예제 #1
MBoundingBox kgLocator::boundingBox() const
	MBoundingBox bbox;
	MPoint pt;
	MStatus stat;
	MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
	MFnDagNode dagFn( thisNode  );  
	MPlug heightPlug = dagFn.findPlug( height, &stat );
	float heightValue;
	heightPlug.getValue( heightValue );
	for(unsigned int i=0; i < pts.length(); ++i )
		pt.x = pts[i].x; pt.y = pts[i].y; pt.z = pts[i].z;
		bbox.expand( pt );
	//account for the vertical spindle
	pt.x=0.0; pt.y = 0.0f; pt.z = 0.0f;
	bbox.expand( pt );
	pt.x=0.0; pt.y = heightValue; pt.z = 0.0f;
	bbox.expand( pt );

	return bbox;
예제 #2
MStatus ffdPlanar::getBoundingBox( MDataBlock& block,
                                   unsigned int multiIndex,
                                   MBoundingBox &boundingBoxOut )
    MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
    MArrayDataHandle inputHandle = block.outputArrayValue( input );
    inputHandle.jumpToElement( multiIndex );
    MObject mesh = inputHandle.outputValue().child( inputGeom ).asMesh();
    MBoundingBox boundingBox = MBoundingBox();
    MFnMesh meshFn( mesh, &status );
    MCheckErr( status, "Error getting mesh from mesh object\n" );
    MPointArray pointArray = MPointArray();
    meshFn.getPoints( pointArray, MSpace::kTransform );
    for ( int i = 0; i < pointArray.length(); i++ )
        boundingBox.expand( pointArray[i] );
    boundingBoxOut = boundingBox;
    return status;
예제 #3
void AbcWriteJob::perFrameCallback(double iFrame)
    MBoundingBox bbox;

    util::ShapeSet::iterator it = mArgs.dagPaths.begin();
    const util::ShapeSet::iterator end = mArgs.dagPaths.end();
    for (; it != end; it ++)
        mCurDag = *it;

        MMatrix eMInvMat;
        if (mArgs.worldSpace)
            eMInvMat = mCurDag.exclusiveMatrixInverse();

        bbox.expand(getBoundingBox(iFrame, eMInvMat));

    Alembic::Abc::V3d min(bbox.min().x, bbox.min().y, bbox.min().z);
    Alembic::Abc::V3d max(bbox.max().x, bbox.max().y, bbox.max().z);
    Alembic::Abc::Box3d b(min, max);

    processCallback(mArgs.melPerFrameCallback, true, iFrame, bbox);
    processCallback(mArgs.pythonPerFrameCallback, false, iFrame, bbox);
예제 #4
MBoundingBox curvedArrows::boundingBox() const
	MBoundingBox bbox; 
	unsigned int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < fsVertexListSize; i ++ ) { 
		double *pt = fsVertexList[i]; 
		bbox.expand( MPoint( pt[0], pt[1], pt[2] ) ); 
	return bbox; 
예제 #5
void SpatialGrid::expandBBoxByPercentage( 
	MBoundingBox& bbox,
	double percentage,
	double min[3] 
	//	Description:
	//		Expands the given bounding box by the given percentage
	//		in all dimensions.  Percentage should be a value between
	//		0 and 1, representing 0% to 100%.
	//		The optional 3 "min" values specify minimum sizes along each
	//		axis that the bounding box size will be expanded to.  This
	//		is useful for situations where one of the box axes is so small
	//		that a percentagewise increase will not be meaningful.
	percentage += 1.0;

	MPoint c = bbox.center();

	float w = bbox.width();
	float h = bbox.height();
	float d = bbox.depth();

	//	clamp the box sizes to the minimums, if given
	if( min != NULL )
		if( w < min[0] )
			w = min[0];

		if( h < min[1] ) 
			h = min[1];

		if( d < min[2] )
			d = min[2];

	//	increase the box size
	MVector offset(w, h, d);
	offset *= (0.5f * percentage);

	bbox.expand( c + offset);
	bbox.expand( c - offset);
MBoundingBox sphericalBlendShapeVisualizerDrawOverride::boundingBox(
	const MDagPath& objPath,
	const MDagPath& cameraPath) const
	MBoundingBox bbox;
	double radius = 1.0;

	MMatrix spaceMatrix = getSpaceMatrix(objPath);

	/*for(unsigned int i=0; i<bboxPoints.length(); i++) {

	bbox.expand(MPoint(-radius, 0.0, 0.0) * spaceMatrix);
	bbox.expand(MPoint(radius, 0.0, 0.0) * spaceMatrix);

	bbox.expand(MPoint(0.0, -radius, 0.0) * spaceMatrix);
	bbox.expand(MPoint(0.0, radius, 0.0) * spaceMatrix);

	bbox.expand(MPoint(0.0, 0.0, -radius) * spaceMatrix);
	bbox.expand(MPoint(0.0, 0.0, radius) * spaceMatrix);

	return bbox;
MBoundingBox BasicLocator::boundingBox() const
// N.B. It is important to have this bounding box function otherwise zoom selected and 
// zoom all won't work correctly.
MPointArray pts;
getCirclePoints( pts );

MBoundingBox bbox;
for( unsigned int i=0; i < pts.length(); i++ )
	bbox.expand( pts[i] );
return bbox;
예제 #8
MBoundingBox ovalLocator::boundingbox (float multiplier /*=1.0f*/) {
	static MBoundingBox boundingbox ;
	if ( boundingbox.min () == boundingbox.max () ) {
		MPointArray vert =ovalLocator::vertices () ;
		for ( unsigned int i =0 ; i < vert.length () ; i++ )
			boundingbox.expand (vert [i]) ;
	MBoundingBox bbox (boundingbox) ;
	if ( multiplier != 1.0f ) {
		double factors [3] ={ multiplier, multiplier, multiplier } ;
		MTransformationMatrix mat ;
		mat.setScale (factors, MSpace::kWorld) ;
		bbox.transformUsing (mat.asScaleMatrix ()) ;
	return (bbox) ;
예제 #9
MBoundingBox BasicLocator::boundingBox() const
	MBoundingBox bbox;
	MFloatPointArray points;
	points.append(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	points.append(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	points.append(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
	points.append(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < points.length(); i++)

	return bbox;
예제 #10
bool SGTransformManip::build()
	SGIntersectResult& result = generalResult[0];
	if (result.resultType != SGComponentType::kNone) {
		intersector.intersectPoint = result.intersectPoint;
	m_selVertices = SGSelection::getIndices( SGSelection::sels.getSelVtxIndicesMap() );
	if (!m_selVertices.length()) return false;

	SGMesh* pMesh = SGMesh::pMesh;

	MBoundingBox bb;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_selVertices.length(); i++) {
		MPoint& targetPoint = pMesh->points[m_selVertices[i]];
		pMesh->isCenter(m_selVertices[i], SGComponentType::kVertex);
		if( !pMesh->isCenter(m_selVertices[i], SGComponentType::kVertex ) &&
			SGToolCondition::option.symInfo.compairIsMirror( intersector.intersectPoint, targetPoint ) ) continue;

	MPoint bbCenter = bb.center();

	if (SGSpace::space == MSpace::kObject) {
		bbCenter *= pMesh->dagPath.inclusiveMatrix();

	MMatrix mtx;
	mtx(3, 0) = bbCenter.x;
	mtx(3, 1) = bbCenter.y;
	mtx(3, 2) = bbCenter.z;

	intersector.build( mtx );
	intersectType = SGTransformManipIntersector::kCenter;


	return true;
예제 #11
// write the frame ranges and statistic string on the root
// Also call the post callbacks
void AbcWriteJob::postCallback(double iFrame)
    std::string statsStr = "";

    addToString(statsStr, "SubDStaticNum", mStats.mSubDStaticNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "SubDAnimNum", mStats.mSubDAnimNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "SubDStaticCVs", mStats.mSubDStaticCVs);
    addToString(statsStr, "SubDAnimCVs", mStats.mSubDAnimCVs);
    addToString(statsStr, "SubDStaticFaces", mStats.mSubDStaticFaces);
    addToString(statsStr, "SubDAnimFaces", mStats.mSubDAnimFaces);

    addToString(statsStr, "PolyStaticNum", mStats.mPolyStaticNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "PolyAnimNum", mStats.mPolyAnimNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "PolyStaticCVs", mStats.mPolyStaticCVs);
    addToString(statsStr, "PolyAnimCVs", mStats.mPolyAnimCVs);
    addToString(statsStr, "PolyStaticFaces", mStats.mPolyStaticFaces);
    addToString(statsStr, "PolyAnimFaces", mStats.mPolyAnimFaces);

    addToString(statsStr, "CurveStaticNum", mStats.mCurveStaticNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "CurveStaticCurves", mStats.mCurveStaticCurves);
    addToString(statsStr, "CurveAnimNum", mStats.mCurveAnimNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "CurveAnimCurves", mStats.mCurveAnimCurves);
    addToString(statsStr, "CurveStaticCVs", mStats.mCurveStaticCVs);
    addToString(statsStr, "CurveAnimCVs", mStats.mCurveAnimCVs);

    addToString(statsStr, "PointStaticNum", mStats.mPointStaticNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "PointAnimNum", mStats.mPointAnimNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "PointStaticCVs", mStats.mPointStaticCVs);
    addToString(statsStr, "PointAnimCVs", mStats.mPointAnimCVs);

    addToString(statsStr, "NurbsStaticNum", mStats.mNurbsStaticNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "NurbsAnimNum", mStats.mNurbsAnimNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "NurbsStaticCVs", mStats.mNurbsStaticCVs);
    addToString(statsStr, "NurbsAnimCVs", mStats.mNurbsAnimCVs);

    addToString(statsStr, "TransStaticNum", mStats.mTransStaticNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "TransAnimNum", mStats.mTransAnimNum);

    addToString(statsStr, "LocatorStaticNum", mStats.mLocatorStaticNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "LocatorAnimNum", mStats.mLocatorAnimNum);

    addToString(statsStr, "CameraStaticNum", mStats.mCameraStaticNum);
    addToString(statsStr, "CameraAnimNum", mStats.mCameraAnimNum);

    if (statsStr.length() > 0)
        Alembic::Abc::OStringProperty stats(mRoot.getTop().getProperties(),

    if (mTransTimeIndex != 0)
        MString propName;
        propName += static_cast<int>(mTransTimeIndex);
        propName += ".samples";
        Alembic::Abc::OUInt32Property samp(mRoot.getTop().getProperties(),

    if (mShapeTimeIndex != 0 && mShapeTimeIndex != mTransTimeIndex)
        MString propName;
        propName += static_cast<int>(mShapeTimeIndex);
        propName += ".samples";
        Alembic::Abc::OUInt32Property samp(mRoot.getTop().getProperties(),

    MBoundingBox bbox;

    if (mArgs.melPostCallback.find("#BOUNDS#") != std::string::npos ||
        mArgs.pythonPostCallback.find("#BOUNDS#") != std::string::npos ||
        mArgs.melPostCallback.find("#BOUNDSARRAY#") != std::string::npos ||
        mArgs.pythonPostCallback.find("#BOUNDSARRAY#") != std::string::npos)
        util::ShapeSet::const_iterator it = mArgs.dagPaths.begin();
        const util::ShapeSet::const_iterator end = mArgs.dagPaths.end();
        for (; it != end; it ++)
            mCurDag = *it;

            MMatrix eMInvMat;
            if (mArgs.worldSpace)
                eMInvMat = mCurDag.exclusiveMatrixInverse();

            bbox.expand(getBoundingBox(iFrame, eMInvMat));

    processCallback(mArgs.melPostCallback, true, iFrame, bbox);
    processCallback(mArgs.pythonPostCallback, false, iFrame, bbox);
예제 #12
MBoundingBox AbcWriteJob::getBoundingBox(double iFrame, const MMatrix & eMInvMat)
    MStatus status;
    MBoundingBox curBBox;

    if (iFrame == mFirstFrame)
        // Set up bbox shape map in the first frame.
        // If we have a lot of transforms and shapes, we don't need to
        // iterate them for each frame.
        MItDag dagIter;
        for (dagIter.reset(mCurDag); !dagIter.isDone(); dagIter.next())
            MObject object = dagIter.currentItem();
            MDagPath path;

            // short-circuit if the selection flag is on but this node is not in the
            // active selection

            // MGlobal::isSelected(ob) doesn't work, because DG node and DAG node is
            // not the same even if they refer to the same MObject
            if (mArgs.useSelectionList && !mSList.hasItem(path))

            MFnDagNode dagNode(path, &status);
            if (status == MS::kSuccess)
                // check for riCurves flag for flattening all curve object to
                // one curve group
                MPlug riCurvesPlug = dagNode.findPlug("riCurves", &status);
                if ( status == MS::kSuccess && riCurvesPlug.asBool() == true)
                    MBoundingBox box = dagNode.boundingBox();

                    // Prune this curve group

                    // Save children paths
                    std::map< MDagPath, util::ShapeSet, util::cmpDag >::iterator iter =
                        mBBoxShapeMap.insert(std::make_pair(mCurDag, util::ShapeSet())).first;
                    if (iter != mBBoxShapeMap.end())
                else if (object.hasFn(MFn::kParticle)
                    || object.hasFn(MFn::kMesh)
                    || object.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsCurve)
                    || object.hasFn(MFn::kNurbsSurface) )
                    if (util::isIntermediate(object))

                    MBoundingBox box = dagNode.boundingBox();

                    // Save children paths
                    std::map< MDagPath, util::ShapeSet, util::cmpDag >::iterator iter =
                        mBBoxShapeMap.insert(std::make_pair(mCurDag, util::ShapeSet())).first;
                    if (iter != mBBoxShapeMap.end())
        // We have already find out all the shapes for the dag path.
        std::map< MDagPath, util::ShapeSet, util::cmpDag >::iterator iter =
        if (iter != mBBoxShapeMap.end())
            // Iterate through the saved paths to calculate the box.
            util::ShapeSet& paths = (*iter).second;
            for (util::ShapeSet::iterator pathIter = paths.begin();
                pathIter != paths.end(); pathIter++)
                MFnDagNode dagNode(*pathIter, &status);
                if (status == MS::kSuccess)
                    MBoundingBox box = dagNode.boundingBox();

    return curBBox;