MStatus linearFrictionCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args) { MStatus stat; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(),args,&stat); if(argData.isFlagSet(lfFlag))argData.getFlagArgument(lfFlag,0,linearFriction); MSelectionList activeSelect; MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(activeSelect); for(int i=0;i<activeSelect.length();i++) { MObject tNode; activeSelect.getDependNode(i,tNode); MFnDagNode fnDagNode(tNode); MObject pNode=fnDagNode.child(0); MFnDependencyNode fnNode(pNode); //MString; if(fnNode.typeId() == particleNode::typeId) { //get solver message attribute from particleNode MPlug(pNode, particleNode::linearFriction).setValue(linearFriction); } } return dgMod.doIt(); }
void MeshGitCmd::startUpdateSelectedEdit(MString nodeName){ cout<< "Starting updating selected edit on Node: " + nodeName << endl; MStatus status; if(nodeName == NULL || nodeName ==""){ cout<< "nodeName == NULL " + nodeName << endl; return; } //Get Node Object MSelectionList nodeList; status = nodeList.add(nodeName); MObject nodeObject; status = nodeList.getDependNode(0, nodeObject); reportError(status); //Create Node Fn MeshGitFn mgFn; status = mgFn.setObject(nodeObject); reportError(status); //Start the diff mgFn.findSelectedEditIndex(); reportError(status); }
void MeshGitCmd::startMergeUnconflicting(MString nodeName){ MGlobal::displayInfo("Starting diff on Node: " + nodeName ); MStatus status; //Get Node Object MSelectionList nodeList; status = nodeList.add(nodeName); MObject nodeObject; status = nodeList.getDependNode(0, nodeObject); reportError(status); //Create Node Fn MeshGitFn mgFn; status = mgFn.setObject(nodeObject); reportError(status); //Start the diff mgFn.startMergeUnconflicting(); //mgFn.get //Get the node plug //MPlug nodePlug = mgFn.findPlug("message", true, &status); reportError(status); }
MObject boingRbCmd::nameToNode( MString name ) { MSelectionList selList; selList.add( name ); MObject node; selList.getDependNode( 0, node ); return node; }
MStatus sgBDataCmd_key::readData( MString nameFilePath ) { MStatus status; std::ifstream inFile( nameFilePath.asChar(), ios::binary ); MString nameTarget; readString( nameTarget, inFile ); MSelectionList selList; nameTarget.substitute( ":", "_" ); MGlobal::getSelectionListByName( nameTarget, selList ); MObject oTarget; selList.getDependNode( 0, oTarget ); MFnDagNode fnNode( oTarget ); m_objectKeyDataImport.oTargetNode = oTarget; readUnsignedInt( m_objectKeyDataImport.unit, inFile ); readStringArray( m_objectKeyDataImport.namesAttribute, inFile ); readDoubleArray( m_objectKeyDataImport.dArrTime, inFile ); unsigned int lengthValues = m_objectKeyDataImport.namesAttribute.length() * m_objectKeyDataImport.dArrTime.length(); m_objectKeyDataImport.dArrValuesArray.setLength( lengthValues ); for( unsigned int j=0; j<lengthValues; j++ ) ( char* )&m_objectKeyDataImport.dArrValuesArray[j], sizeof( double ) ); inFile.close(); return MS::kSuccess; }
// // This callback gets called for the PostToolChanged and SelectionChanged events. // It checks to see if the current context is the dragAttrContext, which is the context // applied by default when a custom numeric attribute is selected in the channel box. // In this case, the customAttrManip context is set. // static void eventCB(void * data) { // This check prevents recursion from happening when overriding the manip. if (isSetting) return; MSelectionList selList; MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(selList); MString curCtx = ""; MGlobal::executeCommand("currentCtx", curCtx); MDagPath path; MObject dependNode; for (unsigned int i=0; i<selList.length(); i++) { if ((selList.getDependNode(i, dependNode)) == MStatus::kSuccess) { MFnTransform node; if (node.hasObj(dependNode)) node.setObject(dependNode); else continue; if (node.typeId() == rockingTransformNode::id) { // If the current context is the dragAttrContext, check to see // if the custom channel box attributes are selected. If so, // attach the custom manipulator. if ((curCtx == "dragAttrContext") || (curCtx == "")) { // Make sure that the correct channel box attributes are selected // before setting the tool context. unsigned int c; MStringArray cboxAttrs; MGlobal::executeCommand( "channelBox -q -selectedMainAttributes $gChannelBoxName", cboxAttrs); for (c=0; c<cboxAttrs.length(); c++) { if (cboxAttrs[c] == customAttributeString) { isSetting = true; MGlobal::executeCommand("setToolTo myCustomAttrContext"); isSetting = false; return; } } } if ((curCtx == "moveSuperContext") || (curCtx == "manipMoveContext") || (curCtx == "")) { isSetting = true; MGlobal::executeCommand("setToolTo myCustomTriadContext"); isSetting = false; return; } } } } }
// ------------------------------------------------------ // Unlike Maya's default behavior, we want to consider set membership to be inheritable bool SetHelper::isMemberOfSet ( const MDagPath& dagPath, MFnSet& Set ) { if ( Set.isMember ( dagPath ) ) { return true; } else { MFnDagNode dagNode ( dagPath ); MSelectionList setMembers; Set.getMembers ( setMembers, true ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < setMembers.length(); ++i ) { MObject memberObject; if ( setMembers.getDependNode ( i, memberObject ) ) { if ( dagNode.isChildOf ( memberObject ) ) { return true; } } } } return false; }
bool atomImport::replaceNameAndFindPlug(const MString& origName, atomNodeNameReplacer& replacer, MPlug& replacedPlug) { bool rtn = false; // get the node name // MStringArray nameParts; origName.split('.', nameParts); // Perform any necessary replacement // MString tmpName(nameParts[0]); // TODO: type & hierarchy info -- does the replacer store enough info // to help us find that out since in the case of export edits we don't // have that info for sources // if (replacer.findNode(atomNodeNameReplacer::eDag,tmpName,0,0)) { MString newName(tmpName); newName += ("."); // add the attribute name(s) back on again // unsigned int ii; MString attrName; for (ii = 1; ii < nameParts.length(); ++ii) { if (ii > 1) { attrName += ("."); } attrName += nameParts[ii]; } newName += attrName; MSelectionList tmpList; if (MS::kSuccess == tmpList.add(newName)) { tmpList.getPlug(0,replacedPlug); rtn = !replacedPlug.isNull(); if (!rtn) { // test for the special case of the pivot component // MDagPath path; MObject component; if (MS::kSuccess == tmpList.getDagPath(0,path,component) && component.apiType() == MFn::kPivotComponent) { MObject node; tmpList.getDependNode(0,node); MFnDependencyNode fnNode(node); replacedPlug = fnNode.findPlug(attrName,false); rtn = !replacedPlug.isNull(); } } } } return rtn; }
MStatus particlePathsCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args ) { MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args); // // Parse the time flags // if (argData.isFlagSet(startFlag)) { argData.getFlagArgument(startFlag, 0, start); } if (argData.isFlagSet(finishFlag)) { argData.getFlagArgument(finishFlag, 0, finish); } if (argData.isFlagSet(incrementFlag)) { argData.getFlagArgument(incrementFlag, 0, increment); } if (finish <= start || increment <= 0.0) { MGlobal::displayError( "Invalid time arguments." ); return MS::kFailure; } // // Get the particle system object // MSelectionList selectList; argData.getObjects(selectList); if( selectList.length() < 1 ) { MGlobal::displayError( "Missing particle node name argument." ); return MS::kFailure; } else if( selectList.length() > 1 ) { MGlobal::displayError( "Too many particle nodes given." ); return MS::kFailure; } selectList.getDependNode(0,particleNode); if (particleNode.isNull() || !particleNode.hasFn(MFn::kParticle)) { MGlobal::displayError( "Invalid node argument." ); return MS::kFailure; } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus GetSelectedObjectsOfType(MObjectArray & objects, MTypeId & type) { MStatus status; MSelectionList selectionList; if (!(status = MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(selectionList))) { status.perror("MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList"); return status; } if (!(status = objects.clear())) { status.perror("MObjectArray::clear"); return status; } unsigned int selectionList_length = selectionList.length(&status); if (!status) { status.perror("MSelectionList::length"); return status; } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < selectionList_length; ++i) { //MDagPath dagPath; MObject object; if (!(status = selectionList.getDependNode(i, object))) { status.perror("MSelectionList::getDependNode"); return status; } MObject relative = GetObjectOrParentsOfType(object, type, status); if (!status) { status.perror("GetObjectOrParentsOfType"); return status; } if (relative != MObject::kNullObj) { /* * Make sure it's not already added */ bool contains = false; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.length(); ++i) { if (objects[i] == object) { contains = true; break; } } if (!contains) objects.append(relative); } } return MStatus::kSuccess; }
MObject getMObjectByName(const MString& name) { MSelectionList sList; MGlobal::getSelectionListByName(name, sList); assert(1==sList.length()); MObject mobj; sList.getDependNode(0, mobj); return mobj; }
static MStatus getObjectByName(const MString & name, MObject & object) { object = MObject::kNullObj; MSelectionList sList; MStatus status = sList.add(name); if (status == MS::kSuccess) status = sList.getDependNode(0, object); return status; }
//--------------------------------------------------- MObject DagHelper::getNode ( const MString& name ) { MSelectionList selection; selection.add ( name ); MObject nodeObject; selection.getDependNode ( 0, nodeObject ); return nodeObject; }
void MeshGitCmd::connectNodes(MString nodeName, MString locatorName){ MGlobal::displayInfo("Connecting " + nodeName + " and " + locatorName); MStatus status; //Get Node Object MSelectionList nodeList; status = nodeList.add(nodeName); MObject nodeObject; status = nodeList.getDependNode(0, nodeObject); reportError(status); //Get Viz Object MSelectionList vizList; status = vizList.add(locatorName); MObject vizObject; status = vizList.getDependNode(0, vizObject); reportError(status); //Create Node Fn MeshGitFn mgFn; status = mgFn.setObject(nodeObject); reportError(status); //Create viz fn MFnDependencyNode vizFn(vizObject, &status); //Get the node plug MPlug nodePlug = mgFn.findPlug("message", true, &status); reportError(status); //Get the viz plug MPlug vizPlug = vizFn.findPlug(MeshGitLocatorNode::meshGitNodeConnection, true, &status); //Connect the plugs MDagModifier modifier; status = modifier.connect(nodePlug,vizPlug); reportError(status); status = modifier.doIt(); }
MStatus particleSystemInfoCmd::nodeFromName(MString name, MObject & obj) { MSelectionList tempList; tempList.add( name ); if ( tempList.length() > 0 ) { tempList.getDependNode( 0, obj ); return MS::kSuccess; } return MS::kFailure; }
MStatus pbdSolverCmd::redoIt() { //create solver node MStatus stat; MObject transform = dgMod.createNode("transform"); MObject solver= dgMod.createNode(pbdSolverNode::typeId, transform, &stat); //connect time attribute MPlug plgInTime(solver,pbdSolverNode::time); MItDependencyNodes dnTime(MFn::kTime); MObject time = dnTime.thisNode(); MPlug plgOutTime = MFnDependencyNode(time).findPlug("outTime", false); dgMod.connect(plgOutTime, plgInTime); //connect msattr MSelectionList activeSelect; MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(activeSelect); int pnum = 0, mnum = 0; for(int i = 0;i < activeSelect.length(); ++i) { MObject tNode; activeSelect.getDependNode(i,tNode); MFnDagNode fnDagNode(tNode); MObject pNode=fnDagNode.child(0); MFnDependencyNode fnNode(pNode); //MString; if(fnNode.typeId() == OParticleNode::typeId) { //get solver message attribute from particleNode MPlug s_msg(pNode,OParticleNode::pbd_solver); //get particle message attribute from solverNode MPlug o_msg(solver,pbdSolverNode::orientedParticle); dgMod.connect(o_msg,s_msg); ++pnum; } else if(pNode.apiType()==MFn::kMesh) { MString name=MFnDependencyNode(pNode).name().asChar(); MPlug m_vs=fnNode.findPlug("ogc",false); MPlug s_vs(solver,pbdSolverNode::inMesh); dgMod.connect(m_vs,s_vs); ++mnum; } } if( pnum == 0 ) MGlobal::displayError(" No oriented particles are selected"); if( mnum == 0 ) MGlobal::displayError(" No mesh is selected"); MGlobal::displayInfo("PBD solver is created"); return dgMod.doIt(); }
MStatus lrutils::getObjFromName(MString name, MObject & obj) { MStatus status; MSelectionList selection; status = selection.add( name, true ); MyCheckStatusReturn(status, "add node \""+name+"\" to selection failed."); if(selection.length() ) { selection.getDependNode(0, obj); status = MS::kSuccess; } return status; }
MStatus FillStrandGaps::doIt(const MArgList & args) { std::list<MObject> targets; MStatus status = ArgList_GetModelObjects(args, syntax(), "-t", targets); if (status != MStatus::kNotFound && status != MStatus::kSuccess) { HMEVALUATE_RETURN_DESCRIPTION("ArgList_GetModelObjects", status); } if (targets.empty()) { MSelectionList activeSelectionList; HMEVALUATE_RETURN(status = MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(activeSelectionList), status); if (activeSelectionList.length() > 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < activeSelectionList.length(); ++i) { MObject object; HMEVALUATE_RETURN(status = activeSelectionList.getDependNode(i, object), status); MFnDagNode dagNode(object); MTypeId typeId; HMEVALUATE_RETURN(typeId = dagNode.typeId(&status), status); if (typeId == HelixBase::id || typeId == Helix::id) targets.push_back(object); else MGlobal::displayWarning(MString("Ignoring unknown object \"") + dagNode.fullPathName() + "\""); } } else { /* * Extract all helices */ MItDag itDag(MItDag::kDepthFirst, MFn::kPluginTransformNode, &status); HMEVALUATE_RETURN_DESCRIPTION("MItDag::#ctor", status); for (; !itDag.isDone(); { MObject object; HMEVALUATE_RETURN(object = itDag.currentItem(&status), status); bool is_helix; HMEVALUATE_RETURN(is_helix = MFnDagNode(object).typeId(&status) == Helix::id, status); if (is_helix) targets.push_back(object); } } } return m_operation.fill(targets); }
MStatus polyMessageCmd::doIt( const MArgList& ) // // Takes the nodes that are on the active selection list and adds an // attriubte changed callback to each one. // { MStatus stat; MObject node; MSelectionList list; MCallbackId id; // Register node callbacks for all nodes on the active list. // MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( list ); for ( unsigned int i=0; i<list.length(); i++ ) { list.getDependNode( i, node ); MDagPath dp; MObject shapeNode = node; if ( MS::kSuccess == MDagPath::getAPathTo( node, dp ) ) if ( MS::kSuccess == dp.extendToShape() ) shapeNode = dp.node(); bool wantIdChanges[3]; wantIdChanges[MPolyMessage::kVertexIndex] = true; wantIdChanges[MPolyMessage::kEdgeIndex] = true; wantIdChanges[MPolyMessage::kFaceIndex] = true; id = MPolyMessage::addPolyComponentIdChangedCallback( shapeNode, wantIdChanges, 3, userCB, NULL, &stat); // If the callback was successfully added then add the // callback id to our callback table so it can be removed // when the plugin is unloaded. // if ( stat ) { callbackIds.append( id ); } else { cout << "MPolyMessage.addCallback failed\n"; } } return stat; }
MStatus NeuronForMayaCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus status; status = parseArgs( args ); if( status != MStatus::kSuccess) { MGlobal::displayError( "parameters are not correct." ); return status; } MSelectionList sl; sl.add( mDeviceName ); MObject deviceObj; status = sl.getDependNode(0, deviceObj ); if(status != MStatus::kSuccess ) { MGlobal::displayError("Please create your device first."); return status; } MFnDependencyNode fnDevice(deviceObj); MString ip = fnDevice.findPlug( "inputIp", &status ).asString(); int port = fnDevice.findPlug("inputPort", &status).asInt(); if( mStart ){ // to register the 3 callback to fetch data from Neuron BRRegisterFrameDataCallback(NULL, NeuronForMayaDevice::myFrameDataReceived ); //BRRegisterCommandDataCallback(NULL, NeuronForMayaDevice::myCommandDataReceived ); BRRegisterSocketStatusCallback (NULL, NeuronForMayaDevice::mySocketStatusChanged ); socketInfo = BRConnectTo(const_cast<char*> (ip.asChar()), port); if(socketInfo == NULL ) MGlobal::displayError("Failed to connect to device."); } else { // stop socket BRCloseSocket( socketInfo); } return MStatus::kSuccess; }
void ShapeMonitor::watch(MString mayaNodeName, MonitoredObject* pMon) // // Description: // // Start watching the specified mayaNodeName for changes. (If the node is part of the DAG, that // should be a fully-specified DAG name). This function will store all available information // inside a MonitorObject for future reference. // // Arguments: // mayaNodeName: DG (or fully-qualified DAG) name. // uniqueTextureName: The corresponding texture name. This texture should correspond // directly to an IFX texture resource. { // Check if, per chance, this monitored object already exists. // If it does, no need to create a new one. if (retrieveMonitorObject(mayaNodeName)) return; MStatus stat; // // Get the node. // MObject node; MSelectionList selList; selList.add(mayaNodeName); selList.getDependNode(0, node); // // Attach the callbacks (dirty or renamed node) // pMon->mayaNodeName = mayaNodeName; pMon->dirtyCallbackId = MNodeMessage::addNodeDirtyCallback(node, watchedObjectDirtyCallback, pMon, &stat ); assert(stat); pMon->renamedCallbackId = MNodeMessage::addNameChangedCallback ( node, watchedObjectRenamedCallback, pMon, &stat); assert(stat); // Store the pertinent information in the Monitored Objects Array. monitoredObjectsPtrArray.append(pMon); }
inline static MObject getNode(MString name,MStatus *returnStatus) { MObject node; MSelectionList list; *returnStatus=MGlobal::getSelectionListByName(name,list); if(MS::kSuccess!=*returnStatus){ ERROR("[raytraceMayaRenderView] Cound't get node :"+ name +". There might be multiple nodes called "+name); return node; } *returnStatus=list.getDependNode(0,node); if(MS::kSuccess!=*returnStatus){ ERROR("[raytraceMayaRenderView] Cound't get node :"+ name +". There might be multiple nodes called "+name); return MObject::kNullObj; } return node; }
MObject getObjFromName(MString name, MStatus& stat) { MObject obj; MSelectionList list; // Attempt to add the given name to the selection list, // then get the corresponding dependency node handle. if (!list.add(name) || !list.getDependNode(0, obj)) { // Failed. stat = MStatus::kInvalidParameter; return obj; } // Successful. stat = MStatus::kSuccess; return obj; }
MStatus liqGetAttr::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { CM_TRACE_FUNC("liqGetAttr::doIt(args)"); MStatus status; unsigned i; MString nodeName, attrName; MSelectionList nodeList; for ( i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) { if ( MString( "-debug" ) == args.asString( i, &status) ) { } else if ( MString( "-node" ) == args.asString( i, &status) ) { i++; nodeName = args.asString( i, &status ) ; } else if ( MString( "-attr" ) == args.asString( i, &status) ) { i++; attrName = args.asString( i, &status ); } } nodeList.add( nodeName ); MObject depNodeObj; nodeList.getDependNode(0, depNodeObj); MFnDependencyNode depNode( depNodeObj ); MPlug attrPlug = depNode.findPlug( attrName ); MObject plugObj; attrPlug.getValue( plugObj ); if( plugObj.apiType() == MFn::kDoubleArrayData ) { MFnDoubleArrayData fnDoubleArrayData( plugObj ); const MDoubleArray& doubleArrayData( fnDoubleArrayData.array( &status ) ); for ( i = 0; i < doubleArrayData.length(); i++ ) appendToResult( doubleArrayData[i] ); } return MS::kSuccess; };
MStatus deletedMessage::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus status = MS::kSuccess; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args); MSelectionList objects; argData.getObjects(objects); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < objects.length(); i++) { MObject node; objects.getDependNode(i, node); callbackIds.append( MNodeMessage::addNodeAboutToDeleteCallback (node, aboutToDeleteCB, NULL, &status) ); if (!status) { MGlobal::displayWarning("Could not attach about to delete callback for node."); continue; } callbackIds.append( MNodeMessage::addNodePreRemovalCallback (node, preRemovalCB, NULL, &status) ); if (!status) { MGlobal::displayWarning("Could not attach pre-removal callback for node."); continue; } if (!nodeRemovedCBRegistered) { callbackIds.append( MDGMessage::addNodeRemovedCallback(removeCB, "dependNode", NULL, &status) ); if (!status) { MGlobal::displayWarning("Could not attach node removal callback."); continue; } nodeRemovedCBRegistered = true; } } return status; }
void MeshGitCmd::manualResolveConflict(MString resolution, MString nodeName) { MStatus status; if(nodeName == NULL || nodeName =="") return; //Get Node Object MSelectionList nodeList; status = nodeList.add(nodeName); MObject nodeObject; status = nodeList.getDependNode(0, nodeObject); reportError(status); //Create Node Fn MeshGitFn mgFn; status = mgFn.setObject(nodeObject); reportError(status); //Resolve conflict with resolution int rc = resolution.asInt(); mgFn.manualResolveConflict(rc); reportError(status); }
MStatus PRTAttrs::doIt(const MArgList& args) { MStatus stat; MString prtNodeName = args.asString(0, &stat); MCHECK(stat); MSelectionList tempList; tempList.add(prtNodeName); MObject prtNode; MCHECK(tempList.getDependNode(0, prtNode)); MFnDependencyNode fNode(prtNode, &stat); MCHECK(stat); if(fNode.typeId().id() != PRT_TYPE_ID) return MS::kFailure; MString sRulePkg; updateRuleFiles(fNode, getStringParameter(prtNode, ((PRTNode*)fNode.userNode())->rulePkg, sRulePkg)); MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("refreshEditorTemplates")); return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus nodeMessageCmd::doIt( const MArgList& ) // // Takes the nodes that are on the active selection list and adds an // attriubte changed callback to each one. // { MStatus stat; MObject node; MSelectionList list; MCallbackId id; // Register node callbacks for all nodes on the active list. // MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( list ); for ( unsigned int i=0; i<list.length(); i++ ) { list.getDependNode( i, node ); id = MNodeMessage::addAttributeChangedCallback( node, userCB, NULL, &stat); // If the callback was successfully added then add the // callback id to our callback table so it can be removed // when the plugin is unloaded. // if ( stat ) { callbackIds.append( id ); } else { cout << "MNodeMessage.addCallback failed\n"; } } return stat; }
MStatus clusterWeightFunctionCmd::doIt(const MArgList &argList) { MStatus status; MSelectionList list; MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(list); // Get the cluster MFnWeightGeometryFilter cluster; MObject dgNode; list.getDependNode(0, dgNode); if (!cluster.setObject(dgNode)) return MS::kFailure; // Get the object MDagPath dagPath; MObject component; list.getDagPath(1, dagPath, component); status = parseArgs(argList); if (MS::kSuccess == status) status = performWeighting(cluster, dagPath, component); return status; }
int tm_polygon::removeTweaks_Func( MSelectionList &selectionList) { MStatus status; MObject object; status = selectionList.getDependNode( 0, object); if(!status) { MGlobal::displayError("***### tm_polygon: Can't find object."); return 0; } MFnMesh mesh( object, &status); if(!status) { MGlobal::displayError("***### tm_polygon: Can't find mesh."); return 0; } int pntsCount = 0; MPlug pntsPlug = mesh.findPlug( "pnts" ); if( !pntsPlug.isNull() ) { MPlug tweakPlug; MObject nullVector_object; MFnNumericData numDataFn( nullVector_object ); // numDataFn.setData3Double( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); numDataFn.setData( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); pntsCount = pntsPlug.numElements(); for( int i = 0; i < pntsCount; i++ ) { tweakPlug = pntsPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( (unsigned int)i, &status ); if( status == MS::kSuccess && !tweakPlug.isNull() ) tweakPlug.setValue( nullVector_object ); } } return pntsCount; }