예제 #1
QString KoTextWriter::saveParagraphStyle(const QTextBlockFormat &blockFormat, const QTextCharFormat &charFormat, KoStyleManager * styleManager, KoShapeSavingContext &context)
    KoParagraphStyle *defaultParagraphStyle = styleManager->defaultParagraphStyle();
    KoParagraphStyle *originalParagraphStyle = styleManager->paragraphStyle(blockFormat.intProperty(KoParagraphStyle::StyleId));
    if (!originalParagraphStyle)
        originalParagraphStyle = defaultParagraphStyle;

    QString generatedName;
    QString displayName = originalParagraphStyle->name();
    QString internalName = QString(QUrl::toPercentEncoding(displayName, "", " ")).replace('%', '_');

    // we'll convert the blockFormat to a KoParagraphStyle to check for local changes.
    KoParagraphStyle paragStyle(blockFormat, charFormat);
    if (paragStyle == (*originalParagraphStyle)) { // This is the real, unmodified character style.
        // TODO zachmann: this could use the name of the saved style without saving it again
        // therefore we would need to store that information in the saving context
        if (originalParagraphStyle != defaultParagraphStyle) {
            KoGenStyle style(KoGenStyle::ParagraphStyle, "paragraph");
            originalParagraphStyle->saveOdf(style, context);
            generatedName = context.mainStyles().insert(style, internalName, KoGenStyles::DontAddNumberToName);
    } else { // There are manual changes... We'll have to store them then
        KoGenStyle style(KoGenStyle::ParagraphAutoStyle, "paragraph", internalName);
        if (context.isSet(KoShapeSavingContext::AutoStyleInStyleXml))
        if (originalParagraphStyle) {
        paragStyle.saveOdf(style, context);
        generatedName = context.mainStyles().insert(style, "P");
    return generatedName;
QImage KoStyleThumbnailer::thumbnail(KoParagraphStyle *style, QSize size, bool recreateThumbnail, KoStyleThumbnailerFlags flags)
    if ((flags & UseStyleNameText)  && (!style || style->name().isNull())) {
        return QImage();
    } else if ((! (flags & UseStyleNameText)) && d->thumbnailText.isEmpty()) {
        return QImage();

    if (!size.isValid() || size.isNull()) {
        size = d->defaultSize;
    QString imageKey = "p_" + QString::number(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(style)) + "_" + QString::number(size.width()) + "_" + QString::number(size.height());

    if (!recreateThumbnail && d->thumbnailCache.object(imageKey)) {
        return QImage(*(d->thumbnailCache.object(imageKey)));

    QImage *im = new QImage(size.width(), size.height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);

    KoParagraphStyle *clone = style->clone();
    //TODO: make the following real options
    //we ignore these properties when the thumbnail would not be sufficient to preview properly the whole paragraph with margins.
    clone->setMargin(QTextLength(QTextLength::FixedLength, 0));
    QTextCursor cursor(d->thumbnailHelperDocument);
    QTextBlock block = cursor.block();
    clone->applyStyle(block, true);

    QTextCharFormat format;
    // Default to black as text color, to match what KoTextLayoutArea::paint(...)
    // does, setting solid black if no brush is set. Otherwise the UI text color
    // would be used, which might be too bright with dark UI color schemes
    if (flags & UseStyleNameText) {
        cursor.insertText(clone->name(), format);
    } else {
        cursor.insertText(d->thumbnailText, format);
    layoutThumbnail(size, im, flags);

    d->thumbnailCache.insert(imageKey, im);
    delete clone;
    return QImage(*im);