예제 #1
static gfx::Matrix4x4
GetTransformToAncestorsParentLayer(Layer* aStart, const LayerMetricsWrapper& aAncestor)
  gfx::Matrix4x4 transform;
  const LayerMetricsWrapper& ancestorParent = aAncestor.GetParent();
  for (LayerMetricsWrapper iter(aStart, LayerMetricsWrapper::StartAt::BOTTOM);
       ancestorParent ? iter != ancestorParent : iter.IsValid();
       iter = iter.GetParent()) {
    transform = transform * iter.GetTransform();

    if (gfxPrefs::LayoutUseContainersForRootFrames()) {
      // When scrolling containers, layout adds a post-scale into the transform
      // of the displayport-ancestor (which we pick up in GetTransform() above)
      // to cancel out the pres shell resolution (for historical reasons). The
      // compositor in turn cancels out this post-scale (i.e., scales by the
      // pres shell resolution), and to get correct calculations, we need to do
      // so here, too.
      // With containerless scrolling, the offending post-scale is on the
      // parent layer of the displayport-ancestor, which we don't reach in this
      // loop, so we don't need to worry about it.
      const FrameMetrics& metrics = iter.Metrics();
      transform.PostScale(metrics.GetPresShellResolution(), metrics.GetPresShellResolution(), 1.f);
  return transform;
static gfx::Matrix4x4
GetTransformToAncestorsParentLayer(Layer* aStart, const LayerMetricsWrapper& aAncestor)
  gfx::Matrix4x4 transform;
  const LayerMetricsWrapper& ancestorParent = aAncestor.GetParent();
  for (LayerMetricsWrapper iter(aStart, LayerMetricsWrapper::StartAt::BOTTOM);
       ancestorParent ? iter != ancestorParent : iter.IsValid();
       iter = iter.GetParent()) {
    transform = transform * iter.GetTransform();
    // If the layer has a non-transient async transform then we need to apply it here
    // because it will get applied by the APZ in the compositor as well
    const FrameMetrics& metrics = iter.Metrics();
    transform.PostScale(metrics.mPresShellResolution, metrics.mPresShellResolution, 1.f);
  return transform;