예제 #1
void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_triggered()
    QString lastPath;
    LVPtrVector<CRFileHistRecord> & files = ui->view->getDocView()->getHistory()->getRecords();
    if ( files.length()>0 ) {
        lastPath = cr2qt( files[0]->getFilePath() );
    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open book file"),
         tr("All supported formats (*.fb2 *.txt *.tcr *.rtf *.doc *.epub *.html *.htm *.chm *.zip *.pdb *.pml *.prc *.pml *.mobi);;FB2 books (*.fb2 *.fb2.zip);;Text files (*.txt);;Rich text (*.rtf);;MS Word document (*.doc);;HTML files (*.htm *.html);;EPUB files (*.epub);;CHM files (*.chm);;MOBI files (*.mobi *.prc *.azw);;PalmDOC files (*.pdb *.pml);;ZIP archives (*.zip)"));
    if ( fileName.length()==0 )
    if ( !ui->view->loadDocument( fileName ) ) {
        // error
    } else {
#ifdef _DEBUG
        LVStreamRef in = ui->view->getDocView()->getCoverPageImageStream();
        if ( !in.isNull() ) {
            LVStreamRef out = LVOpenFileStream("/tmp/cover.png", LVOM_WRITE);
            if ( !out.isNull() ) {
                LVPumpStream( out.get(), in.get() );
예제 #2
bool V3DocViewWin::loadSettings( lString16 filename )
    _settingsFileName = filename;
    LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream( filename.c_str(), LVOM_READ );
    if ( stream.isNull() ) {
        _docview->propsUpdateDefaults( _props );
        _docview->propsApply( _props );
        _wm->getScreen()->setFullUpdateInterval(_props->getIntDef(PROP_DISPLAY_FULL_UPDATE_INTERVAL, 1));
        _wm->getScreen()->setTurboUpdateEnabled(_props->getIntDef(PROP_DISPLAY_TURBO_UPDATE_MODE, 0));
        //setAccelerators( _wm->getAccTables().get(lString16("main"), _props) );
        return false;
    if ( _props->loadFromStream( stream.get() ) ) {
        _props->setIntDef(PROP_FILE_PROPS_FONT_SIZE, 26);
        _docview->propsUpdateDefaults( _props );
        _docview->propsApply( _props );
        _wm->getScreen()->setFullUpdateInterval(_props->getIntDef(PROP_DISPLAY_FULL_UPDATE_INTERVAL, 1));
        _wm->getScreen()->setTurboUpdateEnabled(_props->getIntDef(PROP_DISPLAY_TURBO_UPDATE_MODE, 0));
        setAccelerators( _wm->getAccTables().get(lString16("main"), _props) );
        return true;
    _docview->propsUpdateDefaults( _props );
    _docview->propsApply( _props );
    _wm->getScreen()->setFullUpdateInterval(_props->getIntDef(PROP_DISPLAY_FULL_UPDATE_INTERVAL, 1));
    _wm->getScreen()->setTurboUpdateEnabled(_props->getIntDef(PROP_DISPLAY_TURBO_UPDATE_MODE, 0));
    //setAccelerators( _wm->getAccTables().get(lString16("main"), _props) );
    return false;
예제 #3
bool DetectEpubFormat( LVStreamRef stream )

    LVContainerRef m_arc = LVOpenArchieve( stream );
    if ( m_arc.isNull() )
        return false; // not a ZIP archive

    //dumpZip( m_arc );

    // read "mimetype" file contents from root of archive
    lString16 mimeType;
        LVStreamRef mtStream = m_arc->OpenStream(L"mimetype", LVOM_READ );
        if ( !mtStream.isNull() ) {
            int size = mtStream->GetSize();
            if ( size>4 && size<100 ) {
                LVArray<char> buf( size+1, '\0' );
                if ( mtStream->Read( buf.get(), size, NULL )==LVERR_OK ) {
                    for ( int i=0; i<size; i++ )
                        if ( buf[i]<32 || ((unsigned char)buf[i])>127 )
                            buf[i] = 0;
                    buf[size] = 0;
                    if ( buf[0] )
                        mimeType = Utf8ToUnicode( lString8( buf.get() ) );

    if ( mimeType != L"application/epub+zip" )
        return false;
    return true;
예제 #4
bool TexHyph::load( lString16 fileName )
    LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream( fileName.c_str(), LVOM_READ );
    if ( stream.isNull() )
        return false;
    return load( stream );
예제 #5
bool HyphMan::activateDictionaryFromStream( LVStreamRef stream )
    if ( stream.isNull() )
        return false;
    CRLog::trace("remove old hyphenation method");
    if ( HyphMan::_method != &NO_HYPH && HyphMan::_method != &ALGO_HYPH && HyphMan::_method ) {
        delete HyphMan::_method;
        HyphMan::_method = &NO_HYPH;
    CRLog::trace("creating new TexHyph method");
    TexHyph * method = new TexHyph();
    CRLog::trace("loading from file");
    if ( !method->load( stream ) ) {
		CRLog::error("HyphMan::activateDictionaryFromStream: Cannot open hyphenation dictionary from stream" );
        delete method;
        return false;
    CRLog::debug("Dictionary is loaded successfully. Activating.");
    HyphMan::_method = method;
    if ( HyphMan::_dictList->find(lString16(HYPH_DICT_ID_DICTIONARY))==NULL ) {
        HyphDictionary * dict = new HyphDictionary( HDT_DICT_ALAN, cs16("Dictionary"), lString16(HYPH_DICT_ID_DICTIONARY), lString16::empty_str );
    	HyphMan::_selectedDictionary = dict;
    CRLog::trace("Activation is done");
    return true;
예제 #6
 * Class:     org_coolreader_crengine_Engine
 * Method:    drawBookCoverInternal
 * Signature: (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;[BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;II)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_coolreader_crengine_Engine_drawBookCoverInternal
  (JNIEnv * _env, jobject _engine, jobject bitmap, jbyteArray _data, jstring _fontFace, jstring _title, jstring _authors, jstring _seriesName, jint seriesNumber, jint bpp)
	CRJNIEnv env(_env);
	//CRLog::debug("drawBookCoverInternal called");
	lString8 fontFace = UnicodeToUtf8(env.fromJavaString(_fontFace));
	lString16 title = env.fromJavaString(_title);
	lString16 authors = env.fromJavaString(_authors);
	lString16 seriesName = env.fromJavaString(_seriesName);
	LVStreamRef stream;
	LVImageSourceRef image;
	if (_data != NULL && _env->GetArrayLength(_data) > 0) {
		stream = env.jbyteArrayToStream(_data);
		if (!stream.isNull())
			image = LVCreateStreamImageSource(stream);
	LVDrawBuf * drawbuf = BitmapAccessorInterface::getInstance()->lock(_env, bitmap);
	if (drawbuf != NULL) {

		int factor = 1;
		int dx = drawbuf->GetWidth();
		int dy = drawbuf->GetHeight();
		int MIN_WIDTH = 300;
		int MIN_HEIGHT = 400;
		if (dx < MIN_WIDTH || dy < MIN_HEIGHT) {
			if (dx * 2 < MIN_WIDTH || dy * 2 < MIN_HEIGHT) {
				dx *= 3;
				dy *= 3;
				factor = 3;
			} else {
				dx *= 2;
				dy *= 2;
				factor = 2;
		LVDrawBuf * drawbuf2 = drawbuf;
		if (factor > 1)
			drawbuf2 = new LVColorDrawBuf(dx, dy, drawbuf->GetBitsPerPixel());

		if (bpp >= 16) {
			// native color resolution
			LVDrawBookCover(*drawbuf2, image, fontFace, title, authors, seriesName, seriesNumber);
		} else {
			LVGrayDrawBuf grayBuf(drawbuf2->GetWidth(), drawbuf2->GetHeight(), bpp);
			LVDrawBookCover(grayBuf, image, fontFace, title, authors, seriesName, seriesNumber);
			grayBuf.DrawTo(drawbuf2, 0, 0, 0, NULL);

		if (factor > 1) {
			drawbuf->DrawRescaled(drawbuf2, 0, 0, drawbuf->GetWidth(), drawbuf->GetHeight(), 0);
			delete drawbuf2;

		//CRLog::trace("getPageImageInternal calling bitmap->unlock");
		BitmapAccessorInterface::getInstance()->unlock(_env, bitmap, drawbuf);
	} else {
		CRLog::error("bitmap accessor is invalid");
	//CRLog::debug("drawBookCoverInternal finished");
예제 #7
bool V3DocViewWin::loadDictConfig( lString16 filename )
    LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream( filename.c_str(), LVOM_READ );
    if ( !stream.isNull() ) {
        _dictConfig = filename;
        return true;
    return false;
예제 #8
    virtual LVStreamRef OpenStream( const lChar16 * fname, lvopen_mode_t mode ) {

        LVStreamRef res = _container->OpenStream(fname, mode);
        if (res.isNull())
            return res;
        if (isEncryptedItem(fname))
            return LVStreamRef(new FontDemanglingStream(res, _fontManglingKey));
        return res;
예제 #9
bool V3DocViewWin::saveHistory( LVStreamRef stream )
    if ( stream.isNull() ) {
        CRLog::error("Cannot open history file for write" );
        return false;
    _docview->getHistory()->limit( 32 );
    return _docview->getHistory()->saveToStream( stream.get() );
예제 #10
bool V3DocViewWin::loadHistory( LVStreamRef stream )
    if ( stream.isNull() ) {
        return false;
    if ( !_docview->getHistory()->loadFromStream( stream ) )
        return false;
    return true;
예제 #11
bool HyphDictionaryList::open(lString16 hyphDirectory, bool clear)
    CRLog::info("HyphDictionaryList::open(%s)", LCSTR(hyphDirectory) );
    if (clear) {
    if ( hyphDirectory.empty() )
        return true;
    //LVAppendPathDelimiter( hyphDirectory );
    LVContainerRef container;
    LVStreamRef stream;
    if ( (hyphDirectory.endsWith("/") || hyphDirectory.endsWith("\\")) && LVDirectoryExists(hyphDirectory) ) {
        container = LVOpenDirectory( hyphDirectory.c_str(), L"*.*" );
    } else if ( LVFileExists(hyphDirectory) ) {
        stream = LVOpenFileStream( hyphDirectory.c_str(), LVOM_READ );
        if ( !stream.isNull() )
            container = LVOpenArchieve( stream );

	if ( !container.isNull() ) {
		int len = container->GetObjectCount();
        int count = 0;
        CRLog::info("%d items found in hyph directory", len);
		for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
			const LVContainerItemInfo * item = container->GetObjectInfo( i );
			lString16 name = item->GetName();
            lString16 suffix;
            HyphDictType t = HDT_NONE;
            if ( name.endsWith(".pdb") ) {
                suffix = "_hyphen_(Alan).pdb";
                t = HDT_DICT_ALAN;
            } else if ( name.endsWith(".pattern") ) {
                suffix = ".pattern";
                t = HDT_DICT_TEX;
            } else

			lString16 filename = hyphDirectory + name;
			lString16 id = name;
			lString16 title = name;
			if ( title.endsWith( suffix ) )
				title.erase( title.length() - suffix.length(), suffix.length() );
			_list.add( new HyphDictionary( t, title, id, filename ) );
		CRLog::info("%d dictionaries added to list", _list.length());
		return true;
	} else {
        CRLog::info("no hyphenation dictionary items found in hyph directory %s", LCSTR(hyphDirectory));
	return false;
예제 #12
static void dumpZip( LVContainerRef arc ) {
    lString16 arcName = LVExtractFilenameWithoutExtension( arc->GetName() );
    if ( arcName.empty() )
        arcName = L"unziparc";
    lString16 outDir = lString16("/tmp/") + arcName;
    for ( int i=0; i<arc->GetObjectCount(); i++ ) {
        const LVContainerItemInfo * info = arc->GetObjectInfo(i);
        if ( !info->IsContainer() ) {
            lString16 outFileName = outDir + L"/" + info->GetName();
            LVStreamRef in = arc->OpenStream(info->GetName(), LVOM_READ);
            LVStreamRef out = LVOpenFileStream(outFileName.c_str(), LVOM_WRITE);
            if ( !in.isNull() && !out.isNull() ) {
                CRLog::trace("Writing %s", LCSTR(outFileName));
                LVPumpStream(out.get(), in.get());
예제 #13
 bool open() {
     LVStreamRef stream = _container->OpenStream(L"META-INF/encryption.xml", LVOM_READ);
     if (stream.isNull())
         return false;
     EncCallback enccallback(this);
     LVXMLParser parser(stream, &enccallback, false, false);
     if (!parser.Parse())
         return false;
     if (_list.length())
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #14
void InitCREngineLog( const char * cfgfile )
    if ( !cfgfile ) {
        CRLog::setLogLevel( CRLog::LL_TRACE );
    lString16 logfname;
    lString16 loglevelstr = 
#ifdef _DEBUG
    bool autoFlush = false;
    CRPropRef logprops = LVCreatePropsContainer();
        LVStreamRef cfg = LVOpenFileStream( cfgfile, LVOM_READ );
        if ( !cfg.isNull() ) {
            logprops->loadFromStream( cfg.get() );
            logfname = logprops->getStringDef( PROP_LOG_FILENAME, "stdout" );
            loglevelstr = logprops->getStringDef( PROP_LOG_LEVEL, "TRACE" );
                        autoFlush = logprops->getBoolDef( PROP_LOG_AUTOFLUSH, false );
    CRLog::log_level level = CRLog::LL_INFO;
    if ( loglevelstr==L"OFF" ) {
        level = CRLog::LL_FATAL;
    } else if ( loglevelstr==L"FATAL" ) {
        level = CRLog::LL_FATAL;
    } else if ( loglevelstr==L"ERROR" ) {
        level = CRLog::LL_ERROR;
    } else if ( loglevelstr==L"WARN" ) {
        level = CRLog::LL_WARN;
    } else if ( loglevelstr==L"INFO" ) {
        level = CRLog::LL_INFO;
    } else if ( loglevelstr==L"DEBUG" ) {
        level = CRLog::LL_DEBUG;
    } else if ( loglevelstr==L"TRACE" ) {
        level = CRLog::LL_TRACE;
    if ( !logfname.empty() ) {
        if ( logfname==L"stdout" )
        else if ( logfname==L"stderr" )
            CRLog::setFileLogger( UnicodeToUtf8( logfname ).c_str(), autoFlush );
    CRLog::setLogLevel( level );
    CRLog::trace("Log initialization done.");
예제 #15
jbyteArray scanBookCoverInternal
  (JNIEnv * _env, jclass _class, jstring _path)
	CRJNIEnv env(_env);
	lString16 path = env.fromJavaString(_path);
	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal(%s) called", LCSTR(path));
	lString16 arcname, item;
    LVStreamRef res;
    jbyteArray array = NULL;
    LVContainerRef arc;
	if (!LVSplitArcName(path, arcname, item)) {
		// not in archive
		LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream(path.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
		if (!stream.isNull()) {
			arc = LVOpenArchieve(stream);
			if (!arc.isNull()) {
				// ZIP-based format
				if (DetectEpubFormat(stream)) {
					// EPUB
					// extract coverpage from epub
					res = GetEpubCoverpage(arc);
			} else {
				res = GetFB2Coverpage(stream);
				if (res.isNull()) {
					doc_format_t fmt;
					if (DetectPDBFormat(stream, fmt)) {
						res = GetPDBCoverpage(stream);
	} else {
    	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal() : is archive, item=%s, arc=%s", LCSTR(item), LCSTR(arcname));
		LVStreamRef arcstream = LVOpenFileStream(arcname.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
		if (!arcstream.isNull()) {
			arc = LVOpenArchieve(arcstream);
			if (!arc.isNull()) {
				LVStreamRef stream = arc->OpenStream(item.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
				if (!stream.isNull()) {
			    	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal() : archive stream opened ok, parsing");
					res = GetFB2Coverpage(stream);
					if (res.isNull()) {
						doc_format_t fmt;
						if (DetectPDBFormat(stream, fmt)) {
							res = GetPDBCoverpage(stream);
	if (!res.isNull())
		array = env.streamToJByteArray(res);
    if (array != NULL)
    	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal() : returned cover page array");
    	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal() : cover page data not found");
    return array;
예제 #16
 * Class:     org_coolreader_crengine_ReaderView
 * Method:    setPageBackgroundTextureInternal
 * Signature: ([BI)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_coolreader_crengine_ReaderView_setPageBackgroundTextureInternal
  (JNIEnv * _env, jobject _this, jbyteArray jdata, jint tileFlags )
    CRJNIEnv env(_env);
    ReaderViewNative * p = getNative(_env, _this);
    LVImageSourceRef img;
    if ( jdata!=NULL ) {
        LVStreamRef stream = env.jbyteArrayToStream( jdata );
        if ( !stream.isNull() ) {
            img = LVCreateStreamImageSource(stream);
    p->_docview->setBackgroundImage(img, tileFlags!=0);
예제 #17
 * Class:     org_coolreader_crengine_Engine
 * Method:    scanBookCoverInternal
 * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)[B
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_org_coolreader_crengine_Engine_scanBookCoverInternal
  (JNIEnv * _env, jobject _engine, jstring _path) {
	CRJNIEnv env(_env);
	lString16 path = env.fromJavaString(_path);
	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal(%s) called", LCSTR(path));
	lString16 arcname, item;
    LVStreamRef res;
    jbyteArray array = NULL;
    LVContainerRef arc;
	if (!LVSplitArcName(path, arcname, item)) {
		// not in archive
		LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream(path.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
		if (!stream.isNull()) {
			arc = LVOpenArchieve(stream);
			if (!arc.isNull()) {
				// ZIP-based format
				if (DetectEpubFormat(stream)) {
					// EPUB
					// extract coverpage from epub
					res = GetEpubCoverpage(arc);
			} else {
				doc_format_t fmt;
				if (DetectPDBFormat(stream, fmt)) {
					res = GetPDBCoverpage(stream);
	if (!res.isNull())
		array = env.streamToJByteArray(res);
    if (array != NULL)
    	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal() : returned cover page array");
    	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal() : cover page data not found");
    return array;
예제 #18
jbyteArray CRJNIEnv::streamToJByteArray( LVStreamRef stream )
	if ( stream.isNull() )
		return NULL;
	unsigned sz = stream->GetSize();
	if ( sz<10 || sz>2000000 )
		return NULL;
    jbyteArray array = env->NewByteArray(sz); 
    lUInt8 * array_data = (lUInt8 *)env->GetByteArrayElements(array, 0);
    lvsize_t bytesRead = 0;
    stream->Read(array_data, sz, &bytesRead);
   	env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(array, (jbyte*)array_data, 0);
    if (bytesRead != sz)
    	return NULL;
    return array; 
예제 #19
void MainWindow::onPropsChange( PropsRef props )
    for ( int i=0; i<props->count(); i++ ) {
        QString name = props->name( i );
        QString value = props->value( i );
        int v = (value != "0");
        CRLog::debug("MainWindow::onPropsChange [%d] '%s'=%s ", i, props->name(i), props->value(i).toUtf8().data() );
        if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN ) {
            bool state = windowState().testFlag(Qt::WindowFullScreen);
            bool vv = v ? true : false;
            if ( state != vv )
                setWindowState( windowState() ^ Qt::WindowFullScreen );
        if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_SHOW_MENU ) {
            ui->menuBar->setVisible( v );
        if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_SHOW_SCROLLBAR ) {
            ui->scroll->setVisible( v );
        if ( name == PROP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE ) {
            lString16 fn = qt2cr(value);
            LVImageSourceRef img;
            if ( !fn.empty() && fn[0]!='[' ) {
                CRLog::debug("Background image file: %s", LCSTR(fn));
                LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream(fn.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
                if ( !stream.isNull() ) {
                    img = LVCreateStreamImageSource(stream);
            bool tiled = ( fn.pos(lString16("\\textures\\"))>=0 || fn.pos(lString16("/textures/"))>=0);
            ui->view->getDocView()->setBackgroundImage(img, tiled);
        if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_TOOLBAR_SIZE ) {
            ui->mainToolBar->setVisible( v );
        if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_SHOW_STATUSBAR ) {
            ui->statusBar->setVisible( v );
        if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_STYLE ) {
            QApplication::setStyle( value );
예제 #20
static int getCoverPageImageData(lua_State *L) {
	CreDocument *doc = (CreDocument*) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "credocument");

	LVStreamRef stream = doc->text_view->getCoverPageImageStream();
	if (!stream.isNull()) {
		unsigned size = stream->GetSize();
		lvsize_t read_size = 0;
		void *buffer = (void *)malloc(size);
		if (buffer != NULL) {
			stream->Read(buffer, size, &read_size);
			if (read_size == size) {
				lua_pushlightuserdata(L, buffer);
				lua_pushinteger(L, size);
				return 2;
	return 0;
예제 #21
static int newDocView(lua_State *L) {
	int width = luaL_checkint(L, 1);
	int height = luaL_checkint(L, 2);
	LVDocViewMode view_mode = (LVDocViewMode)luaL_checkint(L, 3);

	CreDocument *doc = (CreDocument*) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(CreDocument));
	luaL_getmetatable(L, "credocument");
	lua_setmetatable(L, -2);

	doc->text_view = new LVDocView();
	//doc->text_view->doCommand(DCMD_SET_DOC_FONTS, 1);
	//doc->text_view->doCommand(DCMD_SET_INTERNAL_STYLES, 1);
	doc->text_view->setViewMode(view_mode, -1);
	doc->text_view->Resize(width, height);

	// it will overwrite all settings by values found in ./data/cr3.ini
	CRPropRef props = doc->text_view->propsGetCurrent();
	LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream("data/cr3.ini", LVOM_READ);
	if ( !stream.isNull() && props->loadFromStream(stream.get()) ) {
	} else {
		// Tweak the default settings to be slightly less random
		props->setString(PROP_FALLBACK_FONT_FACE, "Noto Sans CJK SC");
		props->setString(PROP_HYPHENATION_DICT, "English_US_hyphen_(Alan).pdb");
		props->setString(PROP_STATUS_FONT_FACE, "Noto Sans");
		props->setString(PROP_FONT_FACE, "Noto Serif");
		props->setInt(PROP_FONT_HINTING, 2);	// autohint, to be conservative (some ttf fonts' bytecode is truly crappy)
		props->setInt(PROP_FONT_KERNING_ENABLED, 1);
		props->setString("styles.pre.font-face", "font-family: \"Droid Sans Mono\"");

		stream = LVOpenFileStream("data/cr3.ini", LVOM_WRITE);


	return 1;
예제 #22
bool ReaderViewNative::saveHistory( lString16 filename )
	if ( !filename.empty() )
		historyFileName = filename;
    if ( historyFileName.empty() )
    	return false;
	if ( _docview->isDocumentOpened() ) {
		CRLog::debug("ReaderViewNative::saveHistory() : saving position");
	CRLog::info("Trying to save history to file %s", LCSTR(historyFileName));
    CRFileHist * hist = _docview->getHistory();
    LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream(historyFileName.c_str(), LVOM_WRITE);
    if ( stream.isNull() ) {
    	CRLog::error("Cannot create file %s for writing", LCSTR(historyFileName));
    	return false;
    if ( _docview->isDocumentOpened() )
    return hist->saveToStream( stream.get() );
예제 #23
bool HyphDictionary::activate()
    if (HyphMan::_selectedDictionary == this)
        return true; // already active
	if ( getType() == HDT_ALGORITHM ) {
		CRLog::info("Turn on algorythmic hyphenation" );
        if ( HyphMan::_method != &ALGO_HYPH ) {
            if ( HyphMan::_method != &NO_HYPH )
                delete HyphMan::_method;
            HyphMan::_method = &ALGO_HYPH;
	} else if ( getType() == HDT_NONE ) {
		CRLog::info("Disabling hyphenation" );
        if ( HyphMan::_method != &NO_HYPH ) {
            if ( HyphMan::_method != &ALGO_HYPH )
                delete HyphMan::_method;
            HyphMan::_method = &NO_HYPH;
	} else if ( getType() == HDT_DICT_ALAN || getType() == HDT_DICT_TEX ) {
        if ( HyphMan::_method != &NO_HYPH && HyphMan::_method != &ALGO_HYPH ) {
            delete HyphMan::_method;
            HyphMan::_method = &NO_HYPH;
		CRLog::info("Selecting hyphenation dictionary %s", UnicodeToUtf8(_filename).c_str() );
		LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream( getFilename().c_str(), LVOM_READ );
		if ( stream.isNull() ) {
			CRLog::error("Cannot open hyphenation dictionary %s", UnicodeToUtf8(_filename).c_str() );
			return false;
        TexHyph * method = new TexHyph();
        if ( !method->load( stream ) ) {
			CRLog::error("Cannot open hyphenation dictionary %s", UnicodeToUtf8(_filename).c_str() );
            delete method;
            return false;
        HyphMan::_method = method;
	HyphMan::_selectedDictionary = this;
	return true;
예제 #24
bool V3DocViewWin::saveHistory( lString16 filename )
    crtrace log;
    if ( filename.empty() )
        filename = _historyFileName;
    if ( filename.empty() ) {
        CRLog::info("Cannot write history file - no file name specified");
        return false;
    CRLog::debug("Exporting bookmarks to %s", UnicodeToUtf8(_bookmarkDir).c_str());
    _docview->exportBookmarks(_bookmarkDir); //use default filename
    _historyFileName = filename;
    log << "V3DocViewWin::saveHistory(" << filename << ")";
    LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream( filename.c_str(), LVOM_WRITE );
    if ( !stream ) {
        lString16 path16 = LVExtractPath( filename );
        lString8 path = UnicodeToLocal( path16 );
#ifdef _WIN32
        if ( !CreateDirectoryW( path16.c_str(), NULL ) ) {
            CRLog::error("Cannot create directory %s", path.c_str() );
        } else {
            stream = LVOpenFileStream( filename.c_str(), LVOM_WRITE );
        path.erase( path.length()-1, 1 );
        CRLog::warn("Cannot create settings file, trying to create directory %s", path.c_str());
        if ( mkdir(path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) ) {
            CRLog::error("Cannot create directory %s", path.c_str() );
        } else {
            stream = LVOpenFileStream( filename.c_str(), LVOM_WRITE );
    if ( stream.isNull() ) {
    	CRLog::error("Error while creating history file %s - position will be lost", UnicodeToUtf8(filename).c_str() );
    	return false;
    return saveHistory( stream );
예제 #25
void V3DocViewWin::showHelpDialog()
	LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream( _helpFile.c_str(), LVOM_READ );
	lString8 help;
    if ( stream.isNull() ) {
        // show warning
        lString8 body;
        body << "<title><p>" << _("No manual currently available for this language, sorry!") << "</p></title>";
        help = CRViewDialog::makeFb2Xml( body );
    } else {
        int len = stream->GetSize();
        if ( len>100 && len <1000000 ) {
            help.append( len, ' ' );
            stream->Read( help.modify(), len, NULL );
	//lString8 help = UnicodeToUtf8( LVReadTextFile( _helpFile ) );
	if ( !help.empty() ) {
		CRViewDialog * dlg = new CRViewDialog( _wm, lString16(_("Help")), help, lvRect(), true, true );
		_wm->activateWindow( dlg );
예제 #26
 * Class:     org_coolreader_crengine_Engine
 * Method:    setHyphenationMethod
 * Signature: (I[B)Z
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_coolreader_crengine_Engine_setHyphenationMethod
  (JNIEnv * _env, jobject _engine, jint method, jbyteArray data)
	CRJNIEnv env(_env);
	if ( method==0 ) {
		CRLog::info("Selecting hyphenation method: Disabled");
		return HyphMan::activateDictionary(lString16(HYPH_DICT_ID_NONE));
	} else if ( method==1 ) {
		CRLog::info("Selecting hyphenation method: Algoryphmic");
		return HyphMan::activateDictionary(lString16(HYPH_DICT_ID_ALGORITHM));
	} else {
		CRLog::info("Selecting hyphenation method: Dictionary");
		LVStreamRef stream = env.jbyteArrayToStream( data );
		CRLog::debug("Stream is created from byte array, length=%d", (int)(stream.isNull()?0:stream->GetSize()));
		bool res = HyphMan::activateDictionaryFromStream(stream);
		if ( !res ) {
			CRLog::error("Dictionary activation is failed: disabling hyphenation");
			return false;
		return true;
예제 #27
bool ReaderViewNative::loadHistory( lString16 filename )
    CRFileHist * hist = _docview->getHistory();
	if ( !filename.empty() )
		historyFileName = filename;
    historyFileName = filename;
    if ( historyFileName.empty() ) {
    	CRLog::error("No history file name specified");
    	return false;
	CRLog::info("Trying to load history from file %s", LCSTR(historyFileName));
    LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream(historyFileName.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
    if ( stream.isNull() ) {
    	CRLog::error("Cannot open file %s", LCSTR(historyFileName));
    	return false;
    bool res = hist->loadFromStream( stream );
    if ( res )
    	CRLog::info("%d items found", hist->getRecords().length());
    	CRLog::error("Cannot read history file content");
    return res;
예제 #28
 * Class:     org_coolreader_crengine_Engine
 * Method:    getArchiveItemsInternal
 * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_org_coolreader_crengine_Engine_getArchiveItemsInternal
  (JNIEnv * _env, jclass, jstring jarcName)
    CRJNIEnv env(_env);
    lString16 arcName = env.fromJavaString(jarcName);
    lString16Collection list;
    LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream( arcName.c_str(), LVOM_READ );
    if ( !stream.isNull() ) {
        LVContainerRef arc = LVOpenArchieve(stream);
        if ( !arc.isNull() ) {
            // convert
            for ( int i=0; i<arc->GetObjectCount(); i++ ) {
                const LVContainerItemInfo * item = arc->GetObjectInfo(i);
                if ( item->IsContainer())
                list.add( item->GetName() );
                list.add( lString16::itoa(item->GetSize()) );
    return env.toJavaStringArray(list);
예제 #29
/// load stylesheet from file, with processing of import
bool LVLoadStylesheetFile( lString16 pathName, lString8 & css )
    LVStreamRef file = LVOpenFileStream( pathName.c_str(), LVOM_READ );
    if ( file.isNull() )
        return false;
    lString8 txt = UnicodeToUtf8( LVReadTextFile( file ) );
    lString8 txt2;
    const char * s = txt.c_str();
    lString8 import_file;
    if ( LVProcessStyleSheetImport( s, import_file ) ) {
        lString16 importFilename = LVMakeRelativeFilename( pathName, Utf8ToUnicode(import_file) );
        //lString8 ifn = UnicodeToLocal(importFilename);
        //const char * ifns = ifn.c_str();
        if ( !importFilename.empty() ) {
            LVStreamRef file2 = LVOpenFileStream( importFilename.c_str(), LVOM_READ );
            if ( !file2.isNull() )
                txt2 = UnicodeToUtf8( LVReadTextFile( file2 ) );
    if ( !txt2.empty() )
        txt2 << "\r\n";
    css = txt2 + s;
    return !css.empty();
예제 #30
bool V3DocViewWin::saveSettings( lString16 filename )
    crtrace log;
    if ( filename.empty() )
        filename = _settingsFileName;
    if ( filename.empty() )
        return false;
    _settingsFileName = filename;
    log << "V3DocViewWin::saveSettings(" << filename << ")";
    LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream( filename.c_str(), LVOM_WRITE );
    if ( !stream ) {
        lString16 path16 = LVExtractPath( filename );
        lString8 path = UnicodeToLocal( path16 );
#ifdef _WIN32
        if ( !CreateDirectoryW( path16.c_str(), NULL ) ) {
            CRLog::error("Cannot create directory %s", path.c_str() );
        } else {
            stream = LVOpenFileStream( filename.c_str(), LVOM_WRITE );
        path.erase( path.length()-1, 1 );
        CRLog::warn("Cannot create settings file, trying to create directory %s", path.c_str());
        if ( mkdir(path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) ) {
            CRLog::error("Cannot create directory %s", path.c_str() );
        } else {
            stream = LVOpenFileStream( filename.c_str(), LVOM_WRITE );
    if ( stream.isNull() ) {
        lString8 fn = UnicodeToUtf8( filename );
        CRLog::error("Cannot open settings file %s for write", fn.c_str() );
        return false;
    return _props->saveToStream( stream.get() );