예제 #1
MStatus CIKSolverNode::doSimpleSolver()
	MStatus stat;

	// Get the handle and create a function set for it
	MIkHandleGroup* handle_group = handleGroup();
	if (NULL == handle_group) {
		return MS::kFailure;
	MObject handle = handle_group->handle(0);
	MDagPath handlePath = MDagPath::getAPathTo(handle);
	MFnIkHandle fnHandle(handlePath, &stat);

	// End-Effector
	MDagPath endEffectorPath;
	MFnIkEffector  fnEffector(endEffectorPath);
	MPoint effectorPos = fnEffector.rotatePivot(MSpace::kWorld);

	unsigned int numJoints = endEffectorPath.length();
	std::vector<MDagPath> jointsDagPaths; jointsDagPaths.reserve(numJoints);
	while (endEffectorPath.length() > 1)
		jointsDagPaths.push_back( endEffectorPath );
	std::reverse(jointsDagPaths.begin(), jointsDagPaths.end());

	static bool builtLocalSkeleton = false;
	if (builtLocalSkeleton == false)
		for (int jointIdx = 0; jointIdx < jointsDagPaths.size(); ++jointIdx)
			MFnIkJoint curJoint(jointsDagPaths[jointIdx]);
			m_localJointsPos.push_back( curJoint.getTranslation(MSpace::kWorld) );
		m_localJointsPos.push_back(effectorPos );
		builtLocalSkeleton = true;

	MPoint startJointPos = MFnIkJoint(jointsDagPaths.front()).getTranslation(MSpace::kWorld);

	MVector startToEndEff = m_localJointsPos.back() - m_localJointsPos.front();
	double curveLength = (getPosition(1.0) - getPosition(0.0)).length();
	double chainLength = startToEndEff.length(); // in local space.
	double stretchFactor = curveLength / chainLength;
	double uVal = 0.0f;
	MVector jointPosL = m_localJointsPos[0];
	for (int jointIdx = 0; jointIdx < jointsDagPaths.size(); ++jointIdx)
		MFnIkJoint curJoint(jointsDagPaths[jointIdx]);

		MVector curJointPosL = m_localJointsPos[jointIdx];

		double dist = stretchFactor * (curJointPosL - jointPosL).length();
		uVal = uVal + dist / curveLength;

		MVector curCurveJointPos = getPosition(uVal);
		curJoint.setTranslation(curCurveJointPos, MSpace::kWorld);
		jointPosL = curJointPosL;
	MVector effectorCurvePos = getPosition(1.0);
	MVector curCurveJointPos = getPosition(uVal);
	MVector effectorVec = (effectorCurvePos - curCurveJointPos).normal();
	double endJointAngle[3]; 
	MVector effectorVecXY = MVector(effectorVec(0), effectorVec(1), 0.0);
	endJointAngle[2] = effectorVecXY.angle(MVector(1, 0, 0));
	if ((MVector(1, 0, 0) ^ effectorVecXY) * MVector(0, 0, 1) < 0.0) { endJointAngle[2] = -endJointAngle[2]; }
	MVector effectorVecXZ = MVector(effectorVec(0), 0.0, effectorVec(2));
	endJointAngle[1] = effectorVecXZ.angle(MVector(1, 0, 0));
	if ((MVector(1, 0, 0) ^ effectorVecXZ) * MVector(0, 1, 0) < 0.0) { endJointAngle[1] = -endJointAngle[1]; }
	endJointAngle[0] = 0.0;
	MFnIkJoint curJoint(jointsDagPaths.back()); curJoint.setRotation(endJointAngle, curJoint.rotationOrder());
	return MS::kSuccess;
예제 #2
파일: quatcurve.cpp 프로젝트: jonntd/Public
void n_tentacle::computeSlerp(const MMatrix &matrix1, const MMatrix &matrix2, const MFnNurbsCurve &curve, double parameter, double blendRot, double iniLength, double curveLength, double stretch, double globalScale, int tangentAxis, MVector &outPos, MVector &outRot)
	//curveLength = curve.length()
        double lenRatio = iniLength / curveLength;

        MQuaternion quat1;
        quat1 = matrix1;

        MQuaternion quat2;
        quat2 = matrix2;

        this->bipolarityCheck(quat1, quat2);

    //need to adjust the parameter in order to maintain the length between elements, also for the stretch
		MVector tangent;
		MPoint pointAtParam;
		MPoint finaPos;
        double p = lenRatio * parameter * globalScale;
        double finalParam = p + (parameter - p) * stretch;
		if(curveLength * finalParam > curveLength)
		  double lengthDiff = curveLength - (iniLength * parameter);

		  double param = curve.knot(curve.numKnots() - 1);
		  tangent = curve.tangent(param, MSpace::kWorld);

		  curve.getPointAtParam(param, pointAtParam, MSpace::kWorld);
		  finaPos = pointAtParam;
		  pointAtParam += (- tangent) * lengthDiff;
		  double param = curve.findParamFromLength(curveLength * finalParam);
		  tangent = curve.tangent(param, MSpace::kWorld);
		  curve.getPointAtParam(param, pointAtParam, MSpace::kWorld);

        MQuaternion slerpQuat = slerp(quat1, quat2, blendRot);
        MMatrix slerpMatrix = slerpQuat.asMatrix();

        int axisId = abs(tangentAxis) - 1;
		MVector slerpMatrixYAxis = MVector(slerpMatrix(axisId, 0), slerpMatrix(axisId, 1), slerpMatrix(axisId, 2));
		if(tangentAxis < 0)
			slerpMatrixYAxis = - slerpMatrixYAxis;

		double angle = tangent.angle(slerpMatrixYAxis);
		MVector axis =  slerpMatrixYAxis ^ tangent;

		MQuaternion rotationToSnapOnCurve(angle, axis);

		MQuaternion finalQuat = slerpQuat * rotationToSnapOnCurve;
		MEulerRotation finalEuler = finalQuat.asEulerRotation();

		outRot.x = finalEuler.x;
		outRot.y = finalEuler.y;
		outRot.z = finalEuler.z;
		outPos = pointAtParam;
예제 #3
MStatus buildRotation::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus returnStatus;
	if ((plug == rotate) || (plug.parent() == rotate) || (plug == rotateMatrix)) {
		MDataHandle upData = data.inputValue( up, &returnStatus );
		McheckErr(returnStatus,"ERROR getting up vector data");

		MDataHandle forwardData = data.inputValue( forward, &returnStatus );
		McheckErr(returnStatus,"ERROR getting forward vector data");

		MVector up = upData.asVector();
		MVector forward = forwardData.asVector();

		// Make sure that the up and forward vectors are orthogonal
		if ( fabs( up * forward ) > EPSILON ) {
			// Non-zero dot product
			MVector orthoVec = up ^ forward;
			MVector newForward = orthoVec ^ up;
			if ( forward * newForward < 0.0 ) {
				// Reverse the vector
				newForward *= -1.0;
			forward = newForward;

		// Calculate the rotation required to align the y-axis with the up
		// vector
		MTransformationMatrix firstRot;
		MVector rotAxis = MVector::yAxis ^ up;
		firstRot.setToRotationAxis( rotAxis, MVector::yAxis.angle( up ) );
		// Calculate the second rotation required to align the forward vector
		MTransformationMatrix secondRot;
		MVector transformedForward = firstRot.asMatrix() * forward;
		double angle = transformedForward.angle( MVector::zAxis );
		if ( transformedForward.x < 0.0 ) {
			// Compensate for the fact that the angle method returns
			// the absolute value
			angle *= -1.0;
		secondRot.setToRotationAxis( up, angle );

		// Get the requested rotation order
		MDataHandle orderHandle = data.inputValue( rotateOrder );
		short order = orderHandle.asShort();
		MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder rotOrder;
		switch ( order ) {
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kXYZ; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kYZX; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kZXY; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kXZY; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kYXZ; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kZYX; break;
				rotOrder = MTransformationMatrix::kInvalid; break;

		MTransformationMatrix result = firstRot.asMatrix() * secondRot.asMatrix();
		result.reorderRotation( rotOrder );

		double rotation[3];
		result.getRotation( rotation, rotOrder, MSpace::kTransform );
		MDataHandle outputRot = data.outputValue( rotate );
		outputRot.set( rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2] );

		MDataHandle outputMatrix = data.outputValue( rotateMatrix );
		outputMatrix.set( result.asMatrix() );
	} else
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;