예제 #1
void setup()
    RFID.begin(9600); // start serial to RFID reader
    Serial.begin(9600); // start serial to PC
    lcd.begin(16, 2);
    //lcd output
        lcd.print("There are "); //start printing the result
        lcd.print(space_left); //then how many spaces
        lcd.print("  spaces left."); //words
        lcd.println(" "); //spaces
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
       id_marker[i] = 0;
  //sets everything in the array equal to blank
 for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
            id_array[i] = String("");
예제 #2
void loop()
    int i;
    while (RFID.available() <= 0); // force wait until rfid present
    if(RFID.available() > 0) //does rfid exist?
        i = 0;
        while (i < 14)
            tag_id = RFID.read(); //Reads character, puts into tag_id
            if (tag_id == '-1')  //Wait for scan to read
            id_string = String(id_string + tag_id); //Make it a string
            //TESTING OUTPUT
            //For some reason, getting rid of this makes the tag not read correctly 
            Serial.print("Read:  "); 
            Serial.print("\nid_string is now "); 
            i++; //counts up unil 14
        Serial.print("\nid_string is now ");
        for(int index=0; index<5; index++)  //first we check to see if there are any current matches
            if(id_string == id_array[index]) //if the id matches something in the array at location "i"
                Serial.println("Match"); //print that it matches.
                id_array[index] = String("");    //set the array location of the removed tag to blank
                if (id_marker[index] == 1)  //if the id marker is equal to one
                //else //Removing this else because I dont think it makes sense. 
                    // space_left++; //this isnt properly increasing the spaces left
                    //Commented out space left above because theres also one below.
                    // not sure if this is necessary 
                    for (int j = index; j < 4; j++)   //what purpose does j serve? Increments the search?
                        id_string[j] = id_string[j + 1]; 
                        id_marker[j] = id_marker[j + 1];
                        Serial.println(id_marker[index]);  //test print for the current marker. 
                    index--;  //this might actually only subtract the last place, and not the proper location
                    no_match = 1;
        }//End of for loop
        //I added the ifs below to attempt to refine the location of the write location in the array. they dont work completely
        if (no_match == 0)
            if (id_array[index] != String(""))   //if the array location is not blank, then
                index ++;   //increment to the next spot
            if (index == 5)  //if we're at the 5th spot
                index = 0; //start back at zero
            //this needs to be able to detect black values
            id_array[index] = id_string;
    Serial.println(" "); // prints a space
    Serial.println(id_array[index]); // print the array item
    Serial.println("Finished Reading ID."); //prints out this on a line
    Serial.print("There are "); //start printing the result
    Serial.print(space_left); //then how many spaces
    Serial.print(" spaces left."); //words
    Serial.println(" "); //spaces
    //lcd output
    lcd.print("There are "); //start printing the result
    lcd.print(space_left); //then how many spaces
    lcd.print("  spaces left."); //words
    lcd.println(" "); //spaces
    for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
          //TEST OUTPUT: DISPLAY ARRAY. I put this here because its more accurate
          Serial.print("] = ");
          //Serial.print("\nid_string is ");
    no_match = 0; 
    id_string = String(""); //clear out the string