const typename
  Type<Scalar>::MatrixX& HumanoidLipComJerkMinimizationObjective<Scalar>::getHessian()
    assert(feetSupervisor_.getNbSamples() == lipModel_.getNbSamples());;

    int N = lipModel_.getNbSamples();
    int M = feetSupervisor_.getNbPreviewedSteps();

    int nb = feetSupervisor_.getNbOfCallsBeforeNextSample() - 1;

    const LinearDynamic<Scalar>& dynCopX = lipModel_.getCopXLinearDynamic(nb);
    const LinearDynamic<Scalar>& dynCopY = lipModel_.getCopYLinearDynamic(nb);

    MatrixX tmp = MatrixX::Zero(2*N, 2*N + 2*M);

    tmp.block(0, 0, 2*N, 2*N) = feetSupervisor_.getRotationMatrixT();
    tmp.block(0, 2*N, N, M) = feetSupervisor_.getFeetPosLinearDynamic().U;
    tmp.block(N, 2*N + M, N, M) = feetSupervisor_.getFeetPosLinearDynamic().U;

    MatrixX tmp2 = MatrixX::Zero(2*N, 2*N);

    const MatrixX& weight = feetSupervisor_.getSampleWeightMatrix();

    tmp2.block(0, 0, N, N) = dynCopX.UTinv*weight*dynCopX.Uinv;
    tmp2.block(N, N, N, N) = dynCopY.UTinv*weight*dynCopY.Uinv;
    hessian_.noalias() = tmp.transpose()*tmp2*tmp;

    return hessian_;
예제 #2
void run_fixed_size_test(int num_elements)
  using std::abs;
  typedef Matrix<Scalar, Dimension+1, Dynamic> MatrixX;
  typedef Matrix<Scalar, Dimension+1, Dimension+1> HomMatrix;
  typedef Matrix<Scalar, Dimension, Dimension> FixedMatrix;
  typedef Matrix<Scalar, Dimension, 1> FixedVector;

  const int dim = Dimension;

  // MUST be positive because in any other case det(cR_t) may become negative for
  // odd dimensions!
  const Scalar c = abs(internal::random<Scalar>());

  FixedMatrix R = randMatrixSpecialUnitary<Scalar>(dim);
  FixedVector t = Scalar(50)*FixedVector::Random(dim,1);

  HomMatrix cR_t = HomMatrix::Identity(dim+1,dim+1);
  cR_t.block(0,0,dim,dim) = c*R;
  cR_t.block(0,dim,dim,1) = t;

  MatrixX src = MatrixX::Random(dim+1, num_elements);
  src.row(dim) = Matrix<Scalar, 1, Dynamic>::Constant(num_elements, Scalar(1));

  MatrixX dst = cR_t*src;

  Block<MatrixX, Dimension, Dynamic> src_block(src,0,0,dim,num_elements);
  Block<MatrixX, Dimension, Dynamic> dst_block(dst,0,0,dim,num_elements);

  HomMatrix cR_t_umeyama = umeyama(src_block, dst_block);

  const Scalar error = ( cR_t_umeyama*src - dst ).array().square().sum();

  VERIFY(error < Scalar(10)*std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon());
예제 #3
GMMExpectationMaximization::uint GMMExpectationMaximization::execute(const MatrixX & dataset)
  const uint data_count = dataset.rows();
  const uint num_gaussians = m_means.size();
  const uint dim = dataset.cols();

  MatrixX pxi(data_count,num_gaussians);
  MatrixX pix(data_count,num_gaussians);
  VectorX pxidatatot(data_count);
  VectorX weights(num_gaussians);
  VectorX ex(data_count);
  MatrixX ts(dim,dim);
  VectorX dif(dim);

  Real prev_log_likelyhood = 1.0;
  uint it_num;
  for (it_num = 0; it_num < m_max_iterations; it_num++)
    for (uint g = 0; g < num_gaussians; g++)
      weights[g] = m_weights[g];

    for (uint d = 0; d < data_count; d++)
      for (uint g = 0; g < num_gaussians; g++)
        pxi(d,g) = gauss(m_means[g],m_covs[g],dataset.row(d).transpose());

    pxidatatot = pxi * weights;
    Real log_likelyhood = pxidatatot.array().log().sum() / Real(data_count);

    if (it_num != 0 && (std::abs(log_likelyhood / prev_log_likelyhood - 1.0) < m_termination_threshold))
    prev_log_likelyhood = log_likelyhood;

    for (uint d = 0; d < data_count; d++)
      pix.row(d) = (pxi.row(d).transpose().array() * weights.array()).transpose() / pxidatatot[d];
    ex = pix.colwise().sum();

    for(uint g = 0; g < num_gaussians; g++)
      m_weights[g] = ex[g] / Real(data_count);

      m_means[g] = (dataset.transpose() * pix.col(g)) / ex[g];

      ts = MatrixX::Zero(dim,dim);
      for (uint d = 0; d < data_count; d++)
        dif = dataset.row(d).transpose() - m_means[g];
        ts.noalias() += (dif * dif.transpose()) * pix(d,g);
      m_covs[g] = (ts / ex[g]) + MatrixX::Identity(dim,dim) * m_epsilon;

    // interruption point here
    if (m_termination_handler && m_termination_handler->isTerminated())
      return it_num;

  return it_num;
  * In this test we check if the gradient is correct by appling
  * a finite difference method.
TYPED_TEST(TestSecondOrderMultinomialLogisticRegression, Gradient) {
    // Gradient checking should only be made with a double type
    if (is_float<TypeParam>::value) {

    // eta is typically of size KxC, where K is the number of topics and C the
    // number of different classes.
    // Here we choose randomly for conviency K=10 and C=5
    MatrixX<TypeParam> eta = MatrixX<TypeParam>::Random(10, 5);
    // X is of size KxD, where D is the total number of documents.
    // In our case we have chosen D=15
    MatrixX<TypeParam> X = MatrixX<TypeParam>::Random(10, 1);
    // y is vector of size Dx1
    VectorXi y(1);
    for (int i=0; i<1; i++) {
        y(i) = rand() % (int)5; 
    std::vector<MatrixX<TypeParam> > X_var = {MatrixX<TypeParam>::Random(10, 10).array().abs()};

    TypeParam L = 1;
    SecondOrderLogisticRegressionApproximation<TypeParam> mlr(X, X_var, y, L);

    // grad is the gradient according to the equation
    // implemented in MultinomialLogisticRegression.cpp 
    // gradient function
    // grad is of same size as eta, which is KxC
    MatrixX<TypeParam> grad(10, 5);

    // Calculate the gradients
    mlr.gradient(eta, grad);

    // Grad's approximation
    TypeParam grad_hat;
    TypeParam t = 1e-6;

    for (int i=0; i < eta.rows(); i++) {
        for (int j=0; j < eta.cols(); j++) {
            eta(i, j) += t;
            TypeParam ll1 = mlr.value(eta);
            eta(i, j) -= 2*t;
            TypeParam ll2 = mlr.value(eta);

            // Compute gradients approximation
            grad_hat = (ll1 - ll2) / (2 * t);

            auto absolute_error = std::abs(grad(i, j) - grad_hat);
            if (grad_hat != 0) {
                auto relative_error = absolute_error / std::abs(grad_hat);
                    relative_error < 1e-4 ||
                    absolute_error < 1e-5
                ) << relative_error << " " << absolute_error;
            else {
                EXPECT_LT(absolute_error, 1e-5);
예제 #5
Eigen::VectorXi LDA<Scalar>::predict(const MatrixX &scores) {
    Eigen::VectorXi predictions(scores.cols());

    for (int d=0; d<scores.cols(); d++) {
        scores.col(d).maxCoeff( &predictions[d] );

    return predictions;
TYPED_TEST(TestMultinomialMaximizationStep, Maximization) {
    // Build the corpus
    std::mt19937 rng;
    MatrixXi X(100, 50);
    VectorXi y(50);
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> class_generator(0, 5);
    std::exponential_distribution<> words_generator(0.1);
    for (int d=0; d<50; d++) {
        for (int w=0; w<100; w++) {
            X(w, d) = static_cast<int>(words_generator(rng));
        y(d) = class_generator(rng);

    // Create the corpus and the model
    auto corpus = std::make_shared<corpus::EigenClassificationCorpus>(X, y);
    MatrixX<TypeParam> beta = MatrixX<TypeParam>::Random(10, 100);
    beta.array() -= beta.minCoeff();
    beta.array().rowwise() /= beta.array().colwise().sum();
    auto model = std::make_shared<parameters::SupervisedModelParameters<TypeParam> >(
        VectorX<TypeParam>::Constant(10, 0.1),
        MatrixX<TypeParam>::Constant(10, 6, 1. / 6)

    em::MultinomialSupervisedEStep<TypeParam> e_step(10, 1e-2, 2);
    em::MultinomialSupervisedMStep<TypeParam> m_step(2);

    for (size_t i=0; i<corpus->size(); i++) {

    std::vector<TypeParam> progress;
        [&progress](std::shared_ptr<events::Event> event) {
            if (event->id() == "MaximizationProgressEvent") {
                auto prog_ev = std::static_pointer_cast<events::MaximizationProgressEvent<TypeParam> >(event);


    ASSERT_EQ(1, progress.size());
    ASSERT_GT(0, progress[0]);
예제 #7
GMMExpectationMaximization::Real GMMExpectationMaximization::getBIC(const MatrixX & dataset) const
  const uint dim = dataset.cols();
  const uint num_gaussians = m_means.size();

  Real number_of_parameters = (num_gaussians * dim * (dim + 1) / 2) + num_gaussians * dim + num_gaussians - 1;

  uint data_count = dataset.rows();
  Real sum = 0.0;
  for(uint i = 0; i < data_count; i++)
    sum += log(expectation(dataset.row(i).transpose()));

  return -sum + (number_of_parameters / 2.0) * log(Real(data_count));
예제 #8
GMMExpectationMaximization::Real GMMExpectationMaximization::gauss(const VectorX & mean,
  const MatrixX & cov,const VectorX & pt) const
  Real det = cov.determinant();
  uint dim = mean.size();
  // check that the covariance matrix is invertible
  if (std::abs(det) < std::pow(m_epsilon,dim) * 0.1)
    return 0.0; // the gaussian has approximately zero width: the probability of any point falling into it is approximately 0.
  // else, compute pdf
  MatrixX inverse_cov = cov.inverse();
  VectorX dist = pt - mean;
  Real exp = - ( * dist)) / 2.0;
  Real den = std::sqrt(std::pow(2.0 * M_PI,dim) * std::abs(det));
  return std::exp(exp) / den;
bool BCCoreSiconos::callSolver(MatrixX& Mlcp, VectorX& b, VectorX& solution, VectorX& contactIndexToMu, ofstream& os)
  int NC3 = Mlcp.rows();
  if(NC3<=0) return true;
  int NC = NC3/3;
  int CFS_DEBUG = 0;
    if(NC3%3 != 0           ){ os << "   warning-1 " << std::endl;return false;}
    if(       b.rows()!= NC3){ os << "   warning-2 " << std::endl;return false;}
    if(solution.rows()!= NC3){ os << "   warning-3 " << std::endl;return false;}
  for(int ia=0;ia<NC;ia++)for(int i=0;i<3;i++)prob->q [3*ia+i]= b(((i==0)?(ia):(2*ia+i+NC-1)));
  for(int ia=0;ia<NC;ia++)                    prob->mu[  ia  ]= contactIndexToMu[ia];
  prob->numberOfContacts = NC;

    prob->M->storageType = 0;
    prob->M->size0       = NC3;
    prob->M->size1       = NC3;
    double* ptmp = prob->M->matrix0 ;
    for(int ia=0;ia<NC;ia++)for(int i =0;i <3 ;i ++)
      for(int ja=0;ja<NC;ja++)for(int j =0;j <3;j ++) 
    prob->M->storageType = 1;
    prob->M->size0       = NC3;
    prob->M->size1       = NC3;
    sparsify_A( prob->M->matrix1 , Mlcp , NC , &os);
  fc3d_driver(prob,reaction,velocity,solops, numops);
  double* prea = reaction ;
  for(int ia=0;ia<NC;ia++)for(int i=0;i<3;i++) solution(((i==0)?(ia):(2*ia+i+NC-1))) = prea[3*ia+i] ;
    os << "=---------------------------------="<< std::endl; 
    os << "| res_error =" << solops->dparam[1] <<  std::endl;
    os << "=---------------------------------="<< std::endl; 
  return true;
예제 #10
void run_test(int dim, int num_elements)
  using std::abs;
  typedef typename internal::traits<MatrixType>::Scalar Scalar;
  typedef Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> MatrixX;
  typedef Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> VectorX;

  // MUST be positive because in any other case det(cR_t) may become negative for
  // odd dimensions!
  const Scalar c = abs(internal::random<Scalar>());

  MatrixX R = randMatrixSpecialUnitary<Scalar>(dim);
  VectorX t = Scalar(50)*VectorX::Random(dim,1);

  MatrixX cR_t = MatrixX::Identity(dim+1,dim+1);
  cR_t.block(0,0,dim,dim) = c*R;
  cR_t.block(0,dim,dim,1) = t;

  MatrixX src = MatrixX::Random(dim+1, num_elements);
  src.row(dim) = Matrix<Scalar, 1, Dynamic>::Constant(num_elements, Scalar(1));

  MatrixX dst = cR_t*src;

  MatrixX cR_t_umeyama = umeyama(src.block(0,0,dim,num_elements), dst.block(0,0,dim,num_elements));

  const Scalar error = ( cR_t_umeyama*src - dst ).norm() / dst.norm();
  VERIFY(error < Scalar(40)*std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon());
  const typename Type<Scalar>::VectorX&
  HumanoidLipComJerkMinimizationObjective<Scalar>::getGradient(const VectorX& x0)
    assert(x0.rows() == 2*lipModel_.getNbSamples() + 2*feetSupervisor_.getNbPreviewedSteps());

    int N = lipModel_.getNbSamples();
    int M = feetSupervisor_.getNbPreviewedSteps();

    int nb = feetSupervisor_.getNbOfCallsBeforeNextSample() - 1;

    const LinearDynamic<Scalar>& dynCopX = lipModel_.getCopXLinearDynamic(nb);
    const LinearDynamic<Scalar>& dynCopY = lipModel_.getCopYLinearDynamic(nb);
    const LinearDynamic<Scalar>& dynFeetPos = feetSupervisor_.getFeetPosLinearDynamic();

    const MatrixX& weight = feetSupervisor_.getSampleWeightMatrix();

    //TODO: sparse matrices?
    // Ill change these tmp matrices after calculus optimization
    // I may change some function to avoid copies
    MatrixX tmp = MatrixX::Zero(2*N + 2*M, 2*N);
    tmp.block(0, 0, 2*N, 2*N) = feetSupervisor_.getRotationMatrix();
    tmp.block(2*N, 0, M, N) = feetSupervisor_.getFeetPosLinearDynamic().UT;
    tmp.block(2*N + M, N, M, N) = feetSupervisor_.getFeetPosLinearDynamic().UT;

    VectorX tmp2 = VectorX::Zero(2*N);
    tmp2.segment(0, N) = dynCopX.UTinv*weight*dynCopX.Uinv*dynFeetPos.S
                         - dynCopX.UTinv*weight*dynCopX.Uinv
                         *(dynCopX.S*lipModel_.getStateX() + dynCopX.K);

    tmp2.segment(N, N) = dynCopY.UTinv*weight*dynCopY.Uinv*dynFeetPos.S
                         - dynCopY.UTinv*weight*dynCopY.Uinv
                         *(dynCopY.S*lipModel_.getStateY() + dynCopY.K);

    gradient_ = tmp*tmp2;
    gradient_ += getHessian()*x0;
    return gradient_;
const MatrixX& Jacobian::GetNullspace()
		computeNullSpace_ = false;
		/*jacobianInverseNoDls_ = jacobian_;
		PseudoInverse(jacobianInverseNoDls_); // tmp while figuring out how to chose lambda*/
		MatrixX id = MatrixX::Identity(jacobian_.cols(), jacobian_.cols());
		//Eigen::JacobiSVD<MatrixX> svd(jacobian_, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);
		MatrixX res = MatrixX::Zero(id.rows(), id.cols());
		for(int i =0; i < svd_.matrixV().cols(); ++ i)
			VectorX v = svd_.matrixV().col(i);
			res += v * v.transpose();
		Identitymin_ = id - res;
		//Identitymin_ = id - (jacobianInverseNoDls_* jacobian_);
	return Identitymin_;
예제 #13
typename LDA<Scalar>::MatrixX LDA<Scalar>::decision_function(const MatrixX &X) {
    // this function requires a supervised LDA so let's cast our models
    // parameters accordingly
    auto model = std::static_pointer_cast<parameters::SupervisedModelParameters<Scalar> >(

    // the linear model is trained on
    // E_q[\bar z] = \fraction{\gamma - \alpha}{\sum_i \gamma_i}
    MatrixX expected_z_bar = X.colwise() - model->alpha;
    expected_z_bar.array().rowwise() /= expected_z_bar.array().colwise().sum();

    // finally return the linear scores like a boss
    return model->eta.transpose() * expected_z_bar;
예제 #14
void SlaterSet::initCalculation()
  if (m_initialized)

  m_normalized.resize(m_overlap.cols(), m_overlap.rows());

  SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixX> s(m_overlap);
  MatrixX p = s.eigenvectors();
  MatrixX m = p * s.eigenvalues().array().inverse().array().sqrt()
                   .matrix().asDiagonal() * p.inverse();
  m_normalized = m * m_eigenVectors;

  if (!(m_overlap * m * m).eval().isIdentity())
    cout << "Identity test FAILED - do you need a newer version of Eigen?\n";

  m_PQNs = m_pqns;
  // Calculate the normalizations of the orbitals.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_zetas.size(); ++i) {
    switch (m_slaterTypes[i]) {
    case S:
      m_factors[i] = pow(2.0 * m_zetas[i], m_pqns[i] + 0.5)
          * sqrt(1.0 / (4.0 * M_PI) / factorial(2 * m_pqns[i]));
      m_PQNs[i] -= 1;
    case PX:
    case PY:
    case PZ:
      m_factors[i] = pow(2.0 * m_zetas[i], m_pqns[i] + 0.5)
          * sqrt(3.0 / (4.0 * M_PI) / factorial(2 * m_pqns[i]));
      m_PQNs[i] -= 2;
    case X2:
      m_factors[i] = 0.5 * pow(2.0 * m_zetas[i], m_pqns[i] + 0.5)
          * sqrt(15.0 / (4.0 * M_PI) / factorial(2 * m_pqns[i]));
      m_PQNs[i] -= 3;
    case XZ:
      m_factors[i] = pow(2.0 * m_zetas[i], m_pqns[i] + 0.5)
          * sqrt(15.0 / (4.0 * M_PI) / factorial(2 * m_pqns[i]));
      m_PQNs[i] -= 3;
    case Z2:
      m_factors[i] = (0.5 / sqrt(3.0)) * pow(2.0 * m_zetas[i], m_pqns[i] + 0.5)
          * sqrt(15.0 / (4.0 * M_PI) / factorial(2 * m_pqns[i]));
      m_PQNs[i] -= 3;
    case YZ:
    case XY:
      m_factors[i] = pow(2.0 * m_zetas[i], m_pqns[i] + 0.5) *
          sqrt(15.0 / (4.0*M_PI) / factorial(2*m_pqns[i]));
      m_PQNs[i] -= 3;
      cout << "Orbital " << i << " not handled, type " << m_slaterTypes[i]
           << endl;
  // Convert the exponents into Angstroms
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_zetas.size(); ++i)
    m_zetas[i] = m_zetas[i] / BOHR_TO_ANGSTROM;

  m_initialized = true;
예제 #15
bool GaussianSet::setSpinDensityMatrix(const MatrixX &m)
  m_spinDensity.resize(m.rows(), m.cols());
  m_spinDensity = m;
  return true;
예제 #16
void GMMExpectationMaximization::autoInitializeByEqualIntervals(uint num_gaussians,uint col,const MatrixX & dataset)
  uint data_count = dataset.rows();
  uint dim = dataset.cols();

  std::vector<std::vector<uint> > index(num_gaussians);
  for(uint g = 0; g < num_gaussians; g++)
    index[g].reserve(data_count / num_gaussians);


  // find max and min value for column col
  Real cmax = dataset(0,col);
  Real cmin = dataset(0,col);
  for(uint n = 1; n < data_count; n++)
    if (dataset(n,col) > cmax) cmax = dataset(n,col);
    if (dataset(n,col) < cmin) cmin = dataset(n,col);
  Real cspan = cmax - cmin;

  for(uint n = 0; n < data_count; n++) 
    // compute gaussian index to which this point belongs
    uint gi = uint((dataset(n,col) - cmin) / (cspan + 1.0) * Real(num_gaussians));

    // sum the points to obtain means
    m_means[gi] += dataset.row(n);


  for (uint g = 0; g < num_gaussians; g++)
    uint popsize = index[g].size();
    // avoid division by zero: if no samples are available, initialize to something from somewhere
    if (popsize == 0)
      m_means[g] = dataset.row(g % data_count);
      m_covs[g] = MatrixX::Identity(dim,dim);
      m_weights[g] = 1.0f / Real(num_gaussians);

    // average by popsize
    m_means[g] /= Real(popsize);
    // same weight for all gaussians
    m_weights[g] = 1.0f / Real(num_gaussians);
    // compute covariance matrix
    for (uint p = 0; p < popsize; p++)
      const Eigen::VectorXf & r = dataset.row(index[g][p]);
      const Eigen::VectorXf & m = m_means[g];
      m_covs[g] += (r - m) * (r - m).transpose();

    m_covs[g] /= Real(popsize);
    m_covs[g] += MatrixX::Identity(dim,dim) * m_epsilon;