예제 #1
//! Insert the item at the given index
//! Return the index on success or -1 on failure.
int ListBox::insertItem(unsigned int index, std::string text)
  ListBoxItem i;
  i.setText( text );

  _d->items.insert( _d->items.begin() + index, i );

  _recalculateItemHeight( _d->font, height() );

	return index;
예제 #2
void ListBox::AddItem(Object* item)
	ListBoxItem* listboxitem = dynamic_cast<ListBoxItem*>(item);
	if (listboxitem == NULL)
		listboxitem = new ListBoxItem;

//	m_owner->m_itemContainerGenerator->m_containers.push_back(listboxitem);

예제 #3
void KeyValueListBox::_updateItemText(gfx::Engine& painter, ListBoxItem& item, const Rect& textRect, Font font, const Rect& frameRect )
  ListBox::_updateItemText( painter, item, textRect, font, frameRect );

  Font f = Font::create( "FONT_1" );

  std::string str = item.data( "key" ).toString();
  Rect finalRect = f.getTextRect( str, Rect( 0, 0, frameRect.width() / 2, frameRect.height() ), align::center, align::center );

  item.draw( str, f, finalRect.lefttop() - Point( 10, 0)  );

  str = item.data( "value" ).toString();
  finalRect = f.getTextRect( str, Rect( frameRect.width()/2, 0, frameRect.width(), frameRect.height() ), align::upperLeft, align::center );
  item.draw( str, f, finalRect.lefttop() - Point( 10, 0)  );
예제 #4
ListBoxItem& ListBox::addItem( const std::string& text, Font font, const int color )
  ListBoxItem i;
  i.setText( text );
  i.setState( stNormal );
  i.setTextOffset( _d->itemTextOffset );
  i.OverrideColors[ ListBoxItem::simple ].font = font.isValid() ? font : _d->font;
  i.OverrideColors[ ListBoxItem::simple ].color = color;
  i.setTextAlignment( horizontalTextAlign(), verticalTextAlign() );

  _d->needItemsRepackTextures = true;


  _recalculateItemHeight( _d->font, height() );

  return _d->items.back();
예제 #5
void FileListBox::_updateItemText(gfx::Engine& painter, ListBoxItem& item, const Rect& textRect, Font font, const Rect& frameRect )
  ListBox::_updateItemText( painter, item, textRect, font, frameRect );

  if( !isFlag( showExtension ) )

    std::string text = vfs::Path( item.text() ).baseName( false ).toString();
    Rect finalRect = font.getTextRect( text, Rect( Point(), frameRect.size() ), align::upperLeft, align::center );

    item.draw( text, font, finalRect.lefttop() + Point( 10, 0)  );

  if( isFlag( showTime ) )
    Font f = Font::create( FONT_1 );

    std::string timeStr = item.data( "time" ).toString();
    Rect finalRect = f.getTextRect( timeStr, Rect( Point(), frameRect.size() ), align::lowerRight, align::center );

    item.draw( timeStr, f, finalRect.lefttop() - Point( 10, 0)  );
예제 #6
void LoadFileDialog::Impl::resolveItemSelected(const ListBoxItem& item)
  saveItemText = item.text();
  if( btnLoad ) btnLoad->setEnabled( !saveItemText.empty() );
  if( btnDelete ) btnDelete->setEnabled( !saveItemText.empty() );
void ChangeSalary::Impl::resolveSalaryChange(const ListBoxItem& item ) { newSalary = item.tag(); }
예제 #8
void ListBox::_updateItemText(Engine& painter, ListBoxItem& item, const Rect& textRect, Font font, const Rect& frameRect)
  item.updateText( textRect.UpperLeftCorner, font, frameRect.size() );
예제 #9
void ListBox::_drawItemText( Engine& painter, ListBoxItem& item, const Point& pos, Rect* clipRect )
  painter.draw( item.picture(), pos + item.textOffset(), clipRect );
예제 #10
void ListBox::_drawItemIcon( Engine& painter, ListBoxItem& item, const Point& pos, Rect* clipRect)
  painter.draw( item.icon(), pos + item.iconOffset(), clipRect );