예제 #1
static Json::Value signPayment(
    Json::Value const& params,
    Json::Value& tx_json,
    RippleAddress const& raSrcAddressID,
    RPCDetail::LedgerFacade& ledgerFacade,
    Role role)
    RippleAddress dstAccountID;

    if (!tx_json.isMember ("Amount"))
        return RPC::missing_field_error ("tx_json.Amount");

    STAmount amount;

    if (! amountFromJsonNoThrow (amount, tx_json ["Amount"]))
        return RPC::invalid_field_error ("tx_json.Amount");

    if (!tx_json.isMember ("Destination"))
        return RPC::missing_field_error ("tx_json.Destination");

    if (!dstAccountID.setAccountID (tx_json["Destination"].asString ()))
        return RPC::invalid_field_error ("tx_json.Destination");

    if (tx_json.isMember ("Paths") && params.isMember ("build_path"))
        return RPC::make_error (rpcINVALID_PARAMS,
            "Cannot specify both 'tx_json.Paths' and 'build_path'");

    if (!tx_json.isMember ("Paths")
        && tx_json.isMember ("Amount")
        && params.isMember ("build_path"))
        // Need a ripple path.
        Currency uSrcCurrencyID;
        Account uSrcIssuerID;

        STAmount    saSendMax;

        if (tx_json.isMember ("SendMax"))
            if (! amountFromJsonNoThrow (saSendMax, tx_json ["SendMax"]))
                return RPC::invalid_field_error ("tx_json.SendMax");
            // If no SendMax, default to Amount with sender as issuer.
            saSendMax = amount;
            saSendMax.setIssuer (raSrcAddressID.getAccountID ());

        if (saSendMax.isNative () && amount.isNative ())
            return RPC::make_error (rpcINVALID_PARAMS,
                "Cannot build XRP to XRP paths.");

            LegacyPathFind lpf (role == Role::ADMIN);
            if (!lpf.isOk ())
                return rpcError (rpcTOO_BUSY);

            STPathSet spsPaths;
            STPath fullLiquidityPath;
            bool valid = ledgerFacade.findPathsForOneIssuer (
                saSendMax.issue (),
                getConfig ().PATH_SEARCH_OLD,
                4,  // iMaxPaths

            if (!valid)
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RPCHandler)
                        << "transactionSign: build_path: No paths found.";
                return rpcError (rpcNO_PATH);
            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RPCHandler)
                    << "transactionSign: build_path: "
                    << spsPaths.getJson (0);

            if (!spsPaths.empty ())
                tx_json["Paths"] = spsPaths.getJson (0);
    return Json::Value();
static Json::Value signPayment(
    Json::Value const& params,
    Json::Value& tx_json,
    RippleAddress const& raSrcAddressID,
    Ledger::pointer lSnapshot,
    int role)
    RippleAddress dstAccountID;

    if (!tx_json.isMember ("Amount"))
        return RPC::missing_field_error ("tx_json.Amount");

    STAmount amount;

    if (!amount.bSetJson (tx_json ["Amount"]))
        return RPC::invalid_field_error ("tx_json.Amount");

    if (!tx_json.isMember ("Destination"))
        return RPC::missing_field_error ("tx_json.Destination");

    if (!dstAccountID.setAccountID (tx_json["Destination"].asString ()))
        return RPC::invalid_field_error ("tx_json.Destination");

    if (tx_json.isMember ("Paths") && params.isMember ("build_path"))
        return RPC::make_error (rpcINVALID_PARAMS,
            "Cannot specify both 'tx_json.Paths' and 'tx_json.build_path'");

    if (!tx_json.isMember ("Paths")
        && tx_json.isMember ("Amount")
        && params.isMember ("build_path"))
        // Need a ripple path.
        STPathSet   spsPaths;
        uint160     uSrcCurrencyID;
        uint160     uSrcIssuerID;

        STAmount    saSendMax;

        if (tx_json.isMember ("SendMax"))
            if (!saSendMax.bSetJson (tx_json ["SendMax"]))
                return RPC::invalid_field_error ("tx_json.SendMax");
            // If no SendMax, default to Amount with sender as issuer.
            saSendMax = amount;
            saSendMax.setIssuer (raSrcAddressID.getAccountID ());

        if (saSendMax.isNative () && amount.isNative ())
            return RPC::make_error (rpcINVALID_PARAMS,
                "Cannot build STR to STR paths.");

            LegacyPathFind lpf (role == Config::ADMIN);
            if (!lpf.isOk ())
                return rpcError (rpcTOO_BUSY);

            bool bValid;
            auto cache = boost::make_shared<RippleLineCache> (lSnapshot);
            Pathfinder pf (cache, raSrcAddressID, dstAccountID,
                           saSendMax.getCurrency (), saSendMax.getIssuer (),
                           amount, bValid);

            STPath extraPath;
            if (!bValid || !pf.findPaths (getConfig ().PATH_SEARCH_OLD, 4, spsPaths, extraPath))
                WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RPCHandler)
                        << "transactionSign: build_path: No paths found.";
                return rpcError (rpcNO_PATH);
            WriteLog (lsDEBUG, RPCHandler)
                    << "transactionSign: build_path: "
                    << spsPaths.getJson (0);

            if (!spsPaths.isEmpty ())
                tx_json["Paths"] = spsPaths.getJson (0);
    return Json::Value();