//Wang-Landau: update energy histogram
void update_EnergyHistogram(double** ptrHistogram, Lattice lattice, double H_tot)
  int L, j;
  L = lattice.area();
  j = ( H_tot + L * 2 ) * 0.25; // bias by +L*2 (to get only positive indices) and then *0.25 is divide by 4
  *ptrHistogram[j] += 1;
int get_maxlikelyhood_coordinates(float* Matrix, std::vector<double>& coordinates, std::vector<double>& likelyhoods, Lattice lattice)

  int D;
  if (lattice.get_dimensions() == 2)
      D = lattice.area();
      D = lattice.volume();

  std::vector<double>::iterator max_likelyhood = std::max_element(likelyhoods.begin(),likelyhoods.end());
  int distance = std::distance(likelyhoods.begin(), max_likelyhood);
  int S = distance * D;
  std::vector<double>::const_iterator it;
  int i = 0;
  for (it = (coordinates.begin() + S);  it != (coordinates.begin() + S + D); ++it)
      Matrix[i] = *it;
  return distance;
int get_alternativelikelyhood_coordinates(float* Matrix, std::vector<double>& coordinates, std::vector<double>& likelyhoods, Lattice lattice, int distance, double& H_tot, int K_iteration)

  int D;
  if (lattice.get_dimensions() == 2)
      D = lattice.area();
      D = lattice.volume();

  if (K_iteration == distance)
  H_tot = likelyhoods.at(K_iteration);
  int S = K_iteration * D;
  std::vector<double>::const_iterator it;
  int i = 0;
  for (it = (coordinates.begin() + S);  it != (coordinates.begin() + S + D); ++it)
      Matrix[i] = *it;

  return K_iteration;
//Wang-Landau: reset energy histogram
void reset_EnergyHistogram(double* Histogram, Lattice lattice)
  int L,j;
  L = lattice.area();
  for (j=0; j < L - 1; j++)
      Histogram[j] = 0;
예제 #5
//Wang-Landau : density of states map between array and pointer array 
void HistogramMap(double* Histogram, double** ptrHistogram, Lattice lattice)
  int L = lattice.area();
  for (int i = 2; i <= L-2; i++ )
      ptrHistogram[i] = &Histogram[i-1];
  ptrHistogram[0] = &Histogram[0];
  ptrHistogram[L] = &Histogram[L-2];
예제 #6
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
  std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  std::ofstream output;

  Lattice lattice;
  lattice.set_dimensions(10, 10);
  double const J = 1;
  double const h = 0.;
  double label_coeff = FLT_MIN;
  //std::cout<<"Label Coefficient: "<<std::setprecision(16)<<label_coeff<<std::endl;
  int K = 100;
  int const mcycle = 500000; //100000 cycles
  double Z;
  float* M = allocateMatrix_2D(lattice);
  float** ptrM = allocateptrMatrix_2D(lattice);
  matrixmap_2D(M, ptrM, lattice);

  std::vector<double> coordinates, likelyhoods, postlikelyhoods, list_X;
  RandomLib::Random r = initialise_random_number();
  ising_NestedSampling_Algorithm_2D(ptrM, M, coordinates, likelyhoods, postlikelyhoods, lattice, r, J, h, label_coeff, K, mcycle);
  std::vector<double>::const_iterator itp;
  for (itp = postlikelyhoods.begin(); itp != postlikelyhoods.end(); itp++)
      std::cout<< *itp << " ";
  //create list_X
  double X = 1;
  double const Kd = (double) K;
  for(itp = postlikelyhoods.begin(); itp != postlikelyhoods.end(); ++itp)
      X = X * exp(-2/Kd);//(Kd-1)/Kd; //Kd/(Kd+1);
      list_X.insert(list_X.end(), X);
  list_X.insert(list_X.begin(), 1);
  list_X.insert(list_X.end(), 0);
  double L = 0;
  int i = 0;
  for(itp = postlikelyhoods.begin(); itp != postlikelyhoods.end(); ++itp)                                         {                                                                                                              L += 0.5*( list_X.at(i) - list_X.at(i+2));                                                                  ++i;                                                                                                        }                                                                                                         
  std::cout<<"L: "<<L<<std::endl;                                                                            
  //end list_X
  int S = postlikelyhoods.size();
  double renorm = 2/list_X.at(S);
  output<<"# 2D Nested-Sampling by Stefano Martiniani"<<std::endl;
  output<<"# kT \t A"<<std::endl;
  double A = 0;
  double b, c;
  for (c = 0.01; c <= 10; c += 0.01)
      //Free energy
      integrate(postlikelyhoods, list_X, lattice, Z, c, renorm);
      A = -(1/c) * log(Z)/lattice.area();
      b = 1/c;

  output<<"# 2D Nested-Sampling by Stefano Martiniani"<<std::endl;
  output<<"# kT \t U"<<std::endl;
  //internal energy
  double U = 0;
  double E, F, arg, w;
  int i = 0;
  double G = 0;
  for(itp = postlikelyhoods.begin(); itp != postlikelyhoods.end(); ++itp)
      G += 0.5*( list_X.at(i) - list_X.at(i+2));
  for (c = 0.01; c <= 10; c += 0.01)
      E = 0;
      i = 0;
      for(itp = postlikelyhoods.begin(); itp != postlikelyhoods.end(); ++itp)
	  F = *itp;
	  w = ( 0.5 * ( list_X.at(i) - list_X.at(i+2)) ) * renorm; //last two terms are for normalisation
	  arg = -c*F;
	  E = E + w*F*exp(arg) ;
      integrate(postlikelyhoods, list_X, lattice, Z, c, renorm);
      U = (1/Z) * E / lattice.area();
      b = 1/c;
  //std::cout<<"Partition function: "<<Z<<std::endl;

  output<<"# 2D Nested-Sampling by Stefano Martiniani"<<std::endl;
  output<<"# lnX \t lnL"<<std::endl;

  i = 1;
  for(itp = postlikelyhoods.begin(); itp != postlikelyhoods.end(); ++itp)



  std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  std::chrono::duration<double> time_span = std::chrono::duration_cast< std::chrono::duration<double> > (end - start);
  std::cout<<"It took "<< time_span.count() << "seconds for the whole program to run"<<std::endl;
  delete[] M;
  delete[] ptrM;
  return 0;