void HxCPDSpatialGraphWarp::resamplePairs(McDArray<McVec3f>& p1,
                                          McDArray<McVec3f>& p2) {
    int numPairs = p1.size();
    for (int i = p1.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
        bool resetI = false;
        for (int j = i - 1; j > -1; j--) {
            // std::cout<<"\nCompare "<<i<<" and "<<j;
            McVec3f set1Coord = p1[i];
            McVec3f set2Coord = p1[j];
            float dist = (set1Coord - set2Coord).length();
            if (dist < portSampleDist.getValue()) {
                std::cout << "\ndist between " << i << " and " << j << " is "
                          << dist;
            if (dist < portSampleDist.getValue()) {
                p1.remove(j, 1);
                p2.remove(j, 1);
                resetI = true;
        if (resetI) {
            i = p1.size() - 1;
    std::cout << "\n" << p1.size() << " point from " << numPairs
              << " left after resampling.";
void BruteForceOptMatching::getMaxProbAssignments(
    const BP& ia, const FactorGraph& fg, const ConnectedFactorGraph& graph,
    McDArray<McVec2i>& pairs) {

    for (int i = 0; i < graph.variables.size(); i++) {

        McDArray<int> possibleAssignments;
        getAssignmentsForVariable(graph.variables[i], possibleAssignments);
        Factor belief =
            ia.belief(Var(graph.variables[i], possibleAssignments.size() + 1));
        float maxVal = -1 * FLT_MAX;
        int maxIdx = -1;

        for (int j = 0; j < possibleAssignments.size() + 1; j++) {
            if (belief.get(j) > maxVal) {
                maxVal = belief.get(j);
                maxIdx = j;
        int indexOfAssignmentInVertexList =

        McVec2i pair =
            McVec2i(graph.variables[i], indexOfAssignmentInVertexList);


    //    std::vector<std::size_t> maxes= ia.findMaximum();
    //    vector<std::size_t>::iterator it=maxes.begin();
void HxIteratePointMatchingUntilConvergence::addEvidenceForNodes(
    const McDArray<int>& nodesToAssign) {
    HxSpatialGraph* graph = hxconnection_cast<HxSpatialGraph>(portData);
    const EdgeVertexAttribute* evidenceAttrib =
        dynamic_cast<const EdgeVertexAttribute*>(graph->findAttribute(
            HxSpatialGraph::VERTEX, "UserDefinedMatchings"));
    McDArray<int> pairNodes(nodesToAssign.size());

    for (int j = 0; j < nodesToAssign.size(); j++) {
        int nodeJLabel = evidenceAttrib->getIntDataAtIdx(nodesToAssign[j]);
        if (nodeJLabel == 0) {
            pairNodes[j] = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < graph->getNumVertices(); i++) {
            if (i != nodesToAssign[j]) {
                int nodeILabel = evidenceAttrib->getIntDataAtIdx(i);
                if (nodeILabel == nodeJLabel) {
                    pairNodes[j] = i;
    for (int j = 0; j < nodesToAssign.size(); j++) {
        addEvidence(nodesToAssign[j], pairNodes[j]);
예제 #4
static McDArray<McVec2d> asVec2dArray(const McDArray<McVec3f>& a) {
    McDArray<McVec2d> b;
    for (long i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
        b[i].x = a[i].x;
        b[i].y = a[i].y;
    return b;
void BruteForceOptMatching::computeAngleProbs(McDArray<float>& angles) {
    float sumAngles = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < angles.size(); i++) {
        angles[i] = 180.0 - angles[i];
        angles[i] = exp((float)(-angles[i] / 10.0));
        sumAngles += angles[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < angles.size(); i++)
        angles[i] /= sumAngles;
void BruteForceOptMatching::computeProjDistProbs(McDArray<float>& dists) {
    float sumDists = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dists.size(); i++) {
        if (dists[i] != FLT_MAX) {
            dists[i] = exp((float)(-dists[i] / 100.0));
        } else
            dists[i] = 0;
        sumDists += dists[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < dists.size(); i++)
        dists[i] /= sumDists;
// creates all singleton factors for one connected component
// does not set the values
void BruteForceOptMatching::createSingletonFactors(
    const McDArray<int>& connectedComp, vector<Factor>& singletonFactorList) {

    for (int i = 0; i < connectedComp.size(); i++) {
        McDArray<int> assigmentsForIthVariable;
        int curVar = connectedComp[i];
        getAssignmentsForVariable(curVar, assigmentsForIthVariable);

        Var pi(curVar, assigmentsForIthVariable.size() + 1);
        Factor faci(pi);
// Computes all variables that form a connected component in the
// adjacenceMatrix.
// The connected component chosen is arbitrary - it takes the first it finds.
bool BruteForceOptMatching::getConnectedComponent(
    const McDMatrix<int>& adjacenceMatrix,
    McDMatrix<int>& adjacenceMatrixWithoutConnctedComponent,
    McDArray<int>& connComp) {
           sizeof(int) * adjacenceMatrix.nRows() * adjacenceMatrix.nCols());

    // find first a startpoint
    int start = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < adjacenceMatrix.nRows(); i++) {
        for (int j = i; j < adjacenceMatrix.nCols(); j++) {
            if (adjacenceMatrix[i][j] == 1) {
                start = i;
    if (start == -1)
        return false;

    McDArray<int> queue;
    while (queue.size() > 0) {
        int cur = queue.last();
        for (int i = 0; i < adjacenceMatrixWithoutConnctedComponent.nCols();
             i++) {
            if (adjacenceMatrixWithoutConnctedComponent[cur][i] == 1) {
                adjacenceMatrixWithoutConnctedComponent[cur][i] = 0;
    // remove duplicates
    int cur = connComp.last();
    for (int i = connComp.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (cur == connComp[i])
            connComp.remove(i, 1);
            cur = connComp[i];
    return true;
void BruteForceOptMatching::compute3dDistProbs(McDArray<float>& dists) {
    float sumDists = 0.0;
    // This should be a user parameter...
    float probParam = 500.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dists.size(); i++) {
        if (dists[i] != FLT_MAX) {
            dists[i] = exp(-dists[i] / probParam);
        } else
            dists[i] = 0;
        sumDists += dists[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < dists.size(); i++)
        dists[i] /= sumDists;
void BruteForceOptMatching::getSingletonProbs(
    const McDMatrix<float>& angleMatrix,
    const McDMatrix<float>& projDistanceMatrix,
    const McDMatrix<float>& distanceMatrix3d,
    const McDMatrix<int>& variableAssignmentMat,
    const McDArray<int>& assignments, const int varLabel,
    McDArray<double>& probs) {
    McDArray<float> floatProbs;
    getSingletonProbs(angleMatrix, projDistanceMatrix, distanceMatrix3d,
                      variableAssignmentMat, assignments, varLabel, floatProbs);

    for (int i = 0; i < floatProbs.size(); ++i)
        probs[i] = floatProbs[i];
void BruteForceOptMatching::projectToPlaneApproxDirection(
    const McDArray<McVec3f>& vertices, const McDArray<McVec3f>& directions,
    const float planeZ, McDArray<McVec3f>& result) {

    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
        McPlane theZPlane(McVec3f(0, 0, 1), planeZ);
        McVec3f vertexCoord = vertices[i];
        McVec3f dir = directions[i] * -1;
        float angle = dir.angle(McVec3f(0, 0, 1));
        if (angle > M_PI / 2.0)
            angle = M_PI - angle;

        McLine theLine(vertexCoord, vertexCoord + directions[i]);

        McVec3f intersectionPoint;
        bool intersected = theZPlane.intersect(theLine, intersectionPoint);
        // if(fabs(angle)<0.1)
        //   cout<<"\n Angle for vertex "<<i <<" too low: "<< angle;
        if (intersected && (fabs(angle) < (M_PI / 2.0 - M_PI / 8.0))) {
        } else {
            result.append(McVec3f(vertexCoord.x, vertexCoord.y, planeZ));
float BruteForceOptMatching::getMedianZ(const McDArray<McVec3f>& vertices) {

    if (!vertices.size())
        return -1 * FLT_MAX;
    McDArray<float> zs;
    float mean = 0.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
        mean += vertices[i].z;
    int medianIdx = zs.size() / 2.0;
    // cout <<"MeanZ: "<<mean/vertices.size();
    // return mean/vertices.size();
    return zs[medianIdx];
void HxCPDSpatialGraphWarp::preparePoints(McDArray<McVec3f>& p1,
                                          McDArray<McVec3f>& p2,
                                          SpatialGraphSelection& slice2,
                                          const HxSpatialGraph* spatialGraph) {
    ma::SliceSelector selectionHelper(spatialGraph, "TransformInfo");

    ma::EndPointParams params;
    params.endPointRegion = 30;
    params.projectionPlane = selectionHelper.computeMidPlane(0, 1);
    params.projectionType = ma::P_ORTHOGONAL;
    params.refSliceNum = 0;
    params.transSliceNum = 1;
    params.useAbsoluteValueForEndPointRegion = false;
    params.maxDistForAngle = 2000;
    params.angleToPlaneFilter = 0.01;
    SpatialGraphSelection slice1;
    ma::FacingPointSets pr =
        ma::projectEndPoints(spatialGraph, slice1, slice2, params);
    McDArray<McVec3f> refCoords = pr.ref.positions;
    McDArray<McVec3f> transCoords = pr.trans.positions;
    mcassert(refCoords.size() == slice1.getNumSelectedVertices());
    mcassert(transCoords.size() == slice2.getNumSelectedVertices());

    for (int i = 0; i < refCoords.size(); i++) {
        McVec3f coord = refCoords[i];
        p1[i] = McVec3f(coord.x, coord.y, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < transCoords.size(); i++) {
        McVec3f coord = transCoords[i];
        p2[i] = McVec3f(coord.x, coord.y, 0);
    mcassert(p2.size() == slice2.getNumSelectedVertices());
void BruteForceOptMatching::checkAmbiguities(const BP& ia,
                                             const FactorGraph& fg,
                                             const ConnectedFactorGraph& graph,
                                             McDArray<int>& ambiguities) {
    for (int h = 0; h < graph.variables.size(); h++) {
        McDArray<int> possibleAssignments;
        getAssignmentsForVariable(graph.variables[h], possibleAssignments);
        Factor belief =
            ia.belief(Var(graph.variables[h], possibleAssignments.size() + 1));

        float maxProb = belief.max();
        int countSame = 0;

        for (int k = 0; k < possibleAssignments.size() + 1; k++) {
            float curProb = belief.get(k);
            if (fabs(curProb - maxProb) < 0.1)

        cout << "\n Belief for var " << graph.variables[h] << "\n";
        for (int k = 0; k < possibleAssignments.size() + 1; k++) {
            float curProb = belief.get(k);
            cout << curProb << " ";
        cout << "\n";


        if (countSame > 1) {
            // oh no! We found an ambiguos assignment!


            // print it out:
            cout << "Found an ambiguous assignemnt to variable "
                 << graph.variables[h] << "\n";
            for (int k = 0; k < possibleAssignments.size() + 1; k++) {
                float curProb = belief.get(k);
                cout << curProb << " ";
            cout << "\n";
float AssignEModulus::averageVoxels( const OBLelement3D* FEelement,
									const McDArray<McVec3f>& vertices,
									HxUniformScalarField3* field )
	if ( !FEelement ) { return 0; }

	McVec3f pcoords;

	// Create an instance of HxLoc3Regular instead of HxLocation3,
	// because we know we are dealing with a uniform scalar field and
	// we want access to the voxelindices
	//HxLoc3Regular* location = image->coords()->createLocation();
	HxLoc3Regular* location = (HxLoc3Regular*)field->createLocation();

	// determine bounding box of voxel indices within element
	location->set( vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1], vertices[0][2] );
	int indexbbox[6] = { location->ix, location->ix,
						location->iy, location->iy,
						location->iz, location->iz };
	for ( int el = 1; el < vertices.size(); el++ )
		location->move( vertices[el][0], vertices[el][1], vertices[el][2] );
		if ( location->ix < indexbbox[0] ) { indexbbox[0] = location->ix; }
		if ( location->ix > indexbbox[1] ) { indexbbox[1] = location->ix; }
		if ( location->iy < indexbbox[2] ) { indexbbox[2] = location->iy; }
		if ( location->iy > indexbbox[3] ) { indexbbox[3] = location->iy; }
		if ( location->iz < indexbbox[4] ) { indexbbox[4] = location->iz; }
		if ( location->iz > indexbbox[5] ) { indexbbox[5] = location->iz; }

	float sum = 0.0;
	int count = 0;
	for ( int k = indexbbox[4]; k <= indexbbox[5]; k++ )
		for ( int j = indexbbox[2]; j <= indexbbox[3]; j++ )
			for ( int i = indexbbox[0]; i <= indexbbox[1]; i++ )
				float point[3];
				field->lattice.coords()->pos( i, j, k, point );
				int inside = FEelement->getIsoParam( vertices,
					McVec3f(point[0],point[1], point[2]), pcoords );
				if ( inside == 1 )
					location->move( point );
					float value;
					field->eval( location, &value );
					sum += value;
	delete location;

	return ( count > 0 ) ? ( sum/count ) : 0.0;
int BruteForceOptMatching::getEvidenceAssignment(
    const ConnectedFactorGraph& graph, const int varLabel,
    int& evidenceAssignmentIndexInGraph) {
    int evidenceAssignmentIndexInWholeModel = -1;
    McVec2i evidence(-1, -1);
    for (int i = 0; i < mEvidence.size(); i++) {
        if (mEvidence[i].x == varLabel) {
            evidence = mEvidence[i];
    // get assignment
    if (evidence.x == varLabel) {
        evidenceAssignmentIndexInWholeModel = evidence.y;
    } else {
        // if there was no assignment, we return -1
        evidenceAssignmentIndexInGraph = -1;
        return evidenceAssignmentIndexInWholeModel;

    // The varaible was assigned, let's see to which one.
    McDArray<int> assignementsForVariable;
    getAssignmentsForVariable(varLabel, assignementsForVariable);
    if (evidenceAssignmentIndexInWholeModel == -1) {

        // if the assigned vaue is the dummy value,
        // assign the dummy value, but return -1 anyway, because there is no
        // label for the assignment

        evidenceAssignmentIndexInGraph = assignementsForVariable.size();
        return evidenceAssignmentIndexInWholeModel;

    for (int i = 0; i < assignementsForVariable.size(); i++) {
        if (assignementsForVariable[i] == evidenceAssignmentIndexInWholeModel) {
            // assign the index of assignment in the current graph but return
            // the index in the full model
            evidenceAssignmentIndexInGraph = i;
            return evidenceAssignmentIndexInWholeModel;
    // not OK
    evidenceAssignmentIndexInGraph = -2;
    return evidenceAssignmentIndexInWholeModel;
int BruteForceOptMatching::mapVariableAssignmentToIndexInVertexList(
    const int variableLabel, const int assignment) {
    McDArray<int> possibleAssignments;
    getAssignmentsForVariable(variableLabel, possibleAssignments);
    // see if the assignment was the dummy variable
    if (assignment == possibleAssignments.size())
        return -1;

    return possibleAssignments[assignment];
예제 #18
// `resamplePairs()` removes points that are closer than `sampleDist` in `p1`.
// The corresponding points are also removed from `p2`.  The two arrays are
// required to have the same size.
static void resamplePairs(McDArray<McVec3f>& p1, McDArray<McVec3f>& p2,
                          const float sampleDist) {
    mcrequire(p1.size() == p2.size());
    const int numPairs = p1.size();
    for (int i = p1.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
        bool resetI = false;
        for (int j = i - 1; j > -1; j--) {
            const McVec3f set1Coord = p1[i];
            const McVec3f set2Coord = p1[j];
            const float dist = (set1Coord - set2Coord).length();
            if (dist < sampleDist) {
                p1.remove(j, 1);
                p2.remove(j, 1);
                resetI = true;
        if (resetI)
            i = p1.size() - 1;
// creates a pairwise factor for each adjacent variables in one connected
// component
// does not set the values yet
void BruteForceOptMatching::createConnectionFactors(
    const McDMatrix<int>& adjMat, const McDArray<int> connectedComp,
    vector<Factor>& pairFactorList) {
    for (int i = 0; i < connectedComp.size(); i++) {
        int curVar = connectedComp[i];
        McDArray<int> assigmentsForIthVariable;
        getAssignmentsForVariable(curVar, assigmentsForIthVariable);
        Var pi(curVar, assigmentsForIthVariable.size() + 1);
        for (int j = curVar + 1; j < adjMat.nCols(); j++) {
            if (adjMat[curVar][j] == 1) {
                McDArray<int> assigmentsForJthVariable;
                getAssignmentsForVariable(j, assigmentsForJthVariable);

                Var pj(j, assigmentsForJthVariable.size() + 1);
                Factor facij(VarSet(pi, pj));
void BruteForceOptMatching::getAssignedValuesForVar(
    const McDMatrix<float>& allValues,
    const McDMatrix<int>& variableAssignmentMat,
    const McDArray<int>& possibleAssignments, const int label,
    const float zeroVal, McDArray<float>& values) {
    for (int i = 0; i < possibleAssignments.size(); i++) {
        if (variableAssignmentMat[label][possibleAssignments[i]] > 1.e-6) {
        } else
void BruteForceOptMatching::getSingletonProbs(
    const McDMatrix<float>& angleMatrix,
    const McDMatrix<float>& projDistanceMatrix,
    const McDMatrix<float>& distanceMatrix3d,
    const McDMatrix<int>& variableAssignmentMat,
    const McDArray<int>& assignments, const int varLabel,
    McDArray<float>& probs) {

    McDArray<float> angleValues;
    getAssignedValuesForVar(angleMatrix, variableAssignmentMat, assignments,
                            varLabel, 0, angleValues);
    mcassert(angleValues.size() == assignments.size());
    // add dummy
    angleValues.append(mAngleThreshold / 2.0);
    // compute actual prob representation

    McDArray<float> projDistValues;
    getAssignedValuesForVar(projDistanceMatrix, variableAssignmentMat,
                            assignments, varLabel, FLT_MAX, projDistValues);
    // add dummy
    projDistValues.append(mDistanceThresholdProjected / 2.0);
    // compute actual prob representation

    McDArray<float> distValues3d;
    getAssignedValuesForVar(distanceMatrix3d, variableAssignmentMat,
                            assignments, varLabel, FLT_MAX, distValues3d);
    // add dummy
    distValues3d.append(mDistanceThreshold3d / 2.0);
    // compute actual prob representation

    probs.resize(assignments.size() + 1);
    // set values of factors: Multiply angle and dist threshold
    for (int j = 0; j < probs.size(); j++) {
        probs[j] = projDistValues[j] * angleValues[j];
예제 #22
void ma::cpdElastic(const ma::FacingPointSets& points,
                    ma::WarpResult& warpResult, const ma::CPDParams& params,
                    ma::Context* ctx) {
    if (!ctx) {
        ctx = &defaultContext();
    CPDElasticAligner cpd;
    cpd.params = params.elastic;

    if (params.elastic.useDirections) {
        FacingPointSets copy = points;
        for (int i = 0; i < copy.trans.directions.size(); i++) {
            copy.trans.directions[i] *= -1;
    } else {

    // Solve.
    AlignInfo info;
    McDArray<McVec3f> transCoords = cpd.align(info);

    McDArray<McVec3f> origCoords = points.trans.positions;
    const int nbefore = origCoords.size();
    resamplePairs(origCoords, transCoords,
    ctx->print(QString("%1 of %2 points left after resampling.")
    warpResult.type = WT_ELASTIC;
    warpResult.mlsParams.alpha = params.alphaForMLS;
    warpResult.mlsParams.ps = asVec2dArray(origCoords);
    warpResult.mlsParams.qs = asVec2dArray(transCoords);
    warpResult.alignInfo = info;
void BruteForceOptMatching::checkAmbiguitiesInAssignments(
    const ConnectedFactorGraph& graph,
    const McDArray<McVec2i>& matchedPointPairs, McDArray<int>& ambiguities) {

    McBitfield assignedAlready(mCoords2.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < matchedPointPairs.size(); i++) {
        if (matchedPointPairs[i].y < 0)
        if (assignedAlready[matchedPointPairs[i].y])
void MicrotubuleTransformOperation::undo() {
    SbMatrix invMat = mMat.inverse();
    SpatialGraphSelection::Iterator iter(mSelection);
    int vNum = iter.vertices.nextSelected();
    while (vNum != -1) {
        McVec3f c = graph->getVertexCoords(vNum);
        SbVec3f t(c.x, c.y, c.z);
        SbVec3f res;
        invMat.multVecMatrix(t, res);
        graph->setVertexCoords(vNum, McVec3f(res[0], res[1], res[2]));
        vNum = iter.vertices.nextSelected();

    int eNum = iter.edges.nextSelected();
    while (eNum != -1) {
        McDArray<McVec3f> points = graph->getEdgePoints(eNum);
        for (int p = 0; p < points.size(); p++) {
            SbVec3f t(points[p].x, points[p].y, points[p].z);
            SbVec3f res;
            invMat.multVecMatrix(t, res);
            points[p] = McVec3f(res[0], res[1], res[2]);
        graph->setEdgePoints(eNum, points);
        eNum = iter.edges.nextSelected();
    int numPoints = mSelection.getNumSelectedPoints();
    for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) {
        SpatialGraphPoint p = mSelection.getSelectedPoint(i);
        McDArray<McVec3f> points = graph->getEdgePoints(p.edgeNum);
        SbVec3f t(points[p.pointNum].x, points[p.pointNum].y,
        SbVec3f res;
        invMat.multVecMatrix(t, res);
        points[p.pointNum] = McVec3f(res[0], res[1], res[2]);
        graph->setEdgePoints(p.edgeNum, points);

    // update the transform parameters
    for (int i = 0; i < mTransParams.size(); ++i) {
        appendTransform(mTransParams[i], invMat);
void BruteForceOptMatching::get3dShiftProbs(
    const McVec3f pointCoord1, const McVec3f pointCoord2,
    const McDArray<McVec3f>& assignmentCoordsVar1,
    const McDArray<McVec3f>& assignmentCoordsVar2, McDMatrix<float>& probs) {

    float probParam = 50.0;
    float dummyDistance = mDistanceThresholdProjected / 2.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < assignmentCoordsVar1.size(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < assignmentCoordsVar2.size(); j++) {
            McVec3f dir1 = pointCoord1 - assignmentCoordsVar1[i];
            McVec3f dir2 = pointCoord2 - assignmentCoordsVar2[j];

            float dist1 = dir1.length();
            float dist2 = dir2.length();

            dir1 *= -1;
            dir2 *= -1;
            McVec3f p2Projected = dir1 * dist2 + pointCoord2;
            McVec3f p1Projected = dir2 * dist1 + pointCoord1;

            float distP1Projected =
                (assignmentCoordsVar1[i] - p1Projected).length();
            float distP2Projected =
                (assignmentCoordsVar2[j] - p2Projected).length();
            float maxDist = distP1Projected > distP2Projected ? distP1Projected
                                                              : distP2Projected;
            probs[i][j] = exp(-maxDist / probParam);
    for (int i = 0; i <= assignmentCoordsVar1.size(); i++) {
        probs[i][assignmentCoordsVar2.size()] = exp(-dummyDistance / probParam);
    for (int i = 0; i <= assignmentCoordsVar2.size(); i++) {
        probs[(int)(assignmentCoordsVar1.size())][i] =
            exp(-dummyDistance / probParam);

    // normalize
    float sumDists = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < probs.nCols() * probs.nRows(); i++)
        sumDists += probs.dataPtr()[i];

    for (int i = 0; i < probs.nCols() * probs.nRows(); i++)
        probs.dataPtr()[i] /= sumDists;
int HxIteratePointMatchingUntilConvergence::getNumberOfPointsToAssign() {
    McDArray<int> nodesToAssign;
    return nodesToAssign.size();