } if ( ! url.isValid() ) { KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n( "Invalid URL:<br>%1", url.pathOrUrl() ) ); return false; } setFileInfo( url ); return true; }
KUrl KUrlNavigator::Private::buttonUrl(int index) const { if (index < 0) { index = 0; } // Keep scheme, hostname etc. as this is needed for e. g. browsing // FTP directories const KUrl currentUrl = q->locationUrl(); KUrl newUrl = currentUrl; newUrl.setPath(QString()); QString pathOrUrl = currentUrl.pathOrUrl(); if (!pathOrUrl.isEmpty()) { if (index == 0) { // prevent the last "/" from being stripped // or we end up with an empty path pathOrUrl = QLatin1String("/"); } else { pathOrUrl = pathOrUrl.section('/', 0, index); } } newUrl.setPath(KUrl(pathOrUrl).path()); return newUrl; }
QString Verifier::checksum(const KUrl &dest, const QString &type) { QStringList supported = supportedVerficationTypes(); if (!supported.contains(type)) { return QString(); } QFile file(dest.pathOrUrl()); if (! { return QString(); } if (type == VerifierPrivate::MD5) { QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(file.readAll(), QCryptographicHash::Md5); file.close(); return hash.toHex(); } else if (type == VerifierPrivate::SHA1) { QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(file.readAll(), QCryptographicHash::Sha1); file.close(); return hash.toHex(); } return QString(); }
void GvCore::saveAs(const KUrl& url) { QByteArray format; KUrl saveAsUrl; if (!d->showSaveAsDialog(url, &saveAsUrl, &format)) { return; } // Check for overwrite if (KIO::NetAccess::exists(saveAsUrl, KIO::NetAccess::DestinationSide, d->mMainWindow)) { int answer = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( d->mMainWindow, i18nc("@info", "A file named <filename>%1</filename> already exists.\n" "Are you sure you want to overwrite it?", saveAsUrl.fileName()), QString(), KStandardGuiItem::overwrite()); if (answer == KMessageBox::Cancel) { return; } } // Start save Document::Ptr doc = DocumentFactory::instance()->load(url); KJob* job = doc->save(saveAsUrl,; if (!job) { const QString name = saveAsUrl.fileName().isEmpty() ? saveAsUrl.pathOrUrl() : saveAsUrl.fileName(); const QString msg = i18nc("@info", "<b>Saving <filename>%1</filename> failed:</b><br>%2", name, doc->errorString()); KMessageBox::sorry(QApplication::activeWindow(), msg); } else { connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(slotSaveResult(KJob*))); } }
QString MetaDataManager::urlToTitle(const KUrl &url) { QString title = QFileInfo(url.pathOrUrl()).completeBaseName(); title = title.replace(QString("%20"), QChar(' ')); title = title.replace(QChar('_'), QChar(' ')); return title; }
bool ServiceItemHandler::openUrl(const KUrl& url) { int result = KToolInvocation::startServiceByDesktopPath(url.pathOrUrl(), QStringList(), 0, 0, 0, "", true); if (result == 0) { KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopPath(url.pathOrUrl()); if (service) { RecentApplications::self()->add(service); } else { qWarning() << "Failed to find service for" << url; return false; } } return result == 0; }
QVariant PlaylistModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid() || (index.row() >= m_tracks.count())) { return QVariant(); } const KUrl url(; if (role == Qt::DecorationRole && index.column() == FileTypeColumn && url.isValid()) { return ((index.row() == m_currentTrack)?KIcon((m_manager->state() != StoppedState && isCurrent())?"media-playback-start":"arrow-right"):MetaDataManager::icon(url)); } else if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole) { if (index.column() == FileTypeColumn || index.column() == FileNameColumn) { if (index.column() == FileNameColumn && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return QFileInfo(url.pathOrUrl()).fileName(); } return url.pathOrUrl(); } else if (index.column() == DurationColumn) { return MetaDataManager::timeToString(MetaDataManager::duration(url)); } else { return MetaDataManager::metaData(url, translateColumn(index.column())); } } else if (role == Qt::ToolTipRole) { return ((MetaDataManager::duration(url) > 0)?QString("<nobr>%1 - %2 (%3)</nobr>").arg(MetaDataManager::metaData(url, ArtistKey)).arg(MetaDataManager::metaData(url, TitleKey)).arg(MetaDataManager::timeToString(MetaDataManager::duration(url))):QString("<nobr>%1 - %2</nobr>").arg(MetaDataManager::metaData(url, ArtistKey)).arg(MetaDataManager::metaData(url, TitleKey))); } else if (role == Qt::UserRole) { return url.pathOrUrl(); } return QVariant(); }
bool MediaDeviceTrack::isPlayable() const { KUrl trackUrl = playableUrl(); QFileInfo trackFileInfo = QFileInfo( trackUrl.pathOrUrl() ); if( trackFileInfo.exists() && trackFileInfo.isFile() && trackFileInfo.isReadable() ) return true; return false; }
DvcsJob::JobStatus GitRunner::init(const KUrl &directory) { // We need to tell the runner to change dir! m_lastRepoRoot->setDirectory(directory.pathOrUrl()); DvcsJob *job = new DvcsJob(); initJob(*job); *job << "init"; startJob(*job); return m_jobStatus; }
QString IncludeFileData::htmlDescription() const { KUrl path = m_item.url(); if( m_item.isDirectory ) { return QString( i18n("Directory %1", path.pathOrUrl()) ); } else { return i18n( "In %1th include path", m_item.pathNumber ); } return " "; }
bool KDevelop::createFile(const KUrl& file) { if (KIO::NetAccess::exists( file, KIO::NetAccess::DestinationSide, QApplication::activeWindow() )) { KMessageBox::error( QApplication::activeWindow(), i18n( "The file <i>%1</i> exists already.", file.pathOrUrl() ) ); return false; } { KTemporaryFile temp; if ( ! || temp.write("\n") == -1 ) { KMessageBox::error( QApplication::activeWindow(), i18n( "Cannot create temporary file to create <i>%1</i>.", file.pathOrUrl() ) ); return false; } if ( !KIO::NetAccess::upload( temp.fileName(), file, QApplication::activeWindow() ) ) { KMessageBox::error( QApplication::activeWindow(), i18n( "Cannot create file <i>%1</i>.", file.pathOrUrl() ) ); return false; } } return true; }
QVariantMap MetaDataManager::metaData(const KUrl &url) { QVariantMap trackData; trackData["title"] = metaData(url, TitleKey, false); trackData["artist"] = metaData(url, ArtistKey, false); trackData["album"] = metaData(url, AlbumKey, false); trackData["date"] = metaData(url, DateKey, false); trackData["genre"] = metaData(url, GenreKey, false); trackData["description"] = metaData(url, DescriptionKey, false); trackData["tracknumber"] = metaData(url, TrackNumberKey, false); trackData["time"] = duration(url); trackData["location"] = url.pathOrUrl(); return trackData; }
void ImageSource::loadImage(const QString &who, const KUrl &url) { if (who.isEmpty()) { return; } if (!m_imageCache) { m_imageCache = new KImageCache("plasma_engine_preview", 10485760); // Re-use previewengine's cache } // Make sure we only start one job per user if (m_loadedPersons.contains(who)) { return; } const QString cacheKey = who + "@" + url.pathOrUrl(); // Check if the image is in the cache, if so return it QImage preview = QImage(QSize(48, 48), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); preview.fill(Qt::transparent); if (m_imageCache->findImage(cacheKey, &preview)) { // cache hit //kDebug() << "cache hit: " << cacheKey; setData(who, polishImage(preview)); Q_EMIT dataChanged(); checkForUpdate(); return; } if (!url.isValid()) { return; } m_loadedPersons << who; //FIXME: since kio_http bombs the system with too many request put a temporary // arbitrary limit here, revert as soon as BUG 192625 is fixed // Note: seems fixed. if (m_runningJobs < 500) { m_runningJobs++; KIO::Job *job = KIO::get(url, KIO::NoReload, KIO::HideProgressInfo); job->setAutoDelete(true); m_jobs[job] = who; connect(job, SIGNAL(data(KIO::Job*,QByteArray)), this, SLOT(recv(KIO::Job*,QByteArray))); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(result(KJob*))); job->start(); } else {
void StartMainPage::showRecentFoldersViewContextMenu(const QPoint& pos) { QAbstractItemView* view = qobject_cast<QAbstractItemView*>(sender()); KUrl url; QModelIndex index = view->indexAt(pos); if (index.isValid()) { QVariant data =; url = data.toUrl(); } // Create menu QMenu menu(this); bool fromRecentUrls = view == d->mRecentUrlsView; QAction* addToPlacesAction = fromRecentUrls ? 0 : menu.addAction(KIcon("bookmark-new"), i18n("Add to Places")); QAction* removeAction = menu.addAction(KIcon("edit-delete"), fromRecentUrls ? i18n("Forget this URL") : i18n("Forget this Folder")); menu.addSeparator(); QAction* clearAction = menu.addAction(KIcon("edit-delete-all"), i18n("Forget All")); if (!index.isValid()) { if (addToPlacesAction) { addToPlacesAction->setEnabled(false); } removeAction->setEnabled(false); } // Handle menu QAction* action = menu.exec(view->mapToGlobal(pos)); if (!action) { return; } if (action == addToPlacesAction) { QString text = url.fileName(); if (text.isEmpty()) { text = url.pathOrUrl(); } d->mBookmarksModel->addPlace(text, url); } else if (action == removeAction) { view->model()->removeRow(index.row()); } else if (action == clearAction) { view->model()->removeRows(0, view->model()->rowCount()); } }
void GvCore::slotSaveResult(KJob* _job) { SaveJob* job = static_cast<SaveJob*>(_job); KUrl oldUrl = job->oldUrl(); KUrl newUrl = job->newUrl(); if (job->error()) { QString name = newUrl.fileName().isEmpty() ? newUrl.pathOrUrl() : newUrl.fileName(); QString msg = i18nc("@info", "<b>Saving <filename>%1</filename> failed:</b><br>%2", name, job->errorString()); int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( d->mMainWindow, msg, QString() /* caption */, KStandardGuiItem::saveAs()); if (result == KMessageBox::Continue) { saveAs(newUrl); } return; } if (oldUrl != newUrl) { d->mMainWindow->goToUrl(newUrl); ViewMainPage* page = d->mMainWindow->viewMainPage(); if (page->isVisible()) { HudMessageBubble* bubble = new HudMessageBubble(); bubble->setText(i18n("You are now viewing the new document.")); KGuiItem item = KStandardGuiItem::back(); item.setText(i18n("Go back to the original")); HudButton* button = bubble->addButton(item); BinderRef<MainWindow, KUrl>::bind(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), d->mMainWindow, &MainWindow::goToUrl, oldUrl); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), bubble, SLOT(deleteLater())); page->showMessageWidget(bubble); } } }
void QuantaProjectPart::slotInsertFolder() { KUrl url = KUrl(); url = KFileDialog::getExistingUrl(m_projectBase, Koncrete::Core::mainWindow(), i18n("Insert Folder in Project")); if (!url.isEmpty()) { if (!m_projectBase.isParentOf(url)) { KUrlRequesterDialog urlRequesterDlg(m_projectBase.pathOrUrl(), Koncrete::Core::mainWindow()); urlRequesterDlg.setWindowTitle(i18n("%1: Copy to Project", url.pathOrUrl())); urlRequesterDlg.urlRequester()->setMode(KFile::Directory | KFile::ExistingOnly); urlRequesterDlg.exec(); KUrl destination = urlRequesterDlg.selectedUrl(); if (!destination.isEmpty()) { destination.adjustPath(KUrl::AddTrailingSlash); QuantaNetAccess::dircopy(url, destination, this, false); } } else { KUrl::List urls = ExtFileInfo::allFilesRelative(url, "*"); QStringList filenames; KUrl u = KUrl::relativeUrl(m_projectBase, url); QStringList sections = u.path(KUrl::AddTrailingSlash).split('/', QString::SkipEmptyParts); QString section; for (int i = 0 ; i < sections.count(); i++) { section += sections[i] + '/'; filenames += section; } KUrl::List::ConstIterator end = urls.constEnd(); for (KUrl::List::ConstIterator it = urls.begin(); it != end; ++it) { filenames += url.fileName() + '/' + (*it).path(); } addFiles(filenames); } } }
void KUrlNavigator::Private::updateContent() { const KUrl currentUrl = q->locationUrl(); if (m_placesSelector != 0) { m_placesSelector->updateSelection(currentUrl); } if (m_editable) { m_protocols->hide(); m_dropDownButton->hide(); deleteButtons(); m_toggleEditableMode->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Preferred); q->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed); m_pathBox->show(); m_pathBox->setUrl(currentUrl); } else { m_pathBox->hide(); m_protocols->hide(); m_toggleEditableMode->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred); q->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); // Calculate the start index for the directories that should be shown as buttons // and create the buttons KUrl placeUrl; if ((m_placesSelector != 0) && !m_showFullPath) { placeUrl = m_placesSelector->selectedPlaceUrl(); } QString placePath = placeUrl.isValid() ? placeUrl.pathOrUrl() : retrievePlacePath(); removeTrailingSlash(placePath); const int startIndex = placePath.count('/'); updateButtons(startIndex); } }
void DolphinViewContainer::slotUrlNavigatorLocationChanged(const KUrl& url) { if (KProtocolManager::supportsListing(url)) { setSearchModeEnabled(isSearchUrl(url)); m_view->setUrl(url); if (isActive() && !isSearchUrl(url)) { // When an URL has been entered, the view should get the focus. // The focus must be requested asynchronously, as changing the URL might create // a new view widget. QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(requestFocus())); } } else if (KProtocolManager::isSourceProtocol(url)) { QString app = "konqueror"; if (url.protocol().startsWith(QLatin1String("http"))) { showErrorMessage(i18nc("@info:status", "Dolphin does not support web pages, the web browser has been launched")); const KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeglobals"), "General"); const QString browser = config.readEntry("BrowserApplication"); if (!browser.isEmpty()) { app = browser; if (app.startsWith('!')) { // a literal command has been configured, remove the '!' prefix app = app.mid(1); } } } else { showErrorMessage(i18nc("@info:status", "Protocol not supported by Dolphin, Konqueror has been launched")); } const QString secureUrl = KShell::quoteArg(url.pathOrUrl()); const QString command = app + ' ' + secureUrl; KRun::runCommand(command, app, app, this); } else { showErrorMessage(i18nc("@info:status", "Invalid protocol")); } }
void BookmarkList::contextMenuForFileItem( const QPoint& p, FileItem* fItem ) { Q_UNUSED( p ); if ( !fItem ) return; const KUrl itemurl = fItem->data( 0, UrlRole ).value< KUrl >(); const bool thisdoc = itemurl == m_document->currentDocument(); KMenu menu( this ); QAction * open = 0; if ( !thisdoc ) open = menu.addAction( i18nc( "Opens the selected document", "Open Document" ) ); QAction * editbm = menu.addAction( KIcon( "edit-rename" ), i18n( "Rename Bookmark" ) ); QAction * removebm = menu.addAction( KIcon( "list-remove" ), i18n( "Remove Bookmarks" ) ); QAction * res = menu.exec( QCursor::pos() ); if ( !res ) return; if ( res == open ) { Okular::GotoAction action( itemurl.pathOrUrl(), Okular::DocumentViewport() ); m_document->processAction( &action ); } else if ( res == editbm ) m_tree->editItem( fItem, 0 ); else if ( res == removebm ) { KBookmark::List list; for ( int i = 0; i < fItem->childCount(); ++i ) { list.append( static_cast<BookmarkItem*>( fItem->child( i ) )->bookmark() ); } m_document->bookmarkManager()->removeBookmarks( itemurl, list ); } }
void AddToArchive::setFilename(const KUrl& path) { m_filename = path.pathOrUrl(); }
void CodeCompletionModel::completionInvokedInternal(KTextEditor::View* view, const KTextEditor::Range& range, InvocationType invocationType, const KUrl& url) { Q_UNUSED(invocationType) DUChainReadLocker lock(DUChain::lock(), 400); if( !lock.locked() ) { kDebug() << "could not lock du-chain in time"; return; } TopDUContext* top = DUChainUtils::standardContextForUrl( url ); if(!top) { return; } setCurrentTopContext(TopDUContextPointer(top)); if (top) { kDebug() << "completion invoked for context" << (DUContext*)top; kDebug() << top->localScopeIdentifier().toString() << top->range().textRange(); if( top->parsingEnvironmentFile() && top->parsingEnvironmentFile()->modificationRevision() != ModificationRevision::revisionForFile(IndexedString(url.pathOrUrl())) ) { kDebug() << "Found context is not current. Its revision is " /*<< top->parsingEnvironmentFile()->modificationRevision() << " while the document-revision is " << ModificationRevision::revisionForFile(IndexedString(url.pathOrUrl()))*/; } DUContextPointer thisContext; { kDebug() << "apply specialization:" << range.start(); { if ( DUContext* ctx = top->findContextAt(SimpleCursor(range.start())) ) { kDebug() << "context at" << range.start() << ":" << ctx << ctx->localScopeIdentifier().toString() << ctx->range().textRange(); } } thisContext = SpecializationStore::self().applySpecialization(top->findContextAt(SimpleCursor(range.start())), top); if ( thisContext ) { kDebug() << "after specialization:" << thisContext->localScopeIdentifier().toString() << thisContext->range().textRange(); } if(!thisContext) thisContext = top; kDebug() << "context is set to" <<; if( thisContext ) { /* kDebug() << "================== duchain for the context ======================="; DumpChain dump; dump.dump(;*/ } else { kDebug() << "================== NO CONTEXT FOUND ======================="; m_completionItems.clear(); m_navigationWidgets.clear(); reset(); return; } } lock.unlock(); if(m_forceWaitForModel) emit waitForReset(); emit completionsNeeded(thisContext, range.start(), view); } else { kDebug() << "Completion invoked for unknown context. Document:" << url << ", Known documents:" << DUChain::self()->documents(); } }
void ZipPlugin::init(const KUrl &fileName) { m_archive = new KZip(fileName.pathOrUrl()); }