MStatus uninitializePlugin(MObject plugin) { MStatus st; MFnPlugin pluginFn(plugin, "Autodesk, Inc.", "1.0", "Any", &st); if (!st) { MGlobal::displayError( MString("helixQtCmd - could not uninitialize plugin: ") + st.errorString() ); return st; } // Make sure that there is no UI left hanging around. HelixQtCmd::cleanup(); // Deregister the command. st = pluginFn.deregisterCommand(HelixQtCmd::commandName); if (!st) { MGlobal::displayError( MString("helixQtCmd - could not deregister '") + HelixQtCmd::commandName + "' command: " + st.errorString() ); return st; } return st; }
MStatus replaceDagObject(MObject & oldObject, MObject & newObject, const MString & name) { MStatus status; MFnDagNode mFnOld(oldObject, &status); if (status == MS::kSuccess) { unsigned int numChild = mFnOld.childCount(); std::vector<MObject> children; children.reserve(numChild); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numChild; i++) { MObject child = mFnOld.child(i, &status); if (status == MS::kSuccess) { children.push_back(child); } else { MString theError("Failed to get child "); theError += i; theError += " of "; theError +=; theError += ", status = "; theError += status.errorString(); MGlobal::displayError(theError); } } MFnDagNode mFnNew(newObject, &status); if (status == MS::kSuccess) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numChild; i++) { status = mFnNew.addChild(children[i]); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MString theError("Failed to add child "); theError += i; theError += " of "; theError +=; theError += " to "; theError += name; theError += ", status = "; theError += status.errorString(); MGlobal::displayError(theError); } } } } return status; }
MStatus disconnectAllPlugsTo(MPlug & dstPlug) { MStatus status = MS::kSuccess; MPlugArray array; dstPlug.connectedTo(array, true, false, &status); unsigned int arrayLength = array.length(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { MPlug srcPlug = array[i]; if (status == MS::kSuccess) { MDGModifier modifier; status = modifier.disconnect(srcPlug, dstPlug); status = modifier.doIt(); if (status != MS::kSuccess) { MString theError("Disconnect "); theError +=; theError += MString(" -> "); theError +=; theError += MString(" failed, status = "); theError += status.errorString(); MGlobal::displayError(theError); return status; } } } return MS::kSuccess; }
void err_code(MStatus & stat) { if( stat != MS::kSuccess ) { std::cout << "[ERROR: " << stat.errorString().asChar() << "]" <<std::endl; exit(-1); } }
MStatus ClothSimMayaPlugin::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data) { MStatus returnStatus; if (plug == g_aOutputMesh) { MDataHandle timeData = data.inputValue(g_aTime, &returnStatus); McheckErr(returnStatus, "Error getting time data handle\n"); MTime time = timeData.asTime(); /* Get output object */ MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue(g_aOutputMesh, &returnStatus); McheckErr(returnStatus, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n"); MFnMeshData dataCreator; MObject newOutputData = dataCreator.create(&returnStatus); McheckErr(returnStatus, "ERROR creating outputData"); createMesh(time, newOutputData, returnStatus); if (!returnStatus) { std::cerr << "ERROR creating new Cube: " << returnStatus.errorString() << std::endl; return returnStatus; } outputHandle.set(newOutputData); data.setClean(plug); } else return MS::kUnknownParameter; return MS::kSuccess; }
void UsdMayaJobExportArgs::AddFilteredTypeName(const MString& typeName) { MNodeClass cls(typeName); unsigned int id = cls.typeId().id(); if (id == 0) { TF_WARN("Given excluded node type '%s' does not exist; ignoring", typeName.asChar()); return; } _filteredTypeIds.insert(id); // We also insert all inherited types - only way to query this is through mel, // which is slower, but this should be ok, as these queries are only done // "up front" when the export starts, not per-node MString queryCommand("nodeType -isTypeName -derived "); queryCommand += typeName; MStringArray inheritedTypes; MStatus status = MGlobal::executeCommand(queryCommand, inheritedTypes, false, false); if (!status) { TF_WARN("Error querying derived types for '%s': %s", typeName.asChar(), status.errorString().asChar()); return; } for (unsigned int i=0; i < inheritedTypes.length(); ++i) { if (inheritedTypes[i].length() == 0) continue; id = MNodeClass(inheritedTypes[i]).typeId().id(); if (id == 0) { // Unfortunately, the returned list will often include weird garbage, like // "THconstraint" for "constraint", which cannot be converted to a MNodeClass, // so just ignore these... continue; } _filteredTypeIds.insert(id); } }
Model* MayaReader::read(const char* filename) { MStatus status = MLibrary::initialize(filename); if (!status) { std::cerr << "Failed to initialize Maya" << std::endl; return NULL; } MFileIO::newFile(true); status = MFileIO::open(filename); if ( !status ) { std::cerr << "Failed to open Maya source file: " << status.errorString().asUTF8() << std::endl; return NULL; } status = MGlobal::executeCommand( "delete -ch" ); if (!status) { std::cerr << "Failed to cleanup maya source objects" << std::endl; return NULL; } Model* model = new Model(); //extractLayers(model); extractPolygons(model); //MLibrary::cleanup(); //extractGeometry(model); return model; }
// Break connections to this blendshape void BlendShape::breakConnections() { MStatus stat; MDagModifier dagModifier; // Clear the stored connections m_weightConnections.clear(); // Save node connections and break them MPlug weightsPlug = m_pBlendShapeFn->findPlug("weight",true); for (int i=0; i<weightsPlug.evaluateNumElements(); i++) { MPlug wPlug = weightsPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(i); MPlugArray srcConnections; MPlugArray dstConnections; wPlug.connectedTo(srcConnections,false,true); wPlug.connectedTo(dstConnections,true,false); weightConnections wcon; for (int j=0; j<srcConnections.length(); j++) { wcon.srcConnections.append(srcConnections[j]); dagModifier.disconnect(wPlug,srcConnections[j]); dagModifier.doIt(); } for (int j=0; j<dstConnections.length(); j++) { wcon.dstConnections.append(dstConnections[j]); stat = dagModifier.disconnect(dstConnections[j],wPlug); if (MS::kSuccess != stat) { std::cout << "Error trying to disconnect plug " << << " and plug " << dstConnections[j].name().asChar() << "\n"; std::cout << stat.errorString().asChar() << "\n"; std::cout.flush(); } stat = dagModifier.doIt(); if (MS::kSuccess != stat) { std::cout << "Error trying to disconnect plug " << << " and plug " << dstConnections[j].name().asChar() << "\n"; std::cout << stat.errorString().asChar() << "\n"; std::cout.flush(); } } m_weightConnections.push_back(wcon); } }
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj ) { MFnPlugin plugin( obj ); MStatus stat; stat = plugin.deregisterCommand( "molecule3" ); if ( !stat ) MGlobal::displayError( MString( "deregisterCommand failed: " ) + stat.errorString() ); return stat; }
MayaException::MayaException(const MStatus& status, const char* file, int line): std::runtime_error ( std::string(status.errorString().asChar())+ std::string(". ")+ file+ std::string(", line ")+ static_cast<std::ostringstream*>( &(std::ostringstream() << line) )->str() ), status(status) {}
MObject AppleseedRenderer::checkSmoothMesh(MObject& meshObject, MFnMeshData& smoothMeshData) { MStatus stat; MObject object = MObject::kNullObj; MFnMesh mesh(meshObject, &stat); if(!stat) { logger.error(MString("checkSmoothMesh : could not get mesh: ") + stat.errorString()); return object; } bool displaySmoothMesh = false; if( getBool("displaySmoothMesh", mesh, displaySmoothMesh) ) { if( !displaySmoothMesh ) return object; }else{ logger.error(MString("generateSmoothMesh : could not get displaySmoothMesh attr ")); return object; } MObject meshDataObj = smoothMeshData.create(); MObject smoothMeshObj = mesh.generateSmoothMesh(meshDataObj, &stat); if(!stat) { logger.error(MString("generateSmoothMesh : failed")); return object; } MFnMesh smoothMeshDn(smoothMeshObj, &stat); if(!stat) { logger.error(MString("generateSmoothMesh : could not create smoothMeshDn: ") + stat.errorString()); return object; } return smoothMeshObj; }
void MayaMeshExporter::ExportMayaFile(std::string const & open_file) { MStatus status = MFileIO::open(open_file.c_str(), NULL, true); if (!status) { std::cout << "MFileIO::open(" << open_file << ") failed - " << status.errorString() << std::endl; return; } // Add meshes MItDag dag_iterator(MItDag::kDepthFirst, MFn::kInvalid, &status); this->ExportMayaNodes(dag_iterator); }
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj ) { MFnPlugin plugin( obj, "David Gould", "1.0" ); MStatus stat; stat = plugin.registerCommand( "molecule3", Molecule3Cmd::creator, Molecule3Cmd::newSyntax ); if( !stat ) { MGlobal::displayError( MString( "registerCommand failed: " ) + stat.errorString() ); return stat; } stat = plugin.registerUI( "molecule3CreateUI", "molecule3DeleteUI"); if( !stat ) { MGlobal::displayError( MString( "registerUI failed: " ) + stat.errorString() ); return stat; } return stat; }
// ========================================================================== // // Plugin load/unload // // ========================================================================== MStatus initializePlugin(MObject plugin) { MStatus st; MFnPlugin pluginFn(plugin, "Autodesk, Inc.", "1.0", "Any", &st); if (!st) { MGlobal::displayError( MString("helixQtCmd - could not initialize plugin: ") + st.errorString() ); return st; } // Register the command. st = pluginFn.registerCommand(HelixQtCmd::commandName, HelixQtCmd::creator); if (!st) { MGlobal::displayError( MString("helixQtCmd - could not register '") + HelixQtCmd::commandName + "' command: " + st.errorString() ); return st; } return st; }
//! Uninitialize plugin for LaplacianSmoother. MStatus uninitializePlugin ( MObject obj ) { MStatus status; MFnPlugin plugin ( obj ); status = plugin.deregisterNode ( LaplacianSmoother::id ); if ( !status ) { status.perror ( "uninitialized plug-in" ); status.perror ( status.errorString( ) ); } return status; }
void Renderer::generate_shavehair(liqRibNodePtr &ribNode__, liqRibShaveData* pData, const int degree) { CM_TRACE_FUNC("generate_pfxhair("<<ribNode__->getTransformNodeFullPath().asChar()<<")"); MStatus status; shaveAPI::HairInfo hairInfo; status = shaveAPI::exportAllHair(&hairInfo); if(MFAIL(status)){ liquidMessage2(messageError,"shaveAPI::exportAllHair(&hairInfo)=[%s]", status.errorString().asChar()); return; } //todo }
//! Initialize plugin for LaplacianSmoother. MStatus initializePlugin ( MObject obj ) { MStatus status; MFnPlugin plugin ( obj, "Tody", "1.0", "Any" ); status = plugin.registerNode ( LaplacianSmoother::getMayaName(), LaplacianSmoother::id, LaplacianSmoother::creator, LaplacianSmoother::initialize, MPxNode::kDeformerNode ); if ( !status ) { status.perror ( "initialized plug-in" ); status.perror ( status.errorString( ) ); } return status; }
__declspec(dllexport) MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject io_object ) { // Create a plugin function set MFnPlugin plugin( io_object ); // Register the exporter MStatus status; { status = plugin.deregisterFileTranslator( s_pluginName ); if ( !status ) { MGlobal::displayError( MString( "Failed to deregister mesh exporter: " ) + status.errorString() ); } } return status; }
MStatus AlembicWriteJob::Process(double frame) { ESS_PROFILE_SCOPE("AlembicWriteJob::Process"); // find the right time frame! int i = -1; for (size_t j = 0; j < mFrames.size(); ++j) { // compare the frames if (fabs(mFrames[j] - frame) <= 0.001) { i = (int)j; break; } } if (i < 0) { return MS::kSuccess; } // run the export for all objects MayaProgressBar pBar; pBar.init(0, (int)mapObjects.size(), 1); pBar.start(); int interrupt = 20; MStatus status; const double currentFrame = mFrames[i]; const bool isFirstFrame = (i == 0); for (multiMapStrAbcObj::iterator it = mapObjects.begin(); it != mapObjects.end(); ++it, --interrupt) { if (interrupt == 0) { interrupt = 20; if (pBar.isCancelled()) { break; } pBar.incr(20); } status = it->second->Save(currentFrame, mTs, isFirstFrame); if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) { MPxCommand::setResult("Error caught in AlembicWriteJob::Process: " + status.errorString()); break; } } pBar.stop(); return status; }
__declspec(dllexport) MStatus initializePlugin(MObject io_object) { // Create a plugin function set MFnPlugin plugin(io_object); // Register the exporter MStatus status; { char* icon = "none"; status = plugin.registerFileTranslator(s_pluginName, icon, GAnimExporter::Create); if (!status) { MGlobal::displayError(MString("Failed to register exporter: ") + status.errorString()); } } return status; }
void HelixButton::createHelix() { MStatus st; const unsigned deg = 3; // Curve Degree const unsigned ncvs = 20; // Number of CVs const unsigned spans = ncvs - deg; // Number of spans const unsigned nknots = spans + 2 * deg - 1; // Number of knots double radius = 4.0; // Helix radius double pitch = 0.5; // Helix pitch unsigned i; MPointArray controlVertices; MDoubleArray knotSequences; // Set up cvs and knots for the helix for (i = 0; i < ncvs; i++) { controlVertices.append( MPoint( radius * cos((double)i), pitch * (double)i, radius * sin((double)i) ) ); } for (i = 0; i < nknots; i++) knotSequences.append((double)i); // Now create the curve MFnNurbsCurve curveFn; MObject curve = curveFn.create( controlVertices, knotSequences, deg, MFnNurbsCurve::kOpen, false, false, MObject::kNullObj, &st ); MGlobal::displayInfo("Helix curve created!"); if (!st) { MGlobal::displayError( HelixQtCmd::commandName + " - could not create helix: " + st.errorString() ); } }
__declspec(dllexport) MStatus initializePlugin( MObject io_object ) { // Create a plugin function set MFnPlugin plugin( io_object ); // Register the exporter MStatus status; { char* noIcon = "none"; status = plugin.registerFileTranslator( s_pluginName, noIcon, // This function is what Maya should call to create a new instance of the mesh exporter eae6320::cMayaMeshExporter::Create ); if ( !status ) { MGlobal::displayError( MString( "Failed to register mesh exporter: " ) + status.errorString() ); } } return status; }
void MayaObject::getMeshData(MPointArray& points, MFloatVectorArray& normals) { MStatus stat; MObject meshObject = this->mobject; MMeshSmoothOptions options; MFnMesh tmpMesh(this->mobject); MFnMeshData meshData; MObject dataObject; MObject smoothedObj; // create smooth mesh if needed if (tmpMesh.findPlug("displaySmoothMesh").asBool()) { stat = tmpMesh.getSmoothMeshDisplayOptions(options); if (stat) { if (!tmpMesh.findPlug("useSmoothPreviewForRender", false, &stat).asBool()) { //Logging::debug(MString("useSmoothPreviewForRender turned off")); int smoothLevel = tmpMesh.findPlug("renderSmoothLevel", false, &stat).asInt(); options.setDivisions(smoothLevel); } if (options.divisions() > 0) { dataObject = meshData.create(); smoothedObj = tmpMesh.generateSmoothMesh(dataObject, &options, &stat); if (stat) { meshObject = smoothedObj; } } } } MFnMesh meshFn(meshObject, &stat); if (!stat) { MString error = stat.errorString(); Logging::error(error); } meshFn.getPoints(points); meshFn.getNormals(normals, MSpace::kObject); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MStatus CVstSelectCoincidentFacesCmd::redoIt() { MStatus mStatus; if ( !mStatus ) { setResult( MString( "Cannot parse command line" ) + mStatus.errorString() ); return MS::kFailure; } const MArgDatabase &mArgDatabase( m_undo.ArgDatabase() ); m_undo.SaveCurrentSelection(); if ( mArgDatabase.isFlagSet( kOptHelp ) ) { GetSyntaxHelp()->PrintHelp( GetName(), GetDesc() ); return MS::kSuccess; } return DoSelect(); }
MStatus nodeCreatedCB::doIt( const MArgList& args ) // // Description: // implements the MEL nodeCreatedCB command. // { MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess; MArgDatabase argData( syntax(), args ); // Parse command flags. // if ( argData.isFlagSet( kRegisterFlag ) ) { // Register a new procedure. // MString proc; argData.getFlagArgument( kRegisterFlag, 0, proc ); stat = registerMelProc( proc, argData.isFlagSet( kFullDagPathFlag ) ); } else if ( argData.isFlagSet( kUnregisterFlag ) ) { // Unregister a procedure. // MString proc; argData.getFlagArgument( kUnregisterFlag, 0, proc ); stat = unregisterMelProc( proc ); } else if ( argData.isFlagSet( kFilterFlag ) ) { // Change the filter being applied. // MString filter; argData.getFlagArgument( kFilterFlag, 0, filter ); stat = changeFilter( filter ); } if ( stat.error() ) { MGlobal::displayError( stat.errorString() ); } return stat; }
MStatus updateTCCDataFty::remapMeshData(MFnMesh &meshFn) { MIntArray o_nFV, o_F; meshFn.getVertices(o_nFV, o_F); size_t o_nF = o_nFV.length(); size_t o_nHE = o_F.length(); size_t o_nV = meshFn.numVertices(); MIntArray o_F2H(o_nF); // maps face index to halfedge index { size_t kS=0; for (size_t k=0; k<o_nF; k++) { o_F2H[k] = kS; kS+=o_nFV[k]; } } size_t nF = fPolyOrder.length(); size_t nHE = compute_nHE(fPolyOrder, o_nFV, fDelta_nFV); size_t nV = fnV; HalfedgeData he(o_nHE, nHE); VertexData v(o_nV, nV); MFloatPointArray V(nV); MIntArray nFV(nF); MIntArray F(nHE); get_vertex_blindData(meshFn, v); get_halfedge_blindData(meshFn, he); // add old/new faces in the order given by fPolyOrder and remap their halfedge data (if exists) size_t delta_kF = 0, delta_kHE=0; size_t kF = 0, kHE = 0; for (size_t k=0; k<fPolyOrder.length(); k++) { if (fPolyOrder[k]>=0) { size_t cF = fPolyOrder[k], cnFV = o_nFV[cF]; size_t o_cF2H = o_F2H[cF]; size_t cShift = fCShift[cF]; for (size_t kFV=0; kFV<cnFV; kFV++) { size_t o_kHE = o_cF2H + ((kFV + cShift) % cnFV); F[kHE] = fVtxRemap[o_F[o_kHE]]; remap_HalfedgeData(he, o_kHE, kHE); kHE++; } nFV[kF] = cnFV; kF++; } else // this is a new face { size_t cnFV = fDelta_nFV[delta_kF]; delta_kF++; for (size_t kFV=0; kFV<cnFV; kFV++) { F[kHE] = fDelta_F[delta_kHE]; kHE++; delta_kHE++; } nFV[kF] = cnFV; kF++; } } // remap vertex data for (size_t k=0; k<o_nV; k++) { if (fVtxRemap[k]>=0) { remap_VertexData(v, k, fVtxRemap[k]); } } MStatus stat = meshFn.createInPlace(nV, nF, V, nFV, F); if (stat != MS::kSuccess) { std::cerr<<"createInPlace failed"<<endl; std::cerr<<stat.errorString()<<endl; } update_tags(nFV, F, v, he); set_vertex_blindData(meshFn, v); set_halfedge_blindData(meshFn, he); return stat; }
// Load blend shape poses for shared geometry MStatus BlendShape::loadPosesShared(MDagPath& meshDag,ParamList ¶ms, std::vector<vertex> &vertices,long numVertices,long offset) { MStatus stat; // Set blend shape target m_target = T_MESH; // Set blend shape deformer envelope to 1 to get target shapes m_pBlendShapeFn->setEnvelope(1); // Break connections on weights breakConnections(); // Set weight to 0 for all targets MIntArray indexList; m_pBlendShapeFn->weightIndexList(indexList); for (int i=0; i<indexList.length(); i++) { stat = m_pBlendShapeFn->setWeight(indexList[i],0); if (MS::kSuccess != stat) { std::cout << "Error setting weight " << indexList[i] << " to 0 on blendhape deformer " << m_pBlendShapeFn->name().asChar() << "\n"; std::cout << stat.errorString().asChar() << "\n"; std::cout.flush(); } } // Get pose names MStringArray poseNames; MString cmd = "aliasAttr -q " + m_pBlendShapeFn->name(); MGlobal::executeCommand(cmd,poseNames,false,false); // Get all poses: set iteratively weight to 1 for current target shape and keep 0 for the other targets for (int i=0; i<indexList.length(); i++) { MString poseName = "pose" + i; // get pose name bool foundName = false; for (int j=1; j<poseNames.length() && !foundName; j+=2) { int idx = -1; sscanf(poseNames[j].asChar(),"weight[%d]",&idx); if (idx == i) { poseName = poseNames[j-1]; foundName = true; std::cout << "pose num: " << i << " name: " << poseName.asChar() << "\n"; std::cout.flush(); } } // set weight to 1 stat = m_pBlendShapeFn->setWeight(indexList[i],1); if (MS::kSuccess != stat) { std::cout << "Error setting weight " << indexList[i] << " to 1 on blend shape deformer " << m_pBlendShapeFn->name().asChar() << "\n"; std::cout << stat.errorString().asChar() << "\n"; std::cout.flush(); } // load the pose stat = loadPoseShared(meshDag,params,vertices,numVertices,offset,poseName,i); if (stat != MS::kSuccess) { std::cout << "Failed loading target pose " << indexList[i] << "\n"; std::cout << stat.errorString().asChar(); std::cout.flush(); } // set weight to 0 stat = m_pBlendShapeFn->setWeight(indexList[i],0); if (MS::kSuccess != stat) { std::cout << "Error resetting weight " << indexList[i] << " to 0 on blend shape deformer " << m_pBlendShapeFn->name().asChar() << "\n"; std::cout << stat.errorString().asChar() << "\n"; std::cout.flush(); } } // Set blend shape envelope to 0 m_pBlendShapeFn->setEnvelope(0); // Restore targets weights for (int i=0; i<indexList.length(); i++) { m_pBlendShapeFn->setWeight(indexList[i],m_origWeights[i]); } // Restore connections on weights restoreConnections(); return MS::kSuccess; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------- MStatus ByronsPolyTools::doIt(const MArgList& args) //----------------------------------------------------------------- { // Ist die version abgelaufen ? // #ifdef EXPIRES if( ! checkExpires() ) { MGlobal::displayError( "This AlphaVersion is expired. Scenes will still load properly. " ); return MS::kSuccess; } #endif MSelectionList sList; MStatus status; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(),args); if(argData.isFlagSet("-help")) { MGlobal::executeCommand("showBPTHelpWindow",false,false); return MS::kSuccess; } //SELECTION UEBERPRUEFEN // Selection holen // argData.getObjects(sList); // OrigList fuer UndoZwecke speichern origList = sList; // Check, ob ueberhaupt Objekt gewaehlt if ( (sList.length() == 0) ) { displayError("ONE mesh or its transform node must be selected."); return MStatus::kFailure; } //MDagPath meshDagPath; MItSelectionList sIter(sList);//,MFn::kMesh); bool meshOK = false,hasComps = false; INVIS(cout<<"SELECTIONLIST LAENGE: "<<sList.length()<<endl); for(; !sIter.isDone(); { sIter.getDagPath(meshDagPath, components); //sList.getDagPath(0, meshDagPath, components); //if(!meshDagPath.hasFn(MFn::kPluginDependNode)) if(meshDagPath.apiType() == (MFn::kMesh)) { if(!meshDagPath.hasFn(MFn::kMesh) ) meshOK = false; else meshOK = true; if( components.apiType() == MFn::kInvalid ) hasComps = false; else { hasComps = true; break; } } } if(!meshOK) { displayError("Invalid type! Only a mesh or its transform with selected components can be specified!"); return MStatus::kFailure; } #ifdef DEMO MFnMesh meshFn(meshDagPath); if(meshFn.numPolygons() > 500) { MGlobal::displayError("This DEMO will only work on meshes with a maximum number of 500 polygons"); return MS::kFailure; } #endif if(!hasComps) { displayError("Please select some components to operate on"); return MStatus::kFailure; } // Flags und Argumente Holen //---------------------------------- if(argData.isFlagSet("-iv")) operationMode = 0; else operationMode = 1; //zuerst mal edgeComoponents holen - wenn welche vorhanden und -peb flag gesetzt, dann wird auf jeden Fall der case 0 mode verwendet getEdgeComponents(sList); if( argData.isFlagSet("-peb") && edgeIDs.length() != 0 ) operationMode = 0; //------------------------------------ // OPTIONS //------------------------------------ switch(operationMode) { case 0://insert Vtx mode { if(argData.isFlagSet("-ic")) argData.getFlagArgument("-ic",0,initialCount); else initialCount = 1; goto default_values; } case 1: //PolyToolsMode { //------------------------------------ // FLAGS //------------------------------------ smartSplitFlagSet = argData.isFlagSet("-smartSplit"); edgeLoopFlagSet = argData.isFlagSet("-edgeLoop"); edgeRingFlagSet = argData.isFlagSet("-edgeRing"); boundaryFlagSet = argData.isFlagSet("-boundary"); chamferFlagSet = argData.isFlagSet("-chamfer"); solidChamferFlagSet = argData.isFlagSet("-solidChamfer"); smcFlagSet = argData.isFlagSet("-smartMoveComponent"); growFlagSet = argData.isFlagSet("-gro"); schrinkFlagSet = argData.isFlagSet("-shr"); // abbruch, wenn flags nicht eindeutig und actionMode nicht gesetzt werden kann status = setActionMode(); if(status == MS::kFailure) return status; //-------------------ENDE----------------------------- goto default_values; } default: { default_values: avt = (argData.isFlagSet("-avf"))?true:false; avm = (argData.isFlagSet("-avm"))?true:false; options.setLength(10); options[0] = argData.isFlagSet("-connectEnds"); options[1] = argData.isFlagSet("-triangulateEnds"); if(argData.isFlagSet("-maxEdgeCount")) argData.getFlagArgument("-maxEdgeCount",0,options[2]); else options[2] = 16666666; options[3] = 0; //side ist standardmaessig 0: if(argData.isFlagSet("-snl") ) options[4] = 1; else options[4] = 0; options[5] = (argData.isFlagSet("-ast"))?1:0; options[6] = 0; if(argData.isFlagSet("-se")) options[6] = 1; if( CMDactionMode == 5 && argData.isFlagSet("-") ) options[6] += 3; if(argData.isFlagSet("-sf")) options[6] = 2; if(argData.isFlagSet("-sv")) options[6] = 5; //IV flag - wenn -peb aktiv ist, wird er auf jeden Fall gesetzt if( argData.isFlagSet("-peb") ) options[9] = 1; else options[9] = argData.isFlagSet("-civ")?true:false; //----------------------------------------OPTIONS ENDE slideIsRelative = argData.isFlagSet("-sir"); //slideIsRelative ist an, wenn Chamfer aktiv ist if(chamferFlagSet+solidChamferFlagSet > 0) slideIsRelative = 1; if(CMDactionMode == 6) slideIsRelative = true; normalIsRelative = argData.isFlagSet("-nir"); //slide soll automatisch auf gesetzt werden, wenn -peb aktiv (dies entspricht einem slidewert von 1 if( argData.isFlagSet("-peb") && edgeIDs.length() != 0) directSlide = 1; else { if(argData.isFlagSet("-slide")) argData.getFlagArgument("-slide",0,directSlide); else directSlide = 0.5; //defaultValue } } } //undoIndo sammeln MSelectionMask tmpMask(MGlobal::componentSelectionMask()); undoMask = tmpMask; /* CallWindowProc( (WNDPROC)(GetWindowLong(mayaWin, GWL_WNDPROC)), mayaWin, WM_CLOSE, NULL, NULL); DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN; //MessageBox(mayaWin, "Help", "Whatever", MB_OK); HWND myWin = CreateWindowEx( 0,"MyFirstWin","Lala" , dwStyle, 0, 0, 300, 400, mayaWin, NULL, NULL, NULL); ShowWindow(myWin, SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetFocus(myWin); UpdateWindow(myWin); */ //checken ob makeHistory aus ist. Wenn ja, dann wieder an machen, weil maya sonst crashed int result; MGlobal::executeCommand( "constructionHistory -q -tgl", result ); if(!result) MGlobal::executeCommand( "constructionHistory -tgl 1",false,false); meshDagPath.extendToShape(); // Mesh von polyModifierCommand setzen setMeshNode(meshDagPath); switch(operationMode) { case 0: { //getEdgeComponents(sList); convertToEdges(sList, argData.isFlagSet("-peb") ); // setCreateAnimCurves(false);//damit nicht versucht wird, auf dieser Node animCurves fuer tweak zu erstellen // Jetzt sind tweaks vonnten setModifierNodeType( BPT_InsertVtx::IVid ); break; } case 1: { // Komponenten herausfiltern und IntIDArrays schreiben //getEdgeComponents(sList); getVertComponents(sList); getPolyComponents(sList); setModifierNodeType( ByronsPolyToolsNode::id ); break; } } // Aktion ausfuehren if(CMDactionMode == 0 || CMDactionMode == 4 || CMDactionMode == 5 || CMDactionMode == 6 || operationMode == 0) { MGlobal::executeCommand("setToolTo selectSuperContext",false,false); status = doModifyPoly(); MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn(bptNode); setResult(; if( !(status == MS::kSuccess) ) { MGlobal::displayError( "An error occoured." ); MGlobal::displayError( status.errorString() ); } } else { // Wenn mesh nicht veraendert wird, wird einfach so die Factory gerufen directModifier(meshDagPath.node()); //setResult( "BPTOperation succeeded" ); } //Command wird nur einmal verwendet, also muessen die Datenarrays auch m#keinen Speicher mehr verschwenden //.clear() wuerde sie nicht physisch loeschen polyIDs.setLength(0); edgeIDs.setLength(0); vertIDs.setLength(0); // return status; return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus Molecule3Cmd::redoIt() { MStatus stat; MDagPath dagPath; MFnMesh meshFn; // Create a ball int nBallPolys; MPointArray ballVerts; MIntArray ballPolyCounts; MIntArray ballPolyConnects; MFloatArray ballUCoords; MFloatArray ballVCoords; MIntArray ballFvUVIDs; genBall( MPoint::origin, ballRodRatio * radius.value(), segs, nBallPolys, ballVerts, ballPolyCounts, ballPolyConnects, true, ballUCoords, ballVCoords, ballFvUVIDs ); unsigned int i, j, vertOffset; MPointArray meshVerts; MPoint p0, p1; MObject objTransform; // Setup for rods int nRodPolys; MPointArray rodVerts; MIntArray rodPolyCounts; MIntArray rodPolyConnects; MFloatArray rodUCoords; MFloatArray rodVCoords; MIntArray rodFvUVIDs; // Setup for newMesh int nNewPolys; MPointArray newVerts; MIntArray newPolyCounts; MIntArray newPolyConnects; MFloatArray newUCoords; MFloatArray newVCoords; MIntArray newFvUVIDs; int uvOffset; MDagModifier dagMod; MFnDagNode dagFn; objTransforms.clear(); // Iterate over the meshes unsigned int mi; for( mi=0; mi < selMeshes.length(); mi++ ) { dagPath = selMeshes[mi]; meshFn.setObject( dagPath ); uvOffset = 0; nNewPolys = 0; newVerts.clear(); newPolyCounts.clear(); newPolyConnects.clear(); newUCoords.clear(); newVCoords.clear(); newFvUVIDs.clear(); // Generate balls meshFn.getPoints( meshVerts, MSpace::kWorld ); for( i=0; i < meshVerts.length(); i++ ) { vertOffset = newVerts.length(); // Add the ball to the new mesh nNewPolys += nBallPolys; // Move the ball vertices to the mesh vertex. Add it to the newMesh for( j=0; j < ballVerts.length(); j++ ) newVerts.append( meshVerts[i] + ballVerts[j] ); for( j=0; j < ballPolyCounts.length(); j++ ) newPolyCounts.append( ballPolyCounts[j] ); for( j=0; j < ballPolyConnects.length(); j++ ) newPolyConnects.append( vertOffset + ballPolyConnects[j] ); // Only add the uv coordinates once, since they are shared // by all balls if( i == 0 ) { for( j=0; j < ballUCoords.length(); j++ ) { newUCoords.append( ballUCoords[j] ); newVCoords.append( ballVCoords[j] ); } } for( j=0; j < ballFvUVIDs.length(); j++ ) { newFvUVIDs.append( uvOffset + ballFvUVIDs[j] ); } } uvOffset = newUCoords.length(); // Generate rods int nRods = 0; MItMeshEdge edgeIter( dagPath ); for( ; !edgeIter.isDone();, nRods++ ) { p0 = edgeIter.point( 0, MSpace::kWorld ); p1 = edgeIter.point( 1, MSpace::kWorld ); // N.B. Generate the uv coordinates only once since they // are referenced by all rods genRod( p0, p1, radius.value(), segs, nRodPolys, rodVerts, rodPolyCounts, rodPolyConnects, nRods == 0, rodUCoords, rodVCoords, rodFvUVIDs ); vertOffset = newVerts.length(); // Add the rod to the mesh nNewPolys += nRodPolys; for( i=0; i < rodVerts.length(); i++ ) newVerts.append( rodVerts[i] ); for( i=0; i < rodPolyCounts.length(); i++ ) newPolyCounts.append( rodPolyCounts[i] ); for( i=0; i < rodPolyConnects.length(); i++ ) newPolyConnects.append( vertOffset + rodPolyConnects[i] ); // First rod if( nRods == 0 ) { // Add rod's uv coordinates to the list for( i=0; i < rodUCoords.length(); i++ ) { newUCoords.append( rodUCoords[i] ); newVCoords.append( rodVCoords[i] ); } } // Set the face-vertex-uvIDs for( i=0; i < rodFvUVIDs.length(); i++ ) { newFvUVIDs.append( uvOffset + rodFvUVIDs[i] ); } } objTransform = meshFn.create( newVerts.length(), nNewPolys, newVerts, newPolyCounts, newPolyConnects, newUCoords, newVCoords, MObject::kNullObj, &stat ); if( !stat ) { MGlobal::displayError( MString( "Unable to create mesh: " ) + stat.errorString() ); return stat; } objTransforms.append( objTransform ); meshFn.assignUVs( newPolyCounts, newFvUVIDs ); meshFn.updateSurface(); // Rename transform node dagFn.setObject( objTransform ); dagFn.setName( "molecule" ); // Put mesh into the initial shading group dagMod.commandToExecute( MString( "sets -e -fe initialShadingGroup " ) + ); } // Select all the newly created molecule meshes MString cmd( "select -r" ); for( i=0; i < objTransforms.length(); i++ ) { dagFn.setObject( objTransforms[i] ); cmd += " " +; } dagMod.commandToExecute( cmd ); return dagMod.doIt(); }
bool ToMayaCurveConverter::doConversion( IECore::ConstObjectPtr from, MObject &to, IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr operands ) const { MStatus s; IECore::ConstCurvesPrimitivePtr curves = IECore::runTimeCast<const IECore::CurvesPrimitive>( from ); assert( curves ); if ( !curves->arePrimitiveVariablesValid() || !curves->numCurves() ) { return false; } int curveIndex = indexParameter()->getNumericValue(); if( curveIndex < 0 || curveIndex >= (int)curves->numCurves() ) { IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning,"ToMayaCurveConverter::doConversion", boost::format( "Invalid curve index \"%d\"") % curveIndex ); return false; } IECore::ConstV3fVectorDataPtr p = curves->variableData< IECore::V3fVectorData >( "P", IECore::PrimitiveVariable::Vertex ); if( !p ) { IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning,"ToMayaCurveConverter::doConversion", "Curve has no \"P\" data" ); return false; } const std::vector<int>& verticesPerCurve = curves->verticesPerCurve()->readable(); int curveBase = 0; for( int i=0; i<curveIndex; ++i ) { curveBase += verticesPerCurve[i]; } MPointArray vertexArray; int numVertices = verticesPerCurve[curveIndex]; int cvOffset = 0; if( curves->basis() != IECore::CubicBasisf::linear() && !curves->periodic() ) { // Maya implicitly duplicates end points, so they're explicitly duplicated in the CurvePrimitives. // We need to remove those duplicates when converting back to Maya. Remove 2 cvs at start, 2 at end. if( numVertices < 8 ) { IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning,"ToMayaCurveConverter::doConversion", "The Curve Primitive does not have enough CVs to be converted into a Maya Curve. Needs at least 8." ); return false; } cvOffset = 2; } const std::vector<Imath::V3f>& pts = p->readable(); // triple up the start points for cubic periodic curves: if( curves->periodic() && curves->basis() != IECore::CubicBasisf::linear() ) { vertexArray.append( IECore::convert<MPoint, Imath::V3f>( pts[curveBase] ) ); vertexArray.append( vertexArray[0] ); } for( int i = cvOffset; i < numVertices-cvOffset; ++i ) { vertexArray.append( IECore::convert<MPoint, Imath::V3f>( pts[i + curveBase] ) ); } // if the curve is periodic, the first N cvs must be identical to the last N cvs, where N is the degree // of the curve: if( curves->periodic() ) { if( curves->basis() == IECore::CubicBasisf::linear() ) { // linear: N = 1 vertexArray.append( vertexArray[0] ); } else { // cubic: N = 3 vertexArray.append( vertexArray[0] ); vertexArray.append( vertexArray[1] ); vertexArray.append( vertexArray[2] ); } } unsigned vertexArrayLength = vertexArray.length(); MDoubleArray knotSequences; if( curves->basis() == IECore::CubicBasisf::linear() ) { for( unsigned i=0; i < vertexArrayLength; ++i ) { knotSequences.append( i ); } } else { if( curves->periodic() ) { // Periodic curve, knots must be spaced out. knotSequences.append( -1 ); for( unsigned i=0; i < vertexArrayLength+1; ++i ) { knotSequences.append( i ); } } else { // For a cubic curve, the first three and last three knots must be duplicated for the curve start/end to start at the first/last CV. knotSequences.append( 0 ); knotSequences.append( 0 ); for( unsigned i=0; i < vertexArrayLength-2; ++i ) { knotSequences.append( i ); } knotSequences.append( vertexArrayLength-3 ); knotSequences.append( vertexArrayLength-3 ); } } MFnNurbsCurve fnCurve; fnCurve.create( vertexArray, knotSequences, curves->basis() == IECore::CubicBasisf::linear() ? 1 : 3, curves->periodic() ? MFnNurbsCurve::kPeriodic : MFnNurbsCurve::kOpen, false, false, to, &s ); if (!s) { IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning,"ToMayaCurveConverter::doConversion", s.errorString().asChar() ); return false; } return true; }