void AbstractDiagram::paintMarker( QPainter* painter,
                                   const DataValueAttributes& a,
                                   const QModelIndex& index,
                                   const QPointF& pos )
    if ( !checkInvariants() || !a.isVisible() ) return;
    const MarkerAttributes ma = a.markerAttributes();
    if ( !ma.isVisible() ) return;

    const PainterSaver painterSaver( painter );

    QSizeF maSize = ma.markerSize();
    const qreal diagramWidth = d->diagramSize.width();
    const qreal diagramHeight = d->diagramSize.height();

    switch( ma.markerSizeMode() ) {
    case MarkerAttributes::AbsoluteSize:
        // Unscaled, i.e. without the painter's "zoom"
        maSize.rwidth()  /= painter->matrix().m11();
        maSize.rheight() /= painter->matrix().m22();
    case MarkerAttributes::AbsoluteSizeScaled:
        // Keep maSize as is. It is specified directly in pixels and desired
        // to be effected by the painter's "zoom".
    case MarkerAttributes::RelativeToDiagramWidth:
        maSize *= diagramWidth;
    case MarkerAttributes::RelativeToDiagramHeight:
        maSize *= diagramHeight;
    case MarkerAttributes::RelativeToDiagramWidthHeightMin:
        maSize *= qMin( diagramWidth, diagramHeight );

    QBrush indexBrush( brush( index ) );
    QPen indexPen( ma.pen() );
    if ( ma.markerColor().isValid() )
        indexBrush.setColor( ma.markerColor() );

    paintMarker( painter, ma, indexBrush, indexPen, pos, maSize );

    // workaround: BC cannot be changed, otherwise we would pass the
    // index down to next-lower paintMarker function. So far, we
    // basically save a circle of radius maSize at pos in the
    // reverseMapper. This means that ^^^ this version of paintMarker
    // needs to be called to reverse-map the marker.
    d->reverseMapper.addCircle( index.row(), index.column(), pos, 2 * maSize );
bool MarkerAttributes::operator==( const MarkerAttributes& r ) const
    qDebug() << "MarkerAttributes::operator== finds"
            << "b" << (isVisible() == r.isVisible())
            << "c" << (markerStylesMap() == r.markerStylesMap())
            << "d" << (markerStyle() == r.markerStyle()) << markerStyle() <<r.markerStyle()
            << "e" << (markerSize() == r.markerSize())
            << "f" << (markerColor() == r.markerColor())
            << "g" << (pen() == r.pen())
            << "h" << (markerColor() == r.markerColor()) << markerColor() << r.markerColor();
    return ( isVisible() == r.isVisible() &&
            markerStylesMap() == r.markerStylesMap() &&
            markerStyle() == r.markerStyle() &&
            markerSize() == r.markerSize() &&
            markerColor() == r.markerColor() &&
            pen() == r.pen() );
예제 #3
void KDChart::MarkerLayoutItem::paintIntoRect(
        QPainter* painter,
        const QRect& rect,
        AbstractDiagram* diagram,
        const MarkerAttributes& marker,
        const QBrush& brush,
        const QPen& pen )
    if( ! rect.isValid() )

    // The layout management may assign a larger rect than what we
    // wanted. We need to adjust the position.
    const QSize siz = marker.markerSize().toSize();
    QPointF pos = rect.topLeft();
    pos += QPointF( static_cast<qreal>(( rect.width()  - siz.width()) / 2.0 ),
                    static_cast<qreal>(( rect.height() - siz.height()) / 2.0 ) );

    QPointF oldPos = pos;

// And finally, drawMarker() assumes the position to be the center
    // of the marker, adjust again.
    pos += QPointF( static_cast<qreal>( siz.width() ) / 2.0,
                    static_cast<qreal>( siz.height() )/ 2.0 );

    diagram->paintMarker( painter, marker, brush, pen, pos.toPoint(), siz );

    const QPen oldPen( painter->pen() );
    painter->setPen( Qt::red );
    painter->drawRect( QRect(oldPos.toPoint(), siz) );
    painter->setPen( oldPen );