예제 #1
파일: main.cpp 프로젝트: app/ananas-labs
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

	QApplication a( argc, argv );
//	dSelectDB dselectdb;
	dLogin dlogin;
//	application = &a;
	int rc = 1;
	bool ok;
	QPixmap pixmap;
	BrInitError error;

	QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings( QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF8") );

#ifndef _Windows
	if (br_init_lib(&error) == 0 && error != BR_INIT_ERROR_DISABLED) {
		aLog::print(aLog::MT_INFO, QObject::tr("Warning: BinReloc failed to initialize (error code %1)\n").arg(error));
		aLog::print(aLog::MT_INFO, QObject::tr("Will fallback to hardcoded default path.\n"));
	aLog::print(aLog::MT_DEBUG, QObject::tr("main - BinReloc path to data dir is %1.\n").arg( br_find_data_dir("/usr/share") ));
	aLog::print(aLog::MT_DEBUG, QObject::tr("main - BinReloc path to lib dir is %1.\n").arg( br_find_data_dir("/usr/lib") ));
	if ( parseCommandLine( qApp->argc(), qApp->argv() ) ) return 1;
	qApp->installTranslator( &tr_app );
	qApp->installTranslator( &tr_lib );
	qApp->installTranslator( &tr_plugins );
	pixmap = QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "engine-splash-"+lang+".png" );
	if ( pixmap.isNull() )
#ifdef _Windows
	pixmap = QPixmap::fromMimeSource( qApp->applicationDirPath()+"/engine-splash-"+lang+".png" );
	qApp->addLibraryPath( qApp->applicationDirPath() );
	pixmap = QPixmap::fromMimeSource( QString(br_find_data_dir("/usr/share") ) + "/ananas/designer/locale/engine-splash-"+lang+".png");
	qApp->addLibraryPath( QString( br_find_lib_dir("/usr/lib")) + "/ananas/qt3plugins" );

        QStringList list = a.libraryPaths();
	QString libPath = "";
	QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin();
	while( it != list.end() ) {
    	    libPath += *it+":";
	aLog::print(aLog::MT_DEBUG, QString("main - qt library path is '%1'\n").arg( libPath));
	printf("extensions: \n%s\n",( const char *) AExtensionFactory::keys().join("\n") );
// Test create extension
//	AExtension *e = AExtensionFactory::create("AExtTest");
//	if (e) printf("EXT OK\n"); else printf("NO EXT OK\n");

	if ( pixmap.isNull() )
		pixmap = QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "engine-splash-en.png" );
	QSplashScreen *splash = new QSplashScreen( pixmap );
	if ( ananas_login( rcfile, username, userpassword ) ){
//	if ( rcfile.isEmpty() ) {
//    	    if (dselectdb.exec()==QDialog::Accepted) rcfile = dselectdb.rcfile;
//	}
//	if ( !rcfile.isEmpty() ) {
//    		if (dlogin.exec()==QDialog::Accepted) {
//		    username = dlogin.username;
//		    userpassword = dlogin.password;
//		}
//		if (dselectdb.rcfile.isEmpty()) return 0;

		splash->message( QObject::tr("Init application"), Qt::AlignBottom, Qt::white );
		MainForm *w = new MainForm( 0, "MainForm");
		mainform = w;
		mainformws = mainform->ws;
		mainformwl = mainform->wl;
		qApp->setMainWidget( w );
		w->rcfile = rcfile;
//		printf( "rcfile = %s\n", rcfile.ascii() );
		ok = w->init();
       	splash->finish( w );
       	delete splash;
		if ( ok ) {
			qApp->connect( qApp, SIGNAL( lastWindowClosed() ), qApp, SLOT( quit() ) );
			rc = qApp->exec();
			if( w ) delete w;
		} else {
			QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr("Error"), QObject::tr("Ananas runtime init error. See message window and log file for details."));
		return rc;
		return 0;