예제 #1
void getConnectedChildPlugs(const MPlug& plug, bool dest, MPlugArray& thisNodePlugs, MPlugArray& otherSidePlugs)
    if (plug.numConnectedChildren() == 0)
    for (uint chId = 0; chId < plug.numChildren(); chId++)
        if (plug.child(chId).isConnected())
            if ((plug.child(chId).isDestination() && dest) || (plug.child(chId).isSource() && !dest))
                otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(plug, dest));
예제 #2
MStatus AlembicCurvesDeformNode::setDependentsDirty(const MPlug &plugBeingDirtied,
    MPlugArray &affectedPlugs)
  if (plugBeingDirtied == mFileNameAttr || plugBeingDirtied == mIdentifierAttr
      || plugBeingDirtied == mTimeAttr) {

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mGeomParamPlugs.length(); i++) {

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mUserAttrPlugs.length(); i++) {

  return MStatus::kSuccess;
예제 #3
파일: tools.cpp 프로젝트: MassW/OpenMaya
bool getConnectedInPlugs(MObject& thisObject, MPlugArray& inPlugs, MPlugArray& otherSidePlugs)
	MStatus stat;
	bool result = false;
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(thisObject, &stat);	if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
	MPlugArray pa;
	for (uint i = 0; i < pa.length(); i++)
		if (pa[i].isDestination())

	for (uint i = 0; i < inPlugs.length(); i++)
		MPlug p = inPlugs[i];
		p.connectedTo(pa, true, false);
	return true;
예제 #4
//get the attribute plugs for a specific layer
void atomAnimLayers::collectAnimLayerPlugs(MFnDependencyNode &layer, MStringArray &attributes, MPlugArray &plugs)
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < attributes.length(); ++i)
		MPlug plug = layer.findPlug(attributes[i],false, &status);
		if(status== MS::kSuccess)

예제 #5
파일: tools.cpp 프로젝트: MassW/OpenMaya
bool getConnectedOutPlugs(MObject& thisObject, MPlugArray& outPlugs)
	MStatus stat;
	bool result = false;
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(thisObject, &stat);	if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
	MPlugArray pa;
	for( uint i = 0; i < pa.length(); i++)
		if( pa[i].isSource() )

	return true;
예제 #6
파일: tools.cpp 프로젝트: Zaken7/OpenMaya
void getDirectConnectedPlugs(const char *attrName, MFnDependencyNode& depFn, bool dest, MPlugArray& thisNodePlugs, MPlugArray& otherSidePlugs)
	MPlug thisPlug = depFn.findPlug(attrName);
	if (!thisPlug.isArray())
		if (thisPlug.isConnected())
			otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(thisPlug, dest));
	for (uint i = 0; i < thisPlug.numElements(); i++)
		if (thisPlug.isCompound())
			// we only support simple compounds like colorListEntry
			if (MString(attrName) == MString("colorEntryList"))
				MPlug element = thisPlug[i];
				if (element.child(0).isConnected())
					MPlug connectedPlug = element.child(0);
					otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(connectedPlug, dest));
				if (element.child(1).isConnected())
					MPlug connectedPlug = element.child(1);
					otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(connectedPlug, dest));
			if (!thisPlug[i].isConnected())
			MPlug connectedPlug = thisPlug[i];
			otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(connectedPlug, dest));

예제 #7
파일: tools.cpp 프로젝트: MassW/OpenMaya
void findConnectedNodeTypes(uint nodeId, MObject thisObject, MObjectArray& connectedElements, MPlugArray& completeList, bool upstream)

	MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("thisNode: ") + getObjectName(thisObject));

	MString name = getObjectName(thisObject);

	MFnDependencyNode depFn(thisObject);
	if(depFn.typeId().id() == nodeId)
		MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("found object with correct id: ") + depFn.name());

	bool downstream = !upstream;

	MPlugArray plugArray;

	int numc = plugArray.length();

	for( uint plugId = 0; plugId < plugArray.length(); plugId++)
		MPlug plug = plugArray[plugId];
		if( isPlugInList(plug, completeList))


		MString pn = plug.name();
		if( upstream && plug.isDestination())
		if( downstream && plug.isSource())
		MPlugArray otherSidePlugs;
		bool asDest = plug.isDestination();
		bool asSrc = plug.isSource();
		MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("findConnectedNodeTypes: checking plug ") + plug.name());
		plug.connectedTo(otherSidePlugs, asDest, asSrc);
		for( uint cplugId = 0; cplugId < otherSidePlugs.length(); cplugId++)
			findConnectedNodeTypes(nodeId, otherSidePlugs[cplugId].node(), connectedElements, completeList, upstream);

예제 #8
MStatus vixo_visImport::setDependentsDirty( const MPlug &plugBeingDirtied,MPlugArray &affectedPlugs )
    MStatus status;
    MObject thisNode = thisMObject();

    if ( plugBeingDirtied.partialName() == "t" || plugBeingDirtied.partialName() == "f") 
		MPlug arrayVis(thisNode,this->vis);
		for(int i=0;i<arrayVis.numElements();i++)
    return( MS::kSuccess );
예제 #9
MStatus OpHolder<B>::setDependentsDirty( const MPlug &plug, MPlugArray &plugArray )
	/// This isn't the best way of doing it, but at this point we can't even be sure that the Op has been loaded,
	/// so calling plugParameter() may not work. We can't call getOp() or getParameterised() here, as it seems
	/// we can't do things such as adding/removing attributes within this function
	if( std::string( plug.partialName().substring( 0, 4 ).asChar() ) == ParameterisedHolder<B>::g_attributeNamePrefix || plug==aResultDependency )
		MFnDependencyNode fnDN( B::thisMObject() );
		MStatus s;
		MPlug resultPlug = fnDN.findPlug( "result" , &s);
		if ( s && !resultPlug.isNull() )
			plugArray.append( resultPlug );

	return ParameterisedHolder<B>::setDependentsDirty( plug, plugArray );
예제 #10
MStatus Ocio_test::setDependentsDirty(const MPlug& plugBeingDirtied, MPlugArray& affectedPlugs)
	MStatus status;
	MObject node = thisMObject();
	MFnDependencyNode fn_dep_node(node);

        if(plugBeingDirtied.partialName() == "input_colorspace") 
			MPlug p_output = fn_dep_node.findPlug( "output_color", &status );
			if(MStatus::kSuccess == status) 
				MGlobal::displayInfo("Plug output appended");

	return MStatus::kSuccess;
예제 #11
// The setDependentsDirty() method allows attributeAffects relationships
// in a much more general way than via MPxNode::attributeAffects
// which is limited to static attributes only.
// The setDependentsDirty() method allows relationships to be established
// between any combination of dynamic and static attributes.
// Within a setDependentsDirty() implementation you get passed in the
// plug which is being set dirty, and then, based upon which plug it is,
// you may choose to dirty any other plugs by adding them to the
// affectedPlugs list.
// In almost all cases, the relationships you set up will be fixed for
// the duration of Maya, such as "A affects B". However, you can also
// set up relationships which depend upon some external factor, such
// as the current frame number, the time of day, if maya was invoked in
// batch mode, etc. These sorts of relationships are straightforward to
// implement in your setDependentsDirty() method.
// There may also be situations where you need to look at values in the
// dependency graph. It is VERY IMPORTANT that when accessing DG values
// you do not cause a DG evaluation. This is because your setDependentsDirty()
// method is called during dirty processing and causing an evalutaion could
// put Maya into an infinite loop. The only safe way to look at values
// on plugs is via the MDataBlock::outputValue() which does not trigger
// an evaluation. It is recommeneded that you only look at plugs whose
// values are constant or you know have already been computed.
// For this example routine, we will only implement the simplest case
// of a relationship.
MStatus affects::setDependentsDirty( const MPlug &plugBeingDirtied,
                                     MPlugArray &affectedPlugs )
    MStatus	status;
    MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
    MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode( thisNode );

    if ( plugBeingDirtied.partialName() == "A" ) {
        // "A" is dirty, so mark "B" dirty if "B" exists.
        // This implements the relationship "A affects B".
        fprintf(stderr,"affects::setDependentsDirty, \"A\" being dirtied\n");
        MPlug pB = fnThisNode.findPlug( "B", &status );
        if ( MStatus::kSuccess == status ) {
            fprintf(stderr,"\t\t... dirtying \"B\"\n");
            CHECK_MSTATUS( affectedPlugs.append( pB ) );
    return( MS::kSuccess );
예제 #12
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MStatus polyModifierCmd::processTweaks( modifyPolyData& data )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

	// Clear tweak undo information (to be rebuilt)

	// Extract the tweaks and place them into a polyTweak node. This polyTweak node
	// will be placed ahead of the modifier node to maintain the order of operations.
	// Special care must be taken into recreating the tweaks:
	//		1) Copy tweak info (including connections!)
	//		2) Remove tweak info from both meshNode and a duplicate meshNode (if applicable)
	//		3) Cache tweak info for undo operations
	//if( fHasTweaks && fHasHistory && !speedupTweakProcessing())
	if( fHasTweaks && fHasHistory )
		// Declare our function sets
		MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn;

		// Declare our attributes and plugs
		MPlug	meshTweakPlug;
		MPlug	upstreamTweakPlug;
		MObject tweakNodeTweakAttr;

		// Declare our tweak processing variables
		MPlug				tweak;
		MPlug				tweakChild;
		MObject				tweakData;
		MObjectArray		tweakDataArray;
		MFloatVector		tweakVector;

		MIntArray			tweakSrcConnectionCountArray;
		MPlugArray			tweakSrcConnectionPlugArray;
		MIntArray			tweakDstConnectionCountArray;
		MPlugArray			tweakDstConnectionPlugArray;

		MPlugArray			tempPlugArray;

		unsigned i;
		unsigned j;
		unsigned k;

		// Create the tweak node and get its attributes
		data.tweakNode = fDGModifier.MDGModifier::createNode( "polyTweak" );
		depNodeFn.setObject( data.tweakNode );
		data.tweakNodeSrcAttr = depNodeFn.attribute( "output" );
		data.tweakNodeDestAttr = depNodeFn.attribute( "inputPolymesh" );
		tweakNodeTweakAttr = depNodeFn.attribute( "tweak" );

		depNodeFn.setObject( data.meshNodeShape );
		meshTweakPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "pnts" );

		// ASSERT: meshTweakPlug should be an array plug!
		MStatusAssert( (meshTweakPlug.isArray()),
					   "meshTweakPlug.isArray() -- meshTweakPlug is not an array plug" );
		unsigned numElements = meshTweakPlug.numElements();

		// Gather meshTweakPlug data
		for( i = 0; i < numElements; i++ )
			// MPlug::numElements() only returns the number of physical elements
			// in the array plug. Thus we must use elementByPhysical index when using
			// the index i.
			tweak = meshTweakPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(i);

			// If the method fails, the element is NULL. Only append the index
			// if it is a valid plug.
			if( !tweak.isNull() )
				// Cache the logical index of this element plug
				unsigned logicalIndex = tweak.logicalIndex();

				// Collect tweak data and cache the indices and float vectors
				tweak.getValue( tweakData );
				tweakDataArray.append( tweakData );
				getFloat3PlugValue( tweak, tweakVector );
				fTweakIndexArray.append( logicalIndex );
				fTweakVectorArray.append( tweakVector );

				// Collect tweak connection data
				// Parse down to the deepest level of the plug tree and check
				// for connections - look at the child nodes of the element plugs.
				// If any connections are found, record the connection and disconnect
				// it.

				// ASSERT: The element plug should be compound!
				MStatusAssert( (tweak.isCompound()),
							   "tweak.isCompound() -- Element tweak plug is not compound" );

				unsigned numChildren = tweak.numChildren();
				for( j = 0; j < numChildren; j++ )
					tweakChild = tweak.child(j);
					if( tweakChild.isConnected() )
						// Get all connections with this plug as source, if they exist
						if( tweakChild.connectedTo( tempPlugArray, false, true ) )
							unsigned numSrcConnections = tempPlugArray.length();
							tweakSrcConnectionCountArray.append( numSrcConnections );

							for( k = 0; k < numSrcConnections; k++ )
								tweakSrcConnectionPlugArray.append( tempPlugArray[k] );
								fDGModifier.disconnect( tweakChild, tempPlugArray[k] );

						// Get the connection with this plug as destination, if it exists
						if( tweakChild.connectedTo( tempPlugArray, true, false ) )
							// ASSERT: tweakChild should only have one connection as destination!
							MStatusAssert( (tempPlugArray.length() == 1),
										   "tempPlugArray.length() == 1 -- 0 or >1 connections on tweakChild" );

							tweakDstConnectionPlugArray.append( tempPlugArray[0] );
							fDGModifier.disconnect( tempPlugArray[0], tweakChild );

		// Apply meshTweakPlug data to our polyTweak node
		MPlug polyTweakPlug( data.tweakNode, tweakNodeTweakAttr );
		unsigned numTweaks = fTweakIndexArray.length();
		int srcOffset = 0;
		int dstOffset = 0;
		//Progress initialisieren
		progressBar progress("Processing Tweaks", numTweaks);

		for( i = 0; i < numTweaks; i++ )
			// Apply tweak data
			tweak = polyTweakPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( fTweakIndexArray[i] );
			tweak.setValue( tweakDataArray[i] );

			// ASSERT: Element plug should be compound!
			MStatusAssert( (tweak.isCompound()),
						   "tweak.isCompound() -- Element plug, 'tweak', is not compound" );

			unsigned numChildren = tweak.numChildren();
			for( j = 0; j < numChildren; j++ )
				tweakChild = tweak.child(j);

				// Apply tweak source connection data
				if( 0 < tweakSrcConnectionCountArray[i*numChildren + j] )
					for( k = 0;
						 k < (unsigned) tweakSrcConnectionCountArray[i*numChildren + j];
						 k++ )
						fDGModifier.connect( tweakChild,
											 tweakSrcConnectionPlugArray[srcOffset] );
				// Apply tweak destination connection data
				if( 0 < tweakDstConnectionCountArray[i*numChildren + j] )
					fDGModifier.connect( tweakDstConnectionPlugArray[dstOffset],
										 tweakChild );

			if(i%50 == 0)


		// Now, set the tweak values on the meshNode(s) to zero (History dependent)
		MFnNumericData numDataFn;
		MObject nullVector;

		// Create a NULL vector (0,0,0) using MFnNumericData to pass into the plug
		numDataFn.create( MFnNumericData::k3Float );
		numDataFn.setData( 0, 0, 0 );
		nullVector = numDataFn.object();

		for( i = 0; i < numTweaks; i++ )
			// Access using logical indices since they are the only plugs guaranteed
			// to hold tweak data.
			tweak = meshTweakPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( fTweakIndexArray[i] );
			tweak.setValue( nullVector );

		// Only have to clear the tweaks off the duplicate mesh if we do not have history
		// and we want history.
		if( !fHasHistory && fHasRecordHistory )
			depNodeFn.setObject( data.upstreamNodeShape );
			upstreamTweakPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "pnts" );

			if( !upstreamTweakPlug.isNull() )
				for( i = 0; i < numTweaks; i++ )
					tweak = meshTweakPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( fTweakIndexArray[i] );
					tweak.setValue( nullVector );
		fHasTweaks = false;

	return status;
예제 #13
MStatus sgBDataCmd_key::setObjectKeyDataDefault( sgObject_keyData& objectKeyData, const MDagPath& dagPathTarget, bool bMatrixType )
	MStatus status;
	objectKeyData.oTargetNode = dagPathTarget.node();
	objectKeyData.numAttr = 0;
	objectKeyData.lengthTime = 0;

	MFnDagNode fnDagNode = dagPathTarget;

	MPlugArray plugArrTransform;
	MPlugArray plugArrVis;

	plugArrTransform.append( fnDagNode.findPlug( "tx" ) );
	plugArrTransform.append( fnDagNode.findPlug( "ty" ) );
	plugArrTransform.append( fnDagNode.findPlug( "tz" ) );
	plugArrTransform.append( fnDagNode.findPlug( "rx" ) );
	plugArrTransform.append( fnDagNode.findPlug( "ry" ) );
	plugArrTransform.append( fnDagNode.findPlug( "rz" ) );
	plugArrTransform.append( fnDagNode.findPlug( "sx" ) );
	plugArrTransform.append( fnDagNode.findPlug( "sy" ) );
	plugArrTransform.append( fnDagNode.findPlug( "sz" ) );

	plugArrVis.append( fnDagNode.findPlug( "v" ) );

	if( bMatrixType )
		if( plugsHasConnection( plugArrVis ) )
			objectKeyData.namesAttribute.append( "visibility" );
		if( plugsHasConnection( plugArrTransform ) )
			objectKeyData.numAttr += 9;
			objectKeyData.namesAttribute.append( "translateX" );
			objectKeyData.namesAttribute.append( "translateY" );
			objectKeyData.namesAttribute.append( "translateZ" );
			objectKeyData.namesAttribute.append( "rotateX" );
			objectKeyData.namesAttribute.append( "rotateY" );
			objectKeyData.namesAttribute.append( "rotateZ" );
			objectKeyData.namesAttribute.append( "scaleX" );
			objectKeyData.namesAttribute.append( "scaleY" );
			objectKeyData.namesAttribute.append( "scaleZ" );
		MPlugArray plugArr;
		for( unsigned int j=0; j< plugArrTransform.length(); j++ )
			MPlug& plug = plugArrTransform[j];

			plug.connectedTo( plugArr, true, false );
			if( !plugArr.length() )
				MPlug plugParent = plug.parent( &status );
				if( !status ) continue;
				plugParent.connectedTo( plugArr, true, false );
				if( !plugArr.length() ) continue;
			objectKeyData.namesAttribute.append( MFnAttribute( plug.attribute() ).name() );
		plugArrVis[0].connectedTo( plugArr, true, false );
		if( plugArr.length() )
			objectKeyData.namesAttribute.append( MFnAttribute( plugArrVis[0].attribute() ).name() );
	return MS::kSuccess;