MESHING3_RESULT OptimizeVolume (MeshingParameters & mp, Mesh & mesh3d) // const CSGeometry * geometry) { int i; PrintMessage (1, "Volume Optimization"); /* if (!mesh3d.PureTetMesh()) return MESHING3_OK; */ // (*mycout) << "optstring = " << mp.optimize3d << endl; /* const char * optstr = globflags.GetStringFlag ("optimize3d", "cmh"); int optsteps = int (globflags.GetNumFlag ("optsteps3d", 2)); */ mesh3d.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); for (i = 1; i <= mp.optsteps3d; i++) { if (multithread.terminate) break; MeshOptimize3d optmesh(mp); // teterrpow = mp.opterrpow; // for (size_t j = 1; j <= strlen(mp.optimize3d); j++) for (size_t j = 1; j <= mp.optimize3d.length(); j++) { if (multithread.terminate) break; switch (mp.optimize3d[j-1]) { case 'c': optmesh.CombineImprove(mesh3d, OPT_REST); break; case 'd': optmesh.SplitImprove(mesh3d); break; case 's': optmesh.SwapImprove(mesh3d); break; // case 'u': optmesh.SwapImproveSurface(mesh3d); break; case 't': optmesh.SwapImprove2(mesh3d); break; #ifdef SOLIDGEOM case 'm': mesh3d.ImproveMesh(*geometry); break; case 'M': mesh3d.ImproveMesh(*geometry); break; #else case 'm': mesh3d.ImproveMesh(mp); break; case 'M': mesh3d.ImproveMesh(mp); break; #endif case 'j': mesh3d.ImproveMeshJacobian(mp); break; } } mesh3d.mglevels = 1; MeshQuality3d (mesh3d); } return MESHING3_OK; }
DLL_HEADER void Optimize2d (Mesh & mesh, MeshingParameters & mp) { static int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("optimize2d"); NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timer); mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); const char * optstr = mp.optimize2d.c_str(); int optsteps = mp.optsteps2d; for (int i = 1; i <= optsteps; i++) for (size_t j = 1; j <= strlen(optstr); j++) { if (multithread.terminate) break; switch (optstr[j-1]) { case 's': { // topological swap MeshOptimize2d meshopt; meshopt.SetMetricWeight (mp.elsizeweight); meshopt.EdgeSwapping (mesh, 0); break; } case 'S': { // metric swap MeshOptimize2d meshopt; meshopt.SetMetricWeight (mp.elsizeweight); meshopt.EdgeSwapping (mesh, 1); break; } case 'm': { MeshOptimize2d meshopt; meshopt.SetMetricWeight (mp.elsizeweight); meshopt.ImproveMesh(mesh, mp); break; } case 'c': { MeshOptimize2d meshopt; meshopt.SetMetricWeight (mp.elsizeweight); meshopt.CombineImprove(mesh); break; } default: cerr << "Optimization code " << optstr[j-1] << " not defined" << endl; } } }
// Mesh the edges and add Face descriptors to prepare for surface meshing DLL_HEADER Ng_Result Ng_OCC_GenerateSurfaceMesh (Ng_OCC_Geometry * geom, Ng_Mesh * mesh, Ng_Meshing_Parameters * mp) { int numpoints = 0; OCCGeometry * occgeom = (OCCGeometry*)geom; Mesh * me = (Mesh*)mesh; // Set the internal meshing parameters structure from the nglib meshing // parameters structure mp->Transfer_Parameters(); // Only go into surface meshing if the face descriptors have already been added if(!me->GetNFD()) return NG_ERROR; numpoints = me->GetNP(); // Initially set up only for surface meshing without any optimisation int perfstepsend = MESHCONST_MESHSURFACE; // Check and if required, enable surface mesh optimisation step if(mp->optsurfmeshenable) { perfstepsend = MESHCONST_OPTSURFACE; } OCCMeshSurface(*occgeom, *me, perfstepsend); me->CalcSurfacesOfNode(); if(me->GetNP() <= numpoints) return NG_ERROR; if(me->GetNSE() <= 0) return NG_ERROR; return NG_OK; }
void RemoveIllegalElements (Mesh & mesh3d) { int it = 10; int nillegal, oldn; PrintMessage (1, "Remove Illegal Elements"); // return, if non-pure tet-mesh /* if (!mesh3d.PureTetMesh()) return; */ mesh3d.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); nillegal = mesh3d.MarkIllegalElements(); MeshingParameters dummymp; MeshOptimize3d optmesh(dummymp); while (nillegal && (it--) > 0) { if (multithread.terminate) break; PrintMessage (5, nillegal, " illegal tets"); optmesh.SplitImprove (mesh3d, OPT_LEGAL); mesh3d.MarkIllegalElements(); // test optmesh.SwapImprove (mesh3d, OPT_LEGAL); mesh3d.MarkIllegalElements(); // test optmesh.SwapImprove2 (mesh3d, OPT_LEGAL); oldn = nillegal; nillegal = mesh3d.MarkIllegalElements(); if (oldn != nillegal) it = 10; } PrintMessage (5, nillegal, " illegal tets"); }
void RepairBisection(Mesh & mesh, Array<ElementIndex> & bad_elements, const BitArray & isnewpoint, const Refinement & refinement, const Array<double> & pure_badness, double max_worsening, const bool uselocalworsening, const Array< Array<int,PointIndex::BASE>* > & idmaps) { ostringstream ostrstr; const int maxtrials = 100; //bool doit; //cout << "DOIT: " << flush; //cin >> doit; int ne = mesh.GetNE(); int np = mesh.GetNP(); int numbadneighbours = 3; const int numtopimprove = 3; PrintMessage(1,"repairing"); PushStatus("Repair Bisection"); Array<Point<3>* > should(np); Array<Point<3>* > can(np); Array<Vec<3>* > nv(np); for(int i=0; i<np; i++) { nv[i] = new Vec<3>; should[i] = new Point<3>; can[i] = new Point<3>; } BitArray isboundarypoint(np),isedgepoint(np); isboundarypoint.Clear(); isedgepoint.Clear(); for(int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSeg(); i++) { const Segment & seg = mesh.LineSegment(i); isedgepoint.Set(seg[0]); isedgepoint.Set(seg[1]); } Array<int> surfaceindex(np); surfaceindex = -1; for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSE(); i++) { const Element2d & sel = mesh.SurfaceElement(i); for (int j = 1; j <= sel.GetNP(); j++) if(!isedgepoint.Test(sel.PNum(j))) { isboundarypoint.Set(sel.PNum(j)); surfaceindex[sel.PNum(j) - PointIndex::BASE] = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(sel.GetIndex()).SurfNr(); } } Validate(mesh,bad_elements,pure_badness, ((uselocalworsening) ? (0.8*(max_worsening-1.) + 1.) : (0.1*(max_worsening-1.) + 1.)), uselocalworsening); // -> larger working area BitArray working_elements(ne); BitArray working_points(np); GetWorkingArea(working_elements,working_points,mesh,bad_elements,numbadneighbours); //working_elements.Set(); //working_points.Set(); ostrstr.str(""); ostrstr << "worsening: " << Validate(mesh,bad_elements,pure_badness,max_worsening,uselocalworsening); PrintMessage(4,ostrstr.str()); int auxnum=0; for(int i=1; i<=np; i++) if(working_points.Test(i)) auxnum++; ostrstr.str(""); ostrstr << "Percentage working points: " << 100.*double(auxnum)/np; PrintMessage(5,ostrstr.str()); BitArray isworkingboundary(np); for(int i=1; i<=np; i++) if(working_points.Test(i) && isboundarypoint.Test(i)) isworkingboundary.Set(i); else isworkingboundary.Clear(i); for(int i=0; i<np; i++) *should[i] = mesh.Point(i+1); for(int i=0; i<np; i++) { if(isnewpoint.Test(i+PointIndex::BASE) && //working_points.Test(i+PointIndex::BASE) && mesh.mlbetweennodes[i+PointIndex::BASE][0] > 0) *can[i] = Center(*can[mesh.mlbetweennodes[i+PointIndex::BASE][0]-PointIndex::BASE], *can[mesh.mlbetweennodes[i+PointIndex::BASE][1]-PointIndex::BASE]); else *can[i] = mesh.Point(i+1); } int cnttrials = 1; double lamedge = 0.5; double lamface = 0.5; double facokedge = 0; double facokface = 0; double factryedge; double factryface = 0; double oldlamedge,oldlamface; MeshOptimize2d * optimizer2d = refinement.Get2dOptimizer(); if(!optimizer2d) { cerr << "No 2D Optimizer!" << endl; return; } while ((facokedge < 1.-1e-8 || facokface < 1.-1e-8) && cnttrials < maxtrials && multithread.terminate != 1) { (*testout) << " facokedge " << facokedge << " facokface " << facokface << " cnttrials " << cnttrials << endl << " perc. " << 95. * max2( min2(facokedge,facokface), double(cnttrials)/double(maxtrials)) << endl; SetThreadPercent(95. * max2( min2(facokedge,facokface), double(cnttrials)/double(maxtrials))); ostrstr.str(""); ostrstr << "max. worsening " << max_worsening; PrintMessage(5,ostrstr.str()); oldlamedge = lamedge; lamedge *= 6; if (lamedge > 2) lamedge = 2; if(1==1 || facokedge < 1.-1e-8) { for(int i=0; i<nv.Size(); i++) *nv[i] = Vec<3>(0,0,0); for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSE(); i++) { const Element2d & sel = mesh.SurfaceElement(i); Vec<3> auxvec = Cross(mesh.Point(sel.PNum(2))-mesh.Point(sel.PNum(1)), mesh.Point(sel.PNum(3))-mesh.Point(sel.PNum(1))); auxvec.Normalize(); for (int j = 1; j <= sel.GetNP(); j++) if(!isedgepoint.Test(sel.PNum(j))) *nv[sel.PNum(j) - PointIndex::BASE] += auxvec; } for(int i=0; i<nv.Size(); i++) nv[i]->Normalize(); do // move edges { lamedge *= 0.5; cnttrials++; if(cnttrials % 10 == 0) max_worsening *= 1.1; factryedge = lamedge + (1.-lamedge) * facokedge; ostrstr.str(""); ostrstr << "lamedge = " << lamedge << ", trying: " << factryedge; PrintMessage(5,ostrstr.str()); for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) { if (isedgepoint.Test(i)) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) mesh.Point(i)(j) = lamedge * (*should.Get(i))(j) + (1.-lamedge) * (*can.Get(i))(j); } else mesh.Point(i) = *can.Get(i); } if(facokedge < 1.-1e-8) { ostrstr.str(""); ostrstr << "worsening: " << Validate(mesh,bad_elements,pure_badness,max_worsening,uselocalworsening); PrintMessage(5,ostrstr.str()); } else Validate(mesh,bad_elements,pure_badness,-1,uselocalworsening); ostrstr.str(""); ostrstr << bad_elements.Size() << " bad elements"; PrintMessage(5,ostrstr.str()); } while (bad_elements.Size() > 0 && cnttrials < maxtrials && multithread.terminate != 1); } if(cnttrials < maxtrials && multithread.terminate != 1) { facokedge = factryedge; // smooth faces mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); MeshingParameters dummymp; mesh.ImproveMeshJacobianOnSurface(dummymp,isworkingboundary,nv,OPT_QUALITY, &idmaps); for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) *can.Elem(i) = mesh.Point(i); if(optimizer2d) optimizer2d->ProjectBoundaryPoints(surfaceindex,can,should); } oldlamface = lamface; lamface *= 6; if (lamface > 2) lamface = 2; if(cnttrials < maxtrials && multithread.terminate != 1) { do // move faces { lamface *= 0.5; cnttrials++; if(cnttrials % 10 == 0) max_worsening *= 1.1; factryface = lamface + (1.-lamface) * facokface; ostrstr.str(""); ostrstr << "lamface = " << lamface << ", trying: " << factryface; PrintMessage(5,ostrstr.str()); for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) { if (isboundarypoint.Test(i)) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) mesh.Point(i)(j) = lamface * (*should.Get(i))(j) + (1.-lamface) * (*can.Get(i))(j); } else mesh.Point(i) = *can.Get(i); } ostrstr.str(""); ostrstr << "worsening: " << Validate(mesh,bad_elements,pure_badness,max_worsening,uselocalworsening); PrintMessage(5,ostrstr.str()); ostrstr.str(""); ostrstr << bad_elements.Size() << " bad elements"; PrintMessage(5,ostrstr.str()); } while (bad_elements.Size() > 0 && cnttrials < maxtrials && multithread.terminate != 1); } if(cnttrials < maxtrials && multithread.terminate != 1) { facokface = factryface; // smooth interior mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); MeshingParameters dummymp; mesh.ImproveMeshJacobian (dummymp, OPT_QUALITY,&working_points); //mesh.ImproveMeshJacobian (OPT_WORSTCASE,&working_points); for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) *can.Elem(i) = mesh.Point(i); } //! if((facokedge < 1.-1e-8 || facokface < 1.-1e-8) && cnttrials < maxtrials && multithread.terminate != 1) { MeshingParameters dummymp; MeshOptimize3d optmesh(dummymp); for(int i=0; i<numtopimprove; i++) { optmesh.SwapImproveSurface(mesh,OPT_QUALITY,&working_elements,&idmaps); optmesh.SwapImprove(mesh,OPT_QUALITY,&working_elements); } // mesh.mglevels = 1; ne = mesh.GetNE(); working_elements.SetSize(ne); for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) mesh.Point(i) = *should.Elem(i); Validate(mesh,bad_elements,pure_badness, ((uselocalworsening) ? (0.8*(max_worsening-1.) + 1.) : (0.1*(max_worsening-1.) + 1.)), uselocalworsening); if(lamedge < oldlamedge || lamface < oldlamface) numbadneighbours++; GetWorkingArea(working_elements,working_points,mesh,bad_elements,numbadneighbours); for(int i=1; i<=np; i++) if(working_points.Test(i) && isboundarypoint.Test(i)) isworkingboundary.Set(i); else isworkingboundary.Clear(i); auxnum=0; for(int i=1; i<=np; i++) if(working_points.Test(i)) auxnum++; ostrstr.str(""); ostrstr << "Percentage working points: " << 100.*double(auxnum)/np; PrintMessage(5,ostrstr.str()); for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) mesh.Point(i) = *can.Elem(i); } //! } MeshingParameters dummymp; MeshOptimize3d optmesh(dummymp); for(int i=0; i<numtopimprove && multithread.terminate != 1; i++) { optmesh.SwapImproveSurface(mesh,OPT_QUALITY,NULL,&idmaps); optmesh.SwapImprove(mesh,OPT_QUALITY); //mesh.UpdateTopology(); } mesh.UpdateTopology(); /* if(cnttrials < 100) { nv = Vec3d(0,0,0); for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSE(); i++) { const Element2d & sel = mesh.SurfaceElement(i); Vec3d auxvec = Cross(mesh.Point(sel.PNum(2))-mesh.Point(sel.PNum(1)), mesh.Point(sel.PNum(3))-mesh.Point(sel.PNum(1))); auxvec.Normalize(); for (int j = 1; j <= sel.GetNP(); j++) if(!isedgepoint.Test(sel.PNum(j))) nv[sel.PNum(j) - PointIndex::BASE] += auxvec; } for(int i=0; i<nv.Size(); i++) nv[i].Normalize(); mesh.ImproveMeshJacobianOnSurface(isboundarypoint,nv,OPT_QUALITY); mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); // smooth interior for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) if(isboundarypoint.Test(i)) can.Elem(i) = mesh.Point(i); if(optimizer2d) optimizer2d->ProjectBoundaryPoints(surfaceindex,can,should); for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) if(isboundarypoint.Test(i)) for(int j=1; j<=3; j++) mesh.Point(i).X(j) = should.Get(i).X(j); } */ if(cnttrials == maxtrials) { for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) mesh.Point(i) = *should.Get(i); Validate(mesh,bad_elements,pure_badness,max_worsening,uselocalworsening); for(int i=0; i<bad_elements.Size(); i++) { ostrstr.str(""); ostrstr << "bad element:" << endl << mesh[bad_elements[i]][0] << ": " << mesh.Point(mesh[bad_elements[i]][0]) << endl << mesh[bad_elements[i]][1] << ": " << mesh.Point(mesh[bad_elements[i]][1]) << endl << mesh[bad_elements[i]][2] << ": " << mesh.Point(mesh[bad_elements[i]][2]) << endl << mesh[bad_elements[i]][3] << ": " << mesh.Point(mesh[bad_elements[i]][3]); PrintMessage(5,ostrstr.str()); } for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) mesh.Point(i) = *can.Get(i); } for(int i=0; i<np; i++) { delete nv[i]; delete can[i]; delete should[i]; } PopStatus(); }
// extern double teterrpow; MESHING3_RESULT MeshVolume (MeshingParameters & mp, Mesh& mesh3d) { int oldne; int meshed; Array<INDEX_2> connectednodes; if (&mesh3d.LocalHFunction() == NULL) mesh3d.CalcLocalH(mp.grading); mesh3d.Compress(); // mesh3d.PrintMemInfo (cout); if (mp.checkoverlappingboundary) if (mesh3d.CheckOverlappingBoundary()) throw NgException ("Stop meshing since boundary mesh is overlapping"); int nonconsist = 0; for (int k = 1; k <= mesh3d.GetNDomains(); k++) { PrintMessage (3, "Check subdomain ", k, " / ", mesh3d.GetNDomains()); mesh3d.FindOpenElements(k); /* bool res = mesh3d.CheckOverlappingBoundary(); if (res) { PrintError ("Surface is overlapping !!"); nonconsist = 1; } */ bool res = (mesh3d.CheckConsistentBoundary() != 0); if (res) { PrintError ("Surface mesh not consistent"); nonconsist = 1; } } if (nonconsist) { PrintError ("Stop meshing since surface mesh not consistent"); throw NgException ("Stop meshing since surface mesh not consistent"); } double globmaxh = mp.maxh; for (int k = 1; k <= mesh3d.GetNDomains(); k++) { if (multithread.terminate) break; PrintMessage (2, ""); PrintMessage (1, "Meshing subdomain ", k, " of ", mesh3d.GetNDomains()); (*testout) << "Meshing subdomain " << k << endl; mp.maxh = min2 (globmaxh, mesh3d.MaxHDomain(k)); mesh3d.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); mesh3d.FindOpenElements(k); if (!mesh3d.GetNOpenElements()) continue; Box<3> domain_bbox( Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX ); for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < mesh3d.GetNSE(); sei++) { const Element2d & el = mesh3d[sei]; if (el.IsDeleted() ) continue; if (mesh3d.GetFaceDescriptor(el.GetIndex()).DomainIn() == k || mesh3d.GetFaceDescriptor(el.GetIndex()).DomainOut() == k) for (int j = 0; j < el.GetNP(); j++) domain_bbox.Add (mesh3d[el[j]]); } domain_bbox.Increase (0.01 * domain_bbox.Diam()); for (int qstep = 1; qstep <= 3; qstep++) { // cout << "openquads = " << mesh3d.HasOpenQuads() << endl; if (mesh3d.HasOpenQuads()) { string rulefile = ngdir; const char ** rulep = NULL; switch (qstep) { case 1: rulefile += "/rules/prisms2.rls"; rulep = prismrules2; break; case 2: // connect pyramid to triangle rulefile += "/rules/pyramids2.rls"; rulep = pyramidrules2; break; case 3: // connect to vis-a-vis point rulefile += "/rules/pyramids.rls"; rulep = pyramidrules; break; } // Meshing3 meshing(rulefile); Meshing3 meshing(rulep); MeshingParameters mpquad = mp; mpquad.giveuptol = 15; mpquad.baseelnp = 4; mpquad.starshapeclass = 1000; mpquad.check_impossible = qstep == 1; // for prisms only (air domain in trafo) for (PointIndex pi = mesh3d.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh3d.Points().End(); pi++) meshing.AddPoint (mesh3d[pi], pi); mesh3d.GetIdentifications().GetPairs (0, connectednodes); for (int i = 1; i <= connectednodes.Size(); i++) meshing.AddConnectedPair (connectednodes.Get(i)); for (int i = 1; i <= mesh3d.GetNOpenElements(); i++) { Element2d hel = mesh3d.OpenElement(i); meshing.AddBoundaryElement (hel); } oldne = mesh3d.GetNE(); meshing.GenerateMesh (mesh3d, mpquad); for (int i = oldne + 1; i <= mesh3d.GetNE(); i++) mesh3d.VolumeElement(i).SetIndex (k); (*testout) << "mesh has " << mesh3d.GetNE() << " prism/pyramid elements" << endl; mesh3d.FindOpenElements(k); } } if (mesh3d.HasOpenQuads()) { PrintSysError ("mesh has still open quads"); throw NgException ("Stop meshing since too many attempts"); // return MESHING3_GIVEUP; } if (mp.delaunay && mesh3d.GetNOpenElements()) { Meshing3 meshing((const char**)NULL); mesh3d.FindOpenElements(k); /* for (PointIndex pi = mesh3d.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh3d.Points().End(); pi++) meshing.AddPoint (mesh3d[pi], pi); */ for (PointIndex pi : mesh3d.Points().Range()) meshing.AddPoint (mesh3d[pi], pi); for (int i = 1; i <= mesh3d.GetNOpenElements(); i++) meshing.AddBoundaryElement (mesh3d.OpenElement(i)); oldne = mesh3d.GetNE(); meshing.Delaunay (mesh3d, k, mp); for (int i = oldne + 1; i <= mesh3d.GetNE(); i++) mesh3d.VolumeElement(i).SetIndex (k); PrintMessage (3, mesh3d.GetNP(), " points, ", mesh3d.GetNE(), " elements"); } int cntsteps = 0; if (mesh3d.GetNOpenElements()) do { if (multithread.terminate) break; mesh3d.FindOpenElements(k); PrintMessage (5, mesh3d.GetNOpenElements(), " open faces"); cntsteps++; if (cntsteps > mp.maxoutersteps) throw NgException ("Stop meshing since too many attempts"); string rulefile = ngdir + "/tetra.rls"; PrintMessage (1, "start tetmeshing"); // Meshing3 meshing(rulefile); Meshing3 meshing(tetrules); Array<int, PointIndex::BASE> glob2loc(mesh3d.GetNP()); glob2loc = -1; for (PointIndex pi = mesh3d.Points().Begin(); pi < mesh3d.Points().End(); pi++) if (domain_bbox.IsIn (mesh3d[pi])) glob2loc[pi] = meshing.AddPoint (mesh3d[pi], pi); for (int i = 1; i <= mesh3d.GetNOpenElements(); i++) { Element2d hel = mesh3d.OpenElement(i); for (int j = 0; j < hel.GetNP(); j++) hel[j] = glob2loc[hel[j]]; meshing.AddBoundaryElement (hel); // meshing.AddBoundaryElement (mesh3d.OpenElement(i)); } oldne = mesh3d.GetNE(); mp.giveuptol = 15 + 10 * cntsteps; mp.sloppy = 5; meshing.GenerateMesh (mesh3d, mp); for (ElementIndex ei = oldne; ei < mesh3d.GetNE(); ei++) mesh3d[ei].SetIndex (k); mesh3d.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); mesh3d.FindOpenElements(k); // teterrpow = 2; if (mesh3d.GetNOpenElements() != 0) { meshed = 0; PrintMessage (5, mesh3d.GetNOpenElements(), " open faces found"); MeshOptimize3d optmesh(mp); const char * optstr = "mcmstmcmstmcmstmcm"; for (size_t j = 1; j <= strlen(optstr); j++) { mesh3d.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); mesh3d.FreeOpenElementsEnvironment(2); mesh3d.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); switch (optstr[j-1]) { case 'c': optmesh.CombineImprove(mesh3d, OPT_REST); break; case 'd': optmesh.SplitImprove(mesh3d, OPT_REST); break; case 's': optmesh.SwapImprove(mesh3d, OPT_REST); break; case 't': optmesh.SwapImprove2(mesh3d, OPT_REST); break; case 'm': mesh3d.ImproveMesh(mp, OPT_REST); break; } } mesh3d.FindOpenElements(k); PrintMessage (3, "Call remove problem"); RemoveProblem (mesh3d, k); mesh3d.FindOpenElements(k); } else { meshed = 1; PrintMessage (1, "Success !"); } } while (!meshed); PrintMessage (1, mesh3d.GetNP(), " points, ", mesh3d.GetNE(), " elements"); } mp.maxh = globmaxh; MeshQuality3d (mesh3d); return MESHING3_OK; }
void Refinement :: ValidateRefinedMesh (Mesh & mesh, Array<INDEX_2> & parents) { // int i, j, k; // homotopy method int ne = mesh.GetNE(); int cnttrials = 100; int wrongels = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= ne; i++) if (mesh.VolumeElement(i).CalcJacobianBadness (mesh.Points()) > 1e10) { wrongels++; mesh.VolumeElement(i).flags.badel = 1; } else mesh.VolumeElement(i).flags.badel = 0; double facok = 0; double factry; BitArray illegalels(ne); illegalels.Clear(); if (wrongels) { cout << "WARNING: " << wrongels << " illegal element(s) found" << endl; int np = mesh.GetNP(); Array<Point<3> > should(np); Array<Point<3> > can(np); for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) { should.Elem(i) = can.Elem(i) = mesh.Point(i); } for (int i = 1; i <= parents.Size(); i++) { if (parents.Get(i).I1()) can.Elem(i) = Center (can.Elem(parents.Get(i).I1()), can.Elem(parents.Get(i).I2())); } BitArray boundp(np); boundp.Clear(); for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSE(); i++) { const Element2d & sel = mesh.SurfaceElement(i); for (int j = 1; j <= sel.GetNP(); j++) boundp.Set(sel.PNum(j)); } (*testout) << "bpoints:" << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) if (boundp.Test(i)) (*testout) << i << endl; double lam = 0.5; while (facok < 1-1e-8 && cnttrials > 0) { lam *= 4; if (lam > 2) lam = 2; do { // cout << "trials: " << cnttrials << endl; lam *= 0.5; cnttrials--; cout << "lam = " << lam << endl; factry = lam + (1-lam) * facok; cout << "trying: " << factry << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) if (boundp.Test(i)) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) mesh.Point(i)(j) = lam * should.Get(i)(j) + (1-lam) * can.Get(i)(j); } else mesh.Point(i) = Point<3> (can.Get(i)); // (*testout) << "bad els: " << endl; wrongels = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= ne; i++) { if (!illegalels.Test(i) && mesh.VolumeElement(i). CalcJacobianBadness(mesh.Points()) > 1e10) { wrongels++; Element & el = mesh.VolumeElement(i); el.flags.badel = 1; if (lam < 1e-4) illegalels.Set(i); /* (*testout) << i << ": "; for (j = 1; j <= el.GetNP(); j++) (*testout) << el.PNum(j) << " "; (*testout) << endl; */ } else mesh.VolumeElement(i).flags.badel = 0; } cout << "wrongels = " << wrongels << endl; } while (wrongels && cnttrials > 0); mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); MeshingParameters dummymp; mesh.ImproveMeshJacobian (dummymp, OPT_WORSTCASE); facok = factry; for (int i = 1; i <= np; i++) can.Elem(i) = mesh.Point(i); } } for (int i = 1; i <= ne; i++) { if (illegalels.Test(i)) { cout << "illegal element: " << i << endl; mesh.VolumeElement(i).flags.badel = 1; } else mesh.VolumeElement(i).flags.badel = 0; } /* if (cnttrials <= 0) { cerr << "ERROR: Sorry, illegal elements:" << endl; } */ }