IBitmap IGraphicsLice::LoadIBitmap(int ID, const char* name, int nStates) { LICE_IBitmap* lb = s_bitmapCache.Find(ID); if (!lb) { lb = OSLoadBitmap(ID, name); bool imgResourceFound = (lb); assert(imgResourceFound); // Protect against typos in resource.h and .rc files. s_bitmapCache.Add(lb, ID); } return IBitmap(lb, lb->getWidth(), lb->getHeight(), nStates); }
IBitmap IGraphics::LoadIBitmap(int ID, const char* name, int nStates, bool framesAreHoriztonal) { LICE_IBitmap* lb = s_bitmapCache.Find(ID); if (!lb) { lb = OSLoadBitmap(ID, name); #ifndef NDEBUG bool imgResourceFound = lb; #endif assert(imgResourceFound); // Protect against typos in resource.h and .rc files. s_bitmapCache.Add(lb, ID); } return IBitmap(lb, lb->getWidth(), lb->getHeight(), nStates, framesAreHoriztonal); }
bool SNM_AddLogo(LICE_IBitmap* _bm, const RECT* _r, int _x, int _h) { LICE_IBitmap* logo = SNM_GetThemeLogo(); if (_bm && logo && _r) { // top right display (if no overlap with left controls) if (_x>=0 && _h>=0) { if ((_x+logo->getWidth()) < (_r->right+SNM_GUI_X_MARGIN_LOGO)) { int y = _r->top + int(_h/2 - logo->getHeight()/2 + 0.5); LICE_Blit(_bm,logo,_r->right-(logo->getWidth()+SNM_GUI_X_MARGIN_LOGO),y,NULL,0.125f,LICE_BLIT_MODE_ADD|LICE_BLIT_USE_ALPHA); return true; } } // bottom right display else if (((_r->right-_r->left)-SNM_GUI_X_MARGIN_LOGO) > logo->getWidth() && (_r->bottom-_r->top-SNM_GUI_Y_MARGIN_LOGO) > logo->getHeight()) { LICE_Blit(_bm,logo,_r->right-(logo->getWidth()+SNM_GUI_X_MARGIN_LOGO),_r->bottom-_r->top-logo->getHeight()-SNM_GUI_Y_MARGIN_LOGO,NULL,0.125f,LICE_BLIT_MODE_ADD|LICE_BLIT_USE_ALPHA); return true; } } return false; }
void WDL_VirtualIconButton_PreprocessSkinConfig(WDL_VirtualIconButton_SkinConfig *a) { if (a && a->image) { a->image_ltrb_used.flags=0; int wi; for(wi=0;wi<2;wi++) { LICE_IBitmap *srcimg = wi ? a->image : a->olimage; if (!srcimg) continue; int w=srcimg->getWidth(); int h=srcimg->getHeight(); if (LICE_GetPixel(srcimg,0,0)==LICE_RGBA(255,0,255,255)&& LICE_GetPixel(srcimg,w-1,h-1)==LICE_RGBA(255,0,255,255)) { int lext=0,rext=0,bext=0,text=0; int x; for (x = 1; x < w/3 && LICE_GetPixel(srcimg,x,0)==LICE_RGBA(255,0,255,255); x ++); lext=x-1; for (x = 1; x < h && LICE_GetPixel(srcimg,0,x)==LICE_RGBA(255,0,255,255); x ++); text=x-1; for (x = w-2; x >= (w*2/3) && LICE_GetPixel(srcimg,x,h-1)==LICE_RGBA(255,0,255,255); x --); rext=w-2-x; for (x = h-2; x >= text && LICE_GetPixel(srcimg,w-1,x)==LICE_RGBA(255,0,255,255); x --); bext=h-2-x; if (lext||text||rext||bext) { a->image_ltrb_used.flags |= 1 << wi; short *buf = wi ? a->image_ltrb_main : a->image_ltrb_ol; buf[0]=lext; buf[1]=text; buf[2]=rext; buf[3]=bext; } } } } }
LICE_IBitmap *LICE_LoadPCX(const char *filename, LICE_IBitmap *_bmp) { FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"rb"); if(!fp) return 0; fgetc(fp); if (fgetc(fp) != 5) { fclose(fp); return NULL; } if (fgetc(fp) != 1) { fclose(fp); return NULL; } if (fgetc(fp) != 8) { fclose(fp); return NULL; } int sx = fgetc(fp); sx += fgetc(fp)<<8; int sy = fgetc(fp); sy += fgetc(fp)<<8; int ex = fgetc(fp); ex += fgetc(fp)<<8; int ey = fgetc(fp); ey += fgetc(fp)<<8; unsigned char pal[768]; fseek(fp,-769,SEEK_END); if (fgetc(fp) != 12) { fclose(fp); return NULL; } fread(pal,1,768,fp); if (feof(fp)) { fclose(fp); return NULL; } LICE_IBitmap *usebmp = NULL; if (_bmp) (usebmp=_bmp)->resize(ex-sx+1,ey-sy+1); else usebmp = new LICE_MemBitmap(ex-sx+1,ey-sy+1); fseek(fp,128,SEEK_SET); LICE_Clear(usebmp,0); int y = usebmp->getHeight(); int w = usebmp->getWidth(); int rowspan = usebmp->getRowSpan(); LICE_pixel *pout = usebmp->getBits(); if (usebmp->isFlipped()) { pout += rowspan*(y-1); rowspan=-rowspan; } while (y--) { int xpos = 0; while (xpos < w) { int c = fgetc(fp); if (c&~255) break; if ((c & 192) == 192) { int oc = (fgetc(fp))&255; LICE_pixel t=LICE_RGBA(pal[oc*3],pal[oc*3+1],pal[oc*3+2],255); c&=63; while (c-- && xpos<w) pout[xpos++] = t; } else pout[xpos++] = LICE_RGBA(pal[c*3],pal[c*3+1],pal[c*3+2],255); } pout+=rowspan; } return usebmp; }
int DrawText(HDC ctx, const char *buf, int buflen, RECT *r, int align) { const char *obuf=buf; HDC__ *ct=(HDC__ *)ctx; if (!r) return 0; int lineh = 8; int charw = 8; HGDIOBJ__ *font = NULL; #ifdef SWELL_FREETYPE int ascent=0; font = HDC_VALID(ct) && HGDIOBJ_VALID(ct->curfont,TYPE_FONT) ? ct->curfont : SWELL_GetDefaultFont(); FT_Face face = NULL; if (font && font->fontface) { face=(FT_Face)font->fontface; lineh = face->size->metrics.height/64; ascent = face->size->metrics.ascender/64; charw = face->size->metrics.max_advance/64; } #endif if (align&DT_CALCRECT) { if (!font && (align&DT_SINGLELINE)) { r->right = r->left + ( buflen < 0 ? strlen(buf) : buflen ) * charw; int h = r->right ? lineh:0; r->bottom = r->top+h; return h; } int xpos=0; int ypos=0; r->bottom=r->top; bool in_prefix=false; while (buflen && *buf) // if buflen<0, go forever { unsigned short c=0; int charlen = utf8char(buf,&c); buf+=charlen; if (buflen > 0) { buflen -= charlen; if (buflen < 0) buflen=0; } if (!c) break; if (c=='&' && !in_prefix && !(align&DT_NOPREFIX)) { in_prefix = true; continue; } in_prefix=false; if (c == '\n') { ypos += lineh; xpos=0; } else if (c != '\r') { if (font) { #ifdef SWELL_FREETYPE if (!FT_Load_Char(face, c, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT) && face->glyph) { // measure character FT_GlyphSlot g = face->glyph; int rext = xpos + (g->metrics.width + g->metrics.horiBearingX)/64; if (rext<=xpos) rext=xpos + g->metrics.horiAdvance/64; if (r->left+rext > r->right) r->right = r->left+rext; xpos += g->metrics.horiAdvance/64; int bext = r->top + ypos + lineh; // ascent + (g->metrics.height - g->metrics.horiBearingY)/64; if (bext > r->bottom) r->bottom = bext; continue; } } #endif xpos += c=='\t' ? charw*5 : charw; if (r->top + ypos + lineh > r->bottom) r->bottom = r->top+ypos+lineh; if (r->left+xpos>r->right) r->right=r->left+xpos; } } return r->bottom-r->top; } if (!HDC_VALID(ct)) return 0; RECT use_r = *r; use_r.left += ct->surface_offs.x; use_r.right += ct->surface_offs.x; use_r.top += ct->surface_offs.y; use_r.bottom += ct->surface_offs.y; int xpos = use_r.left; int ypos = use_r.top; if (align&(DT_CENTER|DT_VCENTER|DT_RIGHT|DT_BOTTOM)) { RECT tr={0,}; DrawText(ctx,buf,buflen,&tr,align|DT_CALCRECT); if (align&DT_CENTER) xpos -= ((tr.right-tr.left) - (use_r.right-use_r.left))/2; else if (align&DT_RIGHT) xpos = use_r.right - (tr.right-tr.left); if (align&DT_VCENTER) ypos -= ((tr.bottom-tr.top) - (use_r.bottom-use_r.top))/2; else if (align&DT_BOTTOM) ypos = use_r.bottom - (tr.bottom-tr.top); } LICE_IBitmap *surface = ct->surface; int fgcol = ct->cur_text_color_int; int bgcol = ct->curbkcol; int bgmode = ct->curbkmode; int clip_x1=wdl_max(use_r.left,0), clip_y1 = wdl_max(use_r.top,0); int clip_w=0, clip_h=0; if (surface) { clip_w = wdl_min(use_r.right,surface->getWidth())-clip_x1; clip_h = wdl_min(use_r.bottom,surface->getHeight())-clip_y1; if (clip_w<0)clip_w=0; if (clip_h<0)clip_h=0; } LICE_SubBitmap clipbm(surface,clip_x1,clip_y1,clip_w,clip_h); if (surface && !(align&DT_NOCLIP)) { surface = &clipbm; xpos-=clip_x1; ypos-=clip_y1; } int left_xpos = xpos,ysize=0,max_xpos=0; int start_ypos = ypos; bool in_prefix=false; while (buflen && *buf) { unsigned short c=0; int charlen = utf8char(buf,&c); if (buflen>0) { buflen -= charlen; if (buflen<0) buflen=0; } buf+=charlen; bool doUl=in_prefix; if (c=='&' && !in_prefix && !(align&DT_NOPREFIX)) { in_prefix = true; continue; } in_prefix=false; if (c=='\n' && !(align&DT_SINGLELINE)) { xpos=left_xpos; ypos+=lineh; } else if (c=='\r') {} else { bool needr=true; if (font) { #ifdef SWELL_FREETYPE if (!FT_Load_Char(face, c, FT_LOAD_RENDER) && face->glyph) { FT_GlyphSlot g = face->glyph; if (bgmode==OPAQUE) LICE_FillRect(surface,xpos,ypos,g->metrics.horiAdvance/64,lineh,bgcol,1.0f,LICE_BLIT_MODE_COPY); LICE_DrawGlyphEx(surface,xpos+g->bitmap_left,ypos+ascent-g->bitmap_top,fgcol,(LICE_pixel_chan *)g->bitmap.buffer,g->bitmap.width,g->bitmap.pitch,g->bitmap.rows,1.0f,LICE_BLIT_MODE_COPY); int rext = xpos + (g->metrics.width + g->metrics.horiBearingX)/64; if (rext<=xpos) rext=xpos + g->metrics.horiAdvance/64; if (rext > max_xpos) max_xpos=rext; xpos += g->metrics.horiAdvance/64; int bext = ypos + lineh; // + (g->metrics.height - g->metrics.horiBearingY)/64; if (ysize < bext) ysize=bext; needr=false; } #endif } if (needr) { if (c=='\t') { if (bgmode==OPAQUE) LICE_FillRect(surface,xpos,ypos,charw*5,lineh,bgcol,1.0f,LICE_BLIT_MODE_COPY); xpos+=charw*5; if (ysize < ypos+lineh) ysize=ypos+lineh; } else { if (bgmode==OPAQUE) LICE_FillRect(surface,xpos,ypos,charw,lineh,bgcol,1.0f,LICE_BLIT_MODE_COPY); LICE_DrawChar(surface,xpos,ypos,c,fgcol,1.0f,LICE_BLIT_MODE_COPY); if (doUl) LICE_Line(surface,xpos,ypos+lineh+1,xpos+charw,ypos+lineh+1,fgcol,1.0f,LICE_BLIT_MODE_COPY,false); if (ysize < ypos+lineh+(doUl ? 2:1)) ysize=ypos+lineh+(doUl ? 2:1); xpos+=charw; } } } if(xpos>max_xpos)max_xpos=xpos; } if (surface==&clipbm) swell_DirtyContext(ct,clip_x1+left_xpos,clip_y1+start_ypos,clip_x1+max_xpos,clip_y1+start_ypos+ysize); else swell_DirtyContext(ct,left_xpos,start_ypos,max_xpos,start_ypos+ysize); return ysize; }