예제 #1
Chit* LumosChitBag::NewLawnOrnament(const Vector2I& pos, const char* name, int team)
	const ChitContext* context = Context();
	Chit* chit = NewChit();

	GameItem* rootItem = ItemDefDB::Instance()->Get(name).Clone();

	// Hack...how to do this better??
	if (rootItem->IResourceName() == "ruins1.0") {
		CStr<32> str;
		str.Format("ruins1.%d", random.Rand(2));

	int size = 1;
	rootItem->keyValues.Get(ISC::size, &size);

	MapSpatialComponent* msc = new MapSpatialComponent();
	msc->SetBuilding(size, false, 0);
	msc->SetBlocks((rootItem->flags & GameItem::PATH_NON_BLOCKING) ? false : true);
	MapSpatialComponent::SetMapPosition(chit, pos.x, pos.y);

	chit->Add(new RenderComponent(rootItem->ResourceName()));
	chit->Add(new HealthComponent());
	AddItem(rootItem, chit, context->engine, team, 0);

	IString proc = rootItem->keyValues.GetIString("procedural");
	if (!proc.empty()) {
		ProcRenderInfo info;
		AssignProcedural(chit->GetItem(), &info);
		chit->GetRenderComponent()->SetProcedural(0, info);
	context->engine->particleSystem->EmitPD(ISC::constructiondone, ToWorld3F(pos), V3F_UP, 0);

	if (XenoAudio::Instance()) {
		Vector3F pos3 = ToWorld3F(pos);
		XenoAudio::Instance()->PlayVariation(ISC::rezWAV, random.Rand(), &pos3);

	return chit;
예제 #2
CoreScript* CoreScript::CreateCore( const Vector2I& sector, int team, const ChitContext* context)
	// Destroy the existing core.
	// Create a new core, attached to the player.
	CoreScript* cs = CoreScript::GetCore(sector);
	if (cs) {
		Chit* core = cs->ParentChit();

		CDynArray< Chit* > queryArr;

		// Tell all the AIs the core is going away.
		ChitHasAIComponent filter;
		Rectangle2F b = ToWorld2F(InnerSectorBounds(sector));
		context->chitBag->QuerySpatialHash(&queryArr, b, 0, &filter);
		for (int i = 0; i < queryArr.Size(); ++i) {

		// QueueDelete is safer, but all kinds of asserts fire (correctly)
		// if 2 cores are in the same place. This may cause an issue
		// if CreateCore is called during the DoTick()
		// Setting the hp to 0 and then calling DoTick()
		// is a sleazy trick to clean up.
		core->GetItem()->hp = 0;
		if (core->GetHealthComponent()) {

	const SectorData& sd = context->worldMap->GetSectorData(sector);
	if (sd.HasCore()) {
		int group = 0, id = 0;
		Team::SplitID(team, &group, &id);

		// Lots of trouble with this code. Used to assert,
		// but always seemed to be another case. White list
		// groups that *can* take over a core.
		if (team == TEAM_NEUTRAL || team == TEAM_TROLL || Team::IsDeity(team) || Team::IsDenizen(team)) {
			// Okay! take over.
			GLASSERT(!Team::IsDenizen(team) || id);		// make sure rogues got filtered out.
		else {
			team = group = id = 0;
		Chit* chit = context->chitBag->NewBuilding(sd.core, "core", team);

		// 'in use' instead of blocking.
		MapSpatialComponent* ms = GET_SUB_COMPONENT(chit, SpatialComponent, MapSpatialComponent);
		CoreScript* cs = new CoreScript();
		GLASSERT(CoreScript::GetCore(ToSector(sd.core)) == cs);

		if (Team::IsDeity(team))

		if (team != TEAM_NEUTRAL) {
											NewsEvent::DOMAIN_CREATED, NewsEvent::DOMAIN_DESTROYED, 0);

			// Make the dwellers defend the core.
			chit->Add(new GuardScript());

			// Make all buildings to be this team.
			CDynArray<Chit*> buildings;
			Vector2I buildingSector = ToSector(chit->Position());
			context->chitBag->FindBuilding(IString(), buildingSector, 0, LumosChitBag::EFindMode::NEAREST, &buildings, 0);
			for (int i = 0; i < buildings.Size(); ++i) {
				Chit* c = buildings[i];
				if (c->GetItem() && c->GetItem()->IName() != ISC::core) {
		return cs;
	return 0;
예제 #3
Chit* LumosChitBag::NewBuilding(const Vector2I& pos, const char* name, int team)
	const ChitContext* context = Context();
	Chit* chit = NewChit();

	const GameItem& rootItem = ItemDefDB::Instance()->Get(name);
	GameItem* item = rootItem.Clone();

	// Hack...how to do this better??
	if (item->IResourceName() == "pyramid0") {
		CStr<32> str;
		str.Format("pyramid%d", random.Rand(3));
	if (item->IResourceName() == ISC::kiosk) {
		switch (random.Rand(4)) {
			case 0: item->SetResource("kiosk.n");	break;
			case 1: item->SetResource("kiosk.m");	break;
			case 2: item->SetResource("kiosk.s");	break;
			default:item->SetResource("kiosk.c");	break;

	int size = 1;
	rootItem.keyValues.Get(ISC::size, &size);
	int porch = 0;
	rootItem.keyValues.Get(ISC::porch, &porch);
	const int circuit = 0;

	// Should be pre-cleared. But recover from weird situations by clearing.
	// Note that water is a real problem.
	Rectangle2I r;
	r.Set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + size - 1, pos.y + size - 1);
	for (Rectangle2IIterator it(r); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
		const WorldGrid& wg = context->worldMap->GetWorldGrid(it.Pos());
		context->worldMap->SetRock(it.Pos().x, it.Pos().y, 0, false, 0);
		context->worldMap->SetPlant(it.Pos().x, it.Pos().y, 0, 0);

	MapSpatialComponent* msc = new MapSpatialComponent();
	msc->SetBuilding(size, porch != 0, circuit);
	msc->SetBlocks((rootItem.flags & GameItem::PATH_NON_BLOCKING) ? false : true);
	MapSpatialComponent::SetMapPosition(chit, pos.x, pos.y);

	chit->Add(new RenderComponent(item->ResourceName()));
	chit->Add(new HealthComponent());
	AddItem(item, chit, context->engine, team, 0);

	IString script = rootItem.keyValues.GetIString("script");
	if (!script.empty()) {
		Component* s = ComponentFactory::Factory(script.c_str(), &chitContext);

	IString proc = rootItem.keyValues.GetIString("procedural");
	if (!proc.empty()) {
		ProcRenderInfo info;
		AssignProcedural(chit->GetItem(), &info);
		chit->GetRenderComponent()->SetProcedural(0, info);

	IString consumes = rootItem.keyValues.GetIString(ISC::zone);
	if (!consumes.empty()) {
		Component* s = ComponentFactory::Factory("EvalBuildingScript", &chitContext);

	IString nameGen = rootItem.keyValues.GetIString( "nameGen");
	if ( !nameGen.empty() ) {
		IString p = Context()->chitBag->NameGen(nameGen.c_str(), chit->random.Rand());
		chit->GetItem()->SetProperName( p );

#if 0	// debugging
	SectorPort sp;
	sp.sector.Set( pos.x/SECTOR_SIZE, pos.y/SECTOR_SIZE );
	sp.port = 1;
	worldMap->SetRandomPort( sp );

	context->engine->particleSystem->EmitPD( ISC::constructiondone, ToWorld3F( pos ), V3F_UP, 0 );

	if (XenoAudio::Instance()) {
		Vector3F pos3 = ToWorld3F(pos);
		XenoAudio::Instance()->PlayVariation(ISC::rezWAV, random.Rand(), &pos3);

	return chit;