예제 #1
  ExitCodes main_(int, const char**)

    // parameter handling
    //file list
    StringList file_list = getStringList_("in");

    //file type
    FileHandler fh;
    FileTypes::Type force_type;
    if (getStringOption_("in_type").size() > 0)
      force_type = FileTypes::nameToType(getStringOption_("in_type"));
      force_type = fh.getType(file_list[0]);

    //output file names and types
    String out_file = getStringOption_("out");

    // calculations

    bool annotate_file_origin =  getFlag_("annotate_file_origin");

    if (force_type == FileTypes::FEATUREXML)
      FeatureMap<> out;
      for (Size i = 0; i < file_list.size(); ++i)
        FeatureMap<> map;
        FeatureXMLFile fh;
        fh.load(file_list[i], map);

        if (annotate_file_origin)
          for (FeatureMap<>::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it)
            it->setMetaValue("file_origin", DataValue(file_list[i]));
        out += map;

      // writing output

      //annotate output with data processing info
      addDataProcessing_(out, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::FORMAT_CONVERSION));

      FeatureXMLFile f;
      f.store(out_file, out);

    else if (force_type == FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML)
      ConsensusMap out;
      ConsensusXMLFile fh;
      fh.load(file_list[0], out);
      //skip first file
      for (Size i = 1; i < file_list.size(); ++i)
        ConsensusMap map;
        ConsensusXMLFile fh;
        fh.load(file_list[i], map);

        if (annotate_file_origin)
          for (ConsensusMap::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it)
            it->setMetaValue("file_origin", DataValue(file_list[i]));
        out += map;

      // writing output

      //annotate output with data processing info
      addDataProcessing_(out, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::FORMAT_CONVERSION));

      ConsensusXMLFile f;
      f.store(out_file, out);
    else if (force_type == FileTypes::TRAML)
      TargetedExperiment out;
      for (Size i = 0; i < file_list.size(); ++i)
        TargetedExperiment map;
        TraMLFile fh;
        fh.load(file_list[i], map);
        out += map;

      // writing output

      //annotate output with data processing info
      Software software;

      TraMLFile f;
      f.store(out_file, out);
      // we might want to combine different types, thus we only
      // query in_type (which applies to all files)
      // and not the suffix or content of a single file
      force_type = FileTypes::nameToType(getStringOption_("in_type"));

      bool rt_auto_number = getFlag_("raw:rt_auto");
      bool rt_filename = getFlag_("raw:rt_filename");
      bool rt_custom = false;
      DoubleList custom_rts = getDoubleList_("raw:rt_custom");
      if (custom_rts.size() != 0)
        rt_custom = true;
        if (custom_rts.size() != file_list.size())
          writeLog_("Custom retention time list must have as many elements as there are input files!");
          return ILLEGAL_PARAMETERS;

      //ms level
      bool user_ms_level = getFlag_("raw:user_ms_level");

      MSExperiment<> out;
      UInt rt_auto = 0;
      UInt native_id = 0;
      std::vector<MSChromatogram<ChromatogramPeak> > all_chromatograms;
      for (Size i = 0; i < file_list.size(); ++i)
        String filename = file_list[i];

        //load file
        MSExperiment<> in;
        fh.loadExperiment(filename, in, force_type, log_type_);
        if (in.empty() && in.getChromatograms().empty())
          writeLog_(String("Warning: Empty file '") + filename + "'!");
        out.reserve(out.size() + in.size());

        //warn if custom RT and more than one scan in input file
        if (rt_custom && in.size() > 1)
          writeLog_(String("Warning: More than one scan in file '") + filename + "'! All scans will have the same retention time!");

        for (MSExperiment<>::const_iterator it2 = in.begin(); it2 != in.end(); ++it2)
          //handle rt
          Real rt_final = it2->getRT();
          if (rt_auto_number)
            rt_final = ++rt_auto;
          else if (rt_custom)
            rt_final = custom_rts[i];
          else if (rt_filename)
            if (!filename.hasSubstring("rt"))
              writeLog_(String("Warning: cannot guess retention time from filename as it does not contain 'rt'"));
            for (Size i = 0; i < filename.size(); ++i)
              if (filename[i] == 'r' && ++i != filename.size() && filename[i] == 't' && ++i != filename.size() && isdigit(filename[i]))
                String rt;
                while (i != filename.size() && (filename[i] == '.' || isdigit(filename[i])))
                  rt += filename[i++];
                if (rt.size() > 0)
                  // remove dot from rt3892.98.dta
                  //                          ^
                  if (rt[rt.size() - 1] == '.')
                    // remove last character
                    rt.erase(rt.end() - 1);
                  float tmp = rt.toFloat();
                  rt_final = tmp;
                catch (Exception::ConversionError)
                  writeLog_(String("Warning: cannot convert the found retention time in a value '" + rt + "'."));

          // none of the rt methods were successful
          if (rt_final == -1)
            writeLog_(String("Warning: No valid retention time for output scan '") + rt_auto + "' from file '" + filename + "'");


          if (user_ms_level)

        // if we had only one spectrum, we can annotate it directly, for more spectra, we just name the source file leaving the spectra unannotated (to avoid a long and redundant list of sourceFiles)
        if (in.size() == 1)
          in.getSourceFiles().clear();   // delete source file annotated from source file (its in the spectrum anyways)
        // copy experimental settings from first file
        if (i == 0)
        else // otherwise append
          out.getSourceFiles().insert(out.getSourceFiles().end(), in.getSourceFiles().begin(), in.getSourceFiles().end()); // could be emtpty if spectrum was annotated above, but that's ok then

        // also add the chromatograms
        for (std::vector<MSChromatogram<ChromatogramPeak> >::const_iterator it2 = in.getChromatograms().begin(); it2 != in.getChromatograms().end(); ++it2)

      // set the chromatograms

      // writing output

      //annotate output with data processing info
      addDataProcessing_(out, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::FORMAT_CONVERSION));

      MzMLFile f;
      f.store(out_file, out);


    return EXECUTION_OK;
  void IsobaricChannelExtractor::extractChannels(const MSExperiment<Peak1D>& ms_exp_data, ConsensusMap& consensus_map)
    if (ms_exp_data.empty())
      LOG_WARN << "The given file does not contain any conventional peak data, but might"
                  " contain chromatograms. This tool currently cannot handle them, sorry.\n";
      throw Exception::MissingInformation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Experiment has no scans!");

    // clear the output map

    // create predicate for spectrum checking
    LOG_INFO << "Selecting scans with activation mode: " << (selected_activation_ == "" ? "any" : selected_activation_) << "\n";
    HasActivationMethod<MSExperiment<Peak1D>::SpectrumType> activation_predicate(StringList::create(selected_activation_));

    // now we have picked data
    // --> assign peaks to channels
    UInt64 element_index(0);

    // remember the current precusor spectrum
    MSExperiment<Peak1D>::ConstIterator prec_spec = ms_exp_data.end();

    for (MSExperiment<Peak1D>::ConstIterator it = ms_exp_data.begin(); it != ms_exp_data.end(); ++it)
      // remember the last MS1 spectra as we assume it to be the precursor spectrum
      if (it->getMSLevel() ==  1) prec_spec = it;

      if (selected_activation_ == "" || activation_predicate(*it))
        // check if precursor is available
        if (it->getPrecursors().empty())
          throw Exception::MissingInformation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, String("No precursor information given for scan native ID ") + it->getNativeID() + " with RT " + String(it->getRT()));

        // check precursor constraints
        if (!isValidPrecursor_(it->getPrecursors()[0]))
          LOG_DEBUG << "Skip spectrum " << it->getNativeID() << ": Precursor doesn't fulfill all constraints." << std::endl;

        // check precursor purity if we have a valid precursor ..
        if (prec_spec != ms_exp_data.end())
          const DoubleReal purity = computePrecursorPurity_(it, prec_spec);
          if (purity < min_precursor_purity_)
            LOG_DEBUG << "Skip spectrum " << it->getNativeID() << ": Precursor purity is below the threshold. [purity = " << purity << "]" << std::endl;
          LOG_INFO << "No precursor available for spectrum: " << it->getNativeID() << std::endl;
        if (!(prec_spec == ms_exp_data.end()) && computePrecursorPurity_(it, prec_spec) < min_precursor_purity_)
          LOG_DEBUG << "Skip spectrum " << it->getNativeID() << ": Precursor purity is below the threshold." << std::endl;

        // store RT&MZ of parent ion as centroid of ConsensusFeature
        ConsensusFeature cf;

        Peak2D channel_value;
        // for each each channel
        UInt64 map_index = 0;
        Peak2D::IntensityType overall_intensity = 0;
        for (IsobaricQuantitationMethod::IsobaricChannelList::const_iterator cl_it = quant_method_->getChannelInformation().begin();
             cl_it != quant_method_->getChannelInformation().end();
          // set mz-position of channel
          // reset intensity

          // as every evaluation requires time, we cache the MZEnd iterator
          const MSExperiment<Peak1D>::SpectrumType::ConstIterator mz_end = it->MZEnd(cl_it->center + reporter_mass_shift_);

          // add up all signals
          for (MSExperiment<Peak1D>::SpectrumType::ConstIterator mz_it = it->MZBegin(cl_it->center - reporter_mass_shift_);
               mz_it != mz_end;
            channel_value.setIntensity(channel_value.getIntensity() + mz_it->getIntensity());

          // discard contribution of this channel as it is below the required intensity threshold
          if (channel_value.getIntensity() < min_reporter_intensity_)

          overall_intensity += channel_value.getIntensity();
          // add channel to ConsensusFeature
          cf.insert(map_index++, channel_value, element_index);
        } // ! channel_iterator

        // check if we keep this feature or if it contains low-intensity quantifications
        if (remove_low_intensity_quantifications_ && hasLowIntensityReporter_(cf))

        // check featureHandles are not empty
        if (overall_intensity == 0)
          cf.setMetaValue("all_empty", String("true"));

        // the tandem-scan in the order they appear in the experiment
    } // ! Experiment iterator

    /// add meta information to the map
  /// @brief extracts the iTRAQ channels from the MS data and stores intensity values in a consensus map
  /// @param ms_exp_data Raw data to read
  /// @param consensus_map Output each MS² scan as a consensus feature
  /// @throws Exception::MissingInformation if no scans present or MS² scan has no precursor
  void ItraqChannelExtractor::run(const MSExperiment<Peak1D>& ms_exp_data, ConsensusMap& consensus_map)
    if (ms_exp_data.empty())
      LOG_WARN << "The given file does not contain any conventional peak data, but might"
                  " contain chromatograms. This tool currently cannot handle them, sorry.";
      throw Exception::MissingInformation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Experiment has no scans!");

    MSExperiment<> ms_exp_MS2;

    String mode = (String) param_.getValue("select_activation");
    std::cout << "Selecting scans with activation mode: " << (mode == "" ? "any" : mode) << "\n";
    HasActivationMethod<MSExperiment<Peak1D>::SpectrumType> activation_predicate(ListUtils::create<String>(mode));

    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < ms_exp_data.size(); ++idx)
      if (ms_exp_data[idx].getMSLevel() == 2)
        if (mode == "" || activation_predicate(ms_exp_data[idx]))
          // copy only MS² scans
          //std::cout << "deleting spectrum # " << idx << " with RT: " << ms_exp_data[idx].getRT() << "\n";

    std::cout << "we have " << ms_exp_MS2.size() << " scans left of level " << ms_exp_MS2[0].getMSLevel() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "run: channel_map_ has " << channel_map_.size() << " entries!" << std::endl;
    // set <mapList> header
    Int index_cnt = 0;
    for (ChannelMapType::const_iterator cm_it = channel_map_.begin(); cm_it != channel_map_.end(); ++cm_it)
      // structure of Map cm_it
      //  first == channel-name as Int e.g. 114
      //  second == ChannelInfo struct
      ConsensusMap::FileDescription channel_as_map;
      // label is the channel + description provided in the Params
      if (itraq_type_ != TMT_SIXPLEX)
        channel_as_map.label = "iTRAQ_" + String(cm_it->second.name) + "_" + String(cm_it->second.description);
        channel_as_map.label = "TMT_" + String(cm_it->second.name) + "_" + String(cm_it->second.description);

      channel_as_map.size = ms_exp_MS2.size();
      //TODO what about .filename? leave empty?
      // add some more MetaInfo
      channel_as_map.setMetaValue("channel_name", cm_it->second.name);
      channel_as_map.setMetaValue("channel_id", cm_it->second.id);
      channel_as_map.setMetaValue("channel_description", cm_it->second.description);
      channel_as_map.setMetaValue("channel_center", cm_it->second.center);
      channel_as_map.setMetaValue("channel_active", String(cm_it->second.active ? "true" : "false"));
      consensus_map.getFileDescriptions()[index_cnt++] = channel_as_map;

    // create consensusElements

    Peak2D::CoordinateType allowed_deviation = (Peak2D::CoordinateType) param_.getValue("reporter_mass_shift");
    // now we have picked data
    // --> assign peaks to channels
    UInt element_index(0);

    for (MSExperiment<>::ConstIterator it = ms_exp_MS2.begin(); it != ms_exp_MS2.end(); ++it)
      // store RT&MZ of parent ion as centroid of ConsensusFeature
      ConsensusFeature cf;
      if (it->getPrecursors().size() >= 1)
        throw Exception::MissingInformation(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, String("No precursor information given for scan native ID ") + String(it->getNativeID()) + " with RT " + String(it->getRT()));

      Peak2D channel_value;
      // for each each channel
      Int index = 0;
      Peak2D::IntensityType overall_intensity = 0;
      for (ChannelMapType::const_iterator cm_it = channel_map_.begin(); cm_it != channel_map_.end(); ++cm_it)
        // set mz-position of channel
        // reset intensity

        //add up all signals
        for (MSExperiment<>::SpectrumType::ConstIterator mz_it =
               it->MZBegin(cm_it->second.center - allowed_deviation)
             ; mz_it != it->MZEnd(cm_it->second.center + allowed_deviation)
             ; ++mz_it
          channel_value.setIntensity(channel_value.getIntensity() + mz_it->getIntensity());

        overall_intensity += channel_value.getIntensity();

        // add channel to ConsensusFeature
        cf.insert(index++, channel_value, element_index);

      } // ! channel_iterator

      // check featureHandles are not empty
      if (overall_intensity == 0)
        cf.setMetaValue("all_empty", String("true"));

      // the tandem-scan in the order they appear in the experiment
    } // ! Experiment iterator

    std::cout << "processed " << element_index << " scans" << std::endl;


예제 #4
  ExitCodes main_(int, const char**)

    // parameter handling
    // file list
    StringList file_list = getStringList_("in");

    // file type
    FileHandler file_handler;
    FileTypes::Type force_type;
    if (getStringOption_("in_type").size() > 0)
      force_type = FileTypes::nameToType(getStringOption_("in_type"));
      force_type = file_handler.getType(file_list[0]);

    // output file names and types
    String out_file = getStringOption_("out");

    bool annotate_file_origin =  getFlag_("annotate_file_origin");
    rt_gap_ = getDoubleOption_("rt_concat:gap");
    vector<String> trafo_out = getStringList_("rt_concat:trafo_out");
    if (trafo_out.empty())
      // resize now so we don't have to worry about indexing out of bounds:
    else if (trafo_out.size() != file_list.size())
      writeLog_("Error: Number of transformation output files must equal the number of input files (parameters 'rt_concat:trafo_out'/'in')!");

    // calculations

    if (force_type == FileTypes::FEATUREXML)
      FeatureMap out;
      FeatureXMLFile fh;
      for (Size i = 0; i < file_list.size(); ++i)
        FeatureMap map;
        fh.load(file_list[i], map);

        if (annotate_file_origin)
          for (FeatureMap::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it)
            it->setMetaValue("file_origin", DataValue(file_list[i]));

        if (rt_gap_ > 0.0) // concatenate in RT
          adjustRetentionTimes_(map, trafo_out[i], i == 0);

        out += map;

      // writing output

      // annotate output with data processing info
      addDataProcessing_(out, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::FORMAT_CONVERSION));

      fh.store(out_file, out);

    else if (force_type == FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML)
      ConsensusMap out;
      ConsensusXMLFile fh;
      fh.load(file_list[0], out);
      // skip first file
      for (Size i = 1; i < file_list.size(); ++i)
        ConsensusMap map;
        fh.load(file_list[i], map);

        if (annotate_file_origin)
          for (ConsensusMap::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it)
            it->setMetaValue("file_origin", DataValue(file_list[i]));

        if (rt_gap_ > 0.0) // concatenate in RT
          adjustRetentionTimes_(map, trafo_out[i], i == 0);

        out += map;

      // writing output

      // annotate output with data processing info
      addDataProcessing_(out, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::FORMAT_CONVERSION));

      fh.store(out_file, out);

    else if (force_type == FileTypes::TRAML)
      TargetedExperiment out;
      TraMLFile fh;
      for (Size i = 0; i < file_list.size(); ++i)
        TargetedExperiment map;
        fh.load(file_list[i], map);
        out += map;

      // writing output

      // annotate output with data processing info
      Software software;

      fh.store(out_file, out);
    else // raw data input (e.g. mzML)
      // RT
      bool rt_auto_number = getFlag_("raw:rt_auto");
      bool rt_filename = getFlag_("raw:rt_filename");
      bool rt_custom = false;
      DoubleList custom_rts = getDoubleList_("raw:rt_custom");
      if (!custom_rts.empty())
        rt_custom = true;
        if (custom_rts.size() != file_list.size())
          writeLog_("Custom retention time list (parameter 'raw:rt_custom') must have as many elements as there are input files (parameter 'in')!");
          return ILLEGAL_PARAMETERS;

      // MS level
      Int ms_level = getIntOption_("raw:ms_level");

      MSExperiment<> out;
      UInt rt_auto = 0;
      UInt native_id = 0;
      for (Size i = 0; i < file_list.size(); ++i)
        String filename = file_list[i];

        // load file
        force_type = file_handler.getType(file_list[i]);
        MSExperiment<> in;
        file_handler.loadExperiment(filename, in, force_type, log_type_);

        if (in.empty() && in.getChromatograms().empty())
          writeLog_(String("Warning: Empty file '") + filename + "'!");
        out.reserve(out.size() + in.size());

        // warn if custom RT and more than one scan in input file
        if (rt_custom && in.size() > 1)
          writeLog_(String("Warning: More than one scan in file '") + filename + "'! All scans will have the same retention time!");

        // handle special raw data options:
        for (MSExperiment<>::iterator spec_it = in.begin();
             spec_it != in.end(); ++spec_it)
          float rt_final = spec_it->getRT();
          if (rt_auto_number)
            rt_final = ++rt_auto;
          else if (rt_custom)
            rt_final = custom_rts[i];
          else if (rt_filename)
            static const boost::regex re("rt(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)");
            boost::smatch match;
            bool found = boost::regex_search(filename, match, re);
            if (found)
              rt_final = String(match[1]).toFloat();
              writeLog_("Warning: could not extract retention time from filename '" + filename + "'");

          // none of the rt methods were successful
          if (rt_final < 0)
            writeLog_(String("Warning: No valid retention time for output scan '") + rt_auto + "' from file '" + filename + "'");

          spec_it->setNativeID("spectrum=" + String(native_id));
          if (ms_level > 0)

        // if we have only one spectrum, we can annotate it directly, for more spectra, we just name the source file leaving the spectra unannotated (to avoid a long and redundant list of sourceFiles)
        if (in.size() == 1)
          in.getSourceFiles().clear(); // delete source file annotated from source file (it's in the spectrum anyways)

        if (rt_gap_ > 0.0) // concatenate in RT
          adjustRetentionTimes_(in, trafo_out[i], i == 0);

        // add spectra to output
        for (MSExperiment<>::const_iterator spec_it = in.begin();
             spec_it != in.end(); ++spec_it)
        // also add the chromatograms
        for (vector<MSChromatogram<ChromatogramPeak> >::const_iterator
               chrom_it = in.getChromatograms().begin(); chrom_it != 
               in.getChromatograms().end(); ++chrom_it)

        // copy experimental settings from first file
        if (i == 0)
        else // otherwise append
          out.getSourceFiles().insert(out.getSourceFiles().end(), in.getSourceFiles().begin(), in.getSourceFiles().end()); // could be emtpty if spectrum was annotated above, but that's ok then

      // writing output

      // annotate output with data processing info
      addDataProcessing_(out, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::FORMAT_CONVERSION));

      MzMLFile f;
      f.store(out_file, out);

    return EXECUTION_OK;
  ExitCodes main_(int, const char **)
    // parameter handling
    in = getStringOption_("in");
    out = getStringOption_("out");
    String process_option = getStringOption_("processOption");

    Param filter_param = getParam_().copy("algorithm:", true);
    writeDebug_("Parameters passed to filter", filter_param, 3);

    SavitzkyGolayFilter sgolay;

    if (process_option == "lowmemory")
      return doLowMemAlgorithm(sgolay);

    // loading input
    MzMLFile mz_data_file;
    MSExperiment<Peak1D> exp;
    mz_data_file.load(in, exp);

    if (exp.empty() && exp.getChromatograms().size() == 0)
      LOG_WARN << "The given file does not contain any conventional peak data, but might"
                  " contain chromatograms. This tool currently cannot handle them, sorry.";
    //check for peak type (profile data required)
    if (!exp.empty() && PeakTypeEstimator().estimateType(exp[0].begin(), exp[0].end()) == SpectrumSettings::PEAKS)
      writeLog_("Warning: OpenMS peak type estimation indicates that this is not profile data!");

    //check if spectra are sorted
    for (Size i = 0; i < exp.size(); ++i)
      if (!exp[i].isSorted())
        writeLog_("Error: Not all spectra are sorted according to peak m/z positions. Use FileFilter to sort the input!");

    //check if chromatograms are sorted
    for (Size i = 0; i < exp.getChromatograms().size(); ++i)
      if (!exp.getChromatogram(i).isSorted())
        writeLog_("Error: Not all chromatograms are sorted according to peak m/z positions. Use FileFilter to sort the input!");

    // calculations

    // writing output

    //annotate output with data processing info
    addDataProcessing_(exp, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::SMOOTHING));

    mz_data_file.store(out, exp);

    return EXECUTION_OK;
예제 #6
  ExitCodes main_(int, const char **)
    // parameter handling

    String in = getStringOption_("in");
    String out = getStringOption_("out");

    // loading input
    MzMLFile mzMLFile;
    MSExperiment<Peak1D> input;
    mzMLFile.load(in, input);

    if (input.empty())
      LOG_WARN << "The given file does not contain any conventional peak data, but might"
                  " contain chromatograms. This tool currently cannot handle them, sorry.";

    //check if spectra are sorted
    for (Size i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i)
      if (!input[i].isSorted())
        writeLog_("Error: Not all spectra are sorted according to peak m/z positions. Use FileFilter to sort the input!");

    // pick
    FeatureMap<> output;

    FeatureFinder ff;
    Param param = getParam_().copy("algorithm:", true);

    FFSH ffsh;
    ffsh.setData(input, output, ff);

    // writing output
    //annotate output with data processing info
    addDataProcessing_(output, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::PEAK_PICKING));
    addDataProcessing_(output, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::QUANTITATION));
    for (Size i = 0; i < output.size(); i++)
    FeatureXMLFile().store(out, output);

    return EXECUTION_OK;