double Multigrid::resnorm( LevelData<double >& a_phi, const LevelData<double >& a_rhs ) { CH_TIMERS("Multigrid::resnorm"); double retval = 0;; // BLIterator blit(m_bl); for (BLIterator blit(m_bl); blit != blit.end(); ++blit) // for (blit.begin();blit != blit.end();++blit) { Point pt = *blit; RectMDArray<double > res(a_rhs[pt].getBox()); res.setVal(0.0); res |= g_Laplacian(a_phi[*blit],res.getBox()); res /= m_dx*m_dx; res -= a_rhs[*blit]; double resmax = abs_max(res,res.getBox()); if (retval < resmax) retval = resmax; } return retval; };
void Multigrid::pointRelax( LevelData<double >& a_phi, const LevelData<double >& a_rhs, int a_numIter ) { CH_TIMERS("Multigrid::pointRelax"); CH_TIMER("sec1",t1); CH_TIMER("sec2",t2); CH_TIMER("sec3",t3); BLIterator blit(m_bl); for (int iter = 0; iter < a_numIter; iter++) {; for (blit.begin();blit != blit.end();++blit) { RectMDArray<double > res(m_bl[*blit]); RectMDArray<double > tmp(m_bl[*blit]); CH_START(t1); res |= g_Laplacian(a_phi[*blit],res.getBox()); res /= m_dx*m_dx; CH_STOP(t1); CH_START(t2); res -= a_rhs[*blit]; CH_STOP(t2); CH_START(t3); tmp |= g_PointRelax(res,res.getBox()); tmp *= m_dx*m_dx; a_phi[*blit] += tmp; CH_STOP(t3); } } };
// --------------------------------------------------------- void AMRNavierStokes::computeLapVel(LevelData<FArrayBox>& a_lapVel, LevelData<FArrayBox>& a_vel, const LevelData<FArrayBox>* a_crseVelPtr) { // set BC's VelBCHolder velBC(m_physBCPtr->viscousVelFuncBC()); bool isHomogeneous = false; m_velocityAMRPoissonOp.applyOp(a_lapVel, a_vel, a_crseVelPtr, isHomogeneous, velBC); // may need to extend lapVel to cover ghost cells as well { BCHolder viscBC = m_physBCPtr->viscousFuncBC(); const DisjointBoxLayout& grids = a_lapVel.getBoxes(); DataIterator dit = a_lapVel.dataIterator(); for (dit.reset(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { viscBC(a_lapVel[dit], grids[dit], m_problem_domain, m_dx, false); // not homogeneous } } // finally, do exchange; }
// --------------------------------------------------------- void AMRNavierStokes::computeLapScal(LevelData<FArrayBox>& a_lapScal, LevelData<FArrayBox>& a_scal, const BCHolder& a_physBC, const LevelData<FArrayBox>* a_crseScalPtr) { m_scalarsAMRPoissonOp.setBC(a_physBC); bool isHomogeneous = false; if (a_crseScalPtr != NULL) { m_scalarsAMRPoissonOp.AMROperatorNF(a_lapScal, a_scal, *a_crseScalPtr, isHomogeneous); } else { m_scalarsAMRPoissonOp.applyOpI(a_lapScal, a_scal, isHomogeneous); } BCHolder viscBC = m_physBCPtr->viscousFuncBC(); DataIterator dit = a_lapScal.dataIterator(); const DisjointBoxLayout& grids = a_lapScal.getBoxes(); for (dit.reset(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { viscBC(a_lapScal[dit], grids[dit], m_problem_domain, m_dx, false); // not homogeneous } // finally, do exchange; }
void EBLevelTransport:: fillCons(LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_consState, LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_normalVel, const LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_consStateCoarseOld, const LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_consStateCoarseNew, const LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_normalVelCoarseOld, const LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_normalVelCoarseNew, const Real& a_time, const Real& a_coarTimeOld, const Real& a_coarTimeNew) { Interval consInterv(0, m_nCons-1); Interval fluxInterv(0, m_nFlux-1); Interval intervSD(0,SpaceDim-1); if (m_hasCoarser) { m_fillPatch.interpolate(a_consState, a_consStateCoarseOld, a_consStateCoarseNew, a_coarTimeOld, a_coarTimeNew, a_time, consInterv); m_fillPatchVel.interpolate(a_normalVel, a_normalVelCoarseOld, a_normalVelCoarseNew, a_coarTimeOld, a_coarTimeNew, a_time, intervSD); } // Exchange all the data between grids;; }
void Multigrid::residual( LevelData<double >& a_res, LevelData<double >& a_phi, const LevelData<double >& a_rhs ) { CH_TIMERS("Multigrid::residual");; for (BLIterator blit(m_bl); blit != blit.end(); ++blit) { Point pt = *blit; RectMDArray<double >& res = a_res[pt]; res |= g_Laplacian(a_phi[*blit],res.getBox()); res /= m_dx*m_dx; res *= -1.0; res += a_rhs[*blit]; } };
void EBPoissonOp:: colorGS(LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_phi, const LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_rhs, const IntVect& a_color, int icolor) { CH_TIME("EBPoissonOp::colorGS"); //this is a multigrid operator so only homogeneous CF BC and null coar level CH_assert(a_rhs.ghostVect() == m_ghostCellsRHS); CH_assert(a_phi.ghostVect() == m_ghostCellsPhi);; Real weight = m_alpha; for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++) { weight += -2.0 * m_beta * m_invDx2[idir]; } weight = 1.0 / weight; for (DataIterator dit = a_phi.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { EBCellFAB& phifab = a_phi[dit()]; m_colorEBStencil[icolor][dit()]->cache(phifab); } GSColorAllRegular( a_phi, a_rhs, a_color, weight, true); for (DataIterator dit = a_phi.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { EBCellFAB& phifab = a_phi[dit()]; m_colorEBStencil[icolor][dit()]->uncache(phifab); } GSColorAllIrregular(a_phi, a_rhs, a_color, true, icolor); }
void testlap(LevelData<double >& a_phi, double a_dx,char* a_str) { double coef = 1./(a_dx*a_dx); Stencil<double> Laplacian(make_pair(getZeros(),-DIM*2*coef)); BoxLayout bl = a_phi.getBoxLayout(); for (int dir = 0; dir < DIM ; dir++) { Point edir = getUnitv(dir); Stencil<double> plus(make_pair(Shift(edir),coef)); Stencil<double> minus(make_pair(Shift(edir*(-1)),coef)); Laplacian = Laplacian + minus + plus; }; RectMDArray<double> LPhi00(bl.getDomain()); for (BLIterator blit(bl); blit != blit.end(); ++blit) { LPhi00 |= Laplacian(a_phi[*blit],bl[*blit]); } MDWrite(a_str,LPhi00); };
void EBMGInterp::fillGhostCellsPWC(LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_data, const EBISLayout& a_ebisl, const ProblemDomain& a_dom) { for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++) { if (m_ghost[idir] < 1) { MayDay::Error("EBMGInterp:I need a ghost cell for linear interpolation"); } } //extrapolate to every ghost cell const DisjointBoxLayout& dbl = a_data.disjointBoxLayout(); for (DataIterator dit = dbl.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { const Box& grid = dbl.get(dit()); const EBGraph& ebgraph = a_ebisl[dit()].getEBGraph(); for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++) { for (SideIterator sit; sit.ok(); ++sit) { Side::LoHiSide flipSide = flip(sit()); Box ghostBox = adjCellBox(grid, idir, sit(), 1); for (BoxIterator boxit(ghostBox); boxit.ok(); ++boxit) { if (a_dom.contains(boxit())) { Vector<VolIndex> vofs = ebgraph.getVoFs(boxit()); for (int ivof = 0; ivof < vofs.size(); ivof++) { Real extrapVal = 0; Vector<FaceIndex> faces = ebgraph.getFaces(vofs[ivof], idir, flipSide); for (int ivar = 0; ivar < a_data.nComp(); ivar++) { for (int iface = 0; iface < faces.size(); iface++) { const VolIndex& flipVoF = faces[iface].getVoF(flipSide); extrapVal += a_data[dit()](flipVoF, ivar); } if (faces.size() > 1) extrapVal /= faces.size(); a_data[dit()](vofs[ivof], ivar) = extrapVal; } } } else { //just put in the single valued part of the data holder something sensible //if not inside domain int isign = sign(flipSide); BaseFab<Real>& bfdata = a_data[dit()].getSingleValuedFAB(); IntVect otherIV = boxit() + isign*BASISV(idir); for (int ivar = 0; ivar < a_data.nComp(); ivar++) { bfdata(boxit(), ivar) = bfdata(otherIV, ivar); } } } } } } //do exchange to overwrite ghost cells where there exists real data; }
void VCAMRPoissonOp2::looseGSRB(LevelData<FArrayBox>& a_phi, const LevelData<FArrayBox>& a_rhs) { CH_TIME("VCAMRPoissonOp2::looseGSRB"); #if 1 MayDay::Abort("VCAMRPoissonOp2::looseGSRB - Not implemented"); #else // This implementation converges at half the rate of "levelGSRB" in // multigrid solves CH_assert(a_phi.isDefined()); CH_assert(a_rhs.isDefined()); CH_assert(a_phi.ghostVect() >= IntVect::Unit); CH_assert(a_phi.nComp() == a_rhs.nComp()); // Recompute the relaxation coefficient if needed. resetLambda(); const DisjointBoxLayout& dbl = a_phi.disjointBoxLayout(); DataIterator dit = a_phi.dataIterator(); // fill in intersection of ghostcells and a_phi's boxes { CH_TIME("VCAMRPoissonOp2::looseGSRB::homogeneousCFInterp"); homogeneousCFInterp(a_phi); } { CH_TIME("VCAMRPoissonOp2::looseGSRB::exchange");, m_exchangeCopier); } // now step through grids... for (dit.begin(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { // invoke physical BC's where necessary { CH_TIME("VCAMRPoissonOp2::looseGSRB::BCs"); m_bc(a_phi[dit], dbl[dit()], m_domain, m_dx, true); } const Box& region = dbl.get(dit()); const FluxBox& thisBCoef = (*m_bCoef)[dit]; int whichPass = 0; #if CH_SPACEDIM == 1 FORT_GSRBHELMHOLTZVC1D #elif CH_SPACEDIM == 2 FORT_GSRBHELMHOLTZVC2D #elif CH_SPACEDIM == 3 FORT_GSRBHELMHOLTZVC3D #else This_will_not_compile! #endif (CHF_FRA(a_phi[dit]), CHF_CONST_FRA(a_rhs[dit]), CHF_BOX(region), CHF_CONST_REAL(m_dx), CHF_CONST_REAL(m_alpha), CHF_CONST_FRA((*m_aCoef)[dit]), CHF_CONST_REAL(m_beta), #if CH_SPACEDIM >= 1 CHF_CONST_FRA(thisBCoef[0]), #endif #if CH_SPACEDIM >= 2 CHF_CONST_FRA(thisBCoef[1]), #endif #if CH_SPACEDIM >= 3 CHF_CONST_FRA(thisBCoef[2]), #endif #if CH_SPACEDIM >= 4 This_will_not_compile! #endif CHF_CONST_FRA(m_lambda[dit]), CHF_CONST_INT(whichPass)); whichPass = 1; #if CH_SPACEDIM == 1 FORT_GSRBHELMHOLTZVC1D #elif CH_SPACEDIM == 2 FORT_GSRBHELMHOLTZVC2D #elif CH_SPACEDIM == 3 FORT_GSRBHELMHOLTZVC3D #else This_will_not_compile! #endif (CHF_FRA(a_phi[dit]), CHF_CONST_FRA(a_rhs[dit]), CHF_BOX(region), CHF_CONST_REAL(m_dx), CHF_CONST_REAL(m_alpha), CHF_CONST_FRA((*m_aCoef)[dit]), CHF_CONST_REAL(m_beta), #if CH_SPACEDIM >= 1 CHF_CONST_FRA(thisBCoef[0]), #endif #if CH_SPACEDIM >= 2 CHF_CONST_FRA(thisBCoef[1]), #endif #if CH_SPACEDIM >= 3 CHF_CONST_FRA(thisBCoef[2]), #endif #if CH_SPACEDIM >= 4 This_will_not_compile! #endif CHF_CONST_FRA(m_lambda[dit]), CHF_CONST_INT(whichPass)); } // end loop through grids #endif }
void VCAMRPoissonOp2::restrictResidual(LevelData<FArrayBox>& a_resCoarse, LevelData<FArrayBox>& a_phiFine, const LevelData<FArrayBox>& a_rhsFine) { CH_TIME("VCAMRPoissonOp2::restrictResidual"); homogeneousCFInterp(a_phiFine); const DisjointBoxLayout& dblFine = a_phiFine.disjointBoxLayout(); for (DataIterator dit = a_phiFine.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { FArrayBox& phi = a_phiFine[dit]; m_bc(phi, dblFine[dit()], m_domain, m_dx, true); }, m_exchangeCopier); for (DataIterator dit = a_phiFine.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { FArrayBox& phi = a_phiFine[dit]; const FArrayBox& rhs = a_rhsFine[dit]; FArrayBox& res = a_resCoarse[dit]; const FArrayBox& thisACoef = (*m_aCoef)[dit]; const FluxBox& thisBCoef = (*m_bCoef)[dit]; Box region = dblFine.get(dit()); const IntVect& iv = region.smallEnd(); IntVect civ = coarsen(iv, 2); res.setVal(0.0); #if CH_SPACEDIM == 1 FORT_RESTRICTRESVC1D #elif CH_SPACEDIM == 2 FORT_RESTRICTRESVC2D #elif CH_SPACEDIM == 3 FORT_RESTRICTRESVC3D #else This_will_not_compile! #endif (CHF_FRA_SHIFT(res, civ), CHF_CONST_FRA_SHIFT(phi, iv), CHF_CONST_FRA_SHIFT(rhs, iv), CHF_CONST_REAL(m_alpha), CHF_CONST_FRA_SHIFT(thisACoef, iv), CHF_CONST_REAL(m_beta), #if CH_SPACEDIM >= 1 CHF_CONST_FRA_SHIFT(thisBCoef[0], iv), #endif #if CH_SPACEDIM >= 2 CHF_CONST_FRA_SHIFT(thisBCoef[1], iv), #endif #if CH_SPACEDIM >= 3 CHF_CONST_FRA_SHIFT(thisBCoef[2], iv), #endif #if CH_SPACEDIM >= 4 This_will_not_compile! #endif CHF_BOX_SHIFT(region, iv), CHF_CONST_REAL(m_dx)); } }
void EBGradDivFilter:: filter(LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_velFine, const LevelData<EBFluxFAB>& a_fluxVelFine, const LevelData<EBCellFAB>* a_velCoar, bool a_lowOrderOneSidedGrad, bool a_noExtrapToCovered) { CH_TIME("EBGradDivFilter::filter"); CH_assert(a_velFine.nComp() == SpaceDim); Interval velInterv(0, SpaceDim-1); //do coarse-fine interpolation if necessary if (m_hasCoarser) { CH_assert(a_velCoar != NULL); CH_assert(a_velCoar->nComp() == SpaceDim); m_tensorCFI->coarseFineInterp(a_velFine, m_gradVel, *a_velCoar); } //fill in ghost cells; //compute gradient of velocity for parts NOT in ghost cells for (DataIterator dit = m_gridsFine.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { gradVel(m_gradVel[dit()], a_velFine[dit()], m_gridsFine.get(dit()), m_ebislFine[dit()], a_lowOrderOneSidedGrad); }; int ibox = 0; for (DataIterator dit = m_gridsFine.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { EBFluxFAB& faceDiv = m_faceDivCell[dit()]; for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++) { faceDivergence(faceDiv[idir], m_gradVel[dit()], a_velFine[dit()], a_fluxVelFine[dit()], m_gridsFine.get(dit()), m_ebislFine[dit()], idir); } ibox++; }; //apply filter grid by grid //the lambda gets multiplied in on the fly //(the true tells grad div to do this multiplication) for (DataIterator dit = m_gridsFine.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { EBCellFAB lambdaGradDivVel(m_ebislFine[dit()], m_gridsFine.get(dit()), SpaceDim); gradDiv(lambdaGradDivVel, m_gradVel[dit()], a_velFine[dit()], a_fluxVelFine[dit()], m_faceDivCell[dit()], m_gridsFine.get(dit()), m_ebislFine[dit()], dit(), true, a_noExtrapToCovered); a_velFine[dit()] += lambdaGradDivVel; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EBNormalizeByVolumeFraction:: operator()(LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_Q, const Interval& a_compInterval) const { CH_TIME("EBNormalizer::operator()"); // Endpoints of the given interval. int begin = a_compInterval.begin(), end = a_compInterval.end(), length = a_compInterval.size(); // Loop over the EBISBoxes within our grid. The EB data structures are // indexed in the same manner as the non-EB data structures, so we piggy- // back the former on the latter.; EBISLayout ebisLayout = m_levelGrid.getEBISL(); DisjointBoxLayout layout = m_levelGrid.getDBL(); for (DataIterator dit = layout.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { const EBISBox& box = ebisLayout[dit()]; EBCellFAB& QFAB = a_Q[dit()]; // Go over the irregular cells in this box. const IntVectSet& irregCells = box.getIrregIVS(layout[dit()]); // The average has to be computed from the uncorrected data from all // the neighbors, so we can't apply the corrections in place. For now, // we stash them in a map. map<VolIndex, vector<Real> > correctedValues; for (VoFIterator vit(irregCells, box.getEBGraph()); vit.ok(); ++vit) { Real kappajSum = 0.0; vector<Real> kappajQjSum(length, 0.0); // Get all of the indices of the VoFs within a monotone path // radius of 1. VolIndex vofi = vit(); Vector<VolIndex> vofjs; EBArith::getAllVoFsInMonotonePath(vofjs, vofi, box, 1); // Accumulate the contributions from the neighboring cells. for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vofjs.size(); ++j) { VolIndex vofj = vofjs[j]; Real kappaj = box.volFrac(vofj); for (int icomp = begin; icomp <= end; ++icomp) { kappajQjSum[icomp] += QFAB(vofj, icomp); } // Add this volume fraction to the sum. kappajSum += kappaj; } if (kappajSum > 0.) { // Normalize the quantity and stow it. vector<Real> correctedValue(length); // Real kappai = box.volFrac(vofi); //unused dtg for (int icomp = begin; icomp <= end; ++icomp) { // correctedValue[icomp - begin] = // QFAB(vofi, icomp) + (1.0 - kappai) * kappajQjSum[icomp] / kappajSum; correctedValue[icomp - begin] = kappajQjSum[icomp] / kappajSum; } correctedValues[vofi] = correctedValue; } } // Apply the corrections. for (map<VolIndex, vector<Real> >::const_iterator cit = correctedValues.begin(); cit != correctedValues.end(); ++cit) { for (int icomp = begin; icomp <= end; ++icomp) { QFAB(cit->first, icomp) = cit->second[icomp-begin]; } } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------- void NodeCoarseAverage::averageToCoarse(LevelData<NodeFArrayBox>& a_coarse, LevelData<NodeFArrayBox>& a_fine) { // this is the method that is called externally. // a_fine must have ghost nodes to depth m_refRatio/2. // ghost data is required when averaging onto a fine-fine interface. CH_assert(is_defined); CH_assert(a_fine.ghostVect() >= (m_refRatio / 2) * IntVect::Unit); //CH_assert(a_domainCoarse == m_domainCoarse);; DataIterator ditc = m_coarsenedGrids.dataIterator(); // initialize m_coarsenedFine with zero (on boxes in this proc) // if the grids are different. if (! m_sameGrids) for (ditc.begin(); ditc.ok(); ++ditc) m_coarsenedFine[ditc()].getFab().setVal(0.0); // set m_coarsenedFine on interior nodes of m_coarsenedGrids to // weighted average of fine nodes in neighborhood. for (ditc.begin(); ditc.ok(); ++ditc) { // coarsened_fine, fine are cell-centered but represent data on nodes. BaseFab<Real>& coarseFab = (m_sameGrids) ? a_coarse[ditc()].getFab() : m_coarsenedFine[ditc()].getFab(); const BaseFab<Real>& fineFab = a_fine[ditc()].getFab(); // idea for setting m_coarsenedFine on interior nodes: // (1) set m_coarsenedFine in interior of this box // (interior of this box is another box). // (2) then set m_coarsenedFine at other interior points. // --- // (1) // set m_coarsenedFine at inner nodes of box // (note, not, // because we use nodes) const Box thisBox = m_coarsenedGrids.get(ditc()); // inner: cell-centered box, indices correspond to inner nodes Box inner(thisBox); for (int idir = 0; idir < CH_SPACEDIM; idir++) inner.growLo(idir, -1); if (!inner.isEmpty()) FORT_NODEAVERAGE(CHF_FRA(coarseFab), CHF_CONST_FRA(fineFab), CHF_BOX(inner), CHF_CONST_INT(m_refRatio), CHF_CONST_FRA(m_weights)); // (2) // remove inner nodes from interior, leaving only grid-boundary nodes. // cell indices of innerCells are node indices of interior nodes. // now do averaging for each interior boundary node. Vector<IntVectSet>& IVSvec = m_IVSVsame[ditc()]; BitSet& fullvec = m_IVSVfull[ditc()]; for (int lcomp = 0; lcomp < IVSvec.size(); lcomp++) { IntVectSet& IVS = IVSvec[lcomp]; if (fullvec[lcomp]) { Box container(IVS.minBox()); FORT_NODEAVERAGE(CHF_FRA(coarseFab), CHF_CONST_FRA(fineFab), CHF_BOX(container), CHF_CONST_INT(m_refRatio), CHF_CONST_FRA(m_weights)); } else for (IVSIterator it(IVS); it.ok(); ++it) { IntVect iv = it(); // Set coarseFab(iv, :) to average of fineFab(iv+m_refbox, :) // Use either Fortran or C++. // petermc, 23 Jul 2003: Fortran method is found to be faster, // by a factor of 2.15 for total time on averageToCoarse // function. // begin Fortran method FORT_NODEAVERAGEPOINT(CHF_FRA(coarseFab), CHF_CONST_FRA(fineFab), CHF_CONST_INTVECT(iv), CHF_CONST_INT(m_refRatio), CHF_CONST_FRA(m_weights)); // end Fortran method // begin C++ method // for (int ivar = 0; ivar < m_numcomps; ivar++) // { // Real csum = 0.; // for (BoxIterator offb(m_refbox); offb.ok(); ++offb) // { // IntVect ivOff = offb(); // IntVect ivFine = m_refRatio*iv + ivOff; // csum += m_weights(ivOff, 0) * fineFab(ivFine, ivar); // } // coarseFab(iv, ivar) = csum; // end C++ method } } } // copy data at interior nodes of m_coarsenedFine to a_coarse data: // see NodeFArrayBox for code. // IF the grids are not the same, then // copy data at interior nodes of m_coarsenedFine to a_coarse: // see NodeFArrayBox for code. if (! m_sameGrids) { copyInteriorNodes(a_coarse, m_coarsenedFine, m_IVSV); } // copyInteriorNodes(a_coarse, m_coarsenedFine, m_domainCoarse); }
void EBGradDivFilter:: gradDiv(LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_gradDivVel, LevelData<EBCellFAB>& a_velFine, const LevelData<EBFluxFAB>& a_fluxVelFine, const LevelData<EBCellFAB>* a_velCoar, bool a_lowOrderOneSidedGrad, bool a_noExtrapToCovered) { CH_TIME("EBGradDivFilter::gradDiv"); CH_assert(a_velFine.nComp() == SpaceDim); Interval velInterv(0, SpaceDim-1); //do coarse-fine interpolation if necessary if (m_hasCoarser) { CH_assert(a_velCoar != NULL); CH_assert(a_velCoar->nComp() == SpaceDim); m_tensorCFI->coarseFineInterp(a_velFine, m_gradVel, *a_velCoar); } //fill in ghost cells; //compute gradient of velocity for parts NOT in ghost cells for (DataIterator dit = m_gridsFine.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { m_gradVel[dit()].setVal(0.); gradVel(m_gradVel[dit()], a_velFine[dit()], m_gridsFine.get(dit()), m_ebislFine[dit()], a_lowOrderOneSidedGrad); }; int ibox = 0; for (DataIterator dit = m_gridsFine.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { EBFluxFAB& fluxVel = m_faceDivCell[dit()]; for (int idir = 0; idir < SpaceDim; idir++) { faceDivergence(fluxVel[idir], m_gradVel[dit()], a_velFine[dit()], a_fluxVelFine[dit()], m_gridsFine.get(dit()), m_ebislFine[dit()], idir); } ibox++; }; for (DataIterator dit = m_gridsFine.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { //the false tells gradDiv to not premultiply by lambda gradDiv(a_gradDivVel[dit()], m_gradVel[dit()], a_velFine[dit()], a_fluxVelFine[dit()], m_faceDivCell[dit()], m_gridsFine.get(dit()), m_ebislFine[dit()], dit(), false, a_noExtrapToCovered); } }
int testIFFAB(const DisjointBoxLayout& a_dbl, const EBISLayout & a_ebisl, const Box & a_domain, const Real & a_dx ) { int faceDir = 0; int nFlux = 1; LayoutData<IntVectSet> irregSetsGrown; LevelData< BaseIFFAB<Real> > fluxInterpolant; EBArith::defineFluxInterpolant(fluxInterpolant, irregSetsGrown, a_dbl, a_ebisl, a_domain, nFlux, faceDir); //set source fab to right ans over set only on grids interior cells int ibox = 0; for (DataIterator dit = a_dbl.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { BaseIFFAB<Real>& srcFab = fluxInterpolant[dit()]; srcFab.setVal(-1.0); IntVectSet ivsSmall = irregSetsGrown[dit()]; const Box& grid = a_dbl.get(dit()); ivsSmall &= grid; for (FaceIterator faceit(ivsSmall, a_ebisl[dit()].getEBGraph(), faceDir, FaceStop::SurroundingWithBoundary); faceit.ok(); ++faceit) { srcFab(faceit(), 0) = rightAns(faceit()); } ibox++; } //diagnostics if (g_diagnosticMode) { pout() << " diagnostics for processor " << procID() << endl; for (DataIterator dit = a_dbl.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { const IntVectSet& ivsGrown = irregSetsGrown[dit()]; const Box& grid = a_dbl.get(dit()); pout() << "============" << endl; pout() << " box = " << grid; pout() << ", full ivs = " ; dumpIVS(&ivsGrown); pout() << "============" << endl; for (LayoutIterator lit = a_dbl.layoutIterator(); lit.ok(); ++lit) { const Box& grid2 = a_dbl.get(lit()); IntVectSet ivsIntersect = ivsGrown; ivsIntersect &= grid2; pout() << "intersection with box " << grid2 << " = "; dumpIVS(&ivsIntersect); pout() << "============" << endl; } } } BaseIFFAB<Real>::setVerbose(true); //do the evil exchange Interval interv(0, nFlux-1);; ibox = 0; //check the answer over grown set Real tolerance = 0.001; for (DataIterator dit = a_dbl.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { const BaseIFFAB<Real>& srcFab = fluxInterpolant[dit()]; const IntVectSet& ivsGrown = irregSetsGrown[dit()]; for (FaceIterator faceit(ivsGrown, a_ebisl[dit()].getEBGraph(), faceDir, FaceStop::SurroundingWithBoundary); faceit.ok(); ++faceit) { Real correct = rightAns(faceit()); Real fabAns = srcFab(faceit(), 0); if (Abs(correct - fabAns) > tolerance) { pout() << "iffab test failed at face " << faceit().gridIndex(Side::Lo) << faceit().gridIndex(Side::Hi) << endl; pout() << " right ans = " << correct << endl; pout() << " data holds= " << fabAns << endl; int eekflag = -3; return eekflag; } } ibox++; } return 0; }
void EBLevelAdvect:: advectToFacesBCG(LevelData< EBFluxFAB >& a_extrapState, const LevelData< EBCellFAB >& a_consState, const LevelData< EBCellFAB >& a_normalVel, const LevelData< EBFluxFAB >& a_advectionVel, const LevelData< EBCellFAB >* a_consStateCoarseOld, const LevelData< EBCellFAB >* a_consStateCoarseNew, const LevelData< EBCellFAB >* a_normalVelCoarseOld, const LevelData< EBCellFAB >* a_normalVelCoarseNew, const Real& a_timeCoarseOld, const Real& a_timeCoarseNew, const Real& a_timeFine, const Real& a_dt, const LevelData<EBCellFAB>* const a_source, const LevelData<EBCellFAB>* const a_sourceCoarOld, const LevelData<EBCellFAB>* const a_sourceCoarNew) { CH_TIME("EBLevelAdvect::advectToFacesBCG (level)"); CH_assert(isDefined()); //create temp data with the correct number of ghost cells IntVect ivGhost = m_nGhost*IntVect::Unit; Interval consInterv(0, m_nVar-1); Interval intervSD(0, SpaceDim-1); // LevelData<EBCellFAB>& consTemp = (LevelData<EBCellFAB>&) a_consState; // LevelData<EBCellFAB>& veloTemp = (LevelData<EBCellFAB>&) a_normalVel; EBCellFactory factory(m_thisEBISL); LevelData<EBCellFAB> consTemp(m_thisGrids, m_nVar, ivGhost, factory); LevelData<EBCellFAB> veloTemp(m_thisGrids, SpaceDim, ivGhost, factory); for (DataIterator dit = m_thisGrids.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { consTemp[dit()].setVal(0.); } a_consState.copyTo(consInterv, consTemp, consInterv); a_normalVel.copyTo(intervSD, veloTemp, intervSD); // Fill ghost cells using fillInterp, and copyTo. if (m_hasCoarser) { CH_TIME("fillPatch"); m_fillPatch.interpolate(consTemp, *a_consStateCoarseOld, *a_consStateCoarseNew, a_timeCoarseOld, a_timeCoarseNew, a_timeFine, consInterv); m_fillPatchVel.interpolate(veloTemp, *a_normalVelCoarseOld, *a_normalVelCoarseNew, a_timeCoarseOld, a_timeCoarseNew, a_timeFine, intervSD); } // Exchange all the data between grids { CH_TIME("initial_exchange");;; } LevelData<EBCellFAB>* srcTmpPtr = NULL; if (a_source != NULL) { // srcTmpPtr = (LevelData<EBCellFAB>*) a_source; srcTmpPtr = new LevelData<EBCellFAB>(m_thisGrids, m_nVar, ivGhost, factory); for (DataIterator dit = m_thisGrids.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { (*srcTmpPtr)[dit()].setVal(0.); } a_source->copyTo(consInterv, *srcTmpPtr, consInterv); if ( (a_sourceCoarOld != NULL) && (a_sourceCoarNew != NULL) && (m_hasCoarser) ) { CH_TIME("fillPatch"); m_fillPatch.interpolate(*srcTmpPtr, *a_sourceCoarOld, *a_sourceCoarNew, a_timeCoarseOld, a_timeCoarseNew, a_timeFine, consInterv); { CH_TIME("initial_exchange"); srcTmpPtr->exchange(consInterv); } } } { CH_TIME("advectToFaces"); int ibox = 0; for (DataIterator dit = m_thisGrids.dataIterator(); dit.ok(); ++dit) { const Box& cellBox = m_thisGrids.get(dit()); const EBISBox& ebisBox = m_thisEBISL[dit()]; if (!ebisBox.isAllCovered()) { //the viscous term goes into here EBCellFAB dummy; EBCellFAB* srcPtr = &dummy; if (srcTmpPtr != NULL) { srcPtr = (EBCellFAB*)(&((*srcTmpPtr)[dit()])); } const EBCellFAB& source = *srcPtr; //unused in this case BaseIVFAB<Real> boundaryPrim; bool doBoundaryPrim = false; EBFluxFAB& extrapFAB = a_extrapState[dit()]; advectToFacesBCG(extrapFAB, boundaryPrim, consTemp[dit()], veloTemp[dit()], a_advectionVel[dit()], cellBox, ebisBox, a_dt, a_timeFine, source, dit(), doBoundaryPrim); ibox++; } } } if (srcTmpPtr != NULL) { delete srcTmpPtr; } }
void getError(LevelData<double, 1> & a_error, double & a_maxError, const double & a_dx) { int rank, nprocs; MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs); std::cout << "I am rank " << rank << " of " << nprocs << " processes" << std::endl; BoxLayout* layout = new BoxLayout(); int npatches; int nPatchPerProc, iStartIdx, iEndIdx; int patchID = -1; double local_maxError = 0; LevelData<double, 1> *phi; LevelData<double, 1> *lphcalc; LevelData<double, 1> *lphexac; if(rank == 0) { *layout = a_error.getBoxLayout(); npatches = layout->size(); phi = new LevelData<double, 1>(*layout, s_nghost); lphcalc = new LevelData<double, 1>(*layout, 0); lphexac = new LevelData<double, 1>(*layout, 0); // cout << "initializing phi to sum_dir(sin 2*pi*xdir)" << endl; initialize(*phi,*lphexac, a_dx); //set ghost cells of phi phi->exchange(); } if(nprocs > 1) MPI_Bcast( &npatches, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(npatches == 1) nPatchPerProc = 1; else nPatchPerProc = npatches/nprocs; iStartIdx = rank * nPatchPerProc; iEndIdx = (npatches < (rank+1)*nPatchPerProc) ? npatches-1 : ((rank+1)*nPatchPerProc-1); nPatchPerProc = iEndIdx - iStartIdx + 1; std::cout << "I am rank " << rank << " working from " << iStartIdx << " to " << iEndIdx << std::endl; // barrier to sync halo exchange if(rank == 0) { Box bxdst, bxsrc; MPI_Request reqs[5]; MPI_Status status[5]; int iwait = 0; for(BLIterator blit(*layout); blit != blit.end(); ++blit) { //bxdst= (*layout)[*blit]; patchID++; bool mypatch = patchID >= iStartIdx && patchID <=iEndIdx; RectMDArray<double>& phiex = (*phi)[patchID]; RectMDArray<double>& lphca = (*lphcalc)[patchID]; RectMDArray<double>& lphex = (*lphexac)[patchID]; RectMDArray<double>& error = a_error[patchID]; bxsrc = phiex . getBox(); bxdst = lphca . getBox(); lphca.setVal(0.); if(mypatch) { cout << "Rank 0 is working on patch " << patchID << endl; double tmp; tmp = doWork(bxdst, phiex, lphca, lphex, error, a_dx); local_maxError = (local_maxError > tmp) ? local_maxError : tmp; } else { int dest = patchID / nPatchPerProc; // MPI_Isend(&phiex, sizeof(RectMDArray<double>),MPI_CHAR, dest, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&reqs[0]); //cout << "master send out patch " << patchID<< " sourceDataPointer with size " << phiex.getBox().sizeOf() << endl; // MPI_Isend(&lphca, sizeof(RectMDArray<double>),MPI_CHAR, dest, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&reqs[1]); //cout << "master send out patch " << patchID<< " destinationDataPointer with size " << lphca.getBox().sizeOf() << endl; MPI_Isend(&bxsrc, sizeof(Box),MPI_CHAR, dest, 4, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&reqs[0]); cout << "master send out patch " << patchID<< " bxdst Box with size " << sizeof(Box)<< endl; MPI_Isend(&bxdst, sizeof(Box),MPI_CHAR, dest, 4, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&reqs[1]); cout << "master send out patch " << patchID<< " bxdst Box with size " << sizeof(Box)<< endl; double *sourceDataPointer = phiex . getPointer(); double *destinationDataPointer = lphca . getPointer(); MPI_Isend(sourceDataPointer, phiex.getBox().sizeOf(),MPI_DOUBLE, dest, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&reqs[2]); MPI_Isend(destinationDataPointer, lphca.getBox().sizeOf(),MPI_DOUBLE, dest, 3, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&reqs[3]); iwait++; MPI_Waitall(4,reqs,status); cout << "Rank 0 is sending patch " << patchID << " to rank " << dest << endl; } } } else { if(npatches == 1) nPatchPerProc = 0; else nPatchPerProc = npatches/nprocs; int src = 0; if(nPatchPerProc > 0) { // MPI_Request reqs[5]; MPI_Status status[5]; Box bxdst, bxsrc; RectMDArray<double>* phiex = new RectMDArray<double>(); RectMDArray<double>* lphca = new RectMDArray<double>(); RectMDArray<double>* lphex = new RectMDArray<double>(); RectMDArray<double>* error = new RectMDArray<double>(); int idx; for(idx = 0; idx < nPatchPerProc; idx++) { // Box bxdst=((const BoxLayout&) layout)[*blit]; patchID++; // MPI_Recv(phiex, sizeof(RectMDArray<double>), MPI_CHAR, src, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status[0]); // MPI_Recv(lphca, sizeof(RectMDArray<double>), MPI_CHAR, src, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status[1]); // double *sourceDataPointer = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*phiex->getBox().sizeOf()); MPI_Recv(&bxsrc, sizeof(Box), MPI_CHAR, src, 4, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status[0]); cout << "Rank " << rank << " receive patch " << idx << " bxdst with size " << sizeof(Box)<< endl; MPI_Recv(&bxdst, sizeof(Box), MPI_CHAR, src, 4, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status[1]); cout << "Rank " << rank << " receive patch " << idx << " bxdst with size " << sizeof(Box)<< endl; phiex->define(bxsrc); lphca->define(bxdst); lphex->define(bxdst); error->define(bxdst); MPI_Recv(phiex -> getPointer(), phiex->getBox().sizeOf(), MPI_DOUBLE, src, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status[2]); cout << "Rank " << rank << " receive patch " << idx << " sourceDataPointer with size " << phiex->getBox().sizeOf() << endl; // double *destinationDataPointer = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*lphca->getBox().sizeOf()); MPI_Recv(lphca -> getPointer(), lphca->getBox().sizeOf(), MPI_DOUBLE, src, 3, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status[3]); cout << "Rank " << rank << " receive patch " << idx << " destinationDataPointer with size " << lphca->getBox().sizeOf() << endl; cout << "Rank " << rank << " is working on patch " << npatches << endl; double tmp; tmp = doWork(bxdst, *phiex, *lphca, *lphex, *error, a_dx); local_maxError = (local_maxError > tmp) ? local_maxError : tmp; } } } MPI_Allreduce(&local_maxError, &a_maxError, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(rank == 0) cout << "max Error is: " << a_maxError << endl; }