예제 #1
// add the entire signal b to this signal, at the subpixel destination offset. 
void MLSignal::add2D(const MLSignal& b, const Vec2& destOffset)
	MLSignal& a = *this;
	Vec2 iDestOffset, fDestOffset;
	destOffset.getIntAndFracParts(iDestOffset, fDestOffset);
	int destX = iDestOffset[0];
	int destY = iDestOffset[1];	
	float srcPosFX = fDestOffset[0];
	float srcPosFY = fDestOffset[1];
	MLRect srcRect(0, 0, b.getWidth() + 1, b.getHeight() + 1); // add (1, 1) for interpolation
	MLRect destRect = srcRect.translated(iDestOffset).intersect(getBoundsRect());
	for(int j=destRect.top(); j<destRect.bottom(); ++j)
		for(int i=destRect.left(); i<destRect.right(); ++i)
			a(i, j) += b.getInterpolatedLinear(i - destX - srcPosFX, j - destY - srcPosFY);

예제 #2
// expire or move existing touches based on new signal input. 
void TouchTracker::updateTouches(const MLSignal& in)
	// copy input signal to border land
	int width = in.getWidth();
	int height = in.getHeight();
	// sort active touches by Z
	// copy into sorting container, referring back to unsorted touches
	int activeTouches = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < mMaxTouchesPerFrame; ++i)
		Touch& t = mTouches[i];
		if (t.isActive())
			t.unsortedIdx = i;
			mTouchesToSort[activeTouches++] = t;

	std::sort(mTouchesToSort.begin(), mTouchesToSort.begin() + activeTouches, compareTouchZ());

	// update active touches in sorted order, referring to existing touches in place
	for(int i = 0; i < activeTouches; ++i)
		int refIdx = mTouchesToSort[i].unsortedIdx;
		Touch& t = mTouches[refIdx];
		Vec2 pos(t.x, t.y); 
		Vec2 newPos = pos;
		float newX = t.x;
		float newY = t.y;
		float newZ = in.getInterpolatedLinear(pos);
		// if not preparing to remove, update position.
		if (t.releaseCtr == 0)
			Vec2 minPos(0, 0);
			Vec2 maxPos(width, height);
			int ix = floor(pos.x() + 0.5f);
			int iy = floor(pos.y() + 0.5f);		
			// move to any higher neighboring integer value
			Vec2 newPeak;
			newPeak = adjustPeak(mTemp, ix, iy);			
			Vec2 newPeakI, newPeakF;
			newPeak.getIntAndFracParts(newPeakI, newPeakF);
			int newPx = newPeakI.x();
			int newPy = newPeakI.y();
			// get exact location and new key
			Vec2 correctPos = mTemp.correctPeak(newPx, newPy);
			newPos = correctPos;	
			int newKey = getKeyIndexAtPoint(newPos);												
			// move the touch.  
			if((newKey == t.key) || !keyIsOccupied(newKey))
				// This must be the only place a touch can move from key to key.
				pos = newPos;
				newX = pos.x();
				newY = pos.y();					
				t.key = newKey;
		// look for reasons to release
		newZ = in.getInterpolatedLinear(newPos);
		bool thresholdTest = (newZ > mOffThreshold);			
		float inhibit = getInhibitThreshold(pos);
		bool inhibitTest = (newZ > inhibit);
		t.tDist = mCalibrator.differenceFromTemplateTouchWithMask(mTemp, pos, mTemplateMask);
		bool templateTest = (t.tDist < mTemplateThresh);
		bool overrideTest = (newZ > mOverrideThresh);

		// handle release		
		// TODO get releaseDetect: evidence that touch has been released.
		// from matching release curve over ~ 50 samples. 
		if (!thresholdTest || (!templateTest && !overrideTest) || (!inhibitTest))
			/* debug
			if(!thresholdTest && (t.releaseCtr == 0))
				debug() << refIdx << " REL thresholdFail: " << newZ << " at " << pos << "\n";	
			if(!inhibitTest && (t.releaseCtr == 0))
				debug() << refIdx << " REL inhibitFail: " << newZ << " < " << inhibit << "\n";	
			if(!templateTest && (t.releaseCtr == 0))
				debug() << refIdx << " REL templateFail: " << t.tDist << " at " << pos << "\n";	
			if(t.releaseCtr == 0)
				t.releaseSlope = t.z / (float)kTouchReleaseFrames;
			newZ = t.z - t.releaseSlope;
			// reset off counter 
			t.releaseCtr = 0;	

		// filter position and assign new touch values
		const float e = 2.718281828;
		float xyCutoff = (newZ - mOnThreshold) / (mMaxForce*0.25);
		xyCutoff = clamp(xyCutoff, 0.f, 1.f);
		xyCutoff *= xyCutoff;
		xyCutoff *= xyCutoff;
		xyCutoff = xyCutoff*100.;
		xyCutoff = clamp(xyCutoff, 1.f, 100.f);
		float x = powf(e, -kMLTwoPi * xyCutoff / (float)mSampleRate);
		float a0 = 1.f - x;
		float b1 = -x;
		t.dz = newZ - t.z;	
		// these can't be filtered too much or updateTouches will not work
		// for fast movements.  Revisit when we rewrite the touch tracker.		
		t.x = a0*newX - b1*t.x;
		t.y = a0*newY - b1*t.y;
		t.z = newZ;
		// filter z based on user lowpass setting and touch age
		float lp = mLopass;
		lp -= t.age*(mLopass*0.75f/kAttackFrames);
		lp = clamp(lp, mLopass, mLopass*0.25f);	// WTF???		
		float xz = powf(e, -kMLTwoPi * lp / (float)mSampleRate);
		float a0z = 1.f - xz;
		float b1z = -xz;
		t.zf = a0z*(newZ - mOnThreshold) - b1z*t.zf;	
		// remove touch if filtered z is below threshold
		if(t.zf < 0.)
			// debug() << refIdx << " OFF with z:" << t.z << " td:" << t.tDist <<  "\n";	
		// subtract updated touch from the input sum.
		// mTemplateScaled is scratch space. 
		mTemplateScaled.add2D(mCalibrator.getTemplate(pos), 0, 0);
		mTemp.add2D(mTemplateScaled, Vec2(pos - Vec2(kTemplateRadius, kTemplateRadius)));

		// add touch neighborhood to template mask. This allows crowded touches
		// to pass the template test by ignoring areas shared with other touches.
		Vec2 maskPos(t.x, t.y);
		const MLSignal& tmplate = mCalibrator.getTemplate(maskPos);
		mTemplateMask.add2D(tmplate, maskPos - Vec2(kTemplateRadius, kTemplateRadius));
예제 #3
float TouchTracker::Calibrator::differenceFromTemplateTouchWithMask(const MLSignal& in, Vec2 pos, const MLSignal& mask)
	static float maskThresh = 0.001f;
	static MLSignal a2(kTemplateSize, kTemplateSize);
	static MLSignal b(kTemplateSize, kTemplateSize);
	static MLSignal b2(kTemplateSize, kTemplateSize);

	float r = 0.f;
	int height = in.getHeight();
	int width = in.getWidth();
	MLRect boundsRect(0, 0, width, height);
	// use linear interpolated z value from input
	float linearZ = in.getInterpolatedLinear(pos)*getZAdjust(pos);
	linearZ = clamp(linearZ, 0.00001f, 1.f);
	float z1 = 1./linearZ;	
	const MLSignal& a = getTemplate(pos);
	// get normalized input values surrounding touch
	int tr = kTemplateRadius;
	for(int j=0; j < kTemplateSize; ++j)
		for(int i=0; i < kTemplateSize; ++i)
			Vec2 vInPos = pos + Vec2((float)i - tr,(float)j - tr);			
			if (boundsRect.contains(vInPos) && (mask.getInterpolatedLinear(vInPos) < maskThresh))
				float inVal = in.getInterpolatedLinear(vInPos);
				inVal *= z1;
				b(i, j) = inVal;
	int tests = 0;
	float sum = 0.;

	// add differences in z from template
	for(int j=0; j < kTemplateSize; ++j)
		for(int i=0; i < kTemplateSize; ++i)
			if(b(i, j) > 0.)
				float d = a2(i, j) - b2(i, j);
				sum += d*d;

	// get RMS difference
	if(tests > 0)
		r = sqrtf(sum / tests);
	return r;