예제 #1
void PhysicsComponent::VUpdate(int deltaMs)
    // get the transform component
    shared_ptr<TransformComponent> pTransformComponent = MakeStrongPtr(m_pOwner->GetComponent<TransformComponent>(TransformComponent::g_Name));
    if (!pTransformComponent)
        GCC_ERROR("No transform component!");

    // get the direction the object is facing
    Mat4x4 transform = pTransformComponent->GetTransform();

	if (m_acceleration != 0)
        // calculate the acceleration this frame

        float accelerationToApplyThisFrame = m_acceleration / 1000.f * (float)deltaMs;

        // Get the current velocity vector and convert to a scalar.  The velocity vector is a combination of 
        // the direction this actor is going in and the speed of the actor.  The scalar is just the speed 
        // component.
        Vec3 velocity(m_pGamePhysics->VGetVelocity(m_pOwner->GetId()));
        float velocityScalar = velocity.Length();

		Vec3 direction(transform.GetDirection());
		m_pGamePhysics->VApplyForce(direction, accelerationToApplyThisFrame, m_pOwner->GetId());

        // logging
        // [rez] Comment this back in if you want to debug the physics thrust & rotation stuff.  It spams quite 
        // a bit of info the output window so I'm commenting it out for now.
        GCC_LOG("Actor", "Acceleration: " + ToStr(accelerationToApplyThisFrame) + "; velocityScalar: " + ToStr(velocityScalar) + \
                "; direction: " + ToStr(direction) + "; direction.Length(): " + ToStr(direction.Length()) + \
                "; velocity: " + ToStr(velocity) + "; velocity.Length(): " + ToStr(velocity.Length()));

    if (m_angularAcceleration != 0)
        // calculate the acceleration this frame
        float angularAccelerationToApplyThisFrame = m_angularAcceleration / 1000.f * (float)deltaMs;
		m_pGamePhysics->VApplyTorque(transform.GetUp(), angularAccelerationToApplyThisFrame, m_pOwner->GetId());

        // logging
        // [rez] Comment this back in if you want to debug the physics thrust & rotation stuff.  It spams quite 
        // a bit of info the output window so I'm commenting it out for now.
        //GCC_LOG("Actor", "Angular Acceleration: " + ToStr(angularAccelerationToApplyThisFrame) );
예제 #2
void WatchMeProcess::VOnUpdate(unsigned long deltaMs)
    StrongActorPtr pTarget = MakeStrongPtr(g_pApp->m_pGame->VGetActor(m_target));
	StrongActorPtr pMe = MakeStrongPtr(g_pApp->m_pGame->VGetActor(m_me));

    shared_ptr<TransformComponent> pTargetTransform = MakeStrongPtr(pTarget->GetComponent<TransformComponent>(TransformComponent::g_Name));
    shared_ptr<TransformComponent> pMyTransform = MakeStrongPtr(pMe->GetComponent<TransformComponent>(TransformComponent::g_Name));

	if (!pTarget || !pMe || !pTargetTransform || !pMyTransform)
		GCC_ERROR("This shouldn't happen");

	Vec3 targetPos = pTargetTransform->GetPosition();
	Mat4x4 myTransform = pMyTransform->GetTransform();
	Vec3 myDir = myTransform.GetDirection();
	myDir = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	Vec3 myPos = pMyTransform->GetPosition();

	Vec3 toTarget = targetPos - myPos;

	float dotProduct = myDir.Dot(toTarget);
	Vec3 crossProduct = myDir.Cross(toTarget);

	float angleInRadians = acos(dotProduct);

	if (crossProduct.y < 0)
		angleInRadians = -angleInRadians;
	Mat4x4 rotation;