bool CommunicationAngle::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail) { MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p; for(p=NewMail.begin(); p!=NewMail.end(); p++) { CMOOSMsg &msg = *p; if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "VEHICLE_NAME")) { m_veh_name = msg.GetString(); } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "COLLABORATOR_NAME")) { m_collab_name = msg.GetString(); m_collab_ready = true; std::stringstream collab_var; collab_var << m_collab_name << "_NAV_X"; m_Comms.Register(collab_var.str(), 0); m_collab_nav_x = collab_var.str(); collab_var.str(""); collab_var.clear(); collab_var << m_collab_name << "_NAV_Y"; m_Comms.Register(collab_var.str(), 0); m_collab_nav_y = collab_var.str(); collab_var.str(""); collab_var.clear(); collab_var << m_collab_name << "_NAV_DEPTH"; m_Comms.Register(collab_var.str(), 0); m_collab_nav_depth = collab_var.str(); collab_var.str(""); collab_var.clear(); collab_var << m_collab_name << "_NAV_HEADING"; m_Comms.Register(collab_var.str(), 0); m_collab_nav_heading = collab_var.str(); collab_var.str(""); collab_var.clear(); collab_var << m_collab_name << "_NAV_SPEED"; m_Comms.Register(collab_var.str(), 0); m_collab_nav_speed = collab_var.str(); } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "NAV_X")) { m_x_pos = msg.GetDouble(); } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "NAV_Y")) { m_y_pos = msg.GetDouble(); } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "NAV_DEPTH")) { m_z_pos = msg.GetDouble(); } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "NAV_HEADING")) { m_heading = msg.GetDouble(); } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "NAV_SPEED")) { m_speed = msg.GetDouble(); } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "ELEV_ANGLE_REF")) { reference_angle = msg.GetDouble()*PI/180; } if (m_collab_ready) { if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), m_collab_nav_x)) { m_collab_x_pos = msg.GetDouble(); } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), m_collab_nav_y)) { m_collab_y_pos = msg.GetDouble(); } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), m_collab_nav_depth)) { m_collab_z_pos = msg.GetDouble(); } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), m_collab_nav_heading)) { m_collab_heading = msg.GetDouble(); } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), m_collab_nav_speed)) { m_collab_speed = msg.GetDouble(); } } #if 0 // Keep these around just for template string key = msg.GetKey(); string comm = msg.GetCommunity(); double dval = msg.GetDouble(); string sval = msg.GetString(); string msrc = msg.GetSource(); double mtime = msg.GetTime(); bool mdbl = msg.IsDouble(); bool mstr = msg.IsString(); #endif } return(true); }
bool Logs::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail) { char chemin_fichier[500]; this->m_numero_mail ++; // Récupération de la date struct tm Debut = *localtime(&m_debut); time_t maintenant; time(&maintenant); struct tm Today = *localtime(&maintenant); MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p; for(p = NewMail.begin() ; p != NewMail.end() ; p++) { CMOOSMsg &msg = *p; if(msg.GetKey() == "VVV_ON_MISSION") this->m_generer_logs = (msg.GetDouble() == 1.0); if(msg.GetKey() == "VVV_NAV_X") m_position_auv_x = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "VVV_NAV_Y") m_position_auv_y = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "VVV_NAV_Z") m_position_auv_z = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "VVV_AUV_NAME") { char date[20]; sprintf(date, "%2.2d-%2.2d-%4.4d", Today.tm_mday, Today.tm_mon + 1, Today.tm_year + 1900); // Calcul du nom du fichier de logs sprintf(chemin_fichier, "%s/%s_%s_%s.log", REPERTOIRE_LOGS, PREFIXE_FICHIER_LOGS, (char*)msg.GetString().c_str(), date); this->m_nom_fichier = string(chemin_fichier); this->m_auv_connecte = true; } if(msg.GetKey() == "VVV_IMAGE_BOTTOM" || msg.GetKey() == "VVV_IMAGE_SIDE") { IplImage *img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(LARGEUR_IMAGE_CAMERA, HAUTEUR_IMAGE_CAMERA), 8, 3); if((int)msg.GetString().size() == img->imageSize) memcpy(img->imageData, msg.GetString().data(), img->imageSize); else cout << "Erreur : mauvaises dimensions dans la variable image \"" << msg.GetKey() << "\" depuis la MOOSDB" << endl; // Calcul du nom du fichier de logs sprintf(chemin_fichier, "%s/", REPERTOIRE_LOGS); MOOSCreateDirectory(string(chemin_fichier)); sprintf(chemin_fichier, "%s/%s/", chemin_fichier, (char*)msg.GetKey().c_str()); MOOSCreateDirectory(string(chemin_fichier)); sprintf(chemin_fichier, "%s/%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d/", chemin_fichier, (Debut.tm_year + 1900), Debut.tm_mon, Debut.tm_mday, Debut.tm_hour, Debut.tm_min, Debut.tm_sec); MOOSCreateDirectory(string(chemin_fichier)); sprintf(chemin_fichier, "%s%08d.jpeg", chemin_fichier, this->m_numero_mail); Mat imgMat(img); imwrite(chemin_fichier, imgMat); } #if 0 // Keep these around just for template string key = msg.GetKey(); string comm = msg.GetCommunity(); double dval = msg.GetDouble(); string sval = msg.GetString(); string msrc = msg.GetSource(); double mtime = msg.GetTime(); bool mdbl = msg.IsDouble(); bool mstr = msg.IsString(); #endif } return(true); }
bool KalmanVisual::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail) { MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p; for(p=NewMail.begin(); p!=NewMail.end(); p++) { CMOOSMsg &msg = *p; string key = msg.GetKey();//Nome da mensagem if(key == "PK[0]") { pk0 = msg.GetDouble(); t = MOOSTime(); } if(key == "PK[1]") { pk1 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "PK[2]") { pk2 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "PK[3]") { pk3 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "PK[4]") { pk4 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "PK[5]") { pk5 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "PK[6]") { pk6 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "PK[7]") { pk7 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "X_ERRO[0]") { xerro0 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "X_ERRO[1]") { xerro1 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "X_ERRO[2]") { xerro2 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "X_ERRO[3]") { xerro3 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "X_ERRO[4]") { xerro4 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "X_ERRO[5]") { xerro5 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "X_ERRO[6]") { xerro6 = msg.GetDouble(); } if(key == "X_ERRO[7]") { xerro7 = msg.GetDouble(); } } return(true); }
bool WallFollowing::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail) { MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p; for(p = NewMail.begin() ; p != NewMail.end() ; p++) { CMOOSMsg &msg = *p; /* if (msg.GetSource() == this->GetAppName()) continue; */ /* if(msg.GetKey() == "WF_START" && msg.GetAsString()!="") { m_regulate = true; Notify("WF_START", ""); } if(msg.GetKey() == "WF_STOP" && msg.GetAsString()!="") { m_regulate = false; Notify("WF_STOP", ""); }*/ if(msg.GetKey() == "VVV_HEADING") { m_last_heading = m_current_heading; m_current_heading = msg.GetDouble(); for(list<pair<float, float> >::iterator it = m_obstacles.begin() ; it != m_obstacles.end() ; it ++) { it->first += (m_current_heading-m_last_heading); // clef } } if(msg.GetKey() == "SONAR_RAW_DATA") { float angle = 0; int nRows, nCols; float ad_interval = 0.25056; vector<unsigned int> scanline; MOOSValFromString(angle, msg.GetString(), "bearing"); MOOSValFromString(ad_interval, msg.GetString(), "ad_interval"); MOOSValFromString(scanline, nRows, nCols, msg.GetString(), "scanline"); // Récupération du max de la scanline float distance = 0, distance_mini = 1.0; int obstacle_max = 0; for(int i = 0 ; i < (int)scanline.size() ; i ++) { if((int)scanline[i] > obstacle_max) { obstacle_max = scanline[i]; distance = ad_interval / 2.0 * i; } } m_obstacles.push_back(make_pair(angle, distance)); while(m_obstacles.size() > 80) { m_obstacles.pop_front(); } } #if 0 // Keep these around just for template string key = msg.GetKey(); string comm = msg.GetCommunity(); double dval = msg.GetDouble(); string sval = msg.GetString(); string msrc = msg.GetSource(); double mtime = msg.GetTime(); bool mdbl = msg.IsDouble(); bool mstr = msg.IsString(); #endif } return(true); }
bool SensorViewer::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail) { AppCastingMOOSApp::OnNewMail(NewMail); MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p; for(p = NewMail.begin() ; p != NewMail.end() ; p++) { CMOOSMsg &msg = *p; #if 0 // Keep these around just for template string key = msg.GetKey(); string comm = msg.GetCommunity(); double dval = msg.GetDouble(); string sval = msg.GetString(); string msrc = msg.GetSource(); double mtime = msg.GetTime(); bool mdbl = msg.IsDouble(); bool mstr = msg.IsString(); #endif //cout << msg.GetKey() << en double pool_angle = MOOSDeg2Rad(0.0); // **************** SENSORS DATA ************************ // if( msg.GetKey() == "CAMERA_BOTTOM") { memcpy(, msg.GetBinaryData(), m_img_camera_bottom.rows*m_img_camera_bottom.step); } else if( msg.GetKey() == "CAMERA_SIDE") { memcpy(, msg.GetBinaryData(), m_img_camera_side.rows*m_img_camera_side.step); } else if(msg.GetKey() == "SONAR_RAW_DATA_MICRON"){ MOOSValFromString(m_new_bearing_micron, msg.GetString(), "bearing", true); int nRows, nCols; m_new_scanline_micron.clear(); MOOSVectorFromString(msg.GetString(), m_new_scanline_micron, nRows, nCols); if(m_new_scanline_micron.size() != m_size_scanline_micron){ m_img_sonar_micron.create(2*m_new_scanline_micron.size(),2*m_new_scanline_micron.size(),CV_8UC(1)); m_img_micron.create(2*m_new_scanline_micron.size(),2*m_new_scanline_micron.size(),CV_8UC(3)); m_img_sonar_micron.setTo(Scalar(255)); m_img_micron.setTo(Scalar(255, 255, 255)); } m_size_scanline_micron = m_new_scanline_micron.size(); m_new_data_micron = true; } else if(msg.GetKey() == "SONAR_RAW_DATA_MINIKING"){ MOOSValFromString(m_new_bearing_miniking, msg.GetString(), "bearing", true); int nRows, nCols; m_new_scanline_miniking.clear(); MOOSVectorFromString(msg.GetString(), m_new_scanline_miniking, nRows, nCols); if(m_new_scanline_miniking.size() != m_size_scanline_miniking){ m_img_sonar_miniking.create(2*m_new_scanline_miniking.size(),2*m_new_scanline_miniking.size(),CV_8UC(1)); m_img_sonar_miniking.setTo(Scalar(255)); } m_size_scanline_miniking = m_new_scanline_miniking.size(); m_new_data_miniking = true; } else if(msg.GetKey() == "SONAR_RAW_DATA"){ MOOSValFromString(m_new_bearing, msg.GetString(), "bearing", true); int nRows, nCols; m_new_scanline.clear(); MOOSVectorFromString(msg.GetString(), m_new_scanline, nRows, nCols); if(m_new_scanline.size() != m_size_scanline){ m_img_sonar.create(2*m_new_scanline.size(),2*m_new_scanline.size(),CV_8UC(1)); m_img_sonar.setTo(Scalar(255)); } m_size_scanline = m_new_scanline.size(); m_new_data = true; } // **************** ANALYSIS DATA ************************ // // if( msg.GetKey() == "WALL_DETECTOR"){ // MOOSValFromString(m_bearing, msg.GetString(), "bearing"); // MOOSValFromString(m_distance, msg.GetString(), "distance"); // } // **************** CONFIG DATA ************************ else if(msg.GetKey() == "SONAR_MINIKING_CONTRAST") m_sonar_contrast_miniking = msg.GetDouble(); else if(msg.GetKey() == "SONAR_MICRON_CONTRAST") m_sonar_contrast_micron = msg.GetDouble(); else if(msg.GetKey() == "SONAR_CONTRAST") m_sonar_contrast = msg.GetDouble(); else if(msg.GetKey() == "WALL_DETECTOR_MICRON"){ } else if(msg.GetKey() == "WALL_DETECTOR_MINIKING"){ double dist, bearing; MOOSValFromString(bearing, msg.GetString(), "bearing", true); MOOSValFromString(dist, msg.GetString(), "distance", true); m_wall_detector_distance_miniking.push_back(dist); m_wall_detector_bearing_miniking.push_back(bearing); if(m_wall_detector_distance_miniking.size()>100){ m_wall_detector_distance_miniking.erase(m_wall_detector_distance_miniking.begin()); } } else if(msg.GetKey() == "WALL_DETECTOR_MICRON"){ double dist, bearing; MOOSValFromString(bearing, msg.GetString(), "bearing", true); MOOSValFromString(dist, msg.GetString(), "distance", true); m_wall_detector_distance_micron.push_back(dist); m_wall_detector_bearing_micron.push_back(bearing); if(m_wall_detector_distance_micron.size()>100){ m_wall_detector_distance_micron.erase(m_wall_detector_distance_micron.begin()); } } } return(true); }
bool CAHGraphApp::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail) { std::string cad; for(MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator i=NewMail.begin();i!=NewMail.end();++i) { /* Get path from node "Robot" to desired node * GET_PATH "petitionID nX" (The petitionID is a unique identifier used by the Planer module) */ if( i->GetName() == "GET_PATH" ) { std::deque<std::string> lista; mrpt::system::tokenize(i->GetString()," ",lista); printf( "\n\n[WorldModel]: Path requested to %s\n",lista.back().c_str()); size_t idtarget = graph.GetNodeId(lista.back()); size_t idrobot = graph.GetNodeId("Robot"); //! @moos_var PATH Sequence of nodes from "robot" to provided destiny in response to the "GET_PATH" var. //! If node NOT found --> PATH "petitionID NOTFOUND" //! If node found --> PATH "petitionID (nodeID1 node_label1 x1 y1) (nodeID2 node_label2 x2 y2) ..." if (idtarget == (size_t)-1) //Node not found, cannot get path to it { printf( "[WorldModel]: ERROR - Node %s NOTFOUND in topology\n",lista.back().c_str()); //! @moos_publish PATH Sequence of nodes from "robot" to provided destiny in response to the "GET_PATH" var. m_Comms.Notify("PATH", format("%s NOTFOUND",lista[0].c_str())); } else { //Since node Robot is only connected to the closest node in the graph (via a location arc), //avoid node "robot" in the search by getting its node location std::vector<size_t> neighbors; graph.GetNodeNeighbors(idrobot,"Location",neighbors); printf("[WorldModel]: Searching a path from id:%u to id:%u\n",(unsigned int)neighbors[0],(unsigned int)idtarget); //Search path between two nodes of the graph std::string path; bool path_found = graph.FindPath(neighbors[0], idtarget, path); if (path_found) { printf("[WorldModel]: Path FOUND!\n"); //! @moos_publish PATH Sequence of nodes from "robot" to provided destiny in response to the "GET_PATH" var. m_Comms.Notify("PATH", format("%s %s",lista[0].c_str(),path.c_str())); } else { MOOSTrace("[WorldModel]: Path NOTFOUND\n"); //! @moos_publish PATH Sequence of nodes from "robot" to provided destiny in response to the "GET_PATH" var. m_Comms.Notify("PATH", format("%s NOTFOUND", lista[0].c_str())); } }//end-if node found } // GET_PERSON_LOCATION "petitionID user_node_label" (requested by planner) // Returns the node_label from the topology where the user is located // A User(node) is defined in a location(another node) by a "location" arc between them. if( i->GetName()=="GET_PERSON_LOCATION" ) { std::deque<std::string> lista; mrpt::system::tokenize(i->GetString()," ",lista); //! @moos_var PERSON_LOCATION The result of finding a Person(node_label) in the Topological Graph //! If NOT found = PERSON_LOCATION "petitionID NOTFOUND" //! IF found = PERSON_LOCATION "petitionID location_node_label" //check that (user)node_label exists in the Topological Graph if ( graph.ExistsNodeLabel(lista[1]) ) { size_t idperson = graph.GetNodeId(lista[1]); printf("[WorldModel]: Searching for person %s (id: %d)\n",lista[1].c_str(),idperson); std::vector<size_t> dest; //Get list of neighbord nodes of type location graph.GetNodeNeighbors(idperson,"Location",dest); if (dest.size()!=0) { // Return the label of the node where the user is std::string label=""; graph.GetNodeLabel(dest[0],label); //! @moos_publish PERSON_LOCATION The result of finding a Person(node_label) in the Topological Graph m_Comms.Notify("PERSON_LOCATION", format("%s %s",lista[0].c_str(),label.c_str())); } else { //! @moos_publish PERSON_LOCATION The result of finding a Person(node_label) in the Topological Graph m_Comms.Notify("PERSON_LOCATION", format("%s NOTFOUND",lista[0].c_str())); } } else { cout << "[WorldModel]: GET_PERSON_LOCATION ERROR - Node label not found." << endl; //! @moos_publish PERSON_LOCATION The result of finding a Person(node_label) in the Topological Graph m_Comms.Notify("PERSON_LOCATION", format("%s NOTFOUND",lista[0].c_str())); } } // GET_NODE_POSITION "petitionID node_label" // Returns the location (x,y) of a node given its label if( i->GetName()=="GET_NODE_POSITION" ) { std::deque<std::string> lista; mrpt::system::tokenize(i->GetString()," ",lista); //! @moos_variable NODE_POSITION geometric position of a node in response to the "GET_NODE_POSITION" //! If NOT found = NODE_POSITION "petitionID NOTFOUND" //! IF found = NODE_POSITION "petitoinID x y" //check that node exists. if ( graph.ExistsNodeLabel(lista[0]) ) { double x,y; bool res = graph.GetNodeLocation(lista[0],x,y); //! @moos_publish NODE_POSITION geometric position of a node in response to the "GET_NODE_POSITION" var. if (res) m_Comms.Notify("NODE_POSITION", format("%s %f %f",lista[0].c_str(),x,y)); else m_Comms.Notify("NODE_POSITION", format("%s %f %f notfound",lista[0].c_str(),x,y)); } else { cout << "[WorldModel]: GET_NODE_POSITION EROR - Node label not found." << endl; //m_Comms.Notify("NODE_POSITION", format("%s %f %f notfound",lista[0].c_str(),x,y)); //! @moos_publish NODE_POSITION geometric position of a node in response to the "GET_NODE_POSITION" var. m_Comms.Notify( "NODE_POSITION", format("%s NOTFOUND",lista[0].c_str()) ); //! @moos_publish ERROR_MSG A string containing the description of an Error. m_Comms.Notify("ERROR_MSG","pWorldModel: Node label not found. Node position not published."); } } //Add new node to topology --> ADD_NODE label type x y if( (i->GetName()=="ADD_NODE") ) { std::deque<std::string> lista; mrpt::system::tokenize(i->GetString()," ",lista); //Check that label doesn't exist in topology if (!graph.ExistsNodeLabel(lista[0])) { cout << "[WorldModel]: Adding new node to Topology" << endl; size_t id; graph.AddNode(lista[0],lista[1],id,atof(lista[2].c_str()),atof(lista[3].c_str())); RefreshGraph(); } else { cout << "[WorldModel]: EROR - Node label already exists" << endl; //! @moos_publish ERROR_MSG A string containing the description of an Error. m_Comms.Notify("ERROR_MSG","pWorldModel: Node label already exists. Node not Added."); } } // Add new arc to topology --> ADD_ARC label_nodeA label_nodeB type if( (i->GetName()=="ADD_ARC") ) { std::deque<std::string> lista; mrpt::system::tokenize(i->GetString()," ",lista); //check that both nodes exists. if (graph.ExistsNodeLabel(lista[0]) && graph.ExistsNodeLabel(lista[1]) ) { cout << "[WorldModel]: Adding new arc to Topology" << endl; size_t id; // Add arc as Bidirectional: a->b + b->a graph.AddArcbyLabel(lista[0].c_str(),lista[1].c_str(),"",lista[2].c_str(), true, id); RefreshGraph(); } else { cout << "[WorldModel]: EROR - Nodes not found. Arc not created. " << endl; //! @moos_publish ERROR_MSG A string containing the description of an Error. m_Comms.Notify("ERROR_MSG","pWorldModel: Nodes not found. Arc not created."); } } // Change location of existing node --> MOVE_NODE label x y if( (i->GetName()=="MOVE_NODE") ) { std::deque<std::string> lista; mrpt::system::tokenize(i->GetString()," ",lista); //check that node exists. if ( graph.ExistsNodeLabel(lista[0]) ) { printf("[WorldModel]: MOVE_NODE - Node %s moved successfully\n",lista[0].c_str()); graph.SetNodeLocation(lista[0],atof(lista[1].c_str()),atof(lista[2].c_str())); RefreshGraph(); } else { cout << "[WorldModel]: MOVE_NODE EROR - Node not found. Position not updated. " << endl; //! @moos_publish ERROR_MSG A string containing the description of an Error. m_Comms.Notify("ERROR_MSG","pWorldModel: Node not found. Position not changed."); } } // Change the label of existing node --> CHANGE_NODE_LABEL old_label new_label if( (i->GetName()=="CHANGE_NODE_LABEL") ) { bool error = false; std::deque<std::string> lista; mrpt::system::tokenize(i->GetString()," ",lista); if (graph.ExistsNodeLabel(lista[0])) { //get ID of node size_t node_id = graph.GetNodeId(lista[0]); if (!graph.SetNodeLabel(node_id,lista[1])) error = true; else RefreshGraph(); } else error = true; if (error) { cout << "[WorldModel]: EROR: Node label not found or new label already exists. Cannot Rename it." << endl; //! @moos_publish ERROR_MSG A string containing the description of an Error. m_Comms.Notify("ERROR_MSG","pWorldModel: Node label not changed because node not found or new_label already exists."); } } // Remove Arcs between two given nodes: REMOVE_ARC nodeFrom nodeTo Arc_type if( i->GetName()=="REMOVE_ARC" ) { bool error = false; std::deque<std::string> lista; mrpt::system::tokenize(i->GetString()," ",lista); //check that both nodes exists. if (!graph.ExistsNodeLabel(lista[0]) || !graph.ExistsNodeLabel(lista[1]) ) error = true; else { size_t idFrom = graph.GetNodeId(lista[0]); size_t idTo = graph.GetNodeId(lista[1]); if( graph.DeleteArcsBetweenNodes(idFrom, idTo, lista[2]) ) RefreshGraph(); else error = true; } if (error) { cout << "[WorldModel]: EROR - Problem found when deleting arcs between two given nodes. Nodes not found." << endl; //! @moos_publish ERROR_MSG A string containing the description of an Error. m_Comms.Notify("ERROR_MSG","pWorldModel: Problem found when deleting arcs between two given nodes. Nodes not found."); } } // Remove Node from topological graph: REMOVE_NODE nodeLabel if( i->GetName()=="REMOVE_NODE" ) { if( graph.DeleteNode(i->GetString().c_str()) ) RefreshGraph(); else { cout << "[WorldModel]: EROR - Problem deleting Node. Node may not exists." << endl; //! @moos_publish ERROR_MSG A string containing the description of an Error. m_Comms.Notify("ERROR_MSG","pWorldModel: Problem deleting Node. Node may not exists."); } } // Load Graph from file: LOAD_GRAPH file if( i->GetName()=="LOAD_GRAPH" ) { printf("[WorldModel]: Loading Topology graph from: [%s]\n",i->GetString().c_str()); graph.LoadGraph(i->GetString()); RefreshGraph(); } // Save Graph to file: SAVE_GRAPH file if( i->GetName()=="SAVE_GRAPH" ) { printf("[WorldModel]: Saving Topology graph to: [%s]\n",i->GetString().c_str()); graph.SaveGraph(i->GetString()); RefreshGraph(); } // SHUTDOWN if( (i->GetName()=="SHUTDOWN") && (MOOSStrCmp(i->GetString(),"true")) ) { // Disconnect comms: MOOSTrace("Closing Module \n"); this->RequestQuit(); } } UpdateMOOSVariables(NewMail); return true; }
bool GenPath::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail) { MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p; string visit_point; for(p=NewMail.begin(); p!=NewMail.end(); p++) { CMOOSMsg &msg = *p; if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "VISIT_POINT")) { visit_point = msg.GetString(); //if its the firstpoint flag, init variables by clearing if (MOOSStrCmp(visit_point, "firstpoint")) { m_x_pts.clear(); m_y_pts.clear(); m_got_all_pts = false; m_assigned_pts = false; m_pt_counter = 0; //if its the laspoint flag, flag that we have received all points so that we can calculate tour } else if (MOOSStrCmp(visit_point, "lastpoint")) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_x_pts.size(); i++) { cout << m_x_pts[i] << "," << m_y_pts[i] << "," << m_id_pts[i] << endl; } m_got_all_pts = true; m_num_pts = m_x_pts.size(); //otherwise, parse the point string and push it onto our position vectors } else { m_x_pts.push_back(atof(tokStringParse(visit_point, "x", ',', '=').c_str())); m_y_pts.push_back(atof(tokStringParse(visit_point, "y", ',', '=').c_str())); m_id_pts.push_back(atoi(tokStringParse(visit_point, "id", ',', '=').c_str())); } //get x pos } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "NAV_X")) { m_x_pos = msg.GetDouble(); m_received_pos = true; //get y pos } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "NAV_Y")) { m_y_pos = msg.GetDouble(); m_received_pos = true; //get the current waypoint of the path from the waypoint bhv } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "WPT_INDEX")) { m_received_wpt_idx = true; unsigned int new_wpt = (unsigned int)msg.GetDouble(); if (new_wpt > m_wpt_idx) { m_wpt_idx = new_wpt; } cout << m_wpt_idx << endl; if (m_wpt_idx > 0) { cout << "Distance to prev point: " << m_wpt_dist << endl; cout << m_x_pts_missed.size() << endl; //perform a check to see if we actually visited the previous point if (m_wpt_dist > m_visit_radius) { m_x_pts_missed.push_back(m_x_pts_ordered[m_wpt_idx-1]); m_y_pts_missed.push_back(m_y_pts_ordered[m_wpt_idx-1]); m_id_pts_missed.push_back(m_id_pts_ordered[m_wpt_idx-1]); } } //bhv may request a regeneration of the tour for any missed points } else if (MOOSStrCmp(msg.GetKey(), "GENPATH_REGENERATE")) { m_regen_path = true; } #if 0 // Keep these around just for template string key = msg.GetKey(); string comm = msg.GetCommunity(); double dval = msg.GetDouble(); string sval = msg.GetString(); string msrc = msg.GetSource(); double mtime = msg.GetTime(); bool mdbl = msg.IsDouble(); bool mstr = msg.IsString(); #endif } return(true); }
bool Sonar::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail) { AppCastingMOOSApp::OnNewMail(NewMail); MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p; for(p = NewMail.begin() ; p != NewMail.end() ; p++) { CMOOSMsg &msg = *p; string key = msg.GetKey(); #if 0 // Keep these around just for template string key = msg.GetKey(); string comm = msg.GetCommunity(); double dval = msg.GetDouble(); string sval = msg.GetString(); string msrc = msg.GetSource(); double mtime = msg.GetTime(); bool mdbl = msg.IsDouble(); bool mstr = msg.IsString(); #endif // Mise à jour des paramètres du sonar if ( key == "SONAR_PARAMS" && msg.IsString() ) { string msg_val = msg.GetString(); // Le message est de la forme "Range=25,Gain=45,Continuous=true" double dVal=0.0; int iVal; bool bVal; if (MOOSValFromString(dVal, msg_val, "Range", true)) m_msgHeadCommand.setRange(dVal); if (MOOSValFromString(iVal, msg_val, "nBins", true)) m_msgHeadCommand.setNbins(iVal); if (MOOSValFromString(dVal, msg_val, "AngleStep", true)) m_msgHeadCommand.setAngleStep(dVal); if (MOOSValFromString(bVal, msg_val, "Continuous", true)) m_msgHeadCommand.setContinuous(bVal); if (MOOSValFromString(dVal, msg_val, "Gain", true)) m_msgHeadCommand.setGain(dVal); if (MOOSValFromString(dVal, msg_val, "LeftLimit", true)){ m_msgHeadCommand.setLeftLimit(dVal); cout << "limite gauche " << dVal << endl;} if (MOOSValFromString(dVal, msg_val, "RightLimit", true)){ m_msgHeadCommand.setRightLimit(dVal); cout << "limite droite " << dVal << endl;} // Envoi de la commande au sondeur // TODO: vérifier que le CMOOSSerialPort est bien thread safe. Sinon, rajouter un mutex SendSonarMessage(m_msgHeadCommand); } else if ( key == "SONAR_POLL") { m_bPollSonar = (msg.GetDouble())?true:false; if (m_bSonarReady && m_bSentCfg && !m_bNoParams) { SeaNetMsg_SendData msg_SendData; msg_SendData.setTime(MOOSTime()); SendSonarMessage(msg_SendData); retractRunWarning("Sonar not initialized!"); } else { reportRunWarning("Sonar not initialized!"); } } else if ( key == "POWERED_SONAR") { if (msg.GetDouble() == 0) { m_bIsPowered = false; m_bNoParams = true; m_bSentCfg = false; m_bSonarReady = false; m_bPollSonar = false; m_serial_thread.Stop(); } else { m_bIsPowered = true; Initialization(); } } else if(key != "APPCAST_REQ") // handle by AppCastingMOOSApp reportRunWarning("Unhandled Mail: " + key); } return(true); }
bool Logger::OnNewMail(MOOSMSG_LIST &NewMail) { AppCastingMOOSApp::OnNewMail(NewMail); MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p; for(p = NewMail.begin() ; p != NewMail.end() ; p++) { CMOOSMsg &msg = *p; bool handled = false; if(msg.GetKey() == "NAV_X") m_nav_x = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "NAV_Y") m_nav_y = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "NAV_DEPTH") m_nav_depth = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "NAV_SPEED") m_active_speed = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "DRIFT_X") m_drift_x = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "DRIFT_Y") m_drift_y = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "CONSO_NOMINAL") m_conso_nominal = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "CONSO_PROP") m_conso_prop = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "CONSO_COMM") m_conso_comm = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "CONSO_ALL") m_conso_all = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "RATIO_RECORDING") m_ratio_recording = msg.GetDouble(); if(msg.GetKey() == "ESTIMATION_DURATION_DAYS") m_estimation_duration_days = msg.GetDouble(); if(!handled) cout << "Unhandled Mail: " << msg.GetKey() << endl; #if 0 // Keep these around just for template string key = msg.GetKey(); string comm = msg.GetCommunity(); double dval = msg.GetDouble(); string sval = msg.GetString(); string msrc = msg.GetSource(); double mtime = msg.GetTime(); bool mdbl = msg.IsDouble(); bool mstr = msg.IsString(); #endif } return true; }
bool CMOOSPlayBackV2::Iterate(MOOSMSG_LIST &Output) { if(IsEOF()) return false; double dfStopTime = m_dfLastMessageTime+m_dfTickTime; bool bDone = false; while(!bDone && !IsEOF() ) { CMOOSMsg NewMsg; double dfTNext = m_ALog.GetEntryTime(m_nCurrentLine); //are we in a mode in which we are slaved to a client //via its publishing of MOOS_CHOKE? m_dfClientLagTime = MOOSTime() - m_dfLastClientProcessedTime; if (m_dfLastClientProcessedTime != -1 && m_dfClientLagTime > MAX_CHOKE_TIME) { m_bWaitingForClientCatchup = true; bDone = true; dfStopTime = dfTNext; continue; } else { //normal sequential processing under our own steam m_bWaitingForClientCatchup = false; if(dfTNext<=dfStopTime) { if(MessageFromLine(m_ALog.GetLine(m_nCurrentLine),NewMsg)) { if(!IsFiltered(NewMsg.GetSource())) { Output.push_front(NewMsg); } } // arh moved this out of the loop above, because a failed // call to MessageFromLine would make uPlayback hang in // an infinite loop m_nCurrentLine++; } else { bDone = true; } } } //post a playback time if(!Output.empty()) { CMOOSMsg timeMsg( MOOS_NOTIFY, "PLAYBACK_DB_TIME", dfStopTime ); timeMsg.m_sSrc = "uPlayback"; Output.push_front( timeMsg ); } m_dfLastMessageTime = dfStopTime; return true; }
bool CMOOSRemoteLite::FetchDB() { EnableMailLoop(false); MOOSTrace("\n\n****** DB Fetch ******\n"); MOOSMSG_LIST MsgList; if(m_Comms.ServerRequest("ALL",MsgList)) { MOOSMSG_LIST::iterator p; for(p=MsgList.begin();p!=MsgList.end();p++) { CMOOSMsg & rMsg = *p; ostringstream os; //ostrstream os; os<<setw(22); os<<rMsg.m_sKey.c_str(); os<<" "; os<<setw(16); os<<rMsg.m_sSrc.c_str(); os<<" "; os<<setw(9); os<<rMsg.m_dfTime; os<<" "; os<<setw(10); switch(rMsg.m_cDataType) { case MOOS_STRING: os<<rMsg.m_sVal.c_str(); break; case MOOS_NOT_SET: os<<"*"; break; case MOOS_BINARY_STRING: os<<rMsg.GetAsString().c_str(); break; default: os<<" "; break; } os<<" "; os<<setw(14); switch(rMsg.m_cDataType) { case MOOS_DOUBLE: os<<rMsg.m_dfVal; break; case MOOS_NOT_SET: os<<"*"; break; default: os<<" "; break; } os<<endl<<ends; string sText = os.str(); MOOSTrace("%s",sText.c_str()); //os.rdbuf()->freeze(0); } } else { MOOSTrace("DB failed to talk to me\n"); } //renable mail loop... EnableMailLoop(true); return true; }