status_t thread_popup(void *arg) { Tpopup_param* param = (Tpopup_param*) arg; int32 mcookie, hcookie; unsigned long m; long h; BMenuItem* item; bool top = param->top; system_info systemInfo; get_system_info(&systemInfo); info_pack* infos = new info_pack[systemInfo.used_teams]; // TODO: this doesn't necessarily get all teams for (m = 0, mcookie = 0; m < systemInfo.used_teams; m++) { infos[m].team_icon = NULL; infos[m].team_name[0] = 0; infos[m].thread_info = NULL; if (get_next_team_info(&mcookie, &infos[m].team_info) == B_OK) { infos[m].thread_info = new thread_info[infos[m].team_info.thread_count]; for (h = 0, hcookie = 0; h < infos[m].team_info.thread_count; h++) { if (get_next_thread_info(infos[m], &hcookie, &infos[m].thread_info[h]) != B_OK) infos[m].thread_info[h].thread = -1; } get_team_name_and_icon(infos[m], true); } else { systemInfo.used_teams = m; infos[m] = -1; } } BPopUpMenu* popup = new BPopUpMenu("Global Popup", false, false); popup->SetFont(be_plain_font); // Quit section BMenu* QuitPopup = new QuitMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Quit an application"), infos, systemInfo.used_teams); QuitPopup->SetFont(be_plain_font); popup->AddItem(QuitPopup); // Memory Usage section MemoryBarMenu* MemoryPopup = new MemoryBarMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Memory usage"), infos, systemInfo); int64 committedMemory = (int64)systemInfo.used_pages * B_PAGE_SIZE / 1024; for (m = 0; m < systemInfo.used_teams; m++) { if (infos[m] >= 0) { MemoryBarMenuItem* memoryItem = new MemoryBarMenuItem(infos[m].team_name, infos[m], infos[m].team_icon, false, NULL); MemoryPopup->AddItem(memoryItem); memoryItem->UpdateSituation(committedMemory); } } addtopbottom(MemoryPopup); // CPU Load section TeamBarMenu* CPUPopup = new TeamBarMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Threads and CPU " "usage"), infos, systemInfo.used_teams); for (m = 0; m < systemInfo.used_teams; m++) { if (infos[m] >= 0) { ThreadBarMenu* TeamPopup = new ThreadBarMenu(infos[m].team_name, infos[m], infos[m].team_info.thread_count); BMessage* kill_team = new BMessage('KlTm'); kill_team->AddInt32("team", infos[m]; TeamBarMenuItem* item = new TeamBarMenuItem(TeamPopup, kill_team, infos[m], infos[m].team_icon, false); item->SetTarget(gPCView); CPUPopup->AddItem(item); } } addtopbottom(CPUPopup); addtopbottom(new BSeparatorItem()); // CPU on/off section if (gCPUcount > 1) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gCPUcount; i++) { char item_name[32]; sprintf (item_name, B_TRANSLATE("Processor %d"), i + 1); BMessage* m = new BMessage ('CPU '); m->AddInt32 ("cpu", i); item = new IconMenuItem (gPCView->fProcessorIcon, item_name, m); if (_kern_cpu_enabled(i)) item->SetMarked (true); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); } addtopbottom (new BSeparatorItem ()); } // Scheduler modes static const char* schedulerModes[] = { B_TRANSLATE_MARK("Low latency"), B_TRANSLATE_MARK("Power saving") }; unsigned int modesCount = sizeof(schedulerModes) / sizeof(const char*); int32 currentMode = get_scheduler_mode(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < modesCount; i++) { BMessage* m = new BMessage('Schd'); m->AddInt32("mode", i); item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE(schedulerModes[i]), m); if ((uint32)currentMode == i) item->SetMarked(true); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); } addtopbottom(new BSeparatorItem()); if (!be_roster->IsRunning(kTrackerSig)) { item = new IconMenuItem(gPCView->fTrackerIcon, B_TRANSLATE("Restart Tracker"), new BMessage('Trac')); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); } if (!be_roster->IsRunning(kDeskbarSig)) { item = new IconMenuItem(gPCView->fDeskbarIcon, B_TRANSLATE("Restart Deskbar"), new BMessage('Dbar')); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); } item = new IconMenuItem(gPCView->fTerminalIcon, B_TRANSLATE("New Terminal"), new BMessage('Term')); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); addtopbottom(new BSeparatorItem()); bool showLiveInDeskbarItem = gInDeskbar; if (!showLiveInDeskbarItem) { int32 cookie = 0; image_info info; while (get_next_image_info(B_CURRENT_TEAM, &cookie, &info) == B_OK) { if (info.type == B_APP_IMAGE) { // only show the Live in Deskbar item if a) we're running in // deskbar itself, or b) we're running in PC's team. if (strstr(, "ProcessController") != NULL) { showLiveInDeskbarItem = true; break; } } } } if (showLiveInDeskbarItem && be_roster->IsRunning(kDeskbarSig)) { item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Live in the Deskbar"), new BMessage('AlDb')); BDeskbar deskbar; item->SetMarked(gInDeskbar || deskbar.HasItem(kDeskbarItemName)); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); addtopbottom(new BSeparatorItem ()); } item = new IconMenuItem(gPCView->fProcessControllerIcon, B_TRANSLATE("About ProcessController" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(B_ABOUT_REQUESTED)); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); param->where.x -= 5; param->where.y -= 8; popup->Go(param->where, true, true, param->clickToOpenRect); delete popup; for (m = 0; m < systemInfo.used_teams; m++) { if (infos[m] >= 0) { delete[] infos[m].thread_info; delete infos[m].team_icon; } } delete[] infos; delete param; atomic_add (&gPopupFlag, -1); gPopupThreadID = 0; return B_OK; }
void MemoryBarMenu::Pulse() { system_info sinfo; get_system_info(&sinfo); int committedMemory = int(sinfo.used_pages * B_PAGE_SIZE / 1024); int cachedMemory = int(sinfo.cached_pages * B_PAGE_SIZE / 1024); Window()->BeginViewTransaction(); // create the list of items to remove, for their team is gone. Update the old teams. int lastRecycle = 0; int firstRecycle = 0; int k; MemoryBarMenuItem* item; int total = 0; for (k = 1; (item = (MemoryBarMenuItem*)ItemAt(k)) != NULL; k++) { int m = item->UpdateSituation(committedMemory); if (m < 0) { if (lastRecycle == fRecycleCount) { fRecycleCount += EXTRA; fRecycleList = (MRecycleItem*)realloc(fRecycleList, sizeof(MRecycleItem) * fRecycleCount); } fRecycleList[lastRecycle].index = k; fRecycleList[lastRecycle++].item = item; } else { if (lastRecycle > 0) { RemoveItems(fRecycleList[0].index, lastRecycle, true); k -= lastRecycle; lastRecycle = 0; } total += m; } } // Look new teams that have appeared. Create an item for them, or recycle from the list. int32 cookie = 0; info_pack infos; item = NULL; while (get_next_team_info(&cookie, &infos.team_info) == B_OK) { int j = 0; while (j < fTeamCount && != fTeamList[j]) { j++; } if ( != fTeamList[j]) { // new team team_info info; j = 0; while (j < fTeamCount && fTeamList[j] != -1) { if (get_team_info(fTeamList[j], &info) != B_OK) fTeamList[j] = -1; else j++; } if (j == fTeamCount) { fTeamCount += 10; fTeamList = (team_id*)realloc(fTeamList, sizeof(team_id) * fTeamCount); } fTeamList[j] =; if (!get_team_name_and_icon(infos, true)) { // the team is already gone! delete infos.team_icon; fTeamList[j] = -1; } else { if (!item && firstRecycle < lastRecycle) item = fRecycleList[firstRecycle++].item; if (item) item->Reset(infos.team_name,, infos.team_icon, true); else { AddItem(item = new MemoryBarMenuItem(infos.team_name,, infos.team_icon, true, NULL)); } int m = item->UpdateSituation(committedMemory); if (m >= 0) { total += m; item = NULL; } else fTeamList[j] = -1; } } } if (item) { RemoveItem(item); delete item; } // Delete the items that haven't been recycled. if (firstRecycle < lastRecycle) { RemoveItems(IndexOf(fRecycleList[firstRecycle].item), lastRecycle - firstRecycle, true); } fLastTotalTime = system_time(); KernelMemoryBarMenuItem *kernelItem; if ((kernelItem = (KernelMemoryBarMenuItem*)ItemAt(0)) != NULL) kernelItem->UpdateSituation(committedMemory, cachedMemory); Window()->EndViewTransaction(); Window()->Flush(); }
long thread_popup(void *arg) { Tpopup_param* param = (Tpopup_param*) arg; int32 mcookie, hcookie; long m, h; BMenuItem* item; bool top = param->top; system_info systemInfo; get_system_info(&systemInfo); info_pack* infos = new info_pack[systemInfo.used_teams]; // TODO: this doesn't necessarily get all teams for (m = 0, mcookie = 0; m < systemInfo.used_teams; m++) { infos[m].team_icon = NULL; infos[m].team_name[0] = 0; infos[m].thread_info = NULL; if (get_next_team_info(&mcookie, &infos[m].team_info) == B_OK) { infos[m].thread_info = new thread_info[infos[m].team_info.thread_count]; for (h = 0, hcookie = 0; h < infos[m].team_info.thread_count; h++) { if (get_next_thread_info(infos[m], &hcookie, &infos[m].thread_info[h]) != B_OK) infos[m].thread_info[h].thread = -1; } get_team_name_and_icon(infos[m], true); } else { systemInfo.used_teams = m; infos[m] = -1; } } BPopUpMenu* popup = new BPopUpMenu("Global Popup", false, false); popup->SetFont(be_plain_font); // Quit section BMenu* QuitPopup = new QuitMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Quit an application"), infos, systemInfo.used_teams); QuitPopup->SetFont(be_plain_font); popup->AddItem(QuitPopup); // Memory Usage section MemoryBarMenu* MemoryPopup = new MemoryBarMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Memory usage"), infos, systemInfo); int commitedMemory = int(systemInfo.used_pages * B_PAGE_SIZE / 1024); for (m = 0; m < systemInfo.used_teams; m++) { if (infos[m] >= 0) { MemoryBarMenuItem* memoryItem = new MemoryBarMenuItem(infos[m].team_name, infos[m], infos[m].team_icon, false, NULL); MemoryPopup->AddItem(memoryItem); memoryItem->UpdateSituation(commitedMemory); } } addtopbottom(MemoryPopup); // CPU Load section TeamBarMenu* CPUPopup = new TeamBarMenu(B_TRANSLATE("Threads and CPU " "usage"), infos, systemInfo.used_teams); for (m = 0; m < systemInfo.used_teams; m++) { if (infos[m] >= 0) { ThreadBarMenu* TeamPopup = new ThreadBarMenu(infos[m].team_name, infos[m], infos[m].team_info.thread_count); BMessage* kill_team = new BMessage('KlTm'); kill_team->AddInt32("team", infos[m]; TeamBarMenuItem* item = new TeamBarMenuItem(TeamPopup, kill_team, infos[m], infos[m].team_icon, false); item->SetTarget(gPCView); CPUPopup->AddItem(item); } } addtopbottom(CPUPopup); addtopbottom(new BSeparatorItem()); // CPU on/off section if (gCPUcount > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < gCPUcount; i++) { char item_name[32]; sprintf (item_name, B_TRANSLATE("Processor %d"), i + 1); BMessage* m = new BMessage ('CPU '); m->AddInt32 ("cpu", i); item = new IconMenuItem (gPCView->fProcessorIcon, item_name, m); if (_kern_cpu_enabled(i)) item->SetMarked (true); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); } addtopbottom (new BSeparatorItem ()); } if (!be_roster->IsRunning(kTrackerSig)) { item = new IconMenuItem(gPCView->fTrackerIcon, B_TRANSLATE("Restart Tracker"), new BMessage('Trac')); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); } if (!be_roster->IsRunning(kDeskbarSig)) { item = new IconMenuItem(gPCView->fDeskbarIcon, B_TRANSLATE("Restart Deskbar"), new BMessage('Dbar')); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); } item = new IconMenuItem(gPCView->fTerminalIcon, B_TRANSLATE("New Terminal"), new BMessage('Term')); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); addtopbottom(new BSeparatorItem()); if (be_roster->IsRunning(kDeskbarSig)) { item = new BMenuItem(B_TRANSLATE("Live in the Deskbar"), new BMessage('AlDb')); BDeskbar deskbar; item->SetMarked(gInDeskbar || deskbar.HasItem(kDeskbarItemName)); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); addtopbottom(new BSeparatorItem ()); } item = new IconMenuItem(gPCView->fProcessControllerIcon, B_TRANSLATE("About ProcessController"B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS), new BMessage(B_ABOUT_REQUESTED)); item->SetTarget(gPCView); addtopbottom(item); param->where.x -= 5; param->where.y -= 8; popup->Go(param->where, true, true, param->clickToOpenRect); delete popup; for (m = 0; m < systemInfo.used_teams; m++) { if (infos[m] >= 0) { delete[] infos[m].thread_info; delete infos[m].team_icon; } } delete[] infos; delete param; atomic_add (&gPopupFlag, -1); gPopupThreadID = 0; return B_OK; }