/** *This function contains the code which allows items to be *grouped (contain each other) and considered one item. *Releasing an item you are dragging over another item (while *holding shift) makes the first item the second items child. *This means that the first item can nolonger be iteracted with *and that moving or reordering the second item will cause the *same to happen to the first item. Any number of items can be *made children of an item but if you make an item with a child *a child that items child will disapear. * *This satisfies the "move range of items" requirement, goal F *and the "ojects can contain objects" requirement, goal I */ void homework2App::mouseUp(MouseEvent event){ if(event.isShiftDown()&&event.isLeft()&&selectedNode_!=NULL){ ListNode* currentNode = headNode_; do{ if(currentNode->shape_-> isInside(selectedNode_->shape_->x_, selectedNode_->shape_->y_)) { selectedNode_ = selectedNode_->removeNode(); currentNode->addChild(selectedNode_); selectedNode_ = NULL; break; } currentNode = currentNode->next_; }while(currentNode!=headNode_); } }
int test_large_scene(Util::UI::Window * window, Util::UI::EventContext & eventContext) { // texture registry std::map<std::string, Util::Reference<Rendering::Texture> > textures; std::cout << "Create FrameContext...\n"; FrameContext fc; unsigned int renderingFlags = /*BOUNDING_BOXES|SHOW_META_OBJECTS|*/FRUSTUM_CULLING/*|SHOW_COORD_SYSTEM*/;//|SHOW_COORD_SYSTEM; std::cout << "Create scene graph...\n"; Util::Reference<GroupNode> root = new MinSG::ListNode(); /// Skybox SkyboxState * sb = SkyboxState::createSkybox("Data/texture/?.bmp"); root->addState(sb); /// Some shperes... { std::default_random_engine engine; std::uniform_real_distribution<float> coordinateDist(0.0f, 200.0f); std::vector<Util::Reference<Rendering::Mesh> > spheres; Util::Reference<Rendering::Mesh> icosahedron = Rendering::MeshUtils::PlatonicSolids::createIcosahedron(); for(int i=0;i<6;++i) spheres.push_back(Rendering::MeshUtils::PlatonicSolids::createEdgeSubdivisionSphere(icosahedron.get(), i)); // 6... 81920 triangles each for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { // create a real clone inclusive internal data! MinSG::GeometryNode * gn = new GeometryNode(spheres[std::uniform_int_distribution<std::size_t>(0, spheres.size() - 1)(engine)]->clone()); gn->moveRel(Geometry::Vec3(coordinateDist(engine), coordinateDist(engine), coordinateDist(engine))); root->addChild(gn); gn->scale(0.1 + std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(0.0f, 1000.0f)(engine) / 400.0); } } /// Camera Node * schwein = loadModel(Util::FileName("Data/model/Schwein.low.t.ply"), MESH_AUTO_CENTER | MESH_AUTO_SCALE); ListNode * camera = new ListNode(); CameraNode * camNode = new CameraNode(); camNode->setViewport(Geometry::Rect_i(0, 0, 1024, 768)); camNode->setNearFar(0.1, 2000); camNode->applyVerticalAngle(80); camNode->moveRel(Geometry::Vec3(0, 4, 10)); camera->addChild(camNode); camera->addChild(schwein); schwein->moveRel(Geometry::Vec3(0, 0, 0)); schwein->rotateLocal_deg(180, Geometry::Vec3(0, 1, 0)); LightNode * myHeadLight = LightNode::createPointLight(); myHeadLight->scale(1); myHeadLight->moveRel(Geometry::Vec3(0, 0, 0)); camera->addChild(myHeadLight); LightingState * lightState = new LightingState; lightState->setLight(myHeadLight); root->addState(lightState); root->addChild(camera); /// Eventhandler MoveNodeHandler * eh = new MoveNodeHandler(); MoveNodeHandler::initClaudius(eh, camera); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rendering::RenderingContext::clearScreen(Util::Color4f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); // ---- GET_GL_ERROR(); uint32_t fpsFrameCounter = 0; Util::Timer fpsTimer; std::cout << "\nEntering main loop...\n"; // program main loop bool done = false; while (!done) { ++fpsFrameCounter; double seconds = fpsTimer.getSeconds(); if (seconds > 1.0) { double fps = static_cast<double> (fpsFrameCounter) / seconds; std::cout << "\r " << fps << " fps "; std::cout.flush(); fpsTimer.reset(); fpsFrameCounter = 0; } // message processing loop eventContext.getEventQueue().process(); while (eventContext.getEventQueue().getNumEventsAvailable() > 0) { Util::UI::Event event = eventContext.getEventQueue().popEvent(); // check for messages switch (event.type) { // exit if the window is closed case Util::UI::EVENT_QUIT: done = true; break; // check for keypresses case Util::UI::EVENT_KEYBOARD: { if(event.keyboard.pressed && event.keyboard.key == Util::UI::KEY_ESCAPE) { done = true; } break; } } // end switch } // end of message processing // apply translation eh->execute(); // clear screen Rendering::RenderingContext::clearScreen(Util::Color4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); // enable Camera fc.setCamera(camNode); // render Scene root->display(fc, renderingFlags); window->swapBuffers(); GET_GL_ERROR(); } // end main loop // destroy scene graph MinSG::destroy(root.get()); root = nullptr; // all is well ;) std::cout << "Exited cleanly\n"; //system("pause"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }