예제 #1
void ModeratorTzero::exec()
  m_tolTOF = getProperty("tolTOF"); //Tolerance in the calculation of the emission time, in microseconds
  m_niter=getProperty("Niter"); // number of iterations
  const MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
  m_instrument = inputWS->getInstrument(); // pointer to the instrument

  //deltaE-mode (should be "indirect")
  std::vector<std::string> Emode=m_instrument->getStringParameter("deltaE-mode");
    throw Exception::InstrumentDefinitionError("Unable to retrieve instrument geometry (direct or indirect) parameter", inputWS->getTitle());
  if(Emode[0]!= "indirect")
    throw Exception::InstrumentDefinitionError("Instrument geometry must be of type indirect.");

  // extract formula from instrument parameters
  std::vector<std::string> t0_formula=m_instrument->getStringParameter("t0_formula");
  if(t0_formula.empty()) throw Exception::InstrumentDefinitionError("Unable to retrieve t0_formula among instrument parameters");

  //Run execEvent if eventWorkSpace
  EventWorkspace_const_sptr eventWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(inputWS);
  if (eventWS != NULL)

  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
  //Check whether input == output to see whether a new workspace is required.
  if ( outputWS != inputWS )
    //Create new workspace for output from old
    outputWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(inputWS);

  const size_t numHists = static_cast<size_t>(inputWS->getNumberHistograms());
  Progress prog(this,0.0,1.0,numHists); //report progress of algorithm
  PARALLEL_FOR2(inputWS, outputWS)
  // iterate over the spectra
  for (int i=0; i < static_cast<int>(numHists); ++i)
    size_t wsIndex = static_cast<size_t>(i);
    double L1=CalculateL1(inputWS, wsIndex); // distance from source to sample or monitor
    double t2=CalculateT2(inputWS, wsIndex); // time from sample to detector
    // shift the time of flights by the emission time from the moderator
    if(t2 >= 0) //t2 < 0 when no detector info is available
      double E1;  
      mu::Parser parser;
      parser.DefineVar("incidentEnergy", &E1); // associate E1 to this parser
      double min_t0_next=parser.Eval(); // fast neutrons are shifted by min_t0_next, irrespective of tof
      MantidVec &inbins = inputWS->dataX(i);
      MantidVec &outbins = outputWS->dataX(i);

      // iterate over the time-of-flight values
      for(unsigned int ibin=0; ibin < inbins.size(); ibin++)
        double tof=inbins[ibin]; // current time-of-flight
          tof-=CalculateT0(tof, L1, t2, E1, parser);
        outbins[ibin] = tof;
      outputWS->dataX(i) = inputWS->dataX(i);
    //Copy y and e data
    outputWS->dataY(i) = inputWS->dataY(i);
    outputWS->dataE(i) = inputWS->dataE(i);

  // Copy units
  if (inputWS->getAxis(0)->unit().get())
      outputWS->getAxis(0)->unit() = inputWS->getAxis(0)->unit();
      outputWS->getAxis(1)->unit() = inputWS->getAxis(1)->unit();
  catch(Exception::IndexError &) {
    // OK, so this isn't a Workspace2D

  // Assign it to the output workspace property
예제 #2
/**  Checks input properties and compares them to previous values
*   @param is :: [output] Number of the first run
*   @param ie :: [output] Number of the last run
void PlotAsymmetryByLogValue::checkProperties(size_t &is, size_t &ie) {

  // Log Value
  m_logName = getPropertyValue("LogValue");
  // Get function to apply to logValue
  m_logFunc = getPropertyValue("Function");
  // Get type of computation
  m_int = (getPropertyValue("Type") == "Integral");
  // Get grouping properties
  m_forward_list = getProperty("ForwardSpectra");
  m_backward_list = getProperty("BackwardSpectra");
  // Get green and red periods
  m_red = getProperty("Red");
  m_green = getProperty("Green");
  // Get time min and time max
  m_minTime = getProperty("TimeMin");
  m_maxTime = getProperty("TimeMax");
  // Get type of dead-time corrections
  m_dtcType = getPropertyValue("DeadTimeCorrType");
  m_dtcFile = getPropertyValue("DeadTimeCorrFile");
  // Get runs
  std::string firstFN = getProperty("FirstRun");
  std::string lastFN = getProperty("LastRun");

  // Parse run names and get the number of runs
  parseRunNames(firstFN, lastFN, m_filenameBase, m_filenameExt,
  is = atoi(firstFN.c_str()); // starting run number
  ie = atoi(lastFN.c_str());  // last run number
  if (ie < is) {
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "First run number is greater than last run number");

  // Create a string holding all the properties
  std::ostringstream ss;
  ss << m_filenameBase << "," << m_filenameExt << "," << m_filenameZeros << ",";
  ss << m_dtcType << "," << m_dtcFile << ",";
  ss << getPropertyValue("ForwardSpectra") << ","
     << getPropertyValue("BackwardSpectra") << ",";
  ss << m_int << "," << m_minTime << "," << m_maxTime << ",";
  ss << m_red << "," << m_green << ",";
  ss << m_logName << ", " << m_logFunc;
  m_allProperties = ss.str();

  // Check if we can re-use results from previous run
  // We can reuse results if:
  // 1. There is a ws in the ADS with name m_currResName
  // 2. It is a MatrixWorkspace
  // 3. It has a title equatl to m_allProperties
  // This ws stores previous results as described below
  if (AnalysisDataService::Instance().doesExist(m_currResName)) {
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr prevResults =
    if (prevResults) {
      if (m_allProperties == prevResults->getTitle()) {
        // We can re-use results
        size_t nPoints = prevResults->blocksize();
        size_t nHisto = prevResults->getNumberHistograms();

        if (nHisto == 2) {
          // Only 'red' data
          for (size_t i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
            // The first spectrum contains: X -> run number, Y -> log value
            // The second spectrum contains: Y -> redY, E -> redE
            size_t run = static_cast<size_t>(prevResults->readX(0)[i]);
            if ((run >= is) && (run <= ie)) {
              m_logValue[run] = prevResults->readY(0)[i];
              m_redY[run] = prevResults->readY(1)[i];
              m_redE[run] = prevResults->readE(1)[i];
        } else {
          // 'Red' and 'Green' data
          for (size_t i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
            // The first spectrum contains: X -> run number, Y -> log value
            // The second spectrum contains: Y -> diffY, E -> diffE
            // The third spectrum contains: Y -> redY, E -> redE
            // The fourth spectrum contains: Y -> greenY, E -> greeE
            // The fifth spectrum contains: Y -> sumY, E -> sumE
            size_t run = static_cast<size_t>(prevResults->readX(0)[i]);
            if ((run >= is) && (run <= ie)) {
              m_logValue[run] = prevResults->readY(0)[i];
              m_diffY[run] = prevResults->readY(1)[i];
              m_diffE[run] = prevResults->readE(1)[i];
              m_redY[run] = prevResults->readY(2)[i];
              m_redE[run] = prevResults->readE(2)[i];
              m_greenY[run] = prevResults->readY(3)[i];
              m_greenE[run] = prevResults->readE(3)[i];
              m_sumY[run] = prevResults->readY(4)[i];
              m_sumE[run] = prevResults->readE(4)[i];
예제 #3
//calculate time from sample to detector
double ModeratorTzero::CalculateT2(MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS, size_t i)
  static const double convFact = 1.0e-6*sqrt(2*PhysicalConstants::meV/PhysicalConstants::NeutronMass);
  double t2(-1.0); // negative initialization signals error
  // Get detector position
  IDetector_const_sptr det;
    det = inputWS->getDetector(i);
  catch (Exception::NotFoundError&)
    return t2;

  if( det->isMonitor() )
    t2 = 0.0; //t2=0.0 since there is no sample to detector path
    IComponent_const_sptr sample = m_instrument->getSample();
    // Get final energy E_f, final velocity v_f
    std::vector< double >  wsProp=det->getNumberParameter("Efixed");
    if ( !wsProp.empty() )
      double E2 = wsProp.at(0); //[E2]=meV
      double v2 = convFact * sqrt(E2); //[v2]=meter/microsec
        double L2 = det->getDistance(*sample);
        t2 = L2 / v2;
      catch (Exception::NotFoundError &)
        g_log.error("Unable to calculate detector-sample distance");
        throw Exception::InstrumentDefinitionError("Unable to calculate detector-sample distance", inputWS->getTitle());
      g_log.debug() <<"Efixed not found for detector "<< i << std::endl;
  return t2;
} // end of CalculateT2(const MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS, size_t i)