예제 #1
// COMPUTE ======================================
MStatus gear_uToPercentage::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
	MStatus returnStatus;
	// Error check
    if (plug != percentage)
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	// Curve
	MFnNurbsCurve crv = data.inputValue( curve ).asNurbsCurve();

	// Sliders
	bool in_normU = data.inputValue( normalizedU ).asBool();
	double in_u = (double)data.inputValue( u ).asFloat();
	unsigned in_steps = data.inputValue( steps ).asShort();

	// Process
	if (in_normU)
		in_u = normalizedUToU(in_u, crv.numCVs());

	// Get length
	MVectorArray u_subpos(in_steps);
	MVectorArray t_subpos(in_steps);
	MPoint pt;
	double step;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < in_steps ; i++){

		step = i * in_u / (in_steps - 1.0);
		crv.getPointAtParam(step, pt, MSpace::kWorld);
		u_subpos[i] = MVector(pt);

        step = i/(in_steps - 1.0);
		crv.getPointAtParam(step, pt, MSpace::kWorld);
		t_subpos[i] = MVector(pt);

	double u_length = 0;
	double t_length = 0;
	MVector v;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < in_steps ; i++){
		if (i>0){
			v = u_subpos[i] - u_subpos[i-1];
			u_length += v.length();
			v = t_subpos[i] - t_subpos[i-1];
			t_length += v.length();

	double out_perc = (u_length / t_length) * 100;
	// Output
    MDataHandle h = data.outputValue( percentage );
    h.setDouble( out_perc );
    data.setClean( plug );

	return MS::kSuccess;
예제 #2
MMatrix ropeGenerator::getMatrixFromParamCurve( MFnNurbsCurve &curveFn, float param, float twist, MAngle divTwist )
	MPoint pDivPos;
	//Here we control the tangent of the rope
	curveFn.getPointAtParam( param, pDivPos, MSpace::kWorld );
	MVector vTangent( curveFn.tangent( param, MSpace::kWorld ).normal() );
	MVector vNormal( curveFn.normal( param, MSpace::kWorld ).normal() );
	if ( MAngle( PrevNormal.angle( vNormal ) ).asDegrees() > 90 )
		//fprintf(stderr, "Angle = %g\n",MAngle( PrevNormal.angle( vNormal )).asDegrees());
		vNormal = vNormal * -1;
	PrevNormal = vNormal;
	//if ( vNormal.angle(  ) )
	MQuaternion qTwist( twist * divTwist.asRadians(), vTangent );
	vNormal = vNormal.rotateBy( qTwist );
	MVector vExtra( vNormal ^ vTangent );
	double dTrans[4][4] ={
						{vNormal.x, vNormal.y, vNormal.z, 0.0f},
						{vTangent.x, vTangent.y, vTangent.z, 0.0f},
						{vExtra.x, vExtra.y, vExtra.z, 0.0f},
						{pDivPos.x,pDivPos.y,pDivPos.z, 1.0f}};
	MMatrix mTrans( dTrans );
	return mTrans;
예제 #3
refinementRequired(const MFnNurbsCurve & theCurve,
                   const Knot & k1,
                   const Knot & k2,
                   Knot & theNewKnot,
                   double theTolerance)
    theNewKnot.param = (k1.param + k2.param) / 2.0;
    MPoint myInterpolatedPoint = (k1.point + k2.point) / 2.0;

    theCurve.getPointAtParam(theNewKnot.param, theNewKnot.point);

    double myError = (myInterpolatedPoint - theNewKnot.point).length();
    return (myError > theTolerance);
MStatus Posts1Cmd::doIt ( const MArgList & )
	const int nPosts = 5;
	const double radius = 0.5;
	const double height = 5.0;

	// Get a list of currently selected objects
	MSelectionList selection;
	MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( selection );

	MDagPath dagPath;
	MFnNurbsCurve curveFn;
	double heightRatio = height / radius;

	// Iterate over the nurbs curves
	MItSelectionList iter( selection, MFn::kNurbsCurve );
	for ( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next() )
			// Get the curve and attach it to the function set
			iter.getDagPath( dagPath );
			curveFn.setObject( dagPath );

			// Get the domain of the curve, i.e. its start and end parametric values
			double tStart, tEnd;
			curveFn.getKnotDomain( tStart, tEnd );

			MPoint pt;
			int i;
			double t;
			double tIncr = (tEnd - tStart) / (nPosts - 1);
			for( i=0, t=tStart; i < nPosts; i++, t += tIncr )
				// Get point along curve at parametric position t 
				curveFn.getPointAtParam( t, pt, MSpace::kWorld );
				pt.y += 0.5 * height;

				MGlobal::executeCommand( MString( "cylinder -pivot ") + pt.x + " " + pt.y + " " + pt.z 
														  + " -radius " + radius + " -axis 0 1 0 -heightRatio " + heightRatio  );

	return MS::kSuccess;
예제 #5
파일: quatcurve.cpp 프로젝트: jonntd/Public
void n_tentacle::computeSlerp(const MMatrix &matrix1, const MMatrix &matrix2, const MFnNurbsCurve &curve, double parameter, double blendRot, double iniLength, double curveLength, double stretch, double globalScale, int tangentAxis, MVector &outPos, MVector &outRot)
	//curveLength = curve.length()
        double lenRatio = iniLength / curveLength;

        MQuaternion quat1;
        quat1 = matrix1;

        MQuaternion quat2;
        quat2 = matrix2;

        this->bipolarityCheck(quat1, quat2);

    //need to adjust the parameter in order to maintain the length between elements, also for the stretch
		MVector tangent;
		MPoint pointAtParam;
		MPoint finaPos;
        double p = lenRatio * parameter * globalScale;
        double finalParam = p + (parameter - p) * stretch;
		if(curveLength * finalParam > curveLength)
		  double lengthDiff = curveLength - (iniLength * parameter);

		  double param = curve.knot(curve.numKnots() - 1);
		  tangent = curve.tangent(param, MSpace::kWorld);

		  curve.getPointAtParam(param, pointAtParam, MSpace::kWorld);
		  finaPos = pointAtParam;
		  pointAtParam += (- tangent) * lengthDiff;
		  double param = curve.findParamFromLength(curveLength * finalParam);
		  tangent = curve.tangent(param, MSpace::kWorld);
		  curve.getPointAtParam(param, pointAtParam, MSpace::kWorld);

        MQuaternion slerpQuat = slerp(quat1, quat2, blendRot);
        MMatrix slerpMatrix = slerpQuat.asMatrix();

        int axisId = abs(tangentAxis) - 1;
		MVector slerpMatrixYAxis = MVector(slerpMatrix(axisId, 0), slerpMatrix(axisId, 1), slerpMatrix(axisId, 2));
		if(tangentAxis < 0)
			slerpMatrixYAxis = - slerpMatrixYAxis;

		double angle = tangent.angle(slerpMatrixYAxis);
		MVector axis =  slerpMatrixYAxis ^ tangent;

		MQuaternion rotationToSnapOnCurve(angle, axis);

		MQuaternion finalQuat = slerpQuat * rotationToSnapOnCurve;
		MEulerRotation finalEuler = finalQuat.asEulerRotation();

		outRot.x = finalEuler.x;
		outRot.y = finalEuler.y;
		outRot.z = finalEuler.z;
		outPos = pointAtParam;
예제 #6
MStatus splineSolverNode::doSimpleSolver()
// Solve single joint in the x-y plane
// - first it calculates the angle between the handle and the end-effector.
// - then it determines which way to rotate the joint.
    //Do Real Solve
    MStatus stat;
    float curCurveLength = curveFn.length();
    MPlug crvLengPlug = fnHandle.findPlug("cvLen");
    double initCurveLength = crvLengPlug.asDouble();
    MPlug twistRamp = fnHandle.findPlug("twistRamp");
    MRampAttribute curveAttribute( twistRamp, &stat );
    MPlug startTwistPlug = fnHandle.findPlug("strtw");
    double startTwist = startTwistPlug.asDouble();
    MPlug endTwistPlug = fnHandle.findPlug("endtw");
    double endTwist = endTwistPlug.asDouble();
    //Scale Ramp
    MPlug scaleRamp = fnHandle.findPlug("scaleRamp");
    MRampAttribute curveScaleAttribute( scaleRamp, &stat );
    MPlug rollPlug = fnHandle.findPlug("roll");
    double roll = rollPlug.asDouble();
    MPlug strPlug = fnHandle.findPlug("str");
    float stretchRatio = strPlug.asDouble();
    float normCrvLength = curCurveLength / initCurveLength;
    double scale[3] = {1 +stretchRatio*(normCrvLength -1), 1, 1};
    //Get Anchor Position
    MPlug ancPosPlug = fnHandle.findPlug("ancp");
    double anchorPos = ancPosPlug.asDouble();
    MPlug jointsTotLengthPlug = fnHandle.findPlug("jsLen");
    double jointsTotalLength = jointsTotLengthPlug.asDouble();
    double difLengthCurveJoints = curCurveLength - (jointsTotalLength * scale[0]);
    float startLength = 0.0 + anchorPos*( difLengthCurveJoints );
    float parm = curveFn.findParamFromLength( startLength );
    MPoint pBaseJoint, pEndJoint;
    curveFn.getPointAtParam( parm, pBaseJoint );
    //get Init normal
    MPlug initNormalPlug = fnHandle.findPlug("norm");
    double nx = initNormalPlug.child(0).asDouble();
    double ny = initNormalPlug.child(1).asDouble();
    double nz = initNormalPlug.child(2).asDouble();
    MVector eyeUp( nx, ny, nz );
    //get Init Tangent
    MPlug initTangentPlug = fnHandle.findPlug("tang");
    double tx = initTangentPlug.child(0).asDouble();
    double ty = initTangentPlug.child(1).asDouble();
    double tz = initTangentPlug.child(2).asDouble();
    MVector eyeV( tx, ty, tz );

    MFnIkJoint j( joints[0] );
    j.setTranslation( MVector( pBaseJoint ), MSpace::kWorld );
    float jointRotPercent = 1.0/joints.size();
    float currJointRot = 0;
    float prevTwist = 0;
    double angle;
    for (int i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++)
        MFnIkJoint j( joints[i]);
        pBaseJoint = j.rotatePivot(MSpace::kWorld);
        //Calculate Scale
        float scaleValue;
        curveScaleAttribute.getValueAtPosition(currJointRot, scaleValue, &stat);
        //if ( scale[0] >= 1 ) // Stretch
        scale[1] = 1 + scaleValue * ( 1 - scale[0] );
        else //Squash
        	scale[1] = 1 + scaleValue * ( 1.0 - scale[0] );
        if (scale[1] < 0)
            scale[1] = 0;
        scale[2] = scale[1];
        //j.setRotation( rot, j.rotationOrder()  );
        if( i == joints.size() - 1)
            //Effector Position
            pEndJoint = tran.rotatePivot(MSpace::kWorld);
            //get position of next joint
            MFnIkJoint j2( joints[i + 1]);
            pEndJoint = j2.rotatePivot(MSpace::kWorld);
        MVector vBaseJoint(pBaseJoint[0]-pEndJoint[0], pBaseJoint[1]-pEndJoint[1], pBaseJoint[2]-pEndJoint[2]);
        startLength += vBaseJoint.length();
        MVector eyeAim(1.0,0.0,0.0);
        MPoint pFinalPos;
        float parm = curveFn.findParamFromLength( startLength );
        //Aim to final Pos
        curveFn.getPointAtParam( parm, pFinalPos, MSpace::kWorld );
        MVector eyeU(pBaseJoint[0]-pFinalPos[0], pBaseJoint[1]-pFinalPos[1], pBaseJoint[2]-pFinalPos[2]);
        MVector eyeW( eyeU ^ eyeV );
        eyeV = eyeW ^ eyeU;
        MQuaternion qU( -eyeAim, eyeU );

        MVector upRotated( eyeUp.rotateBy( qU ));
        angle = acos( upRotated*eyeV );

        //Calculate Twist
            float twistValue;
            curveAttribute.getValueAtPosition(currJointRot, twistValue, &stat);
            double rotVal = (1-twistValue)*startTwist + twistValue*endTwist;
            angle += MAngle(rotVal, MAngle::kDegrees).asRadians();
            currJointRot += jointRotPercent;
        //Calculate Roll
        angle += roll;

        MQuaternion qV(angle, eyeU);

        MQuaternion q(qU*qV);

        j.setRotation( q, MSpace::kWorld );

    return MS::kSuccess;
예제 #7
 Knot(const MFnNurbsCurve & theCurve, double theParam) :
     theCurve.getPointAtParam(theParam, point);