예제 #1
     * Method invoked when an order book delta is reported.
    void onBookAtomicLevelDelta (
        MamdaSubscription*           subscription,
        MamdaBookAtomicListener&     listener,
        const MamaMsg&               msg,
        const MamdaBookAtomicLevel&  level)
         * The level should only be processed when entires are not received
         *  i.e. for level only based feeds
         * If an entry was received on the previous level, then the level will
         *  have been marked with an UNKNOWN side and should not be applied to
         *  the book
        if(mReusablePriceLevel.getSide() != MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::MAMDA_BOOK_SIDE_UNKNOWN)
            if (gExampleLogLevel == EXAMPLE_LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL
                    && mOrderBook.getQuality() == MAMA_QUALITY_OK)
                prettyPrint(subscription, mReusablePriceLevel);

         * Store the current level
예제 #2
     * Method invoked when we stop processing the last level in a message. We
     * invoke this method after the last entry for the level gets processed.
     * The subscription may be destroyed from this callback.
    void onBookAtomicEndBook (
        MamdaSubscription*           subscription,
        MamdaBookAtomicListener&     listener)
         * When level recap/delta is received, it is stored in a MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel.
         * If no entry deltas/recaps are received, then the price level should be applied
         *  to the book.
         * The entry delta/recap callback will mark the price level with an UNKNOWN side to
         *  show that it does not need to be applied to the book
        if(mReusablePriceLevel.getSide() != MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::MAMDA_BOOK_SIDE_UNKNOWN)
            if (gExampleLogLevel == EXAMPLE_LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL
                    && mOrderBook.getQuality() == MAMA_QUALITY_OK)
                prettyPrint(subscription, mReusablePriceLevel);

        if(mOrderBook.getQuality() == MAMA_QUALITY_OK && gExampleLogLevel == EXAMPLE_LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL)
        cout<< "BOOK END\n";
예제 #3
     * Helper function to print a MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel
    void prettyPrint(
        MamdaSubscription*                  subscription,
        const MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel&     level)
        // Print Entry Level Info
        const char* symbol        = subscription->getSymbol ();
        const char* time          = level.getTime().getTimeAsString();
        double      price         = level.getPrice ();
        char        side          = level.getSide();
        char        action        = level.getAction ();
        double      size          = level.getSize ();

        cout << "LEVEL "
             << symbol << " "
             << time   << " "
             << action << " "
             << price  << " "
             << side   << " "
             << size   << endl;
예제 #4
     * Method invoked when a full refresh of the order book for the
     * security is available.  The reason for the invocation may be
     * any of the following:
     * - Initial image.
     * - Recap update (e.g., after server fault tolerant event or data
     *   quality event.)
     * - After stale status removed.
    void onBookAtomicLevelRecap (
        MamdaSubscription*           subscription,
        MamdaBookAtomicListener&     listener,
        const MamaMsg&               msg,
        const MamdaBookAtomicLevel&  level)
         * The level should only be processed when entires are not received
         *  i.e. for level only based feeds
         * If an entry was received on the previous level, then the level will
         *  have been marked with an UNKNOWN side and should not be applied to
         *  the book
        if(mReusablePriceLevel.getSide() != MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::MAMDA_BOOK_SIDE_UNKNOWN)
            applyLevel (mReusablePriceLevel);

         * Store the current level
    void MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::setAsDifference (
        const MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel&  lhs,
        const MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel&  rhs)
        assert (lhs.getPrice() == rhs.getPrice());

        MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::iterator lhsEnd  = end();
        MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::iterator lhsIter = begin();
        MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::iterator rhsEnd  = end();
        MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::iterator rhsIter = begin();

        while ((lhsIter != lhsEnd) && (rhsIter != rhsEnd))
            const char*      lhsId   = NULL;
            const char*      rhsId   = NULL;
            mama_quantity_t  lhsSize = 0.0;
            mama_quantity_t  rhsSize = 0.0;

            if (lhsIter != lhsEnd)
                const MamdaOrderBookEntry* entry = *lhsIter;
                lhsId   = entry->getId();
                lhsSize = entry->getSize();
            if (rhsIter != rhsEnd)
                const MamdaOrderBookEntry* entry = *rhsIter;
                rhsId   = entry->getId();
                rhsSize = entry->getSize();

            if (lhsId && rhsId)
                if (strcmp(lhsId,rhsId)==0)
                    // Same ID, maybe different size.
                    if (mama_isQuantityEqual (lhsSize, rhsSize))
                        MamdaOrderBookEntry* updateEntry =
                            new MamdaOrderBookEntry (**rhsIter);
                        addEntry (updateEntry);
                    // Different ID (either something exists on the LHS
                    // and not on RHS or vice versa).
                    MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::const_iterator rhsFound = 
                        findEntryAfter (rhsIter, lhsId);
                    if (rhsFound != rhsEnd)
                        // The ID from the LHS was found on the RHS, so
                        // there must have been additional entries on the
                        // RHS, which we now need to add.
                            MamdaOrderBookEntry* entry =
                                new MamdaOrderBookEntry(**rhsIter);
                            addEntry (entry);
                        while (rhsIter != rhsFound);
                        // The ID from the LHS was not present on the RHS,
                        // so add the LHS entry.  Note: it would probably
                        // be faster to iterate over the LHS side rather
                        // than begin the loop again.
                        MamdaOrderBookEntry* entry =
                            new MamdaOrderBookEntry(**lhsIter);
                        addEntry (entry);

        setPrice (rhs.getPrice());
        setSizeChange (rhs.getSize() - lhs.getSize());
        setSize (rhs.getSize());
        setNumEntries (rhs.getNumEntries());
        setAction (MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::MAMDA_BOOK_ACTION_UPDATE);
        setTime (rhs.getTime());
        setSide (rhs.getSide());