GUI_status JoystickDialog::callback(uint16 msg, GUI_CallBack *caller, void *data) { if(caller == (GUI_CallBack *)cancel_button) { return close_dialog(); } else if(caller == (GUI_CallBack *)save_button) { Configuration *config = Game::get_game()->get_config(); KeyBinder *kb = Game::get_game()->get_keybinder(); // enable joystick uint8 enabled_setting; if(enable_button->GetSelection() == 5) enabled_setting = kb->get_enable_joystick(); else if(enable_button->GetSelection() == 4) { enabled_setting = 255; config->set("config/joystick/enable_joystick", "no"); } else { enabled_setting = enable_button->GetSelection(); config->set("config/joystick/enable_joystick", enabled_setting); } kb->init_joystick(enabled_setting == 255 ? -1 : enabled_setting); // will close and NULL joystick and open again if enabled // hat repeating kb->set_hat_repeating(hat_repeating_b->GetSelection() == 1); config->set("config/joystick/repeat_hat", hat_repeating_b->GetSelection() == 1 ? "yes" : "no"); // Axes Pairs std::string axes_str[] = { "axes_pair1/x_axis", "axes_pair1/y_axis", "axes_pair2/x_axis", "axes_pair2/y_axis", "axes_pair3/x_axis", "axes_pair3/y_axis", "axes_pair4/x_axis", "axes_pair4/y_axis" }; for(int i=0; i < 8; i++) { uint8 val = axes_index[i]->GetSelection(); if(val != kb->get_axis(i) && val != 11 && (val != 10 || kb->get_axis(i) != 255)) { val = val == 10 ? 255 : val; config->set("config/joystick/" + axes_str[i], val); kb->set_axis(i, val); } } config->write(); return close_dialog(); } return GUI_PASS; }
bool JoystickDialog::init() { int height = 12; int buttonX[] = { 128, 142, 183}; int textX[] = { 9, 115, 170 }; int textY = 11; int buttonY = 9; uint8 sub_h = 4; uint8 row_h = 13; uint8 axis_w = 40; b_index_num = -1; last_index = 0; // uint8 yesno_width = 32; GUI_Widget *widget; GUI_Font * font = GUI::get_gui()->get_font(); // Configuration *config = Game::get_game()->get_config(); KeyBinder *kb = Game::get_game()->get_keybinder(); uint8 enable_selection; /*index*/; char enable_buff[11], axis_buff[4]; if(kb->get_enable_joystick() == -1) enable_selection = 4; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) // haven't considered this in the saving loop else if(kb->get_enable_joystick() == 127) { enable_selection = 5; sprintf(enable_buff, "%s", "auto detect"); } #endif else if(kb->get_enable_joystick() < 4) enable_selection = kb->get_enable_joystick(); else { enable_selection = 5; sprintf(enable_buff, "Joystick %i", kb->get_enable_joystick()); } // enable_button widget = (GUI_Widget *) new GUI_Text(textX[0], textY, 0, 0, 0, "Enable joystick:", font); AddWidget(widget); const char* const enabled_text[] = { "Joystick 0", "Joystick 1", "Joystick 2", "joystick 3", "Disabled", enable_buff }; enable_button = new GUI_TextToggleButton(this, buttonX[1], buttonY, 93, height, enabled_text, enable_selection == 5 ? 6 : 5, enable_selection, font, BUTTON_TEXTALIGN_CENTER, this, 0); AddWidget(enable_button); button_index[last_index] = enable_button; // hat_repeating_b widget = (GUI_Widget *) new GUI_Text(textX[0], textY += row_h, 0, 0, 0, "Repeat when held:", font); AddWidget(widget); const char* const hat_repeating_text[] = { "axes pair 1", "hat" }; hat_repeating_b = new GUI_TextToggleButton(this, buttonX[1], buttonY += row_h, 93, height, hat_repeating_text, 2, kb->is_hat_repeating(), font, BUTTON_TEXTALIGN_CENTER, this, 0); AddWidget(hat_repeating_b); button_index[last_index+= 1] = hat_repeating_b; // Axes Pairs int str_i = 0; // used in loop const char* axis_text[] = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "none", "" }; const char* const axes_str[] = { "Axes pair 1:", "Axes pair 2:", "Axes pair 3:", "Axes pair 4:" }; for(int i=0; i < 8; i++) { if(i%2 == 0) { // pairs text widget = (GUI_Widget *) new GUI_Text(textX[0], textY += row_h, 0, 0, 0, axes_str[str_i++], font); AddWidget(widget); } // x and y text widget = (GUI_Widget *) new GUI_Text(i%2 ? textX[2] : textX[1], textY += i%2 ? 0 : sub_h, 0, 0, 0, i%2 ? "Y:" : "X:", font); AddWidget(widget); // x and y button uint8 index = get_axis_index(kb->get_axis(i)); if(index == 11) { sprintf(axis_buff, "%i", kb->get_axis(i)); axis_text[11] = axis_buff; } axes_index[i] = new GUI_TextToggleButton(this, i%2 ? buttonX[2] : buttonX[0], buttonY += i%2 ? 0 : row_h + sub_h, axis_w, height, axis_text, index == 11 ? 12 : 11, index, font, BUTTON_TEXTALIGN_CENTER, this, 0); AddWidget(axes_index[i]); button_index[last_index+= 1] = axes_index[i]; } // cancel_button cancel_button = new GUI_Button(this, 59, JD_HEIGHT - 20, 54, height, "Cancel", font, BUTTON_TEXTALIGN_CENTER, 0, this, 0); AddWidget(cancel_button); button_index[last_index += 1] = cancel_button; // save_button save_button = new GUI_Button(this, 124, JD_HEIGHT - 20, 60, height, "Save", font, BUTTON_TEXTALIGN_CENTER, 0, this, 0); AddWidget(save_button); button_index[last_index += 1] = save_button; return true; }