예제 #1
IterationReport VarDBase::vcf_iterate( void (*f)(Variant&, void *) , void * data , Mask & mask )

  IterationReport irep( true , mask.any_grouping() , mask.variant_limit() );

  // VCF file name is kept in the Mask, by the 'ex-vcf' attribute
  std::string filename = mask.external_vcf_filename();
  if ( filename != "-" ) Helper::checkFileExists( filename );

  // Use VCFReader, into a temporary :memory: database

  // Load, parse VCF file; store variant and genotype information, and
  // meta-information, in vardb

  File vcffile( filename , VCF );

  VCFReader v( &vcffile , "" , &(GP->vardb) ,  NULL );

  // hack 
  if ( filename == "-" ) 
      v.observed_header( true );      
      v.set_number_individuals( GP->indmap.size() );

  if ( mask.fixxy() )
      v.set_fixxy( &mask , &(GP->locdb), &(GP->inddb) );

  // Selectively filter in/out meta-information?
  // or, add a region filter?

  // We might not want to load the entire VCF into memory; & thus allow
  // the includes/excludes and filters to bring regions/tags into view

  // Respect 'reg', and 'loc' from command line.
  // But not loc.subset; ereg, loc.req, loc.ex, etc
  std::set<Region> filter;
  std::string locinc = mask.loc_include_string();
  int l2 = 0;
  if ( locinc != "" && locinc != "." ) 
      if ( ! Helper::str2int( locinc , l2 ) )
	Helper::halt("could not parse 'loc' mask");
      if ( l2 > 0 ) 
	  filter = GP->locdb.get_regions( l2 );

  std::set<Region> reginc = mask.included_reg();
  std::set<Region>::iterator ii = reginc.begin();
  while ( ii != reginc.end() ) 
      filter.insert( *ii );

  // Add other "reg" from mask? 
  if ( filter.size() > 0 ) 
    v.set_region_mask( &filter );  
  if ( mask.id() )
    v.add_id_filter( mask.included_id() );

  // Misc. settings.
  downcode_mode = mask.downcode();

  // Work through VCF
  int inserted = 0;

  v.return_variant( true );

  Variant * pv = NULL;

  while ( 1 ) 
      VCFReader::line_t l = v.parseLine( &pv );
      if ( l == VCFReader::VCF_EOF ) break;
      if ( l == VCFReader::VCF_INVALID ) 

      // If a variant line has been processed and meets criteria, pv
      // will be non-NULL which also implies that a Variant has been
      // created and we are reponsible for cleaning up afterwards
      if ( l == VCFReader::VCF_VARIANT && pv )
	  // bad line, or failed a loc mask filter

	  if ( ! pv->valid() ) 
	      delete pv;
	  // So that the Variant functions know not to look for data
	  // in a BLOB; also, they they know how to parse it downstream
	  pv->set_vcf_buffer( v.gt_field , &v.formats );
	  // Apply all mask filters, and decide whether to call function
	  if ( eval_and_call( mask, &(GP->indmap) , *pv , f , data ) ) 
	      if ( ! irep.accepted_variant() ) break;
	  // and now clean up 	  
	  delete pv;

  // Wrap up
  // If we had to use any positional filters or grouping, now run the 
  // actual iterate on the temporary database we've created
  return irep;
예제 #2
bool VarDBase::vcf_iterate_read_header( Mask & mask )

  // Read meta-information, and header row.
  // Populate the vardb, indmap, etc

  std::string filename = mask.external_vcf_filename();

  if ( filename != "-" ) Helper::checkFileExists( filename );
  // Use VCFReader, into a temporary :memory: database

  // Load, parse VCF file; store variant and genotype information, and
  // meta-information, in vardb
  File vcffile( filename , VCF );
  VCFReader v( &vcffile , "" , &(GP->vardb) ,  NULL );
  // Work through VCF


  while ( 1 ) 
      VCFReader::line_t l = v.parseLine();

      if ( l == VCFReader::VCF_EOF ) break;
      if ( l == VCFReader::VCF_INVALID ) 
      if ( l == VCFReader::VCF_HEADER )
	    int n = GP->indmap.populate( GP->vardb , GP->phmap , mask );

  // Wrap up  
  // In FIX/XY mode when in single-VCF mode, we need to populate the Sex codes in the indmap

  for (int i = 0; i< GP->indmap.size() ; i++)
      sType s = GP->inddb.sex( GP->indmap.ind(i)->id() );
      GP->indmap.ind(i)->sex( s );