예제 #1
MStatus splitUV::pruneUVs( MIntArray& validUVIndices )
// Description:
//		This method will remove any invalid UVIds from the component list and UVId array.
//		The benefit of this is to reduce the amount of extra processing that the node would
//		have to perform. It will result in less iterations through the mesh as there are
//		less UVs to search for.
	MStatus status;

	unsigned i;
	MIntArray validUVIds;

	for( i = 0; i < validUVIndices.length(); i++ )
		int uvIndex = validUVIndices[i];
		validUVIds.append( fSelUVs[uvIndex] );

	// Replace the local int array of UVIds
	fSelUVs = validUVIds;

	// Build the list of valid components
	MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn;
	compFn.create( MFn::kMeshMapComponent, &status );
	MCheckStatus( status, "compFn.create( MFn::kMeshMapComponent )" );
	status = compFn.addElements( validUVIds );
	MCheckStatus( status, "compFn.addElements( validUVIds )" );
	MObject component = compFn.object();

	// Replace the component list
	MFnComponentListData compListFn;
	status = compListFn.add( component );
	MCheckStatus( status, "compListFn.add( component )" );

	fComponentList = compListFn.object();

	return status;
예제 #2
MStatus tm_polySlot::doIt( const MArgList& )
//	Description:
//		implements the MEL tm_polySlot command.
//	Arguments:
//		args - the argument list that was passes to the command from MEL
//	Return Value:
//		MS::kSuccess - command succeeded
//		MS::kFailure - command failed (returning this value will cause the 
//                     MEL script that is being run to terminate unless the
//                     error is caught using a "catch" statement.
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << endl << "####################################################" << endl;
cout << "tm_polySlot::doIt - DEBUG version info:" << endl;
	MStatus status;

	// Parse the selection list for objects with selected UV components.
	// To simplify things, we only take the first object that we find with
	// selected UVs and operate on that object alone.
	// All other objects are ignored and return warning messages indicating
	// this limitation.
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( oldSelList );
	MItSelectionList selListIter( oldSelList );
	selListIter.setFilter( MFn::kMesh );

	// The tm_polySlot node only accepts a component list input, so we build
	// a component list using MFnComponentListData.
	// MIntArrays could also be passed into the node to represent the edgesIds,
	// but are less storage efficient than component lists, since consecutive 
	// components are bundled into a single entry in component lists.
	MFnComponentListData compListFn;
	bool found = false;
	bool foundMultiple = false;

	for( ; !selListIter.isDone(); selListIter.next() )
		MDagPath dagPath;
		MObject component;
		selListIter.getDagPath( dagPath, component );

		// Check for selected UV components
		if( component.apiType() == MFn::kMeshEdgeComponent )
			if( !found )
				// The variable 'component' holds all selected components on the selected
				// object, thus only a single call to MFnComponentListData::add() is needed
				// to store the selected components for a given object.
				compListFn.add( component );

				// Copy the component list created by MFnComponentListData into our local
				// component list MObject member.
				fComponentList = compListFn.object();

				// Locally store the actual edgesIds of the selected Edges so that this command
				// can directly modify the mesh in the case when there is no history and
				// history is turned off.
				MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn( component );
				compFn.getElements( fSelEdges );

				// Ensure that this DAG path will point to the shape of our object.
				// Set the DAG path for the polyModifierCmd.
				setMeshNode( dagPath );
				found = true;
				// Break once we have found a multiple object holding selected UVs, since
				// we are not interested in how many multiple objects there are, only
				// the fact that there are multiple objects.
				foundMultiple = true;
	if( foundMultiple )
		displayWarning("Found more than one object with selected Edges - Only operating on first found object.");
	if( !found )
		displayError( "tm_polySlot command failed: Unable to find selected edges" );
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	// Initialize the polyModifierCmd node type - mesh node already set
	setModifierNodeType( tm_polySlotNode::id );
	alwaysWithConstructionHistory = true;
	status = doModifyPoly();
	if( !status){displayError( "tm_polySlot command failed!" );return status;}
//################################################################## get polymodifier node name and select it
	newSelList.add( modifierNodeName);
	MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList( newSelList);//, MGlobal::kAddToList);

	return MStatus::kSuccess;
예제 #3
MStatus tm_polySplit::doIt( const MArgList& args)
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << endl << "####################################################" << endl;
cout << "tm_polySplit::doIt - DEBUG version info:" << endl;
	MStatus status;

	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( oldSelList );

	MArgDatabase argData( syntax(), args);

	//parse flags
	if(argData.isFlagSet( loop_Flag))
		cmd_flag_loop = true;
		argData.getFlagArgument( loop_Flag, 0, cmd_flag_loop_mode);
		argData.getFlagArgument( loop_Flag, 1, cmd_flag_loop_angle);
//		argData.getFlagArgument( loop_Flag, 2, cmd_flag_loop_maxcount); // - max count;
	else if(argData.isFlagSet( sel_Flag))
		cmd_flag_loop = false;
		cmd_flag_sel = true;

	MSelectionList selectionList;
	argData.getObjects( selectionList);
	MItSelectionList selListIter( selectionList );
	selListIter.setFilter( MFn::kMesh );

	// The tm_polySplit node only accepts a component list input, so we build
	// a component list using MFnComponentListData.
	// MIntArrays could also be passed into the node to represent the edgesIds,
	// but are less storage efficient than component lists, since consecutive 
	// components are bundled into a single entry in component lists.
	MFnComponentListData compListFn;
	bool found = false;
	bool foundMultiple = false;
	MObject meshObj;

	for( ; !selListIter.isDone(); selListIter.next() )
		MDagPath dagPath;
		MObject component;
		selListIter.getDagPath( dagPath, component );
		meshObj = dagPath.node();

		// Check for selected Edges components
		if( component.apiType() == MFn::kMeshEdgeComponent )
			if( !found )
				// The variable 'component' holds all selected components on the selected
				// object, thus only a single call to MFnComponentListData::add() is needed
				// to store the selected components for a given object.
				compListFn.add( component );

				// Copy the component list created by MFnComponentListData into our local
				// component list MObject member.
				fComponentList = compListFn.object();

				// Locally store the actual edgesIds of the selected Edges so that this command
				// can directly modify the mesh in the case when there is no history and
				// history is turned off.
				MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn( component );
				compFn.getElements( fSelEdges );

				// Ensure that this DAG path will point to the shape of our object.
				// Set the DAG path for the polyModifierCmd.
				setMeshNode( dagPath );
				found = true;
				// Break once we have found a multiple object holding selected UVs, since
				// we are not interested in how many multiple objects there are, only
				// the fact that there are multiple objects.
				foundMultiple = true;
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << endl << "########################## checking arguments:" << endl;
cout << endl << "fSelEdges = ";for(unsigned i=0;i<fSelEdges.length();i++) cout << fSelEdges[i] << " ";cout << endl;
	if( foundMultiple )
		displayWarning("Found more than one object with selected Edges - Only operating on first found object.");
	if( !found )
		displayError( "tm_polySplit command failed: Unable to find selected edges" );
		return MStatus::kFailure;
	// Initialize the polyModifierCmd node type - mesh node already set
	setModifierNodeType( tm_polySplitNode::id );
	alwaysWithConstructionHistory = true;
	status = doModifyPoly();
	if( !status){displayError( "tm_polySplit command failed!" );return status;}
//################################################################## get polymodifier node name and select it
	newSelList.add( modifierNodeName);
	MGlobal::setActiveSelectionList( newSelList);//, MGlobal::kAddToList);
	setResult( modifierNodeName);

	return MStatus::kSuccess;
cout<<endl<<"**********"<<endl;return MStatus::kSuccess;
예제 #4
bool tm_polyExtract::extractFaces_Func( MSelectionList &selectionList, MStringArray &node_names)
	MStatus status;
	MObject meshObj;
	status = selectionList.getDependNode( 0, meshObj);
	if(!status){MGlobal::displayError("tm_polyExtract::extractFaces_Func:   Can't find object !");return false;}
	MFnMesh meshFn( meshObj, &status);
	if(!status){MGlobal::displayError("tm_polyExtract::extractFaces_Func:   Non mesh object founded !");return false;}

	MDagPath meshDagPath_first, meshDagPath;
	selectionList.getDagPath( 0, meshDagPath_first);
	MObject multiFaceComponent;
	MIntArray inputFacesArray;
	inputFacesArray.setSizeIncrement( 4096);
	MFnComponentListData compListFn;
	for (MItSelectionList faceComponentIter(selectionList, MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent); !faceComponentIter.isDone(); faceComponentIter.next())
		faceComponentIter.getDagPath(meshDagPath, multiFaceComponent);
		if(!(meshDagPath_first == meshDagPath))
			MGlobal::displayError("tm_polyExtract::extractFaces_Func:   Different meshes faces founded !");
			return false;
		if (!multiFaceComponent.isNull())
			for (MItMeshPolygon faceIter(meshDagPath, multiFaceComponent); !faceIter.isDone(); faceIter.next())
				int faceIndex = faceIter.index();
#ifdef _DEBUG
				infoMStr += faceIndex;
				infoMStr += " ";
				inputFacesArray.append( faceIndex);
				compListFn.add( multiFaceComponent );
	if( inputFacesArray.length() == 0)
		MGlobal::displayError("tm_polyExtract::extractFaces_Func:   No faces founded !");
		return false;
#ifdef _DEBUG
	MGlobal::displayInfo( infoMStr);

	meshFn.setObject( meshDagPath_first);
	meshObj = meshFn.object();

//	MDagModifier dagModifier;
	MFnDagNode meshDagNodeFn;
	MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn;
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( meshDagPath_first);
	MString meshName = meshDagNodeFn.name();
	MObject outMesh_attrObject = meshDagNodeFn.attribute( "outMesh");

// ----------------------------------- duplicate shape

	MObject duplicated_meshObjectA;
	MObject duplicated_meshObjectB;
	MObject inMesh_attrObjectA;
	MObject inMesh_attrObjectB;
	MStringArray commandResult;
	MSelectionList selList;

	MGlobal::executeCommand( "duplicate " + meshDagNodeFn.name(), commandResult, 1, 1);
	selList.add( commandResult[0]);
	selList.getDependNode( 0, duplicated_meshObjectA);
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectA);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_tA");
	duplicated_meshObjectA = meshDagNodeFn.child(0);
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectA);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_sA");
	inMesh_attrObjectA = meshDagNodeFn.attribute( "inMesh");

	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( meshDagPath_first);

	MGlobal::executeCommand( "duplicate " + meshDagNodeFn.name(), commandResult, 1, 1);
	selList.add( commandResult[0]);
	selList.getDependNode( 0, duplicated_meshObjectB);
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectB);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_tB");
	duplicated_meshObjectB = meshDagNodeFn.child(0);
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectB);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_sB");
	inMesh_attrObjectB = meshDagNodeFn.attribute( "inMesh");
	duplicated_meshObjectA = meshDagNodeFn.duplicate();
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectA);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_tA");
	duplicated_meshObjectA = meshDagNodeFn.child(0);
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectA);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_sA");
	inMesh_attrObjectA = meshDagNodeFn.attribute( "inMesh");

	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( meshDagPath_first);

	duplicated_meshObjectB = meshDagNodeFn.duplicate();
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectB);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_tB");
	duplicated_meshObjectB = meshDagNodeFn.child(0);
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( duplicated_meshObjectB);
	meshDagNodeFn.setName( meshName + "_sB");
	inMesh_attrObjectB = meshDagNodeFn.attribute( "inMesh");

// ----------------------------------- create node deleteComponent

	MDGModifier dgModifier;

	MObject deleteComponent_nodeObjectA = dgModifier.createNode( MString("deleteComponent"));
	depNodeFn.setObject( deleteComponent_nodeObjectA );
	MObject deleteComponent_attrObjectA( depNodeFn.attribute( "deleteComponents" ));
	MObject inputGeometry_attrObjectA( depNodeFn.attribute( "inputGeometry" ));
	MObject outputGeometry_attrObjectA( depNodeFn.attribute( "outputGeometry" ));
	depNodeFn.setName( "dfA_" + meshName);
	node_names.append( depNodeFn.name());

	MObject deleteComponent_nodeObjectB = dgModifier.createNode( MString("deleteComponent"));
	depNodeFn.setObject( deleteComponent_nodeObjectB );
	MObject deleteComponent_attrObjectB( depNodeFn.attribute( "deleteComponents" ));
	MObject inputGeometry_attrObjectB( depNodeFn.attribute( "inputGeometry" ));
	MObject outputGeometry_attrObjectB( depNodeFn.attribute( "outputGeometry" ));
	depNodeFn.setName( "dfB_" + meshName);
	node_names.append( depNodeFn.name());

// ----------------------------------- set attribute deleteComponent.deleteComponents

	MObject componentList_object = compListFn.object();

	MPlug deleteComponents_plugA( deleteComponent_nodeObjectA, deleteComponent_attrObjectA );
	status = deleteComponents_plugA.setValue( componentList_object );

	MIntArray invertedFaces;
	int numPolygons = meshFn.numPolygons();
	invertedFaces.setLength( numPolygons - inputFacesArray.length());
	int selFace = 0;
	int invFace = 0;
	for( int f = 0; f < numPolygons; f++)
		if( f == inputFacesArray[selFace])
			invertedFaces[invFace++] = f;
	MFnSingleIndexedComponent singleIndexedComponentFn( meshObj);
	singleIndexedComponentFn.create( MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent);
	singleIndexedComponentFn.addElements( invertedFaces);
   componentList_object = singleIndexedComponentFn.object();
	compListFn.add( componentList_object);
	componentList_object = compListFn.object();
	MPlug deleteComponents_plugB( deleteComponent_nodeObjectB, deleteComponent_attrObjectB );
	status = deleteComponents_plugB.setValue( componentList_object );

// ------------------------------------- connecting plugs
			meshObj, outMesh_attrObject,
			deleteComponent_nodeObjectA, inputGeometry_attrObjectA
			deleteComponent_nodeObjectA, outputGeometry_attrObjectA,
			duplicated_meshObjectA, inMesh_attrObjectA

			meshObj, outMesh_attrObject,
			deleteComponent_nodeObjectB, inputGeometry_attrObjectB
			deleteComponent_nodeObjectB, outputGeometry_attrObjectB,
			duplicated_meshObjectB, inMesh_attrObjectB


// ---------------------------------- assigning shading group
	meshDagNodeFn.setObject( meshDagPath_first);
	MObject instObjGroups_attrObject = meshDagNodeFn.attribute( "instObjGroups");
	MPlug instObjGroups_plug( meshObj, instObjGroups_attrObject);
	instObjGroups_plug = instObjGroups_plug.elementByPhysicalIndex(0);
	MPlugArray instObjGroups_plug_connectionsArray;
	instObjGroups_plug.connectedTo( instObjGroups_plug_connectionsArray, false, true);
	if( instObjGroups_plug_connectionsArray.length() > 0)
		MPlug dagSetMembers_plug = instObjGroups_plug_connectionsArray[0];
		MObject shadingSetNode_object = dagSetMembers_plug.node();
		MFnSet setFn( shadingSetNode_object);
		setFn.addMember( duplicated_meshObjectA);
		setFn.addMember( duplicated_meshObjectB);
//MGlobal::displayInfo( depNodeFn.name());

// ------------------------------------------------------------
	return true;
예제 #5
파일: meshOpCmd.cpp 프로젝트: skarone/PipeL
MStatus meshOp::doIt( const MArgList& argList )
//	Description:
//		implements the MEL meshOp command.
//	Arguments:
//		argList - the argument list that was passes to the command from MEL
//	Return Value:
//		MS::kSuccess - command succeeded
//		MS::kFailure - command failed (returning this value will cause the 
//                     MEL script that is being run to terminate unless the
//                     error is caught using a "catch" statement.
	MStatus status;
	bool badArgument = false;

	// Only one parameter is expected to be passed to this command: the mesh
	// operation type. Get it, validate it or stop prematurely
	if (argList.length() == 1)
		int operationTypeArgument = argList.asInt(0);
		if (operationTypeArgument < 0
			|| operationTypeArgument > kMeshOperationCount - 1)
			badArgument = true;
			fOperation = (MeshOperation)operationTypeArgument;
	else badArgument = true;

	if (badArgument)
		cerr << "Expecting one parameter: the operation type." << endl;
		cerr << "Valid types are: " << endl;
		cerr << "   0 - Subdivide edge(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   1 - Subdivide face(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   2 - Extrude edge(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   3 - Extrude face(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   4 - Collapse edge(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   5 - Collapse face(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   6 - Duplicate face(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   7 - Extract face(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   8 - Split face(s)." << endl;
		cerr << "   8 - Chamfer vertex(s)." << endl;
		displayError(" Expecting one parameter: the operation type.");
		return MS::kFailure;

	// Each mesh operation only supports one type of components
	MFn::Type componentType = meshOpFty::getExpectedComponentType(fOperation);

	// Parse the selection list for selected components of the right type.
	// To simplify things, we only take the first object that we find with
	// selected components and operate on that object alone.
	// All other objects are ignored and return warning messages indicating
	// this limitation.
	MSelectionList selList;
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( selList );
	MItSelectionList selListIter( selList );
	selListIter.setFilter( MFn::kMesh );

	// The meshOperation node only accepts a component list input, so we build
	// a component list using MFnComponentListData.
	// MIntArrays could also be passed into the node to represent the ids,
	// but are less storage efficient than component lists, since consecutive 
	// components are bundled into a single entry in component lists.
	MFnComponentListData compListFn;
	bool found = false;
	bool foundMultiple = false;

	for( ; !selListIter.isDone(); selListIter.next() )
		MDagPath dagPath;
		MObject component;
		selListIter.getDagPath( dagPath, component );

		// Check for selected components of the right type
		if( component.apiType() == componentType )
			if( !found )
				// The variable 'component' holds all selected components 
				// on the selected object, thus only a single call to 
				// MFnComponentListData::add() is needed to store the selected
				// components for a given object.
				compListFn.add( component );

				// Copy the component list created by MFnComponentListData
				// into our local component list MObject member.
				fComponentList = compListFn.object();

				// Locally store the actual ids of the selected components so 
				// that this command can directly modify the mesh in the case 
				// when there is no history and history is turned off.
				MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn( component );

				// Ensure that this DAG path will point to the shape 
				// of our object. Set the DAG path for the polyModifierCmd.
				setMeshNode( dagPath );
				found = true;
				// Break once we have found a multiple object holding 
				// selected components, since we are not interested in how 
				// many multiple objects there are, only the fact that there
				// are multiple objects.
				foundMultiple = true;
	if( foundMultiple )
		displayWarning("Found more than one object with selected components.");
		displayWarning("Only operating on first found object.");

	// Initialize the polyModifierCmd node type - mesh node already set
	setModifierNodeType( meshOpNode::id );

	if( found )
		// Now, pass control over to the polyModifierCmd::doModifyPoly() method
		// to handle the operation.
		status = doModifyPoly();
		if( status == MS::kSuccess )
			setResult( "meshOp command succeeded!" );
			displayError( "meshOp command failed!" );
			"meshOp command failed: Unable to find selected components" );
		status = MS::kFailure;
	return status;