예제 #1
void LiveInterval::refineSubRanges(BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator,
    LaneBitmask LaneMask, std::function<void(LiveInterval::SubRange&)> Apply) {
  LaneBitmask ToApply = LaneMask;
  for (SubRange &SR : subranges()) {
    LaneBitmask SRMask = SR.LaneMask;
    LaneBitmask Matching = SRMask & LaneMask;
    if (Matching.none())

    SubRange *MatchingRange;
    if (SRMask == Matching) {
      // The subrange fits (it does not cover bits outside \p LaneMask).
      MatchingRange = &SR;
    } else {
      // We have to split the subrange into a matching and non-matching part.
      // Reduce lanemask of existing lane to non-matching part.
      SR.LaneMask = SRMask & ~Matching;
      // Create a new subrange for the matching part
      MatchingRange = createSubRangeFrom(Allocator, Matching, SR);
    ToApply &= ~Matching;
  // Create a new subrange if there are uncovered bits left.
  if (ToApply.any()) {
    SubRange *NewRange = createSubRange(Allocator, ToApply);
예제 #2
void RegScavenger::setRegUsed(unsigned Reg, LaneBitmask LaneMask) {
  for (MCRegUnitMaskIterator RUI(Reg, TRI); RUI.isValid(); ++RUI) {
    LaneBitmask UnitMask = (*RUI).second;
    if (UnitMask.none() || (LaneMask & UnitMask).any())
예제 #3
bool PhysicalRegisterInfo::aliasRM(RegisterRef RR, RegisterRef RM) const {
  assert(TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(RR.Reg) && isRegMaskId(RM.Reg));
  const uint32_t *MB = getRegMaskBits(RM.Reg);
  bool Preserved = MB[RR.Reg/32] & (1u << (RR.Reg%32));
  // If the lane mask information is "full", e.g. when the given lane mask
  // is a superset of the lane mask from the register class, check the regmask
  // bit directly.
  if (RR.Mask == LaneBitmask::getAll())
    return !Preserved;
  const TargetRegisterClass *RC = RegInfos[RR.Reg].RegClass;
  if (RC != nullptr && (RR.Mask & RC->LaneMask) == RC->LaneMask)
    return !Preserved;

  // Otherwise, check all subregisters whose lane mask overlaps the given
  // mask. For each such register, if it is preserved by the regmask, then
  // clear the corresponding bits in the given mask. If at the end, all
  // bits have been cleared, the register does not alias the regmask (i.e.
  // is it preserved by it).
  LaneBitmask M = RR.Mask;
  for (MCSubRegIndexIterator SI(RR.Reg, &TRI); SI.isValid(); ++SI) {
    LaneBitmask SM = TRI.getSubRegIndexLaneMask(SI.getSubRegIndex());
    if ((SM & RR.Mask).none())
    unsigned SR = SI.getSubReg();
    if (!(MB[SR/32] & (1u << (SR%32))))
    // The subregister SR is preserved.
    M &= ~SM;
    if (M.none())
      return false;

  return true;
예제 #4
/// Record the downward impact of a single instruction on current register
/// pressure. Unlike the advance/recede pressure tracking interface, this does
/// not discover live in/outs.
/// This is intended for speculative queries. It leaves pressure inconsistent
/// with the current position, so must be restored by the caller.
void RegPressureTracker::bumpDownwardPressure(const MachineInstr *MI) {
  assert(!MI->isDebugValue() && "Expect a nondebug instruction.");

  SlotIndex SlotIdx;
  if (RequireIntervals)
    SlotIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*MI).getRegSlot();

  // Account for register pressure similar to RegPressureTracker::recede().
  RegisterOperands RegOpers;
  RegOpers.collect(*MI, *TRI, *MRI, TrackLaneMasks, false);
  if (TrackLaneMasks)
    RegOpers.adjustLaneLiveness(*LIS, *MRI, SlotIdx);

  if (RequireIntervals) {
    for (const RegisterMaskPair &Use : RegOpers.Uses) {
      unsigned Reg = Use.RegUnit;
      LaneBitmask LastUseMask = getLastUsedLanes(Reg, SlotIdx);
      if (LastUseMask.none())
      // The LastUseMask is queried from the liveness information of instruction
      // which may be further down the schedule. Some lanes may actually not be
      // last uses for the current position.
      // FIXME: allow the caller to pass in the list of vreg uses that remain
      // to be bottom-scheduled to avoid searching uses at each query.
      SlotIndex CurrIdx = getCurrSlot();
        = findUseBetween(Reg, LastUseMask, CurrIdx, SlotIdx, *MRI, LIS);
      if (LastUseMask.none())

      LaneBitmask LiveMask = LiveRegs.contains(Reg);
      LaneBitmask NewMask = LiveMask & ~LastUseMask;
      decreaseRegPressure(Reg, LiveMask, NewMask);

  // Generate liveness for defs.
  for (const RegisterMaskPair &Def : RegOpers.Defs) {
    unsigned Reg = Def.RegUnit;
    LaneBitmask LiveMask = LiveRegs.contains(Reg);
    LaneBitmask NewMask = LiveMask | Def.LaneMask;
    increaseRegPressure(Reg, LiveMask, NewMask);

  // Boost pressure for all dead defs together.
예제 #5
void RegisterOperands::adjustLaneLiveness(const LiveIntervals &LIS,
                                          const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI,
                                          SlotIndex Pos,
                                          MachineInstr *AddFlagsMI) {
  for (auto I = Defs.begin(); I != Defs.end(); ) {
    LaneBitmask LiveAfter = getLiveLanesAt(LIS, MRI, true, I->RegUnit,
    // If the the def is all that is live after the instruction, then in case
    // of a subregister def we need a read-undef flag.
    unsigned RegUnit = I->RegUnit;
    if (TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(RegUnit) &&
        AddFlagsMI != nullptr && (LiveAfter & ~I->LaneMask).none())

    LaneBitmask ActualDef = I->LaneMask & LiveAfter;
    if (ActualDef.none()) {
      I = Defs.erase(I);
    } else {
      I->LaneMask = ActualDef;
  for (auto I = Uses.begin(); I != Uses.end(); ) {
    LaneBitmask LiveBefore = getLiveLanesAt(LIS, MRI, true, I->RegUnit,
    LaneBitmask LaneMask = I->LaneMask & LiveBefore;
    if (LaneMask.none()) {
      I = Uses.erase(I);
    } else {
      I->LaneMask = LaneMask;
  if (AddFlagsMI != nullptr) {
    for (const RegisterMaskPair &P : DeadDefs) {
      unsigned RegUnit = P.RegUnit;
      if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(RegUnit))
      LaneBitmask LiveAfter = getLiveLanesAt(LIS, MRI, true, RegUnit,
      if (LiveAfter.none())
예제 #6
/// Increase pressure for each pressure set provided by TargetRegisterInfo.
static void increaseSetPressure(std::vector<unsigned> &CurrSetPressure,
                                const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI, unsigned Reg,
                                LaneBitmask PrevMask, LaneBitmask NewMask) {
  assert((PrevMask & ~NewMask).none() && "Must not remove bits");
  if (PrevMask.any() || NewMask.none())

  PSetIterator PSetI = MRI.getPressureSets(Reg);
  unsigned Weight = PSetI.getWeight();
  for (; PSetI.isValid(); ++PSetI)
    CurrSetPressure[*PSetI] += Weight;
예제 #7
void GCNRegPressure::inc(unsigned Reg,
                         LaneBitmask PrevMask,
                         LaneBitmask NewMask,
                         const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI) {
  if (NewMask == PrevMask)

  int Sign = 1;
  if (NewMask < PrevMask) {
    std::swap(NewMask, PrevMask);
    Sign = -1;
#ifndef NDEBUG
  const auto MaxMask = MRI.getMaxLaneMaskForVReg(Reg);
  switch (auto Kind = getRegKind(Reg, MRI)) {
  case SGPR32:
  case VGPR32:
    assert(PrevMask.none() && NewMask == MaxMask);
    Value[Kind] += Sign;

  case SGPR_TUPLE:
  case VGPR_TUPLE:
    assert(NewMask < MaxMask || NewMask == MaxMask);
    assert(PrevMask < NewMask);

    Value[Kind == SGPR_TUPLE ? SGPR32 : VGPR32] +=
      Sign * (~PrevMask & NewMask).getNumLanes();

    if (PrevMask.none()) {
      Value[Kind] += Sign * MRI.getPressureSets(Reg).getWeight();

  default: llvm_unreachable("Unknown register kind");
예제 #8
/// Decrease pressure for each pressure set provided by TargetRegisterInfo.
static void decreaseSetPressure(std::vector<unsigned> &CurrSetPressure,
                                const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI, unsigned Reg,
                                LaneBitmask PrevMask, LaneBitmask NewMask) {
  //assert((NewMask & !PrevMask) == 0 && "Must not add bits");
  if (NewMask.any() || PrevMask.none())

  PSetIterator PSetI = MRI.getPressureSets(Reg);
  unsigned Weight = PSetI.getWeight();
  for (; PSetI.isValid(); ++PSetI) {
    assert(CurrSetPressure[*PSetI] >= Weight && "register pressure underflow");
    CurrSetPressure[*PSetI] -= Weight;
예제 #9
void RegPressureTracker::increaseRegPressure(unsigned RegUnit,
                                             LaneBitmask PreviousMask,
                                             LaneBitmask NewMask) {
  if (PreviousMask.any() || NewMask.none())

  PSetIterator PSetI = MRI->getPressureSets(RegUnit);
  unsigned Weight = PSetI.getWeight();
  for (; PSetI.isValid(); ++PSetI) {
    CurrSetPressure[*PSetI] += Weight;
    P.MaxSetPressure[*PSetI] =
        std::max(P.MaxSetPressure[*PSetI], CurrSetPressure[*PSetI]);
예제 #10
void VirtRegRewriter::addLiveInsForSubRanges(const LiveInterval &LI,
                                             unsigned PhysReg) const {

  using SubRangeIteratorPair =
      std::pair<const LiveInterval::SubRange *, LiveInterval::const_iterator>;

  SmallVector<SubRangeIteratorPair, 4> SubRanges;
  SlotIndex First;
  SlotIndex Last;
  for (const LiveInterval::SubRange &SR : LI.subranges()) {
    SubRanges.push_back(std::make_pair(&SR, SR.begin()));
    if (!First.isValid() || SR.segments.front().start < First)
      First = SR.segments.front().start;
    if (!Last.isValid() || SR.segments.back().end > Last)
      Last = SR.segments.back().end;

  // Check all mbb start positions between First and Last while
  // simulatenously advancing an iterator for each subrange.
  for (SlotIndexes::MBBIndexIterator MBBI = Indexes->findMBBIndex(First);
       MBBI != Indexes->MBBIndexEnd() && MBBI->first <= Last; ++MBBI) {
    SlotIndex MBBBegin = MBBI->first;
    // Advance all subrange iterators so that their end position is just
    // behind MBBBegin (or the iterator is at the end).
    LaneBitmask LaneMask;
    for (auto &RangeIterPair : SubRanges) {
      const LiveInterval::SubRange *SR = RangeIterPair.first;
      LiveInterval::const_iterator &SRI = RangeIterPair.second;
      while (SRI != SR->end() && SRI->end <= MBBBegin)
      if (SRI == SR->end())
      if (SRI->start <= MBBBegin)
        LaneMask |= SR->LaneMask;
    if (LaneMask.none())
    MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MBBI->second;
    MBB->addLiveIn(PhysReg, LaneMask);
예제 #11
/// Helper to find a vreg use between two indices [PriorUseIdx, NextUseIdx).
/// The query starts with a lane bitmask which gets lanes/bits removed for every
/// use we find.
static LaneBitmask findUseBetween(unsigned Reg, LaneBitmask LastUseMask,
                                  SlotIndex PriorUseIdx, SlotIndex NextUseIdx,
                                  const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI,
                                  const LiveIntervals *LIS) {
  const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI = *MRI.getTargetRegisterInfo();
  for (const MachineOperand &MO : MRI.use_nodbg_operands(Reg)) {
    if (MO.isUndef())
    const MachineInstr *MI = MO.getParent();
    SlotIndex InstSlot = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*MI).getRegSlot();
    if (InstSlot >= PriorUseIdx && InstSlot < NextUseIdx) {
      unsigned SubRegIdx = MO.getSubReg();
      LaneBitmask UseMask = TRI.getSubRegIndexLaneMask(SubRegIdx);
      LastUseMask &= ~UseMask;
      if (LastUseMask.none())
        return LaneBitmask::getNone();
  return LastUseMask;
예제 #12
void LiveRangeCalc::calculate(LiveInterval &LI, bool TrackSubRegs) {
  assert(MRI && Indexes && "call reset() first");

  // Step 1: Create minimal live segments for every definition of Reg.
  // Visit all def operands. If the same instruction has multiple defs of Reg,
  // createDeadDef() will deduplicate.
  const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI = *MRI->getTargetRegisterInfo();
  unsigned Reg = LI.reg;
  for (const MachineOperand &MO : MRI->reg_nodbg_operands(Reg)) {
    if (!MO.isDef() && !MO.readsReg())

    unsigned SubReg = MO.getSubReg();
    if (LI.hasSubRanges() || (SubReg != 0 && TrackSubRegs)) {
      LaneBitmask SubMask = SubReg != 0 ? TRI.getSubRegIndexLaneMask(SubReg)
                                        : MRI->getMaxLaneMaskForVReg(Reg);
      // If this is the first time we see a subregister def, initialize
      // subranges by creating a copy of the main range.
      if (!LI.hasSubRanges() && !LI.empty()) {
        LaneBitmask ClassMask = MRI->getMaxLaneMaskForVReg(Reg);
        LI.createSubRangeFrom(*Alloc, ClassMask, LI);

      LaneBitmask Mask = SubMask;
      for (LiveInterval::SubRange &S : LI.subranges()) {
        // A Mask for subregs common to the existing subrange and current def.
        LaneBitmask Common = S.LaneMask & Mask;
        if (Common.none())
        LiveInterval::SubRange *CommonRange;
        // A Mask for subregs covered by the subrange but not the current def.
        LaneBitmask RM = S.LaneMask & ~Mask;
        if (RM.any()) {
          // Split the subrange S into two parts: one covered by the current
          // def (CommonRange), and the one not affected by it (updated S).
          S.LaneMask = RM;
          CommonRange = LI.createSubRangeFrom(*Alloc, Common, S);
        } else {
          assert(Common == S.LaneMask);
          CommonRange = &S;
        if (MO.isDef())
          createDeadDef(*Indexes, *Alloc, *CommonRange, MO);
        Mask &= ~Common;
      // Create a new SubRange for subregs we did not cover yet.
      if (Mask.any()) {
        LiveInterval::SubRange *NewRange = LI.createSubRange(*Alloc, Mask);
        if (MO.isDef())
          createDeadDef(*Indexes, *Alloc, *NewRange, MO);

    // Create the def in the main liverange. We do not have to do this if
    // subranges are tracked as we recreate the main range later in this case.
    if (MO.isDef() && !LI.hasSubRanges())
      createDeadDef(*Indexes, *Alloc, LI, MO);

  // We may have created empty live ranges for partially undefined uses, we
  // can't keep them because we won't find defs in them later.

  // Step 2: Extend live segments to all uses, constructing SSA form as
  // necessary.
  if (LI.hasSubRanges()) {
    for (LiveInterval::SubRange &S : LI.subranges()) {
      LiveRangeCalc SubLRC;
      SubLRC.reset(MF, Indexes, DomTree, Alloc);
      SubLRC.extendToUses(S, Reg, S.LaneMask, &LI);
  } else {
    extendToUses(LI, Reg, LaneBitmask::getAll());
예제 #13
void Liveness::computePhiInfo() {

  NodeList Phis;
  NodeAddr<FuncNode*> FA = DFG.getFunc();
  NodeList Blocks = FA.Addr->members(DFG);
  for (NodeAddr<BlockNode*> BA : Blocks) {
    auto Ps = BA.Addr->members_if(DFG.IsCode<NodeAttrs::Phi>, DFG);
    Phis.insert(Phis.end(), Ps.begin(), Ps.end());

  // phi use -> (map: reaching phi -> set of registers defined in between)
  std::map<NodeId,std::map<NodeId,RegisterAggr>> PhiUp;
  std::vector<NodeId> PhiUQ;  // Work list of phis for upward propagation.
  std::map<NodeId,RegisterAggr> PhiDRs;  // Phi -> registers defined by it.

  // Go over all phis.
  for (NodeAddr<PhiNode*> PhiA : Phis) {
    // Go over all defs and collect the reached uses that are non-phi uses
    // (i.e. the "real uses").
    RefMap &RealUses = RealUseMap[PhiA.Id];
    NodeList PhiRefs = PhiA.Addr->members(DFG);

    // Have a work queue of defs whose reached uses need to be found.
    // For each def, add to the queue all reached (non-phi) defs.
    SetVector<NodeId> DefQ;
    NodeSet PhiDefs;
    RegisterAggr DRs(PRI);
    for (NodeAddr<RefNode*> R : PhiRefs) {
      if (!DFG.IsRef<NodeAttrs::Def>(R))
    PhiDRs.insert(std::make_pair(PhiA.Id, DRs));

    // Collect the super-set of all possible reached uses. This set will
    // contain all uses reached from this phi, either directly from the
    // phi defs, or (recursively) via non-phi defs reached by the phi defs.
    // This set of uses will later be trimmed to only contain these uses that
    // are actually reached by the phi defs.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < DefQ.size(); ++i) {
      NodeAddr<DefNode*> DA = DFG.addr<DefNode*>(DefQ[i]);
      // Visit all reached uses. Phi defs should not really have the "dead"
      // flag set, but check it anyway for consistency.
      bool IsDead = DA.Addr->getFlags() & NodeAttrs::Dead;
      NodeId UN = !IsDead ? DA.Addr->getReachedUse() : 0;
      while (UN != 0) {
        NodeAddr<UseNode*> A = DFG.addr<UseNode*>(UN);
        uint16_t F = A.Addr->getFlags();
        if ((F & (NodeAttrs::Undef | NodeAttrs::PhiRef)) == 0) {
          RegisterRef R = PRI.normalize(A.Addr->getRegRef(DFG));
        UN = A.Addr->getSibling();
      // Visit all reached defs, and add them to the queue. These defs may
      // override some of the uses collected here, but that will be handled
      // later.
      NodeId DN = DA.Addr->getReachedDef();
      while (DN != 0) {
        NodeAddr<DefNode*> A = DFG.addr<DefNode*>(DN);
        for (auto T : DFG.getRelatedRefs(A.Addr->getOwner(DFG), A)) {
          uint16_t Flags = NodeAddr<DefNode*>(T).Addr->getFlags();
          // Must traverse the reached-def chain. Consider:
          //   def(D0) -> def(R0) -> def(R0) -> use(D0)
          // The reachable use of D0 passes through a def of R0.
          if (!(Flags & NodeAttrs::PhiRef))
        DN = A.Addr->getSibling();
    // Filter out these uses that appear to be reachable, but really
    // are not. For example:
    // R1:0 =          d1
    //      = R1:0     u2     Reached by d1.
    //   R0 =          d3
    //      = R1:0     u4     Still reached by d1: indirectly through
    //                        the def d3.
    //   R1 =          d5
    //      = R1:0     u6     Not reached by d1 (covered collectively
    //                        by d3 and d5), but following reached
    //                        defs and uses from d1 will lead here.
    for (auto UI = RealUses.begin(), UE = RealUses.end(); UI != UE; ) {
      // For each reached register UI->first, there is a set UI->second, of
      // uses of it. For each such use, check if it is reached by this phi,
      // i.e. check if the set of its reaching uses intersects the set of
      // this phi's defs.
      NodeRefSet Uses = UI->second;
      for (std::pair<NodeId,LaneBitmask> I : Uses) {
        auto UA = DFG.addr<UseNode*>(I.first);
        // Undef flag is checked above.
        assert((UA.Addr->getFlags() & NodeAttrs::Undef) == 0);
        RegisterRef R(UI->first, I.second);
        // Calculate the exposed part of the reached use.
        RegisterAggr Covered(PRI);
        for (NodeAddr<DefNode*> DA : getAllReachingDefs(R, UA)) {
          if (PhiDefs.count(DA.Id))
        if (RegisterRef RC = Covered.clearIn(R)) {
          // We are updating the map for register UI->first, so we need
          // to map RC to be expressed in terms of that register.
          RegisterRef S = PRI.mapTo(RC, UI->first);
          UI->second.insert({I.first, S.Mask});
      UI = UI->second.empty() ? RealUses.erase(UI) : std::next(UI);

    // If this phi reaches some "real" uses, add it to the queue for upward
    // propagation.
    if (!RealUses.empty())

    // Go over all phi uses and check if the reaching def is another phi.
    // Collect the phis that are among the reaching defs of these uses.
    // While traversing the list of reaching defs for each phi use, accumulate
    // the set of registers defined between this phi (PhiA) and the owner phi
    // of the reaching def.
    NodeSet SeenUses;

    for (auto I : PhiRefs) {
      if (!DFG.IsRef<NodeAttrs::Use>(I) || SeenUses.count(I.Id))
      NodeAddr<PhiUseNode*> PUA = I;
      if (PUA.Addr->getReachingDef() == 0)

      RegisterRef UR = PUA.Addr->getRegRef(DFG);
      NodeList Ds = getAllReachingDefs(UR, PUA, true, false, NoRegs);
      RegisterAggr DefRRs(PRI);

      for (NodeAddr<DefNode*> D : Ds) {
        if (D.Addr->getFlags() & NodeAttrs::PhiRef) {
          NodeId RP = D.Addr->getOwner(DFG).Id;
          std::map<NodeId,RegisterAggr> &M = PhiUp[PUA.Id];
          auto F = M.find(RP);
          if (F == M.end())
            M.insert(std::make_pair(RP, DefRRs));

      for (NodeAddr<PhiUseNode*> T : DFG.getRelatedRefs(PhiA, PUA))

  if (Trace) {
    dbgs() << "Phi-up-to-phi map with intervening defs:\n";
    for (auto I : PhiUp) {
      dbgs() << "phi " << Print<NodeId>(I.first, DFG) << " -> {";
      for (auto R : I.second)
        dbgs() << ' ' << Print<NodeId>(R.first, DFG)
               << Print<RegisterAggr>(R.second, DFG);
      dbgs() << " }\n";

  // Propagate the reached registers up in the phi chain.
  // The following type of situation needs careful handling:
  //   phi d1<R1:0>  (1)
  //        |
  //   ... d2<R1>
  //        |
  //   phi u3<R1:0>  (2)
  //        |
  //   ... u4<R1>
  // The phi node (2) defines a register pair R1:0, and reaches a "real"
  // use u4 of just R1. The same phi node is also known to reach (upwards)
  // the phi node (1). However, the use u4 is not reached by phi (1),
  // because of the intervening definition d2 of R1. The data flow between
  // phis (1) and (2) is restricted to R1:0 minus R1, i.e. R0.
  // When propagating uses up the phi chains, get the all reaching defs
  // for a given phi use, and traverse the list until the propagated ref
  // is covered, or until reaching the final phi. Only assume that the
  // reference reaches the phi in the latter case.

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < PhiUQ.size(); ++i) {
    auto PA = DFG.addr<PhiNode*>(PhiUQ[i]);
    NodeList PUs = PA.Addr->members_if(DFG.IsRef<NodeAttrs::Use>, DFG);
    RefMap &RUM = RealUseMap[PA.Id];

    for (NodeAddr<UseNode*> UA : PUs) {
      std::map<NodeId,RegisterAggr> &PUM = PhiUp[UA.Id];
      RegisterRef UR = PRI.normalize(UA.Addr->getRegRef(DFG));
      for (const std::pair<NodeId,RegisterAggr> &P : PUM) {
        bool Changed = false;
        const RegisterAggr &MidDefs = P.second;

        // Collect the set PropUp of uses that are reached by the current
        // phi PA, and are not covered by any intervening def between the
        // currently visited use UA and the the upward phi P.

        if (MidDefs.hasCoverOf(UR))

        // General algorithm:
        //   for each (R,U) : U is use node of R, U is reached by PA
        //     if MidDefs does not cover (R,U)
        //       then add (R-MidDefs,U) to RealUseMap[P]
        for (const std::pair<RegisterId,NodeRefSet> &T : RUM) {
          RegisterRef R(T.first);
          // The current phi (PA) could be a phi for a regmask. It could
          // reach a whole variety of uses that are not related to the
          // specific upward phi (P.first).
          const RegisterAggr &DRs = PhiDRs.at(P.first);
          if (!DRs.hasAliasOf(R))
          R = PRI.mapTo(DRs.intersectWith(R), T.first);
          for (std::pair<NodeId,LaneBitmask> V : T.second) {
            LaneBitmask M = R.Mask & V.second;
            if (M.none())
            if (RegisterRef SS = MidDefs.clearIn(RegisterRef(R.Reg, M))) {
              NodeRefSet &RS = RealUseMap[P.first][SS.Reg];
              Changed |= RS.insert({V.first,SS.Mask}).second;

        if (Changed)

  if (Trace) {
    dbgs() << "Real use map:\n";
    for (auto I : RealUseMap) {
      dbgs() << "phi " << Print<NodeId>(I.first, DFG);
      NodeAddr<PhiNode*> PA = DFG.addr<PhiNode*>(I.first);
      NodeList Ds = PA.Addr->members_if(DFG.IsRef<NodeAttrs::Def>, DFG);
      if (!Ds.empty()) {
        RegisterRef RR = NodeAddr<DefNode*>(Ds[0]).Addr->getRegRef(DFG);
        dbgs() << '<' << Print<RegisterRef>(RR, DFG) << '>';
      } else {
        dbgs() << "<noreg>";
      dbgs() << " -> " << Print<RefMap>(I.second, DFG) << '\n';
예제 #14
/// Recede across the previous instruction. If LiveUses is provided, record any
/// RegUnits that are made live by the current instruction's uses. This includes
/// registers that are both defined and used by the instruction.  If a pressure
/// difference pointer is provided record the changes is pressure caused by this
/// instruction independent of liveness.
void RegPressureTracker::recede(const RegisterOperands &RegOpers,
                                SmallVectorImpl<RegisterMaskPair> *LiveUses) {

  // Boost pressure for all dead defs together.

  // Kill liveness at live defs.
  // TODO: consider earlyclobbers?
  for (const RegisterMaskPair &Def : RegOpers.Defs) {
    unsigned Reg = Def.RegUnit;

    LaneBitmask PreviousMask = LiveRegs.erase(Def);
    LaneBitmask NewMask = PreviousMask & ~Def.LaneMask;

    LaneBitmask LiveOut = Def.LaneMask & ~PreviousMask;
    if (LiveOut.any()) {
      discoverLiveOut(RegisterMaskPair(Reg, LiveOut));
      // Retroactively model effects on pressure of the live out lanes.
      increaseSetPressure(CurrSetPressure, *MRI, Reg, LaneBitmask::getNone(),
      PreviousMask = LiveOut;

    if (NewMask.none()) {
      // Add a 0 entry to LiveUses as a marker that the complete vreg has become
      // dead.
      if (TrackLaneMasks && LiveUses != nullptr)
        setRegZero(*LiveUses, Reg);

    decreaseRegPressure(Reg, PreviousMask, NewMask);

  SlotIndex SlotIdx;
  if (RequireIntervals)
    SlotIdx = LIS->getInstructionIndex(*CurrPos).getRegSlot();

  // Generate liveness for uses.
  for (const RegisterMaskPair &Use : RegOpers.Uses) {
    unsigned Reg = Use.RegUnit;
    LaneBitmask PreviousMask = LiveRegs.insert(Use);
    LaneBitmask NewMask = PreviousMask | Use.LaneMask;
    if (NewMask == PreviousMask)

    // Did the register just become live?
    if (PreviousMask.none()) {
      if (LiveUses != nullptr) {
        if (!TrackLaneMasks) {
          addRegLanes(*LiveUses, RegisterMaskPair(Reg, NewMask));
        } else {
          auto I = find_if(*LiveUses, [Reg](const RegisterMaskPair Other) {
            return Other.RegUnit == Reg;
          bool IsRedef = I != LiveUses->end();
          if (IsRedef) {
            // ignore re-defs here...
            removeRegLanes(*LiveUses, RegisterMaskPair(Reg, NewMask));
          } else {
            addRegLanes(*LiveUses, RegisterMaskPair(Reg, NewMask));

      // Discover live outs if this may be the first occurance of this register.
      if (RequireIntervals) {
        LaneBitmask LiveOut = getLiveThroughAt(Reg, SlotIdx);
        if (LiveOut.any())
          discoverLiveOut(RegisterMaskPair(Reg, LiveOut));

    increaseRegPressure(Reg, PreviousMask, NewMask);
  if (TrackUntiedDefs) {
    for (const RegisterMaskPair &Def : RegOpers.Defs) {
      unsigned RegUnit = Def.RegUnit;
      if (TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(RegUnit) &&
          (LiveRegs.contains(RegUnit) & Def.LaneMask).none())