예제 #1
// updateBullets
void GaBulletProcessor::updateBullets(const ScnComponentList& Components)
	float dt = SysKernel::pImpl()->getFrameTime();
	static float Time = 0.0f;
	Time += dt;
	// Iterate over all the ships.
	for (BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < Components.size(); ++Idx)
		auto Component = Components[Idx];
		BcAssert(Component->isTypeOf< GaBulletComponent >());
		auto* ShipComponent = static_cast< GaBulletComponent* >(Component.get());
		MaVec3d movement(ShipComponent->Direction_);
		movement.x(movement.x() * ShipComponent->Speed_);
		movement.z(movement.z() * ShipComponent->Speed_);
		MaVec3d oldPos = ShipComponent->getParentEntity()->getWorldPosition();
		MaVec3d newPos = oldPos + movement * dt;
		if ((newPos.x() < MinConstraint_.x()) || (newPos.x() > MaxConstraint_.x()) ||
			(newPos.z() < MinConstraint_.z()) || (newPos.z() > MaxConstraint_.z()))
예제 #2
// addPrimitive
void ScnCanvasComponent::addPrimitive( 
		RsTopologyType Type, 
		ScnCanvasComponentVertex* pVertices, 
		BcU32 NoofVertices, 
		BcU32 Layer, 
		BcBool UseMatrixStack )
	BcAssertMsg( MaterialComponent_.isValid(), "ScnCanvasComponent: Material component has not been set!" );

	// Check if the vertices are owned by us, if not copy in.
	if( pVertices < pVertices_ || pVertices_ >= pVerticesEnd_ )
		ScnCanvasComponentVertex* pNewVertices = allocVertices( NoofVertices );
		if( pNewVertices != NULL )
			BcMemCopy( pNewVertices, pVertices, sizeof( ScnCanvasComponentVertex ) * NoofVertices );
			pVertices = pNewVertices;
	// Matrix stack.
	if( UseMatrixStack == BcTrue && IsIdentity_ == BcFalse )
		MaMat4d Matrix = getMatrix();

		for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < NoofVertices; ++Idx )
			ScnCanvasComponentVertex* pVertex = &pVertices[ Idx ];
			MaVec3d Vertex = MaVec3d( pVertex->X_, pVertex->Y_, pVertex->Z_ ) * Matrix;
			pVertex->X_ = Vertex.x();
			pVertex->Y_ = Vertex.y();
			pVertex->Z_ = Vertex.z();
	// TODO: If there was a previous primitive which we can marge into, attempt to.
	BcU32 VertexIndex = convertVertexPointerToIndex( pVertices );
	ScnCanvasComponentPrimitiveSection PrimitiveSection = 
	PrimitiveSectionList_.push_back( PrimitiveSection );
	LastPrimitiveSection_ = (BcU32)PrimitiveSectionList_.size() - 1;
예제 #3
// updateBullets
void GaBulletProcessor::bulletCollisions(const ScnComponentList& Components)
	float dt = SysKernel::pImpl()->getFrameTime();
	static float Time = 0.0f;
	Time += dt;
	// Iterate over all the ships.
	for (BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < Components.size(); ++Idx)
		auto Component = Components[Idx];
		BcAssert(Component->isTypeOf< GaBulletComponent >());
		auto* BulletComponent = static_cast< GaBulletComponent* >(Component.get());
		MaVec3d position = BulletComponent->getParentEntity()->getWorldPosition();
		for (BcU32 Idx2 = 0; Idx2 < Ships_.size(); ++Idx2)
			auto* Ship = Ships_[Idx2];
			if (Ship == BulletComponent->Ship_)
			MaVec3d shipPos = Ship->getParentEntity()->getWorldPosition();
			MaVec3d dif = position - shipPos;
			float distance = dif.magnitude();
			if (distance < 5.0f) 
				if (BulletComponent->ExplodeSounds_.size() > 0)
					auto Emitter = BulletComponent->getComponentByType< ScnSoundEmitterComponent >();
					if (Emitter)
						Emitter->playOneShot(BulletComponent->ExplodeSounds_[BcRandom::Global.randRange(0, BulletComponent->ExplodeSounds_.size() - 1)]);

				if (!Ship->IsPlayer()){
예제 #4
파일: MaAABB.cpp 프로젝트: Psybrus/Psybrus
// classify
MaAABB::eClassify MaAABB::classify( const MaAABB& AABB ) const
	BcU32 PointsInside = 0;
	for( BcU32 i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
		MaVec3d Point = AABB.corner( i );
		if( ( Point.x() >= Min_.x() && Point.x() <= Max_.x() ) &&
			( Point.y() >= Min_.y() && Point.y() <= Max_.y() ) &&
			( Point.z() >= Min_.z() && Point.z() <= Max_.z() ) )

	if( PointsInside == 8 )
		return bcBC_INSIDE;

	if( PointsInside > 0 )
		return bcBC_SPANNING;

	return bcBC_OUTSIDE;
예제 #5
// pointOnNode
BcBool MaBSPTree::pointOnNode( const MaVec3d& Point, MaBSPNode* pNode )
	// Check if point is coincident.
	if( pNode->Plane_.classify( Point, 1e-3f ) != MaPlane::bcPC_COINCIDING )
		return BcFalse;

	if( pNode->Vertices_.size() == 2 )
		// If we only have 2 verts, test we are on the defining line.
		MaVec3d Origin = pNode->Vertices_[ 0 ];
		MaVec3d Direction = pNode->Vertices_[ 1 ] - pNode->Vertices_[ 0 ];
		MaVec3d Vector = Point - Origin;
		BcF32 T = Direction.dot( Vector );

		// Check its on the line.
		return ( T >= 0.0f ) && ( T <= 1.0f );
		BcS32 Sign = 0;
		for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < pNode->Vertices_.size(); ++Idx )
			const MaVec3d& PointA = pNode->Vertices_[ Idx ];
			const MaVec3d& PointB = pNode->Vertices_[ ( Idx + 1 ) % pNode->Vertices_.size() ];
			const MaVec3d AffineSegment = PointB - PointA;
			const MaVec3d AffinePoint = Point - PointA;
			BcF32 K = AffineSegment.dot( AffinePoint );
			BcS32 KSign = BcAbs( K ) > 1e-3f ? static_cast< BcS32 >( K / BcAbs( K ) ) : 0;
			if( Sign == 0 )
				Sign = KSign;
			else if( KSign != Sign )
				return BcFalse;

		return BcTrue;
예제 #6
// getWorldPosition
void ScnViewComponent::getWorldPosition( const MaVec2d& ScreenPosition, MaVec3d& Near, MaVec3d& Far ) const
	// TODO: Take normalised screen coordinates.
	MaVec2d Screen = ScreenPosition - MaVec2d( static_cast<BcF32>( Viewport_.x() ), static_cast<BcF32>( Viewport_.y() ) );
	const MaVec2d RealScreen( ( Screen.x() / Viewport_.width() ) * 2.0f - 1.0f, ( Screen.y() / Viewport_.height() ) * 2.0f - 1.0f );

	Near.set( RealScreen.x(), -RealScreen.y(), 0.0f );
	Far.set( RealScreen.x(), -RealScreen.y(), 1.0f );

	Near = Near * ViewUniformBlock_.InverseProjectionTransform_;
	Far = Far * ViewUniformBlock_.InverseProjectionTransform_;

	if( ViewUniformBlock_.ProjectionTransform_[3][3] == 0.0f )
		Near *= Viewport_.zNear();
		Far *= Viewport_.zFar();

	Near = Near * ViewUniformBlock_.InverseViewTransform_;
	Far = Far * ViewUniformBlock_.InverseViewTransform_;
예제 #7
// drawLine3d
void ScnCanvasComponent::drawLine3d( const MaVec3d& PointA, const MaVec3d& PointB, const RsColour& Colour, BcU32 Layer )
	ScnCanvasComponentVertex* pVertices = allocVertices( 2 );
	ScnCanvasComponentVertex* pFirstVertex = pVertices;
	// Only draw if we can allocate vertices.
	if( pVertices != NULL )
		// Now copy in data.
		BcU32 ABGR = Colour.asABGR();
		pVertices->X_ = PointA.x();
		pVertices->Y_ = PointA.y();
		pVertices->Z_ = PointA.z();
		pVertices->ABGR_ = ABGR;
		pVertices->X_ = PointB.x();
		pVertices->Y_ = PointB.y();
		pVertices->Z_ = PointB.z();
		pVertices->ABGR_ = ABGR;

		// Add primitive.	
		addPrimitive( rsPT_LINELIST, pFirstVertex, 2, Layer, BcTrue );
예제 #8
파일: MaAABB.cpp 프로젝트: Psybrus/Psybrus
void MaAABB::expandBy( const MaVec3d& Point )
	Min_.x( BcMin( Min_.x(), Point.x() ) );
	Min_.y( BcMin( Min_.y(), Point.y() ) );
	Min_.z( BcMin( Min_.z(), Point.z() ) );

	Max_.x( BcMax( Max_.x(), Point.x() ) );
	Max_.y( BcMax( Max_.y(), Point.y() ) );
	Max_.z( BcMax( Max_.z(), Point.z() ) );
예제 #9
파일: MaAABB.cpp 프로젝트: Psybrus/Psybrus
// classify
MaAABB::eClassify MaAABB::classify( const MaVec3d& Point ) const
	if( ( Point.x() >= Min_.x() && Point.x() <= Max_.x() ) &&
		( Point.y() >= Min_.y() && Point.y() <= Max_.y() ) &&
		( Point.z() >= Min_.z() && Point.z() <= Max_.z() ) )
		return bcBC_INSIDE;

	return bcBC_OUTSIDE;
예제 #10
// drawLine
void ScnDebugRenderComponent::drawLine( const MaVec3d& PointA, const MaVec3d& PointB, const RsColour& Colour, BcU32 Layer )
	ScnDebugRenderComponentVertex* pVertices = allocVertices( 2 );
	ScnDebugRenderComponentVertex* pFirstVertex = pVertices;
	// Only draw if we can allocate vertices.
	if( pVertices != NULL )
		// Now copy in data.
		BcU32 ABGR = Colour.asABGR();
		pVertices->X_ = PointA.x();
		pVertices->Y_ = PointA.y();
		pVertices->Z_ = PointA.z();
		pVertices->ABGR_ = ABGR;
		pVertices->X_ = PointB.x();
		pVertices->Y_ = PointB.y();
		pVertices->Z_ = PointB.z();
		pVertices->ABGR_ = ABGR;

		// Quickly check last primitive.
		BcBool AddNewPrimitive = BcTrue;
		if( LastPrimitiveSection_ != BcErrorCode )
			ScnDebugRenderComponentPrimitiveSection& PrimitiveSection = PrimitiveSectionList_[ LastPrimitiveSection_ ];

			// If the last primitive was the same type as ours we can append to it.
			// NOTE: Need more checks here later.
			if( PrimitiveSection.Type_ == rsPT_LINELIST &&
				PrimitiveSection.Layer_ == Layer &&
				PrimitiveSection.MaterialComponent_ == MaterialComponent_ )
				PrimitiveSection.NoofVertices_ += 2;
				AddNewPrimitive = BcFalse;
		// Add primitive.
		if( AddNewPrimitive == BcTrue )
			addPrimitive( rsPT_LINELIST, pFirstVertex, 2, Layer, BcTrue );
예제 #11
// drawGrid
void ScnDebugRenderComponent::drawGrid( const MaVec3d& Position, const MaVec3d& Size, BcF32 StepSize, BcF32 SubDivideMultiple, BcU32 Layer )
	BcU32 NoofAxis = ( Size.x() > 0 ? 1 : 0  ) + ( Size.y() > 0 ? 1 : 0  ) + ( Size.z() > 0 ? 1 : 0 );
	BcAssertMsg( NoofAxis == 2, "Only supports 2 axis in the grid!" );
	// Determine which axis to draw along.
	MaVec3d XAxis;
	MaVec3d YAxis;
	BcF32 XSize = 0.0f;
	BcF32 YSize = 0.0f;

	if( Size.x() > 0.0f )
		XAxis = MaVec3d( Size.x(), 0.0f, 0.0f );
		XSize = Size.x();
		if( Size.y() > 0.0f )
			YAxis = MaVec3d( 0.0f, Size.y(), 0.0f );
			YSize = Size.y();
			YAxis = MaVec3d( 0.0f, 0.0f, Size.z() );
			YSize = Size.z();
		XAxis = MaVec3d( 0.0f, Size.y(), 0.0f );
		YAxis = MaVec3d( 0.0f, 0.0f, Size.z() );
		XSize = Size.y();
		YSize = Size.z();

	// Normalise.

	while( StepSize < XSize && StepSize < YSize )
		// Draw grid.
		for( BcF32 X = 0.0f; X <= XSize; X += StepSize )
			MaVec3d A1( Position + ( XAxis * X ) + ( YAxis *  YSize ) );
			MaVec3d B1( Position + ( XAxis * X ) + ( YAxis * -YSize ) );
			MaVec3d A2( Position + ( XAxis * -X ) + ( YAxis *  YSize ) );
			MaVec3d B2( Position + ( XAxis * -X ) + ( YAxis * -YSize ) );
			drawLine( A1, B1, RsColour( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.05f ), Layer );
			drawLine( A2, B2, RsColour( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.05f ), Layer );

		for( BcF32 Y = 0.0f; Y <= YSize; Y += StepSize )
			MaVec3d A1( Position + ( XAxis *  YSize ) + ( YAxis * Y ) );
			MaVec3d B1( Position + ( XAxis * -YSize ) + ( YAxis * Y ) );
			MaVec3d A2( Position + ( XAxis *  YSize ) + ( YAxis * -Y ) );
			MaVec3d B2( Position + ( XAxis * -YSize ) + ( YAxis * -Y ) );
			drawLine( A1, B1, RsColour( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.05f ), Layer );
			drawLine( A2, B2, RsColour( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.05f ), Layer );

		StepSize *= SubDivideMultiple;
예제 #12
// drawSprite
void ScnCanvasComponent::drawSprite( const MaVec2d& Position, const MaVec2d& Size, BcU32 TextureIdx, const RsColour& Colour, BcU32 Layer )
	ScnCanvasComponentVertex* pVertices = allocVertices( 6 );
	ScnCanvasComponentVertex* pFirstVertex = pVertices;
	const MaVec2d CornerA = Position;
	const MaVec2d CornerB = Position + Size;

	const ScnRect Rect = DiffuseTexture_.isValid() ? DiffuseTexture_->getRect( TextureIdx ) : ScnRect();
	// Only draw if we can allocate vertices.
	if( pVertices != NULL )
		// Now copy in data.
		BcU32 ABGR = Colour.asABGR();
		pVertices->X_ = CornerA.x();
		pVertices->Y_ = CornerA.y();
		pVertices->Z_ = 0.0f;
		pVertices->W_ = 1.0f;
		pVertices->U_ = Rect.X_;
		pVertices->V_ = Rect.Y_;
		pVertices->ABGR_ = ABGR;
		pVertices->X_ = CornerB.x();
		pVertices->Y_ = CornerA.y();
		pVertices->Z_ = 0.0f;
		pVertices->W_ = 1.0f;
		pVertices->U_ = Rect.X_ + Rect.W_;
		pVertices->V_ = Rect.Y_;
		pVertices->ABGR_ = ABGR;
		pVertices->X_ = CornerA.x();
		pVertices->Y_ = CornerB.y();
		pVertices->Z_ = 0.0f;
		pVertices->W_ = 1.0f;
		pVertices->U_ = Rect.X_;
		pVertices->V_ = Rect.Y_ + Rect.H_;
		pVertices->ABGR_ = ABGR;
		pVertices->X_ = CornerA.x();
		pVertices->Y_ = CornerB.y();
		pVertices->Z_ = 0.0f;
		pVertices->W_ = 1.0f;
		pVertices->U_ = Rect.X_;
		pVertices->V_ = Rect.Y_ + Rect.H_;
		pVertices->ABGR_ = ABGR;

		pVertices->X_ = CornerB.x();
		pVertices->Y_ = CornerA.y();
		pVertices->Z_ = 0.0f;
		pVertices->W_ = 1.0f;
		pVertices->U_ = Rect.X_ + Rect.W_;
		pVertices->V_ = Rect.Y_;
		pVertices->ABGR_ = ABGR;

		pVertices->X_ = CornerB.x();
		pVertices->Y_ = CornerB.y();
		pVertices->Z_ = 0.0f;
		pVertices->W_ = 1.0f;
		pVertices->U_ = Rect.X_ + Rect.W_;
		pVertices->V_ = Rect.Y_ + Rect.H_;
		pVertices->ABGR_ = ABGR;
		// Quickly check last primitive.
		BcBool AddNewPrimitive = BcTrue;
		if( LastPrimitiveSection_ != BcErrorCode )
			ScnCanvasComponentPrimitiveSection& PrimitiveSection = PrimitiveSectionList_[ LastPrimitiveSection_ ];

			// If the last primitive was the same type as ours we can append to it.
			// NOTE: Need more checks here later.
			if( PrimitiveSection.Type_ == RsTopologyType::TRIANGLE_LIST &&
				PrimitiveSection.Layer_ == Layer &&
				PrimitiveSection.MaterialComponent_ == MaterialComponent_ )
				PrimitiveSection.NoofVertices_ += 6;

				// Matrix stack.
				// TODO: Factor into a seperate function.
				if( IsIdentity_ == BcFalse )
					MaMat4d Matrix = getMatrix();

					for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < 6; ++Idx )
						ScnCanvasComponentVertex* pVertex = &pFirstVertex[ Idx ];
						MaVec3d Vertex = MaVec3d( pVertex->X_, pVertex->Y_, pVertex->Z_ ) * Matrix;
						pVertex->X_ = Vertex.x();
						pVertex->Y_ = Vertex.y();
						pVertex->Z_ = Vertex.z();
						pVertex->W_ = 1.0f;
				AddNewPrimitive = BcFalse;
		// Add primitive.
		if( AddNewPrimitive == BcTrue )
			addPrimitive( RsTopologyType::TRIANGLE_LIST, pFirstVertex, 6, Layer, BcTrue );
예제 #13
// drawLine
void ScnCanvasComponent::drawLine( const MaVec2d& PointA, const MaVec2d& PointB, const RsColour& Colour, BcU32 Layer )
	ScnCanvasComponentVertex* pVertices = allocVertices( 2 );
	ScnCanvasComponentVertex* pFirstVertex = pVertices;
	// Only draw if we can allocate vertices.
	if( pVertices != NULL )
		// Now copy in data.
		BcU32 ABGR = Colour.asABGR();
		pVertices->X_ = PointA.x();
		pVertices->Y_ = PointA.y();
		pVertices->Z_ = 0.0f;
		pVertices->W_ = 1.0f;
		pVertices->ABGR_ = ABGR;
		pVertices->X_ = PointB.x();
		pVertices->Y_ = PointB.y();
		pVertices->Z_ = 0.0f;
		pVertices->W_ = 1.0f;
		pVertices->ABGR_ = ABGR;

		// Quickly check last primitive.
		BcBool AddNewPrimitive = BcTrue;
		if( LastPrimitiveSection_ != BcErrorCode )
			ScnCanvasComponentPrimitiveSection& PrimitiveSection = PrimitiveSectionList_[ LastPrimitiveSection_ ];

			// If the last primitive was the same type as ours we can append to it.
			// NOTE: Need more checks here later.
			if( PrimitiveSection.Type_ == RsTopologyType::LINE_LIST &&
				PrimitiveSection.Layer_ == Layer &&
				PrimitiveSection.MaterialComponent_ == MaterialComponent_ )
				PrimitiveSection.NoofVertices_ += 2;

				// Matrix stack.
				// TODO: Factor into a seperate function.
				if( IsIdentity_ == BcFalse )
					MaMat4d Matrix = getMatrix();

					for( BcU32 Idx = 0; Idx < 2; ++Idx )
						ScnCanvasComponentVertex* pVertex = &pFirstVertex[ Idx ];
						MaVec3d Vertex = MaVec3d( pVertex->X_, pVertex->Y_, pVertex->Z_ ) * Matrix;
						pVertex->X_ = Vertex.x();
						pVertex->Y_ = Vertex.y();
						pVertex->Z_ = Vertex.z();
						pVertices->W_ = 1.0f;
				AddNewPrimitive = BcFalse;
		// Add primitive.
		if( AddNewPrimitive == BcTrue )
			addPrimitive( RsTopologyType::LINE_LIST, pFirstVertex, 2, Layer, BcTrue );
예제 #14
// drawEllipsoid
void ScnDebugRenderComponent::drawEllipsoid( const MaVec3d& Position, const MaVec3d& Size, const RsColour& Colour, BcU32 Layer )
	// Draw outer circles for all axis.
	BcU32 LOD = 16;
	BcF32 Angle = 0.0f;
	BcF32 AngleInc = ( BcPI * 2.0f ) / BcF32( LOD );

	// Draw axis lines.
	for( BcU32 i = 0; i < LOD; ++i )
		MaVec2d PosA( BcCos( Angle ), -BcSin( Angle ) );
		MaVec2d PosB( BcCos( Angle + AngleInc ), -BcSin( Angle + AngleInc ) );

		MaVec3d XAxisA = MaVec3d( 0.0f,                 PosA.x() * Size.y(), PosA.y() * Size.z() );
		MaVec3d YAxisA = MaVec3d( PosA.x() * Size.x(), 0.0f,                 PosA.y() * Size.z() );
		MaVec3d ZAxisA = MaVec3d( PosA.x() * Size.x(), PosA.y() * Size.y(), 0.0f                 );
		MaVec3d XAxisB = MaVec3d( 0.0f,                 PosB.x() * Size.y(), PosB.y() * Size.z() );
		MaVec3d YAxisB = MaVec3d( PosB.x() * Size.x(), 0.0f,                 PosB.y() * Size.z() );
		MaVec3d ZAxisB = MaVec3d( PosB.x() * Size.x(), PosB.y() * Size.y(), 0.0f                 );

		drawLine( XAxisA + Position, XAxisB + Position, Colour, 0 );
		drawLine( YAxisA + Position, YAxisB + Position, Colour, 0 );
		drawLine( ZAxisA + Position, ZAxisB + Position, Colour, 0 );

		Angle += AngleInc;

	// Draw a cross down centre.
	MaVec3d XAxis = MaVec3d( Size.x(), 0.0f, 0.0f );
	MaVec3d YAxis = MaVec3d( 0.0f, Size.y(), 0.0f );
	MaVec3d ZAxis = MaVec3d( 0.0f, 0.0f, Size.z() );
	drawLine( Position - XAxis, Position + XAxis, Colour, Layer );
	drawLine( Position - YAxis, Position + YAxis, Colour, Layer );
	drawLine( Position - ZAxis, Position + ZAxis, Colour, Layer );
예제 #15
void ScnViewComponent::bind( RsFrame* pFrame, RsRenderSort Sort )
	RsContext* pContext = pFrame->getContext();

	// Calculate the viewport.
	BcF32 Width = static_cast< BcF32 >( pContext->getWidth() );
	BcF32 Height = static_cast< BcF32 >( pContext->getHeight() );

	// If we're using a render target, we want to use it for dimensions.
	if( RenderTarget_.isValid() )
		Width = static_cast< BcF32 >( RenderTarget_->getWidth() );
		Height = static_cast< BcF32 >( RenderTarget_->getHeight() );

	const BcF32 ViewWidth = Width_ * Width;
	const BcF32 ViewHeight = Height_ * Height;
	const BcF32 Aspect = ViewWidth / ViewHeight;

	// Setup the viewport.
	Viewport_.viewport( static_cast< BcU32 >( X_ * Width ),
	                    static_cast< BcU32 >( Y_ * Height ),
	                    static_cast< BcU32 >( ViewWidth ),
	                    static_cast< BcU32 >( ViewHeight ),
	                    Far_ );
	// Create appropriate projection matrix.
	if( HorizontalFOV_ > 0.0f )
		ViewUniformBlock_.ProjectionTransform_.perspProjectionHorizontal( HorizontalFOV_, Aspect, Near_, Far_ );
		ViewUniformBlock_.ProjectionTransform_.perspProjectionVertical( VerticalFOV_, 1.0f / Aspect, Near_, Far_ );

	ViewUniformBlock_.InverseProjectionTransform_ = ViewUniformBlock_.ProjectionTransform_;

	// Setup view matrix.
	ViewUniformBlock_.InverseViewTransform_ = getParentEntity()->getWorldMatrix();
	ViewUniformBlock_.ViewTransform_ = ViewUniformBlock_.InverseViewTransform_;

	// Clip transform.
	ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_ = ViewUniformBlock_.ViewTransform_ * ViewUniformBlock_.ProjectionTransform_;

	// Upload uniforms.
		0, sizeof( ViewUniformBlock_ ),
		[ this ]( RsBuffer* Buffer, const RsBufferLock& Lock )
			BcMemCopy( Lock.Buffer_, &ViewUniformBlock_, sizeof( ViewUniformBlock_ ) );
		} );

	// Build frustum planes.
	// TODO: revisit this later as we don't need to do it I don't think.
	FrustumPlanes_[ 0 ] = MaPlane( ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][0] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][0] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][0] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][0]) );

	FrustumPlanes_[ 1 ] = MaPlane( ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][0] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][0] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][0] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][0] ) );

	FrustumPlanes_[ 2 ] = MaPlane( ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][1] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][1] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][1] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][1] ) );

	FrustumPlanes_[ 3 ] = MaPlane( ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][1] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][1] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][1] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][1] ) );

	FrustumPlanes_[ 4 ] = MaPlane( ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][2] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][2] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][2] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][2] ) );
	FrustumPlanes_[ 5 ] = MaPlane( ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][3] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][3] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][3] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][3] ) );

	// Normalise frustum planes.
	for ( BcU32 i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
		MaVec3d Normal = FrustumPlanes_[ i ].normal();
		BcF32 Scale = 1.0f / -Normal.magnitude();
		FrustumPlanes_[ i ] = MaPlane( FrustumPlanes_[ i ].normal().x() * Scale,
		                               FrustumPlanes_[ i ].normal().y() * Scale,
		                               FrustumPlanes_[ i ].normal().z() * Scale,
		                               FrustumPlanes_[ i ].d() * Scale );

	// Setup render node to set the frame buffer, viewport, and clear colour.
	// TODO: Pass this in with the draw commands down the line.
	ScnViewComponentViewport* pRenderNode = pFrame->newObject< ScnViewComponentViewport >();
	pRenderNode->Sort_ = Sort;
	pRenderNode->FrameBuffer_ = FrameBuffer_.get();
	pRenderNode->Viewport_ = Viewport_;
	pRenderNode->ClearColour_ = ClearColour_;
	pRenderNode->EnableClearColour_ = EnableClearColour_;
	pRenderNode->EnableClearDepth_ = EnableClearDepth_;
	pRenderNode->EnableClearStencil_ = EnableClearStencil_;
	pFrame->addRenderNode( pRenderNode );
예제 #16
void GaGameComponent::onClick( OsEventInputMouse Event )
	GaUnitComponent* SelectedUnit = nullptr;
	GaVec3d SelectedLocation;
	BcBool SelectedValidLocation = BcFalse;
	GaUnitCommand Command;

	// Determine selection location.
		MaVec3d NearPos, FarPos;
		Camera_->getWorldPosition( MaVec2d( Event.MouseX_, Event.MouseY_ ), NearPos, FarPos );

		MaPlane GroundPlane;
		GroundPlane.fromPointNormal( MaVec3d( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), MaVec3d( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) );
		auto Dir = ( FarPos - NearPos ).normal();
		BcF32 Distance = 0.0f;
		MaVec3d Intersection;
		if( GroundPlane.lineIntersection( NearPos, FarPos, Distance, Intersection ) )
			SelectedLocation = GaVec3d( Intersection.x(), Intersection.y(), Intersection.z() );
			SelectedValidLocation = BcTrue;
	// Determine selection unit.
	for( auto* Unit : Units_ )
		if( Unit->isSelectable() )
			MaVec3d NearPos, FarPos;
			Camera_->getWorldPosition( MaVec2d( Event.MouseX_, Event.MouseY_ ), NearPos, FarPos );
			auto SpatialComponent = Unit->getComponentByType< ScnSpatialComponent >();
			if( SpatialComponent != nullptr )
				auto AABB = SpatialComponent->getAABB();

				MaVec3d Intersection;
				if( AABB.lineIntersect( NearPos, FarPos, &Intersection, nullptr ) )
					SelectedUnit = Unit;
	if( SelectedCommand_.Type_ == GaUnitCommandType::INVALID )
		// No command and left click, select.
		if( Event.ButtonCode_ == 0 )
			if( SelectedUnit != nullptr )
				SelectedUnitIDs_.push_back( SelectedUnit->getID() );
				SelectedCommand_ = GaUnitCommand();
		Command = SelectedCommand_;
		Command.UnitID_ = SelectedUnit ? SelectedUnit->getID() : BcErrorCode;
		Command.Location_ = SelectedLocation;
	// If right click, move.
	if( Event.ButtonCode_ == 1 )
		SelectedCommand_ = GaUnitCommand();
		if( SelectedValidLocation || SelectedUnit )
			Command.Type_ = GaUnitCommandType::MOVE;
			Command.Location_ = SelectedLocation;
			Command.UnitID_ = SelectedUnit ? SelectedUnit->getID() : BcErrorCode;

	// If we have a command.
	if( Command.Type_ != GaUnitCommandType::INVALID )
		// Move is a special case since formation is predetermined.
		if( Command.Type_ == GaUnitCommandType::MOVE )
			// Find midpoint.
			GaVec3d Midpoint( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
			GaReal NoofUnits = 0;
			for( auto UnitID : SelectedUnitIDs_ )
				auto* Unit = getUnit( UnitID );
				if( Unit )
					Midpoint += Unit->getState().Position_;
					NoofUnits += 1.0f;

			if( NoofUnits > 0.0f )
				Midpoint /= NoofUnits;

			// TODO: Position them in formation.
			// Send all units to offsets around this position.
			for( auto UnitID : SelectedUnitIDs_ )

				auto* Unit = getUnit( UnitID );
				if( Unit )
					auto Centre = Command.Location_;
					auto NewCommand = Command;
					NewCommand.Location_ = ( Unit->getState().Position_ - Midpoint ) + Centre;
					command( Unit, NewCommand );
			for( auto UnitID : SelectedUnitIDs_ )
				auto* Unit = getUnit( UnitID );
				if( Unit )
					Unit->command( Command );

	CommandsDirty_ = BcTrue;
예제 #17
파일: MdlMesh.cpp 프로젝트: Dezzles/Psybrus
// buildTangents
void MdlMesh::buildTangents()
	MaVec3d* pTan1 = new MaVec3d[ aVertices_.size() * 2 ];
	MaVec3d* pTan2 = pTan1 + aVertices_.size();

	memset( pTan1, 0, sizeof( MaVec3d ) * aVertices_.size() * 2 );

	for ( BcU32 i = 0; i < ( aIndices_.size() / 3 ); ++i )
		BcU32 TA = aIndices_[ ( i * 3 ) + 0 ].iVertex_;
		BcU32 TB = aIndices_[ ( i * 3 ) + 1 ].iVertex_;
		BcU32 TC = aIndices_[ ( i * 3 ) + 2 ].iVertex_;

		MdlVertex& VertA = aVertices_[ TA ];
		MdlVertex& VertB = aVertices_[ TB ];
		MdlVertex& VertC = aVertices_[ TC ];

		MaVec3d VertPosA = VertA.Position_;
		MaVec3d VertPosB = VertB.Position_;
		MaVec3d VertPosC = VertC.Position_;

		MaVec2d VertUVA = VertA.UV_;
		MaVec2d VertUVB = VertB.UV_;
		MaVec2d VertUVC = VertC.UV_;

		BcF32 X1 = VertPosB.x() - VertPosA.x();
		BcF32 X2 = VertPosC.x() - VertPosA.x();
		BcF32 Y1 = VertPosB.y() - VertPosA.y();
		BcF32 Y2 = VertPosC.y() - VertPosA.y();
		BcF32 Z1 = VertPosB.z() - VertPosA.z();
		BcF32 Z2 = VertPosC.z() - VertPosA.z();

		BcF32 S1 = VertUVB.x() - VertUVA.x();
		BcF32 S2 = VertUVC.x() - VertUVA.x();
		BcF32 T1 = VertUVB.y() - VertUVA.y();
		BcF32 T2 = VertUVC.y() - VertUVA.y();

		BcF32 InvR = ( S1 * T2 - S2 * T1 );
		BcF32 R = 1.0f / InvR;

		// Validation so it doesn't break everything, just set to a dummy value.
		if( BcAbs( InvR ) < 1e-6f )
			R = 0.0f;

		MaVec3d SDir( ( T2 * X1 - T1 * X2 ) * R, ( T2 * Y1 - T1 * Y2 ) * R, ( T2 * Z1 - T1 * Z2 ) * R );
		MaVec3d TDir( ( S1 * X2 - S2 * X1 ) * R, ( S1 * Y2 - S2 * Y1 ) * R, ( S1 * Z2 - S2 * Z1 ) * R );

		pTan1[ TA ] += SDir;
		pTan1[ TB ] += SDir;
		pTan1[ TC ] += SDir;

		pTan2[ TA ] += TDir;
		pTan2[ TB ] += TDir;
		pTan2[ TC ] += TDir;

	for ( BcU32 i = 0; i < aVertices_.size(); ++i )
		MdlVertex& Vert = aVertices_[ i ];
		MaVec3d Tangent;

		const MaVec3d N = Vert.Normal_;
		const MaVec3d& T = pTan1[ i ];

		Tangent = ( T - N * N.dot( T ) );

		// Calculate handedness
		BcF32 W = ( N.cross( T ).dot( pTan2[ i ] ) < 0.0f ) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;

		if ( W < 0.0f )
			Tangent = -Tangent;

		Vert.bTangent_ = BcTrue;
		Vert.Tangent_ = Tangent;

		// Validate, and create a dummy value.
		BcF32 Mag = Tangent.magnitude(); 
		if( BcAbs( Mag - 1.0f ) > 0.0001f )
			Vert.Tangent_.set( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );

	delete[] pTan1;
예제 #18
// bind
void ScnViewComponent::bind( RsFrame* pFrame, RsRenderSort Sort )
	RsContext* pContext = pFrame->getContext();

	// Calculate the viewport.
	BcF32 Width = static_cast< BcF32 >( pContext->getWidth() );
	BcF32 Height = static_cast< BcF32 >( pContext->getHeight() );

	// If we're using a render target, we want to use it for dimensions.
	if( RenderTarget_.isValid() )
		Width = static_cast< BcF32 >( RenderTarget_->getWidth() );
		Height = static_cast< BcF32 >( RenderTarget_->getHeight() );

	const BcF32 ViewWidth = Width_ * Width;
	const BcF32 ViewHeight = Height_ * Height;
	const BcF32 Aspect = ViewWidth / ViewHeight;

	// Setup the viewport.
	Viewport_.viewport( static_cast< BcU32 >( X_ * Width ),
	                    static_cast< BcU32 >( Y_ * Height ),
	                    static_cast< BcU32 >( ViewWidth ),
	                    static_cast< BcU32 >( ViewHeight ),
	                    Far_ );
	// Setup matrices in view uniform block.
	if( ViewUniformBuffer_->lock() )
		// Create appropriate projection matrix.
		if( HorizontalFOV_ > 0.0f )
			ViewUniformBlock_.ProjectionTransform_.perspProjectionHorizontal( HorizontalFOV_, Aspect, Near_, Far_ );
			ViewUniformBlock_.ProjectionTransform_.perspProjectionVertical( VerticalFOV_, 1.0f / Aspect, Near_, Far_ );

		ViewUniformBlock_.InverseProjectionTransform_ = ViewUniformBlock_.ProjectionTransform_;

		// Setup view matrix.
		ViewUniformBlock_.InverseViewTransform_ = getParentEntity()->getWorldMatrix();
		ViewUniformBlock_.ViewTransform_ = ViewUniformBlock_.InverseViewTransform_;

		// Clip transform.
		ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_ = ViewUniformBlock_.ViewTransform_ * ViewUniformBlock_.ProjectionTransform_;


	// Build frustum planes.
	// TODO: revisit this later as we don't need to do it I don't think.
	FrustumPlanes_[ 0 ] = MaPlane( ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][0] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][0] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][0] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][0]) );

	FrustumPlanes_[ 1 ] = MaPlane( ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][0] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][0] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][0] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][0] ) );

	FrustumPlanes_[ 2 ] = MaPlane( ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][1] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][1] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][1] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][3] + ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][1] ) );

	FrustumPlanes_[ 3 ] = MaPlane( ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][1] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][1] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][1] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][1] ) );

	FrustumPlanes_[ 4 ] = MaPlane( ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][2] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][2] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][2] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][3] - ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][2] ) );
	FrustumPlanes_[ 5 ] = MaPlane( ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[0][3] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[1][3] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[2][3] ),
	                               ( ViewUniformBlock_.ClipTransform_[3][3] ) );

	// Normalise frustum planes.
	for ( BcU32 i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
		MaVec3d Normal = FrustumPlanes_[ i ].normal();
		BcF32 Scale = 1.0f / -Normal.magnitude();
		FrustumPlanes_[ i ] = MaPlane( FrustumPlanes_[ i ].normal().x() * Scale,
		                               FrustumPlanes_[ i ].normal().y() * Scale,
		                               FrustumPlanes_[ i ].normal().z() * Scale,
		                               FrustumPlanes_[ i ].d() * Scale );

	// Set render target.
	if( RenderTarget_.isValid() )
		RenderTarget_->bind( pFrame );
		pFrame->setRenderTarget( NULL );
	// Set viewport.
	pFrame->setViewport( Viewport_ );
예제 #19
// update
void GaEnemyComponent::update( BcF32 Tick )
	// Find move vector.
	BcF32 MoveSpeed = 2.0f;
	MaVec3d MoveVector;

	PulseTimer_ += Tick;

	// Set direction and handle if we need to change direction.
	MaVec3d Position = getParentEntity()->getWorldPosition();
	MoveVector = Direction_;

	BcBSPPointInfo BSPPointInfo;
	if( BSP_->lineIntersection( Position, Position + Direction_ * 256.0f, &BSPPointInfo ) )
		if( BSPPointInfo.Distance_ < 1.0f )
			// New direction.
			Direction_ = Direction_.reflect( BSPPointInfo.Plane_.normal() );

			// Belt & braces: it will become denormalised over time.
			// Clamp position (this is to prevent wandering, if angles aren't sitting on an integer, expect weirdness).
			Position = MaVec3d( BcRound( Position.x() ), BcRound( Position.y() ), BcRound( Position.z() ) );


	BcF32 PulseTime = 2.0f;

	if( BSP_->canSeePlayer( Position ) )
		BcPrintf( "I CAN SEE UUU\n" );
		PulseTime = 0.5f;
		IsTargetting_ = BcTrue;
		TargetTimer_ -= Tick;
		IsTargetting_ = BcFalse;
		TargetTimer_ = 3.0f;

	// Pulse.
	if( PulseTimer_ > PulseTime )
		Pressure_->setSample( Position, 0.5f );
		PulseTimer_ = 0.0f;

	// Shoot player.
	if( IsTargetting_ && TargetTimer_ < 0.0f )
	// Set the move.
	if( !IsTargetting_ )
		MaVec3d AppliedMoveVector = MoveVector;
		AppliedMoveVector.z( 0.0f );
		AppliedMoveVector = AppliedMoveVector.normal() * MoveSpeed;
		Pawn_->setMove( AppliedMoveVector );
		Pawn_->setMove( MaVec3d( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
예제 #20
// lineCast
BcBool ScnPhysicsWorldComponent::lineCast( const MaVec3d& A, const MaVec3d& B, MaVec3d& Intersection, MaVec3d& Normal )
	btCollisionWorld::ClosestRayResultCallback HitResult( 
		btVector3( A.x(), A.y(), A.z() ),
		btVector3( B.x(), B.y(), B.z() ) );
		btVector3( A.x(), A.y(), A.z() ),
		btVector3( B.x(), B.y(), B.z() ),
		HitResult );

	if( HitResult.hasHit() )
		Intersection = MaVec3d( 
			HitResult.m_hitPointWorld.z() );
		Normal = MaVec3d( 
			HitResult.m_hitNormalWorld.z() );
		return BcTrue;
	return BcFalse;