예제 #1
void MOAISim::SendFinalizeEvent () {

	MOAIScopedLuaState state = MOAILuaRuntime::Get ().State ();
	if ( this->PushListener ( EVENT_FINALIZE, state )) {
		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
예제 #2
void MOAISim::SendResumeEvent () {

	MOAIScopedLuaState state = MOAILuaRuntime::Get ().State ();
	if ( this->PushListener ( EVENT_RESUME, state )) {
		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
예제 #3
void MOAIHarness::ReceiveEvaluate(lua_State *L, json_t* node)
	// Get the evaluation.
	json_t* np_eval = json_object_get(node, "Evaluation");
	if (np_eval == NULL || json_typeof(np_eval) != JSON_STRING)

	// Get the current stack index so we know how many
	// positions to clear afterward.
	int top = lua_gettop(L);

	// Load the string from the message
	MOAIScopedLuaState state ( L );
	int status = luaL_loadstring ( state, json_string_value(np_eval) );
	if ( state.PrintErrors ( ZLLog::CONSOLE, status )) return;

	// Call the string
	state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );

	// Now unload all of the things we just put on the stack
	// until the stack is the same size.
	std::string indent = "    ";
	json_t* result = MOAIHarness::ConvertStackPartialToJSON(L, top + 1, lua_gettop(L));
	lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L) - top);

	// Send the message back to the IDE.
extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_ziplinegames_moai_MoaiTapjoy_AKUInvokeListenerWithCode ( JNIEnv* env, jclass obj, jint eventID, jint code ) {

	ZLLog::LogF ( ZLLog::CONSOLE, "Java_com_ziplinegames_moai_MoaiTapjoy_AKUInvokeListenerWithCode\n" );
	MOAIScopedLuaState state = MOAILuaRuntime::Get ().State ();
	if ( MOAITapjoyAndroid::Get ().PushListener ( eventID, state )) {
		state.Push ( code );
		state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 );
예제 #5
void MOAIGooglePlayServicesAndroid::NotifyConnectionComplete () {

	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ CONNECTION_COMPLETE ];

	if ( callback ) {

		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();
		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
void MOAITstoreGamecenterAndroid::AKUNotifyUserInfoResponse ( cc8* jsonData ) {

	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ GET_USERINFO_RESPONSE ];

	if ( callback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();
		lua_pushstring ( state, jsonData );
		state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 );
void MOAITstoreGamecenterAndroid::AKUNotifyDisableSuccessResponse () {

	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ DISABLE_GAMECENTER_RESPONSE ];

	if ( callback ) {

		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();

		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
void MOAITstoreGamecenterAndroid::AKUNotifyAuthSuccessResponse () {

	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ AUTH_RESPONSE_SUCCESS ];

	if ( callback ) {

		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();

		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
void MOAIScriptNode::OnDepNodeUpdate () {

	if ( this->mOnUpdate ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = MOAILuaRuntime::Get ().State ();
		if ( this->mOnUpdate.PushRef ( state )) {
			this->PushLuaUserdata ( state );
			state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 );
void MOAIWheelSensor::ParseEvent ( ZLStream& eventStream ) {
	this->mDelta = eventStream.Read < float >( 0.0f );
	this->mValue += this->mDelta;
	if ( this->mCallback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = this->mCallback.GetSelf ();
		lua_pushnumber ( state, this->mDelta );
		state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 );
예제 #11
// MOAIAdColonyAndroid
void MOAIAdColonyAndroid::NotifyVideoComplete () {	
	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ VIDEO_ENDED_IN_ZONE ];
	if ( callback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();
		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
예제 #12
void MOAIChartBoostAndroid::NotifyInterstitialDismissed () {	
	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ INTERSTITIAL_DISMISSED ];
	if ( callback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();
		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
예제 #13
void MOAIChartBoostAndroid::NotifyInterstitialLoadFailed () {	
	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ INTERSTITIAL_LOAD_FAILED ];
	if ( callback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();
		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
void MOAIMoviePlayerAndroid::NotifyMoviePlayerCompleted () {
	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ MOVIE_PLAYER_COMPLETED ];
	if ( callback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();

		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
void MOAIMoviePlayerAndroid::NotifyMoviePlayerReady () {
	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ MOVIE_PLAYER_READY ];
	if ( callback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();

		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
예제 #16
void MOAIAppAndroid::NotifyWillEndSession () {
	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ SESSION_END ];
	if ( callback ) {

		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();
		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
예제 #17
void MOAIAppAndroid::NotifyDidStartSession ( bool resumed ) {

	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ SESSION_START ];
	if ( callback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();

		lua_pushboolean ( state, resumed );
		state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 );
void MOAITstoreWallAndroid::NotifyCurrencyAwarded ( int amount ) {
	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ TSTORE_CURRENCY_AWARDED ];
	if ( callback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();
		lua_pushinteger ( state, amount );
		state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 );
예제 #19
void MOAIDialogAndroid::NotifyDialogDismissed ( int dialogResult ) {

	if ( !mDialogCallback.IsNil ()) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = mDialogCallback.GetSelf ();

		lua_pushinteger ( state, dialogResult );
		state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 );
		mDialogCallback.Clear ();
예제 #20
void MOAIMotionSensor::HandleEvent ( ZLStream& eventStream ) {

	this->mX = eventStream.Read < float >( 0.0f );
	this->mY = eventStream.Read < float >( 0.0f );
	this->mZ = eventStream.Read < float >( 0.0f );
	if ( this->mCallback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = this->mCallback.GetSelf ();
		lua_pushnumber ( state, this->mX );
		lua_pushnumber ( state, this->mY );
		lua_pushnumber ( state, this->mZ );
		state.DebugCall ( 3, 0 );
예제 #21
void MOAIDataIOTask::Publish () {

	if ( this->mInflateOnLoad && ( !this->mInflateOnTaskThread )) {
		this->mData->Inflate ( this->mWindowBits );

	if ( this->mOnFinish ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = MOAILuaRuntime::Get ().State ();
		this->PushLocal ( state, this->mOnFinish );
		this->mData->PushLuaUserdata ( state );
		state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 );
예제 #22
void MOAIFacebookAndroid::NotifyLoginComplete ( int code ) {

	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ SESSION_DID_NOT_LOGIN ];
	if ( code == DIALOG_RESULT_SUCCESS ) {
		callback = this->mListeners [ SESSION_DID_LOGIN ];

	if ( callback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();
		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
예제 #23
void MOAIFacebookAndroid::NotifyDialogComplete ( int code ) {
	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ DIALOG_DID_NOT_COMPLETE ];
	if ( code == DIALOG_RESULT_SUCCESS ) {
		callback = this->mListeners [ DIALOG_DID_COMPLETE ];

	if ( callback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();
		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
예제 #24
void MOAITwitterAndroid::NotifyTweetComplete ( int code ) {

	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ TWEET_CANCELLED ];
	if ( code == RESULT_SUCCESS ) {

		callback = this->mListeners [ TWEET_SUCCESSFUL ];

	if ( callback ) {

		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();

		state.DebugCall ( 0, 0 );
예제 #25
bool MOAIAppAndroid::NotifyBackButtonPressed () {
	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ BACK_BUTTON_PRESSED ];
	if ( callback ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();

		state.DebugCall ( 0, 1 );

		return lua_toboolean ( state, -1 );
	} else {
		return false;
예제 #26
void MOAINode::DepNodeUpdate () {
	if ( this->mState == STATE_SCHEDULED ) {
		this->mState = STATE_UPDATING;
		this->PullAttributes ();

		MOAIScopedLuaState state = MOAILuaRuntime::Get ().State ();
		if ( this->PushListenerAndSelf ( EVENT_UPDATE, state )) {
			state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 );

		this->OnDepNodeUpdate ();
	this->mState = STATE_ACTIVE;
예제 #27
void MOAIButtonSensor::HandleEvent ( ZLStream& eventStream ) {

	bool down = eventStream.Read < bool >( false );
	if ( down ) {
		this->mState |= IS_DOWN | DOWN;
	else {
		this->mState &= ~IS_DOWN;
		this->mState |= UP;
	if ( this->mOnButton ) {
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = this->mOnButton.GetSelf ();
		lua_pushboolean ( state, down );
		state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 );
예제 #28
void MOAITwitterAndroid::NotifyLoginComplete ( int code, cc8* token, cc8* tokenSecret ) {

	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ SESSION_DID_NOT_LOGIN ];
	if ( code == RESULT_SUCCESS ) {

		callback = this->mListeners [ SESSION_DID_LOGIN ];

	if ( callback ) {

		MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();

        lua_pushstring ( state, token );
		lua_pushstring ( state, tokenSecret );

		state.DebugCall ( 2, 0 );
예제 #29
파일: host.cpp 프로젝트: LionK1tty/moai-dev
void AKUSetViewSize ( int width, int height ) {
	MOAIGfxDevice& device = MOAIGfxDevice::Get ();
	u32 currentWidth = device.GetWidth ();
	u32 currentHeight = device.GetHeight ();
	if (( currentWidth != ( u32 )width ) || ( currentHeight != ( u32 )height )) {
		MOAIGfxDevice::Get ().SetBufferSize ( width, height );
		MOAIScopedLuaState state = MOAILuaRuntime::Get ().State ();
		if ( device.PushListener ( MOAIGfxDevice::EVENT_RESIZE, state )) {
			lua_pushnumber ( state, width );
			lua_pushnumber ( state, height );
			state.DebugCall ( 2, 0 );
예제 #30
파일: MOAIApp.cpp 프로젝트: Heyzap/moai-dev
void MOAIApp::PaymentQueueUpdatedTransactions ( int transactionResult, const char *extraInfo )  {
	//UNUSED ( queue );

	MOAILuaRef& callback = this->mListeners [ PAYMENT_QUEUE_TRANSACTION ];

	//for ( SKPaymentTransaction* transaction in transactions ) {
		if ( callback ) {
			MOAIScopedLuaState state = callback.GetSelf ();
			this->PushPaymentTransaction ( transactionResult, state );
			state.DebugCall ( 1, 0 );
		//if ( transaction.transactionState != SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchasing ) {
		//	[[ SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue ] finishTransaction:transaction ];